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Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.733

16.05.2022 19:42
Der US-Kongress und die 'fliegenden Untertassen' Antworten

Damit es nicht untergeht. Morgen findet im amerikanischen Kongress eine Anhörung zum Thema "unbekannte Flugobjekte" statt.

Congress holding UFO hearing Tuesday morning: Watch it live (and what to expect)

The proceedings begin at 9 a.m. EDT (1300 GMT).

The U.S. Congress will hold a public hearing tomorrow (May 17) on reports of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) skirting through our skies, and you can watch the proceedings live.

Last year, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence submitted to Congress a preliminary report regarding UAP that relayed the progress the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force has made in understanding the mysterious phenomena. (In the past few years, the term UAP has substituted for the more familiar "unidentified flying object," or UFO.)

That helped lay the foundation for tomorrow's hearing on UAP, which will be held under the House Intelligence Committee's Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation Subcommittee. The two-hour hearing starts at 9 a.m. EDT (1300 GMT); you can watch it live here at or directly via the House intelligence committee.

Tomorrow's event comes five months after a National Defense Authorization Act required the military to establish a permanent office to gather and look into the UAP issue. That document also called for an annual report and semiannual briefings for Congress.

"The American people expect and deserve their leaders in government and intelligence to seriously evaluate and respond to any potential national security risks — especially those we do not fully understand," lawmaker André Carson (D-Indiana), who will oversee the hearing, said in a statement last week. "Since coming to Congress, I've been focused on the issue of unidentified aerial phenomena as both a national security threat and an interest of great importance to the American public."

The hearing will feature two top-tier witnesses: Ronald Moultrie, the Pentagon's top intelligence official, and Scott Bray, Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence.

That new office to look into UAP — the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG) — was created within Moultrie's office. Bray's involvement makes sense, given that Navy pilots, among others, have made high-profile UAP sightings over the past two decades.

It's Carson's intent that the hearing "will give the American people an opportunity to learn what there is to know about these incidents."

"I don't expect any findings at this stage," Rodeghier said, "but I would be pleased to learn about the progress being made in setting up a robust, science-based effort to investigate UFOs."

That effort should focus on just what these aerial phenomena could be, Rodeghier said. For example, are they most likely unknown drones zipping around Navy vessels? Or might they be something more exotic, perhaps vehicles that could be tracked by sensor systems that cover space?

Übrigens wird das Thema "Fliegende Untertassen" im nächsten Monat 75 Jahre alt (am 24. Juni, um genau zu sein). Man darf gespannt sein, wie viele Medien sich auf "kleine grüne Männlein" kaprizieren. Das Medieninteresse hatte über Jahrzehnte eine 5-Jahres-Amplitude als Sommerlochthema; seit Scully & Mulder die diversen Aspekte, die sich im Lauf der Zeit darum gerankt haben, ausgewalzt haben, hat das eigentlich nicht mehr gezündet. Das amtliche Bericht im vorigen Jahr hat das schüttere Interesse schneller versenkt, als ich es je gesehen habe.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.733

17.05.2022 20:41
#2 RE: Der US-Kongress und die 'fliegenden Untertassen' Antworten

Ich hatte es ja befürchtet. "UFOs." 👽🛸

Key lawmaker warns at UFO hearing: 'Unidentified aerial phenomena are a potential national security threat'

Key lawmakers warned at a House hearing on Tuesday that unidentified aerial phenomena -- popularly known as UFOs -- must be investigated and taken seriously as a potential threat to national security.
The event marked the first congressional public hearing on UFOs in decades, a high-profile moment for a controversial topic that has long been relegated to the fringes of public policy.
For many lawmakers and intelligence and military personnel working on unexplained aerial phenomena, the bigger concern with the episodes is not that alien life is visiting Earth, but rather that a foreign adversary like Russia or China might be fielding some kind of next-generation technology in American airspace that the United States doesn't know about.

Democratic Rep. André Carson of Indiana, the chairman of the panel holding the hearing, warned in his opening remarks, "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena are a potential national security threat. And they need to be treated that way."

He went on to say, "For too long, the stigma associated with UAPs has gotten in the way of good intelligence analysis. Pilots avoided reporting, or were laughed at when they did. DOD officials relegated the issue to the back room, or swept it under the rug entirely, fearful of a skeptical national security community."
"Today, we know better. UAPs are unexplained, it's true. But they are real. They need to be investigated. And any threats they pose need to be mitigated," he said.

