"House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, expected to become the next speaker, vowed yesterday to put aside partisanship and usher into Congress fiscal discipline and ethical integrity, while her party put the final touch on its electoral victory by apparently winning control of the Senate. (...) "This new Democratic majority has heard the voices of the American people," Mrs. Pelosi said yesterday, one day after Democrats stripped Republicans of about 30 House seats and staked a claim to the final three seats needed to take the Senate. "We will make this the most honest, ethical and open Congress in history," she said, alluding to promises the Republican class of 1994 made but failed to deliver on. As Mrs. Pelosi laid out her vision for the 110th Congress, stunned House Republicans began behind-the-scenes maneuvers for a major shake-up of their leadership. By midafternoon, House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert said he would quit the top post and other Republicans emerged to challenge current party leaders. "The days of the do-nothing Congress are over," Sen. Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, in line to become majority leader, said in a statement issued after the AP called the Virginia race for Mr. Webb."
A contrite President Bush said yesterday that he shares "a large part" of the responsibility for the "thumping" suffered by Republicans on Election Day, but called on his party's lawmakers to work with the new Democratic leadership in Congress to advance his agenda.
President Bush yesterday said he will team up with Democrats to pass an immigration bill with a guest-worker program that his own party blocked this year, and his Republican opponents predicted a bloody intraparty fight but said they cannot stop such a bill from passing.
Iraqi leaders, bolstered by assurances from U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad, said yesterday they saw no change in the level of U.S. support, despite the Democratic electoral victory and the surprise resignation of Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, the icon of the U.S. war on Islamic terrorists, succumbed to mounting pressure to resign, allowing the Bush administration to begin examining a new course on the bogged-down Iraq war where the American death toll exceeds 2,800.
Maryland Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. and Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele yesterday conceded defeat in their re-election bid and run for U.S. Senate, respectively, and extended congratulations to the Democratic victors.
Black voters' dislike for President Bush and distrust of Republicans sank Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele's bid for Maryland's U.S. Senate seat, especially in the majority-black, heavily Democratic battleground of Prince George's County, local black leaders said yesterday.
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