Zitat News Release 7-Jan-2022 Chang’E-5 lander makes first onsite detection of water on moon Peer-Reviewed Publication
Chinese Academy of Sciences Headquarters
A joint research team led by Profs. LIN Yangting and LIN Honglei from the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGGCAS) observed water signals in reflectance spectral data from the lunar surface acquired by the Chang'E-5 lander, providing the first evidence of in-situ detection of water on the Moon.
The study was published in Science Advances on Jan. 7.
Therefore, the researchers used a thermal correction model to correct the LMS spectra. Following this correction, the undoubted spectral absorptions at 2.85 μm were observed at the Chang'E-5 landing site.
The quantitative spectral analysis indicates that the lunar soil at the landing site contains Less than 120 ppm of water, which is mostly attributed to solar wind implantation. This is consistent with the preliminary analysis of the returned Chang'E-5 samples.
In contrast, a light and vesicular rock that was also analyzed exhibited much stronger absorption at 2.85 μm, corresponding to an estimated ~180 ppm of water, thus suggesting an additional water source from the lunar interior.
Article Title In situ detection of water on the Moon by the Chang’E-5 lander
Zitat The moon is about to gain its first tiny house.
And not just any small house, but an iconic Swedish red house with white corners.
Launching on a Japanese moon lander and mounted to the front bumper of the mission's rover is the "Moonhouse," a project by Mikael Genberg that has been 25 years in the making.
"I've been working with the symbol as an artist for years and years," said Genberg in a video release. "I've been trying to find weird spots like tree houses or under the water or on the water or on the biggest spherical building in the world ... but it was all about narrowing in towards this really ultimate piece of art, putting a house on the moon."
To be clear, this is not a house you could live inside. Although Genberg once envisioned it as a self-unfolding installation that would stand 8 feet (2.5 meters) tall, the Moonhouse as realized is 3 inches high, 4 inches wide and 2.5 inches deep (8.6 by 11 by 6.4 centimeters).
"Experienced engineers have worked on the Moonhouse's technical design over the past two years. The house structure has undergone extensive shock and vibration tests to ensure it can withstand all the stresses and challenges it will face during the journey to the moon and survive intact in its new climate," said said Emil Vinterhav, head of the Moonhouse technical team, in a recent statement. ... The Moonhouse is one of six payloads flying on the ispace mission, which also includes a food production experiment, a deep space radiation probe and a commemorative metal plate from the toy company Bandai Namco that is styled after the "Charter of the Universal Century" from the anime series "Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn."
"The Moonhouse is an epic story that Mikael Genberg has strived to realize for a quarter of a century. We are excited to be part of completing an iconic artwork filled with new possibilities and ideas," said Julien-Alexandre Lamamy, CEO of ispace Europe.
Genberg came up with the idea for the Moonhouse in 1999 after learning that Europe's first probe to the moon, SMART-1, was built by the Swedish Space Corporation. Using a symbol already associated with his home country — the red color of the houses dates back to a 16th-century paint derived from the Falun copper mine in Sweden — he set about to create an artwork that was "governed by individual imagination — everyone has their own moonhouse."
Prior to this mission, in addition to numerous Earth-based locales, Genberg sent a version of the Moonhouse to the International Space Station with Swedish astronaut Christer Fuglesang. That model was made of cardstock that folded flat for its launch and then popped open to form a 3D building. Fuglesang filmed video of himself deploying the house and letting it float free in microgravity during his STS-128 mission aboard NASA's space shuttle Discovery in 2009.
Zitat Am Mittwochmorgen um 7.11 Uhr (Schweizer Zeit) wird vom Kennedy Space Center an der Ostküste Floridas (USA) eine Rakete in Richtung Mond starten, die eine spezielle Fracht an Bord hat: Ein typisches rotes Schwedenhaus – das zwölf Zentimeter lang, acht Zentimeter breit und zehn Zentimeter hoch ist.
Dahinter steckt der schwedische Künstler Mikael Genberg (61) – der 25 Jahre lang auf diesen Moment gewartet und hingearbeitet hat. Nun soll sein Traum in Erfüllung gehen.
Ab der Landung haben Genberg und sein Team 24 Stunden Zeit, um das perfekte Bild vom Häuschen zu orchestrieren. Sobald die richtige Stelle mit guten Lichtverhältnissen gefunden ist, wird der unbemannte Mondrover «Tenacious», der auch mit einer HD-Kamera ausgestattet ist, das «Moonhouse» absetzen und fotografieren.
«Sie (ispace, Anm. d. Redaktion) haben mir versprochen, dass mindestens aus drei Winkeln Bilder gemacht werden», so Genberg. Danach setzt der Roboter seine eigentliche Mission fort: Er soll Proben von Mondregolith – oder Mondstaub – sammeln.
Das rote Schwedenhäuschen wurde mit spezieller Keramikfarbe bemalt, um den Temperaturen auf dem Mond standzuhalten. Diese schwanken zwischen 130 und -160 Grad. (Computeranimiertes Bild)
Was aber, wenn das Häuschen auf dem Mond abgeladen wird und kippt? Auch für diesen Fall ist vorgesorgt: Auf einer Seite des Rovers befindet sich eine kleine Schaufelvorrichtung – Tests, bei denen das Haus seitlich hingelegt und mit der Schaufel versucht wurde, es wieder aufzurichten, waren erfolgreich.
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