The hearing featured testimony from top government officials and the display of images and video of unidentified aerial phenomena. The public portion of the event lasted fewer than 90 minutes. Following the conclusion of the public hearing, the panel will hold a closed-door, classified briefing Tuesday afternoon.

During his testimony, Ronald Moultrie, undersecretary of defense for intelligence and security, argued there is a need to balance transparency with the protection of sensitive intelligence information, saying there is an "obligation to protect sensitive sources and methods."
"Our goal is to strike that delicate balance, one that enables us to maintain the public's trust while preserving those capabilities that are vital to the support of our service personnel," he said.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.733

18.05.2022 15:34
#3 RE: Der US-Kongress und die 'fliegenden Untertassen' Antworten

Äh, ja.

Rep. Jim Jordan @Jim_Jordan

$5 dollar gas.

No baby formula.

Record crime.

Record inflation.

Border crisis.

And what’s Congress doing today? Holding a hearing on UFOs!

3:53 PM · May 17, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.733

26.05.2022 22:02
#4 RE: Der US-Kongress und die 'fliegenden Untertassen' Antworten

Ach. Warum ist mir das vorher noch nie aufgefallen? Stichwort "fliegende Untertassen." Oben erwähne ich, daß die UFOs (genauer: das Medienphänomen mit den "kleinen Grünen Männlein auf Besuch") in 4 Wochen 75. Wiederkehr feiert. Und der berühmt-berüchtigste Crash verbindet sich bekanntlich mit Roswell, New Mexico. "Area 51." Eine angeblich havarierte Flugscheibe, Datum 8. Juli 1947 (bzw. siehe unten, 14. Juni; die ersten medienmeldungen sind am 8.7. rausgegangen; vorher waren "UFO"s noch "kein Begriff," auf den jemand angesprungen wäre). In Wirklichkeit war es ein Wetterballon. Daß die U.S. Army sich da so alarmiert gezeigt und anschließend bedeckt gehalten hat, lag daran, daß der im Rahmen des "Project Mogul" zum Einsatz kam. Dabei wurden Drahtgeflechte als große Sensoren verwendet, die in der Stratosphäre die Schockwellen registrieren sollten, die bei den Atomtests von Trinity und Bikini A und B registriert worden waren. Wenn die USA selber zu dem Zeitpunkt keinen Test durchführten, wußte man, daß die Russen damit so weit waren. Das unterlag natürlich einer gewissen Geheimhaltung. (Die Akten zum Project Mogul sind 1994 freigegeben worden.)

Ich trage gerade Mosaiksteinchen zu einem anderen Raumfahrtthema zusammen. Und da komme ich auf Wernher von B. & das "Project Paperclip" (in "Juris Nacht" referiert) & mir fällt der amerikanische Raketenpionier Robert H. Goddard ein, der zwischen 1926 & 1941 nicht ganz so erfolgreiche Versuchstarts mit Flüssigkeitsraketen unternommen hat. 35 insgesamt, mit Flugdauer zwischen 10 und 20 Sekunden für die Hälfte davon, die erfolgreich waren; größte Flughöhe 2700 Meter. Goddard ist von der Ostküste fortgezogen, nachdem er wegen seinen angekündigten Versuchen massiv Ärger mit den lokalen Behörden bekommen hat, die es eher unspaßig fanden, wenn da ein Bastler solche Projektile voll hochexplosiver Substanzen von seiner Streuobstwiese startet. Ich wußte, daß er nach New Mexico gezogen ist, wo er höchstens einen Präriehasen erlegen konnte. Aber wo genau in NM?

Antwort: in Roswell. Bevölkerung laut Zensus 1940: 13.400.

Die 🌎 ist verdammt klein.

PS. Faktendepot. Der am 8. Juli havierte Ballon war die Nr. 4 der Serie, gestartet am 4. Juni. Die Ballons sollten lange Zeit in der Stratosphäre verweilen. Die frühen Ballons verwendeten dünne Gummihüllen, die beim Nachfolgeprojekt "Skyhook" durch Kunststofffolien ersetzt wurden, die sich als fester erwiesen & weniger Helium durchließen. Entwickelt worden ist das Projekt zur Infraschallregistrierung in der Atomosphäre von Maurice Ewing, der die Schallwellenausbreitung im Ozean erfoscht hatte.

