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 Kommentare/Diskussionen zu "Zettels Raum"
Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

29.10.2020 22:52
Venus zum zweiten: Das schwebende Haus auf dem Morgenstern Antworten

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

31.10.2020 23:48
#2 RE: Venus zum zweiten: Das schwebende Haus auf dem Morgenstern Antworten

Ich zitierte diese Passage am 29.10:

Zitat von ZR
"150 Millionen Quadratmeilen an Wolken, eine Milliarde Kubikkilometer Wolken. In diesem Wolkenozean sind die schwebenden Venusstädte nicht auf zwei Dimensionen beschränkt wie auf der Erde, sondern können auf- und absteigen, ganz wie es den Lenkern gefällt: hinauf ins gleißende kalte Sonnenlicht, hinunter in die düstere heiße Tiefe. Das Boot segelte über Wolkenkathedralen und Wolkengebirge, deren Ränder in Fraktale ausfaserten. Wir passierten Drachenhöhlen, aus denen kilometerhohe Wolkenungeheuer ihre Wolkenhälse streckten und drohend ihre Wolkenzähne bleckten, mit Leibern aus Wolkenmuskeln und Klauen aus flackernden Blitzen" ("Der Wolkensultan")

Und einen Tag später, heute nacht, kommt mir im Zug meiner verwilderten Lektüre nichtsahnend folgender Passus unter in Friedrich Spielhagens "Hammer und Amboss" (1869):

Ich blickte zum nächtlichen Himmel hinauf, wo an der Mondes beinahe voller, glänzender Scheibe von dem scharfen Nachtwind ungeheuere schwarze Wolkenmassen vorübergetrieben wurden. Seltsam phantastische Gestalten: langgestreckte Drachen mit weit aufgesperrten Mäulern, kolossale Fische mit gierigen Zähnen, scheußliche Crustaceen mit langen Scheeren und krabbelnden Beinen; Riesen auch mit ragenden Häuptern und mit Felsbrocken in den erhobenen Armen; dann wieder Zwerge mit schlauen Buckeln und begehrlichen spitzen Bäuchlein - Ungethüme und Ungeheuer aller Art, und nicht eine einzige reine schöne Gestalt! (Band 2, S. 183)

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

10.06.2022 21:24
#3 RE: Venus zum zweiten: Das schwebende Haus auf dem Morgenstern Antworten

Clarkesworld Magazine #189, June 2022

“We Built This City” by Marie Vibbert

Zitat von Reviewed by Victoria Silverwolf
“We Built This City” by Marie Vibbert ends the magazine where it began, with laborers opposing management. In this case, the workers maintain the exterior of the dome protecting a city floating through the atmosphere of Venus from the hostile environment. When the bosses cut the labor force in half, resulting in double the work for those remaining, the protagonist must choose between keeping her job and quitting in solidarity with her fellow laborers. A threat to the city’s existence causes her to return to work, against the orders of her superiors, even though it may mean her death.

The story contains vivid scenes of workers ascending the enormous dome like mountain climbers. The protagonist is a believably reluctant hero, hanging on to her job at first, because unemployment leads to exile to a much worse place. Although the reader is sure to cheer for her success, the plot depends on management being extremely foolish, risking their own lives for the sake of saving money.

8510 words, novelette. "We Built This City;" by Marie Vibbert

The sixteenth “ready” comes, and she leaps the first step, skittering mad and hard past the vertical. The city dome curves comfortingly under her gripping soles, and she sees the sun sinking in the west, painting oil slicks on the glass, the marks that never wash out, the bleeding minerals of the grilles.

This is her favorite part of the job, the beauty and solitude, the clouds rolling underneath the city, the sun melting into the soft horizon like a pat of butter in potatoes.

Her mother climbed cliffs on Earth with Julia’s abuela. Her stories are peppered with references to anchor points and cracks and other things Julia doesn’t know how to fit into her own experience of climbing. Once upon a time, her mother was here, lifting the beams supporting her into place. That is easier to imagine. The dome a fragile, empty thing, alone in the feral clouds of Venus, no city inside yet.
She imagines the wash soothes the tired city. Acids eat every weak spot and lingers in unexpected salts. Without their careful maintenance, the dome could leak, and leaking meant sinking into the hellish pressure below. The air they breathe is also the lifting gas that holds the city aloft in Venus’ denser atmosphere. Their parents’ generation built a city to float in the clouds. Her generation keeps it flying.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

01.07.2022 13:40
#4 RE: Venus zum zweiten: Das schwebende Haus auf dem Morgenstern Antworten

Stichwort "Leben in den Wolken":

Andrew Jones@AJ_FI
Good to learn about the Venus orbiter. Venus Volcano Imaging and Climate Explorer (VOICE) would aim to investigate geological evolution, atmosphere & the potential for a habitable environment and life in the clouds. A Venus mission was hinted at earlier:
12:21 PM · Jul 1, 2022·Twitter Web App

China may have its sights set on a mission to Venus

By Andrew Jones published March 25, 2022

The country is expanding its planetary exploration horizons.

China is considering adding a mission to Venus to its plans for planetary exploration, according to a senior Chinese space official.

Though these were not named, China revealed in a recent space white paper that it plans to launch a mission that will sample an asteroid and visit a comet, a Mars sample-return mission and a probe to explore the Jupiter system. Wu added that China is also considering adding Venus to its targets for exploration in the interview, which was published March 7.

Scientists in China did, however, propose a mission to Venus early in the last decade. The orbiter mission, which was not selected for further development work, would have focused on the planet's atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere, as well as carry out surveys its the surface and internal structure, according to a 2014 paper.

The second planet from the sun became a hot topic following the September 2020 announcement of a detection of phosphine, a chemical associated with life processes on Earth, in the Venusian atmosphere.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

26.10.2024 22:43
#5 RE: Venus zum zweiten: Das schwebende Haus auf dem Morgenstern Antworten

Analog, November/December 2024

“A Garden in the Sky” by William Paul Jones

Reviewed by Victoria Silverwolf

“A Garden in the Sky” by William Paul Jones takes place in a habitat floating in the upper atmosphere of Venus. The protagonist is in charge of a large collection of plants, genetically altered to survive in this environment, that grow on a platform hanging down from the habitat. A crisis causes her to be trapped outside of the habitat. When a severe storm approaches, she has to figure out a way to get back inside to survive.

As may be evident, this is a problem-solving story, of the kind often found in Analog. In typical fashion, the resourceful protagonist suffers many setbacks, but triumphs through a combination of courage and intelligence. There is nothing new about the basic plot, and this is a decent example of the form.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire


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