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 Kommentare/Diskussionen zu "Zettels Raum"
Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.716

22.11.2020 03:33
Max Haushofer, "Der Thanatograph" (1888) Antworten

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.716

23.11.2020 00:12
#2 RE: Max Haushofer, "Der Thanatograph" (1888) Antworten

Und wie es der Zufall will. Ich gehe gerade nooh den Spuren in Sachen "Prophezeihung der Mobiltelephonie" nach. Der Abschnitt aus dem "Technical World Magazine" vom Mai 1910 bezieht sich auf die Arbeiten & Ankündigungen von A. Fredrick Collins (1869-1951) und in dessen Eintrag finde ich gerade DAS hier:

An unusual example were his experiments in using brain tissue to detect radio waves.[6][7][8] The first radio receivers prior to 1904 used a primitive device called a coherer to detect the radio waves. The poor performance of the coherer led to much research to find a better radio wave detector. Collins was intrigued by reports of people "predicting weather" by aches and pains in their body, and examples of lightning strikes, which were strong sources of radio waves, causing convulsions in nearby people who were not actually struck. Since the brain was known to operate electrically, Collins thought it might be sensitive to radio waves. He applied DC current from a battery to two electrodes in dissected animal brains, causing a small current through the tissue, as in a coherer. Then he radiated the brain with pulses of radio waves from a Hertzian spark radio transmitter, and listened with earphones to the circuit. If the radio waves caused changes in the conductivity of the neural tissue, it would cause transient changes in the current, which would be audible as "clicks" in the earphones. His research culminated in experiments on a fresh human brain from a cadaver. Collins claimed that the brain had a 'cohering' effect, its conductivity changed when irradiated. However other researchers were unable to reproduce the effect.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.716

11.01.2021 22:27
#3 RE: Max Haushofer, "Der Thanatograph" (1888) Antworten

Und wie es der Zufall zum zweiten Mal will.

- Ray Nayler, "A Rocket for Dimitrios", Asimov's Science Fiction, January-February 2021. Rezension von Michelle Ristuccia auf "Tangent Online":

Zitat von Tangent Online, 10 January 2021
American combat veteran Sylvia Aldstatt is the only person on Earth who can search dead criminal Dimitrios’ memories for crucial intel in “A Rocket for Dimitrios” by Ray Nayler. Racing against the ticking clock of decomposing neural pathways, Sylvia Aldstatt investigates Dimitrios’ claim of a second crashed extraterrestrial ship, after reverse-engineering of the first ship has raised her superiors to the top of the technological and political ladder. But the physical limits of ‘piloting the loops’ isn’t the only thing standing in Sylvia’s way; Dimitrios the informant somehow resists her dive into his self, as tight-fisted in death as he was in life, but now for reasons that have nothing to do with money and politics and everything to do with the final loss of his core identity. As Sylvia contends with the deadly international politics that killed Dimitrios and now threaten her own life, she must also navigate internal questions of the soul, of how power, or the lack thereof, can corrupt the paths of individuals and nations alike. Seeing through Sylvia’s eyes, readers get a taste of alien technology far beyond our current abilities, contrasted against humanity’s endemic struggles with war and discrimination. Nayler brings readers an adventure that’s as immersive as it is thought-provoking. “A Rocket for Dimitrios,” stands alone as an engaging and accessible novella for all genre readers, but spy novel enthusiasts will recognize the nod to Eric Ambler’s classic 1967 novel, A Coffin for Dimitrios. Readers who want more of Nayler’s fascinating alternative history SF can find Sylvia Aldstatt in “The Disintegration Loops,” published first in Asimov’s Nov/Dec 2019 issue and also now available on Ray Nayler’s website.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire


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