ALAMOGORDO I (May 28, 1947-June 7, 1947)

The first NYU "field trip" departed Olmstead Field, Middletown, PA, by C47 for Alamogordo AAF on May 31, 1947, arriving on June 1, 1947. (l9) Present on this flight was C.B. Moore, NYU Project Engineer, Charles S. Schneider, NYU Project Director, and other supporting staff members from both NYU and Watson Laboratories. A.P. Crary, along with other personnel from Watson Laboratory, were already present in Alamogordo, but they did not conduct any balloon operations. During this time, Crary and several technicians detonated ground explosives, or "shots," for sound-wave generation purposes, on the nearby White Sands Proving Ground. These detonations were monitored by ground-based GR3 and GR8 sound ranging equipment at locations in New Mexico and West Texas. (20) On May 28, the advance party of the balloon group arrived by S17. (2l) On May 29, the advance team made the first launch for Project MOGUL from Alamogordo (NYU flight no. 3). The equipment carried on this flight was identified as essentially the same as that carried on NYU flight no. 2 (Atch 3 ). (22) NYU flight no. 4 was launched on June 4, with a configuration the same as on flight nos. 2 and 3. Crary's diary indicated that flight no. 4 consisted of a "cluster of (meteorological) balloons" and a "regular sonobuoy." (23) Presumably, flight no. 3 was configured the same.
The objective of this trip, so far as NYU was concerned, was to perfect the handling of large flight trains of meteorological balloons and to evaluate the operations of altitude controlling and telemetering devices. (24) Already established before the trips to Alamogordo was that the use of the standard, 350-gram meteorological balloons, constructed of neoprene, was, at best, a "stop gap" method of achieving constant-level flight. (25) Balloons most suitable for this type of work were made of polyethylene, a very thin, translucent plastic. These balloons, however, had just been developed, and, although the NYU group had contracted for some of them, the balloons had not been received until after the group departed for Alamogordo. (26) For Watson Laboratory scientists Peoples and Crary, the purpose of this trip was to experiment with different types of equipment to collect and transmit sound waves in the upper atmosphere. Therefore, just as the "balloon group" was using meteorological balloons as a stopgap method in attaining constant-level flight, the Watson Laboratory scientists utilized an AN/CRT-1A Sonabuoy while awaiting the delivery of acoustical equipment specifically designed for Project MOGUL. (27) The NYU personnel developing the telemetering equipment experimented with components of the sonabuoy, which was cylindrical, nearly 3 feet long and 4 3/4 inches wide, and weighing 13 pounds (Atch 4). The sonabuoy contained both the acoustical pickups, known as hydrophones, and the means of telemetering the sounds by use of a FM transmitter, the T-lB/CRT-1.

Soon after arriving at Alamogordo AAF, a problem developed. Dr Peoples, Project Scientist, decided not to bring the radiosonde recorder (an AN/FMQ1 weighing approximately 500 pounds), due to the weight and space limitations of the B-17 aircraft originally scheduled to transport the equipment from Olmstead Field. Radiosondes were a widely used and accurate method of tracking weather balloons consisting of a transmitter, which was carried aloft by the balloon, and a ground-based receiver/ recorder. Radiosondes, along with aircraft, were to be the primary method to track the Project MOGUL balloons. (28) Dr. Peoples, however, believed that the radar currently in place at Alamogordo for tracking V-2 firings would be sufficient for tracking the balloons trains. However, this radar did not work well and often lost contact with the balloon while it was still within visual range. Accordingly, Moore, the project engineer, experimented with an "unorthodox" method, in the absence of a radiosonde recorder.
On the morning of June 28, 1947, personnel from NYU and Watson Laboratories arrived at Alamogordo AAF to resume balloon flights. Present during this field trip were Dr. Peoples, A.P. Crary, Captain Trakowski, C.B. Moore, and Charles Schneider. The objective during this trip was to experiment with the newly developed polyethylene balloons which replaced the neoprene meteorological balloons used on the previous field trip. Also tested was an improved aluminum ballast reservoir that had been developed to replace the plastic tubes used during the June field trip. (32) Another improvement that resulted from the experiences in June was the presence of a radiosonde receiver/recorder for improved balloon tracking and plotting. This eliminated the need for radar "corner reflectors" on the balloon train since radar was not to be used as a primary method of tracking the flights. This is confirmed by Technical Report No. 1, Table VII, "Radiosonde Reception %," which indicates the use of the radiosonde recorder on all flights except for no. 7. Flight no. 7 was not recorded by radiosonde because the equipment was not operable. (33) Also Figures 36, 39, 42, and 44 in Technical Report No. 1, corresponding to the July flights, do not depict corner reflectors. All numbered flights (except for no. 9) flown during the July field trip were summarized in NYU Technical Report No 1, Table VII. Flight no. 9 appeared to have been launched on July 3. (34) On July 8, their work completed, 23 members of the combined NYU and Watson Laboratory group boarded a C-54 aircraft at 1030 AM and returned to the east coast. (35)

