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23.09.2010 14:33
Thomas Sowell über "America in Decline" Antworten

Ein sehr schönes Interview mit Sowell. Obama, Schulen, Außenpolitik, ....

IBD: What are the markers of national decline? What characteristics are different from a few decades ago that if they don't improve will lead to this country falling apart?

Sowell: One of the most serious current signs is the governing style of this administration, which is to impose as many things as possible on the public from the top down, without even letting them know what's going on.

Huge bills that fundamentally change the way the economy operates have been rushed through Congress without hearings, without debate, and so fast that not even the members of Congress have a chance to read them. That's circumventing the notion of a constitutional government, and that's really at the heart of what the country is. The only analogy I can think of from history is when the Norman conquerors of England published their laws in French for an English-speaking nation.


IBD: What has Obama done to hasten our decline?

Sowell: He has affronted our allies, but he's very clever about it. He's done it in ways that the general public is unlikely to notice. But it is in ways that people in other countries cannot mistake at all, such as the downgrading of the visits of the prime minister of Britain or Israel. At one time the visit of the prime minister of Great Britain meant a state dinner, a press conference and so on.


I'm one of those people who was separated from my siblings in infancy, grew up not knowing they existed and learned about them later on. We were all raised by poor people with very little education. But the family in which I was raised was determined that, although they had no education, I should have an education. I remember what a fuss was made when I was promoted to the seventh grade. I was taken aback by it and someone said to me, "You've now gone further than any of us."

Now contrast that with my younger brother raised down in North Carolina. One day, as a teenager, someone noticed he had on his Sunday clothes in the middle of the week. When asked why, he said he was graduating from high school that day. No one came to see him graduate or thought much of it, even though none of the people in his family had ever gone to high school.


La función didáctica del historiador está en enseñarle a toda época que el mundo no comenzó con ello. - Nicolás Gómez Dávila, Escolios a un Texto Implícito


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