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Sparrowhawk ( Gast )

30.08.2006 00:38
englische Stilblüten Antworten
The following have been selected from lists of answers from 16-year-olds, compiled by
the 1998 GCSE examiners.

Ancient Egypt was inhabited by mummies and they all wrote in hydraulics. They lived in the Sarah Dessert and traveled by Camelot. The climate of the Sarah is such that the inhabitants have to live elsewhere.

The Bible is full of interesting caricatures. In the first book of the Bible, Guinessis, Adam and Eve were created from an apple tree. One of their children, Cain, asked, "Am I my brother's son?"

Moses led the Hebrew slaves to the Red Sea, where they made unleavened bread which is bread made without any ingredients. Moses went up on Mount Cyanide to get the ten commandments. He died before he ever reached Canada.

Solomon had three hundred wives and seven hundred porcupines.

The Greeks were a highly sculptured people, and without them we wouldn't have history. The Greeks also had myths. A myth is a female moth.

Actually, Homer was not written by Homer but by another man of that name.

Socrates was a famous Greek teacher who went around giving people advice. They killed him. Socrates died from an overdose of wedlock. After his death, his career suffered a dramatic decline.

In the Olympic games, Greeks ran races, jumped, hurled the biscuits, and threw the java.

Eventually, the Romans conquered the Greeks. History calls people Romans because they never stayed in one place for very long.

Julius Caesar extinguished himself on the battlefields of Gaul. The Ides of March murdered him because they thought he was going to be made king. Dying, he gasped out: “Tee hee, Brutus."

Nero was a cruel tyranny who would torture his subjects by playing the fiddle to them.

Joan of Arc was burnt to a steak and was can-nonized by Bernard Shaw. Finally Magna Carta provided that no man should be hanged twice
for the same offense.

In midevil times most people were alliterate. The greatest writer of the futile ages was Chaucer, who wrote many poems and verses and also wrote literature.
Another story was William Tell, who shot an arrow through an apple while standing on his son's head

Queen Elizabeth was the "Virgin Queen." As a queen she was a success. When she exposed herself before her troops they all shouted "hurrah."

It was an age of great inventions and discoveries. Gutenberg invented removable type and the Bible. Another important invention was the circulation of blood.
Sir Walter Raleigh is a historical figure because he invented cigarettes and started smoking. And Sir Francis Drake circumcised the world with a 100 foot clipper.

The greatest writer of the Renaissance was William Shakespeare. He was born in the year 1564, supposedly on his birthday. He never made much money and is famous only because of his plays. He wrote tragedies, comedies, and hysterectomies, all in Islamic pentameter. Romeo and Juliet are an example of a heroic couplet. Romeo's last wish was to be laid by Juliet.

Writing at the same time as Shakespeare was Miguel Cervantes. He wrote Donkey Hote. The next great author was John Milton. Milton wrote Paradise Lost. Then his wife died and he wrote Paradise Regained.

During the Renaissance America began. Christopher Columbus was a great navigator who discovered America while cursing about the Atlantic. His ships were called the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Fe.

Later, the Pilgrims crossed the ocean, and this was called Pilgrim's Progress. The winter of 1620 was a hard one for the settlers. Many people died and many babies were born. Captain John Smith was responsible for all this.

One of the causes of the Revolutionary War was the English put tacks in their tea. Also, the colonists would send their parcels through the post without stamps. Finally the colonists won the War and no longer had to pay for taxis.

Delegates from the original states formed the Contented Congress. Thomas Jefferson, a Virgin, and Benjamin Franklin were two singers of the Declaration of Independence.
Franklin discovered electricity by rubbing two cats backwards and declared, "A horse divided against itself cannot stand." Franklin died in 1790 and is still dead.

Soon the Constitution of the United States was adopted to secure domestic hostility. Under the constitution the people enjoyed the right to keep bare arms.

Abraham Lincoln became America's greatest Precedent. Lincoln's mother died in infancy, and he was born in a log cabin which he built with his own hands.
Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves by signing the Emasculation Proclamation. On the night of April 14, Lincoln went to the theater and got shot in his seat by
one of the actors in a moving picture show. They believed the assinator was John Wilkes Booth, a supposedly insane actor. This ruined Booth's career.

Meanwhile in Europe, the enlightenment was a reasonable time. Voltaire invented electricity and also wrote a book called Candy.

Gravity was invented by Issac Walton. It is chiefly noticeable in the autumn when the apples are falling off the trees.

Johann Bach wrote a great many musical compositions and had a large number of children. In between he practiced on an old spinster which he kept up in his attic. Bach died from 1750 to the present. Bach was the most famous composer in the world and so was Handel. Handel was half German half Italian and half English. He was very large.