Based on the above, it appeared likely that the debris found by the rancher and was subsequently identified as a "flying disc" by personnel from Roswell AAF was, with a great degree of certainty, MOGUL flight no. 4, launched on June 4, 1947. This conclusion was based on the following:

1. Descriptions of the debris provided by Brazel, Cavitt, Crary's diary, and the photos of the material displayed in General Ramey's office. These materials were consistent with the components of a MOGUL service flight, with neoprene balloons, parchment parachutes, plastic ballast tubes, corner reflectors, a sonabuoy, and a black electronics box that housed the pressure cutoff switch (Atch 3).

2. According to Brazel's July 8 statement, the debris was recovered on June 14, obviously eliminating any balloons launched in July.

3. Only two flights launched in June were unaccounted for, i.e., flight nos. 3 and 4. Flight no. 3, most likely would not have had the "unorthodox" configuration of corner reflectors devised by Moore, who did not arrive until June 1, three days after flight no. 3 was launched.

PS. Stichwort "Wernher von B." Auf dem nahegelegenen "White Sands Proving Ground", auch "Launch Complex 33" genannt, im Oktober 1945 angelegt, sind zwischen 1946 & 1951 isg. 61 erbeutete V-2-Raketen gestartet worden, mit WvB als Leiter des deutschen Teams aus dem "Project Paperclip." Und wo ist heute nacht der Boeing Starliner nach seinem Trip zur ISS gelandet, als erste Raumkapsel der USA, die auf festem Boden niedergegangen ist? Auf dem White Sands Space Harbor, früher mal White Sands Test Facility genannt. 22 km nordwestlich davon gelegen.

Die 🌎 ist klein.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.733

26.05.2022 23:40
#5 RE: Der US-Kongress und die 'fliegenden Untertassen' Antworten

Mühsam ernährt sich das 🐿️.

Stichwort "V-2" und "White Sands." Es gibt eine einzige (Spielfilm)-Sequenz, in der der Start einer V-2 von White Sands aus zu sehen ist: die Eingangsszene von Irving Pichels "Destination Moon" von 1950, der erste "ernstzunehmende" SF-Film nach dem Krieg überhaupt, der sich mit der Raumfahrt und dem Flug zum Mond auf solider Basis und nicht als Monsterklamotte befaßte. Und der erste Streifen, der überhaupt nach dem Krieg mit SF befaßte. In den ersten zwei Minuten sieht man eine V-2, die abhebt, einen zerfaserten Kondesnstreifen in den Himmel schreibt und nase-unter auf dem Wüstenboden endet. Dieser Abschluß ist ein schlechter Trick mit Matte-Rückprojektin; der Start ist genuin. Soweit ich weiß, ist es die einzige Farbsequenz außerhalb einiger Aufnahmen, die für die Heeresversuchsanstalt in Peenemünde entstanden sind, auf der ein solcher Start zu sehen ist.

Niemand in der Fachliteratur scheint zu wissen, um welchen der 61 Starts es sich handelt. Weder Heinleins Biograph William Patterson (Heinlein hat die Vorlage geliefert, das Drehbuch zu einem Kurzroman umgeschrieben & die Dreharbeiten begleitet; er hat auch einen ausführlichen Artikel darüber geschrieben), noch Howard E. McCurdy in "Space and the American Imagination" (1997), keiner der Biographen von von Braun, noch sonst eine Quelle auf meinen Regalen oder im Weltnetz.

Ich habe gerade herausgebraten, um welchen Start es sich handelt. Nr. 19 der Serie insgesamt, am 20. Februar 1947 auf Pad 33 gestartet, mit der Bezeichnung "Blossom 1", dem ersten von 10 Starts einer modifizierten V-2, bei der versucht werden sollte, die Nutzlast per Fallschirm unzerstört zu landen. Das hat nicht funktioniert, aber die Ingenieure haben daraus gelernt, wie man so ein System NICHT konstruiert. Die letzten 5 Blossom-Stars bis zum Juni 1951 waren allesamt Fehlschläge, bei denen das stärker ausgelegte Triebwerk irgendwann beim Aufstieg explodiert ist. Nr. 1 hat eine Höhe von 109 km erreicht. Es gibt in den amerikanischen National Archives eine 2-teilige Dokumentation (Katalog-Nr. National Archives Identifier: 24580), die die Vorbereitungen & den Start dokumentiert; zwar schwarzweiß, aber es handelt sich eindeutig um den gleichen Vorgang.

