Zitat von ReutersPickens said the wind farm project was scuttled partly because of the lack of adequate transmission lines to carry the electricity from remote locations to cities, according to the paper.
The oil tycoon had hoped to build new transmission lines but could not secure financing, the paper said.
Zitat von Carl at Chicago Boyz#6 [access to transmission lines] and #7 [access to funding (debt and equity)] are actually the biggest bottlenecks right now, and tied to long term items that the state, local and Federal authorities are doing the least about.
Item 6 - I would view our transmission grid the same way that you’d view the layout of factories during communism; based on a blueprint of assumptions from a methodology long since passed by. Back in the days when you could actually BUILD a transmission line, before you had to snake it around every coyote, plant, and sign of human habitation, the lines were built to connect the power sources at the time (hydro, coal, nuclear) with the population centers and large industrial areas at the time. Basically, we are talking about the 60’s and the early 70’s. This grid is what it is - in some places it makes a lot of sense, in some places (like near high growth areas in Nevada and California) it makes little sense - but you need to understand that it simply can’t be “fixed” by a policy paper or by throwing a few billion dollars at it here and there - it would take a major project, on the order of construction of the original interstate highway system, to fundamentally “fix” the grid to map it today where the people, industry and power sources of the FUTURE will lie, and require massive amounts of political will to fight NIMBY’s every step of the way to make it happen. Basically, this means we have what we have and, with only minor changes and upgrades along existing “rights of way”, it isn’t changing.
Pickens basically gave up because #6 and #7 were not viable.
Reality is going to hit all of the alternative energy concepts, sooner or later.
-- Ultramontan – dies Wort beschreibt vorzüglich die katholische Mentalität: mit einem kleinen Teil des Bewusstseins nicht Deutscher, nicht Zeitgenosse, nicht Erdenbürger zu sein. - Martin Mosebach, Spiegel 7/2009
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