Beethoven wrote music even though he was deaf. He was so deaf he wrote loud music. He took long walks in the forest even when every-one
was calling for him. Beethoven expired in 1827 and later died for this.

The French Revolution was accomplished before it happened and catapulted into Napoleon. Napoleon wanted an heir to inherit his power, but since Josephine was a baroness, she couldn't have any children.

The sun never set on the British Empire because the British Empire is in the East and the sun sets in the West.

Queen Victoria was the longest queen. She sat on a thorn for 63 years. She was a moral woman who practiced virtue. Her death was the final event which ended her reign.

The nineteenth century was a time of a great many thoughts and inventions. People stopped reproducing by hand and started reproducing by machine. The invention of the steamboat caused a network of rivers to spring up. Cyrus McCormick invented the McCormick raper, which did the work of a hundred men.

Louis Pasteur discovered a cure for rabbis. Charles Darwin was a naturalist who wrote the Organ of the Species. Madman Curie discovered radio. And Karl Marx became one of the Marx brothers.

The First World War, caused by the assignation of the Arch-Duck by an anahist, ushered in a new error in the anals of human history.

Reader Offline

Beiträge: 803

30.08.2006 08:29
#2 RE: englische Stilblüten Antworten
Salomon und seine Stachelschweine.
Jaja, man lernt nie aus.

Mir ist kürzlich wieder einmal eine Übersetzung aufgefallen:
Wenn ich "alley" höre, denke ich an Hinterhofgassen (und alley cats *g*), aber der Autor eines DIE ZEIT-Artikels hatte wohl eine von Bäumen gesäumte Prachtstraße vor Augen als er "Cancer Alley" mit "Krebsallee" übersetzte (vielleicht hat er sich von der Url, "Amerika-wird-gruen", ver-leiten lassen?):

In Antwort auf:

(Zitiert aus DIE ZEIT", 10.08.2006 Nr. 33, Größer, weiter, grüner)

»Besonders schlimm war es in der Cancer Alley«, erzählt Ringo.

»Krebs-Allee«, so nennen die Einheimischen eine etwa sechzig Kilometer lange Senke, die sich von New Orleans bis Baton Rouge erstreckt, der Hauptstadt Louisianas. Dicht an dicht stehen dort die Ölraffinerien und Chemiefabriken.

Zettel Offline

Beiträge: 20.200

31.08.2006 16:29
#3 RE: englische Stilblüten Antworten

Very funny indeed, dear Sparrowhawk!

Any of these from your own class?

Sparrowhawk ( Gast )

31.08.2006 16:41
#4 RE: englische Stilblüten Antworten

Nee nee... meine Schützlinge sind keine 15 oder 16 mehr...

Sparrowhawk ( Gast )

01.09.2006 00:07
#5 RE: englische Stilblüten Antworten

Im kalifornischen Belvedere ließt sich eine Anordnung der Stadtverwaltung etwas seltsam: "No dog shall be in a public place without its master on a leash." (Kein Hund darf in die Öffentlichkeit, ohne sein Herrchen an der Leine zu führen)

Nicht nur Jugendliche behrrschen Stilblüten meisterlich... :D:D

Thomas Pauli Offline

Beiträge: 1.486

26.06.2007 15:01
#6 RE: englische Stilblüten Antworten

Mir fällt da immer das "She bears each cross patiently" ein. Auch she-bears?

Thomas Pauli Offline

Beiträge: 1.486

16.07.2007 13:25
#7 RE: englische Stilblüten Antworten

Hillbilly Medical Terms

Benign......................What you be after you be eight.
Bacteria....................Back door to cafeteria.
Barium......................What doctors do when patients die.
Cesarean Section............A neighborhood in Rome.
Catscan.....................Searching for Kitty.
Colic.......................A sheep dog.
Coma........................A punctuation mark.
D&C.........................Where Washington is.
Dilate......................To live long.
Enema.......................Not a friend.
Fester......................Quicker than someone else.
Fibula......................A small lie.
G.I.Series..................World Series of military baseball.
Hangnail....................What you hang your coat on.
Labor Pain..................Getting hurt at work.
Medical Staff...............A Doctor's cane.
Morbid......................A higher offer than I bid.
Nitrates....................Cheaper than day rates.
Node........................I knew it.
Outpatient..................A person who has fainted.
Pap Smear...................A fatherhood test.
Pelvis......................Second cousin to Elvis.
Post Operative..............A letter carrier.
Recovery Room...............Place to do upholstery.
Rectum......................Damn near killed him.
Seizure.....................Roman emperor.
Tablet......................A small table.
Terminal Illness............Getting sick at the airport.


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