1947 February 20 - . 18:16 GMT - . Launch Site: White Sands. Launch Complex: White Sands LC33. Launch Vehicle: V-2.

Blossom I Ionosphere/Biological mission - . Nation: USA. Agency: US Army, USAF AFSC. Apogee: 109 km (67 mi).

Launched 11:16 local time. Reached 109.7 km. Carried pressure, ionosphere, sky brightness, biological, photo experiments for Air Research and Development Command. First of a series of V-2 firings known as Blossom Project, tested ejection of canister and its recovery by parachute, containing fruit flies and various types of seeds exposed to cosmic rays.

PS. Und beim Durchgehen dieser Liste stolpere ich über das hier:

1947 May 30 - . Launch Site: White Sands. Launch Complex: White Sands LC33. LV Family: Wasserfall. Launch Vehicle: Hermes A-2. FAILURE: Failure.

Hermes II test - . Nation: USA. Agency: US Army. Apogee: 50 km (31 mi).

Hermes B-1 impacts a graveyard 18.5 km south of Juarez, Mexico on its first test flight. This and the out-of-range V-2 impact on 15 May resulted in new safety measures at WSPG. 'We were the first German unit to not only infiltrate the United States, but to attack Mexico from US soil'. This vehicle was deeply classified at the time. Hermes experiments were conducted with modified V-2 rockets to test the configuration of a ramjet propulsion system. Four Hermes B-1 rockets were flown from Complex 33, none of which were noted in the contemporary records.

Warum um alles in der Welt fällt mir da gerade Romeros "Night of the Living Dead" ein?

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.733

27.05.2022 00:09
#6 RE: Der US-Kongress und die 'fliegenden Untertassen' Antworten

Heute ist der Tag der Archivfunde. Weiter im letzten oben eingestellten Link. Falls jemand einen Filmstoff sucht...

The Rocketeer Who Never Was

History says that the first American rocket-powered aircraft flight was made by William Swan at Atlantic City, New Jersey, on June 4, 1931. He appeared in newspapers and newsreels around the nation, declaring that rocketplanes would soon take passengers on transatlantic flights at 500 mph. He made the first air-launched rocketplane flight in 1932. Then, in 1933, he bailed from an aircraft over Boca Chica, Texas, now the site of the SpaceX Starship launch facility, in an attempted manned rocket backpack flight. He disappeared into the clouds and was never seen again. But who was Swan? He only seemed to have existed for four years. He appeared out of nowhere and married into a prominent Maryland family in 1929. At Boca Chica it was said people were waiting at the other side of the border to take him to a new life in Mexico. Where had he come from? Where did he go? It was only in the 21st Century through DNA testing that the life story of Swan was revealed.
Swan was born William Dewey Stinchcomb on a farm in Jackson County, Georgia, on May 19, 1902. The only boy among five sisters, he was already listed as a farm hand for his illiterate father at the age of 8. He left home and his family before becoming a teenager and they never heard from him again.

Lying about his age, he enlisted at age 14 with the US Navy on November 11, 1916. He served aboard the newly-commissioned battleship USS Nevada but was discharged on August 4, 1917, after only 120 days of duty. Perhaps his true age was discovered, or there were disciplinary problems. He may have served 18 months on a Georgia chain gang for grand theft auto from August 23, 1919.
Swan conceived of building a rocket powered glider, setting up shop in Atlantic City by March 1931. His rocketplane was a modification of the Zoegling Primary Training glider invented in Germany by Hans Lippisch in 1926. ... The flight was documented by the New York Times the next day. Swan took off in the afternoon. The 200 pound aircraft (less Swan's weight, so about 350 pounds total) was equipped with a single 50-pound thrust rocket engine. A ground crew gave the aircraft "a push takeoff. When the glider had attained some momentum Swan pulled an electric switch, firing off the rocket with a loud explosion. The craft rose into the air, riding bumpily at first, then soaring.
By April 1933 Swan lined up an agreement with a newspaper for a spectacular stunt in Texas. As part of a skydiving exhibition at the Del Mar Beach Resort on Boca Chica, he worked out an elaborate routine. He would bail out of a aircraft, dropping flares and rockets on small chutes as he was in free fall. Finally he would ignite a rocket strapped to his back and head toward the beach, to land in front of the crowd. He arrived as agreed, but was nearly penniless, temperamental and moody. He told the owner of the Del Mar that he was 'down on his luck' and wanted to settle down with his family back in Maryland. He asked for an advance of $20 to tide him over. He got the money, but there were further problems getting an aircraft and pilot. Finally a Command-Aire crop duster was located, and Texas aviation legend Slats Rodgers agreed to take him up.

