Zitat Some areas along South Island’s east coast could be hit with waves as high as 16.4ft, says New Zealand’s Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management.
It has tweeted a photo of a map that shows the areas that are expected to be affected by a tsunami.
It said: “Highest waves are expected between Marlborough and Banks Peninsula. There is a threat for all NZ coast. Stay off beaches.”
Der Mirror gibt die Bebenstärke mit 7,8 mg an, BBC 7.7.
Zitat 15:25 MEZ As instructed, many residents of Wellington are currently heading to higher ground. It’s currently 3.25am.
15:35 tsunami waves arrive NZ civil defence says the first waves have arrived “but may not be the largest”. It says the threat – and the waves – could continue for some hours
Zitat von 16:26 MEZThe Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management (MCDEM) has issued a tsunami warning (marine and land threat) from East Cape to Southland, including Wellington (which also includes the Cook Straight area), Marlborough Sounds/Tasman Bay and the Chatham Islands, and a marine threat for all other New Zealand coastal areas. Areas under ‘Marine and Land Threat’ can also expect a threat of coastal inundation to land areas near the shore. Current assessments indicate that waves of up to 3-5 metres along the coastlines closest to the earthquake epicentre (estimated from Blenheim to Banks Peninsula, and also including the Chatham Islands) can be expected in some areas (see attached map). The remainder of the east coast can expect waves of up to 1-3 metres.
People in the all coastal areas should: ... 3. Do not go sightseeing. (Guardian-Ticker)
Update. 18:24 MEZ.
Zitat The Dunedin Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) has confirmed that the main tsunami threat has now passed, however people should remain vigilant and stay off beaches.
Zitat 7:05am --- Significant tsunami waves have hit around Kaikoura since midnight following a M7.5 which was 20kms further inland - but the worst appears to be easing now. Kaikoura recorded waves of 2.5 metres, Christchurch 1 metre and Wellington half a metre.
Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande. - Voltaire
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