Rodgers finally took off in the gloom near sunset. Swan was atop the hopper, with a cigar in his mouth to ignite the fireworks. Inexplicably, Swan directed the pilot well out to sea, far from the crowd on the shore. Rodgers could smell that the cigar in Swan's mouth had gone out. Swan urged Rodgers to fly farther and higher, then unexpectedly bailed out at 8500 feet. As the pilot spiraled around him during his descent, he saw that Swan released the small flares, which did not ignite. Swan's rocket didn't fire either. His parachute opened at 6,000 feet. He waved at Rodgers but made no move to manipulate the lines to head toward shore. He disappeared into the clouds and mist well out to sea.

On December 8, 1933, nine months after Swan had bailed out over the Gulf of Mexico, Huldah was 'taken ill' and put in the hospital. She was diagnosed with agranulocytosis, a dangerous low white blood cell count. This is most often caused by certain drugs. Despite efforts to save her through blood transfusions from family members, she died on 12 December.

Secrets Revealed

Her sons were raised by her parents. One became a prominent Air Force officer. Before he passed on, a DNA test linked him to his secret half-brother, Richard Stinchomb. Only then were the multiple lives of William Swan revealed. Most likely he died off Boca Chica in 1933. But having already led four lives in only 31 years, perhaps he lived out yet more in Mexico.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.733

09.06.2022 16:40
#7 RE: Der US-Kongress und die 'fliegenden Untertassen' Antworten

Die jetzt auch noch.

Thomas Zurbuchen @Dr_ThomasZ

NASA is commissioning a study team to start early fall to examine unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) - observations in the sky that cannot be identified. This team will focus on identifying and collecting available data to scientifically understand UAPs.

4:34 PM · Jun 9, 2022·Sprinklr

Jun 9, 2022

NASA to Set Up Independent Study on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

NASA is commissioning a study team to start early in the fall to examine unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) – that is, observations of events in the sky that cannot be identified as aircraft or known natural phenomena – from a scientific perspective. The study will focus on identifying available data, how best to collect future data, and how NASA can use that data to move the scientific understanding of UAPs forward.

The limited number of observations of UAPs currently makes it difficult to draw scientific conclusions about the nature of such events. Unidentified phenomena in the atmosphere are of interest for both national security and air safety. Establishing which events are natural provides a key first step to identifying or mitigating such phenomena, which aligns with one of NASA’s goals to ensure the safety of aircraft. There is no evidence UAPs are extra-terrestrial in origin.

“NASA believes that the tools of scientific discovery are powerful and apply here also,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, the associate administrator for science at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “We have access to a broad range of observations of Earth from space – and that is the lifeblood of scientific inquiry. We have the tools and team who can help us improve our understanding of the unknown. That’s the very definition of what science is. That’s what we do.”

The agency is not part of the Department of Defense’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force or its successor, the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group. NASA has, however, coordinated widely across the government regarding how to apply the tools of science to shed light on the nature and origin of unidentified aerial phenomena.

The agency’s independent study team will be led by astrophysicist David Spergel, who is president of the Simons Foundation in New York City, and previously the chair of the astrophysics department at Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey. Daniel Evans, the assistant deputy associate administrator for research at NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, will serve as the NASA official responsible for orchestrating the study.

“Given the paucity of observations, our first task is simply to gather the most robust set of data that we can,” said Spergel. “We will be identifying what data – from civilians, government, non-profits, companies – exists, what else we should try to collect, and how to best analyze it.”

The study is expected to take about nine months to complete. It will secure the counsel of experts in the scientific, aeronautics, and data analytics communities to focus on how best to collect new data and improve observations of UAPs.

“Consistent with NASA’s principles of openness, transparency, and scientific integrity, this report will be shared publicly,” said Evans. “All of NASA’s data is available to the public – we take that obligation seriously – and we make it easily accessible for anyone to see or study.”

"Given the paucity of observations..." Liebe NASA, es gab das Project Sign, es gab das Project Grudge, es gab das Project Blue Book, es gab das Condon Committee, es gab den Brookings Report, es gibt aktuell die Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force. Welche allesamt zu dem Schluß gekommen sind, daß es sich um Killefit handelt. Just sayin'.


"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire


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