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Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.792

19.11.2022 01:58
#26 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete: "Knock on Wood!" Antworten


Jonathan McDowell @planet4589
I've updated with the latest timeline and trajectory info I have for Artemis I. @NASAArtemis #Artemis1
1:02 AM · Nov 19, 2022·TweetDeck

Below I give my best estimate of the nominal flight sequence (MET is mission elapsed time in T+dd:hh:mm:ss).
Of course the actual flight is likely to diverge significantly from this, but it's a useful fiducial reference.
Details of trajectory are based on info from JPL Horizons; as usual, infinite thanks to Jon Giorgini for his work on Horizons.
Other sources include NASA press materials, especially the Artemis Reference and the Artemis I press kit.
Corrections are welcome.

2022 Nov 20 1910 T+04:12:23 Artemis I enters lunar Hill Sphere. Lunar hyperbolic orbit 142 x -17816 km x 173.5 deg
2140 T+04:14:53 NEA Scout enter lunar Hill sphere, lunar flyby hyperbola
2145 T+04:14:58 OMOTENASHI enter lunar Hill sphere, lunar flyby hyperbola 1878 x -19742 km x 162.8 deg (if no TCM)
2022 Nov 21 0518 T+04:22:31 Artemis I local apogee, 376407 km
2022 Nov 21 1236 T+05:05:49? Artemis I ESM-1 OPF (Outbound Powered Flyby) lunar orbit insertion burn to 145 x 134840 km x 173.8 deg orbit, using OME-111 engine
1259 T+05:06:12 Artemis I perilune 1 at 145 km
1546 T+05:08:59 NEA Scout perilune 1 in 2583 x -20306 km x 164.0 deg hyperbolic flyby
1557? T+05:09:10 OMOTENASHI solid motor retro burn
1557? T+05:09:10 OMOTENASHI lunar landing
1557? T+05:09:10 OMOTENASHI perilune of 1879 km if no TCM
2022 Nov 22 1010 T+06:04:06 NEA Scout depart lunar Hill sphere, 138300 x 1266200 km x 40.8 deg Earth near-escape trajectory (TBD, mission is out of contact)
2022 Nov 23 0350 T+06:21:03 Artemis I depart lunar Hill Sphere
2022 Nov 25 1339 T+09:06:52 Artemis I apolune 1 92712 km (orbit -1542 x 97213 km x 10.6)
2022 Nov 25 2143 T+09:14:56 Distant Retrograde Orbit (DRO) insertion burn, OME-111 engine
2022 Nov 28 2048 T+12:14:01 Artemis I perilune 2 69272 km
2022 Nov 28 2106 T+12:14:19 Artemis I overall apogee 432193 km
2022 Dec 1 2145 T+16:14:58 Artemis I DRO Departure burn with OME-111 engine, -1448 x 86488 x 34.0
2022 Dec 1 2156 T+16:15:09 Artemis I apolune 2 86344 km
2022 Dec 3 2310 T+18:16:23 Artemis I enter lunar Hill Sphere on 130 x 108450 km x 162.3 deg orbit
2022 Dec 5 1635 T+20:09:48 Artemis I RPF (Return Powered Flyby) transearth injection burn to 136 x -12129 km x 162.2 deg lunar hyperbolic orbit, OME-111 engine
2022 Dec 5 1645 T+20:09:58 Artemis I perilune 3 130 km
2022 Dec 6 0732 T+21:00:45 Artemis I depart lunar Hill Sphere, outbound in 2450 x 396142 km x 98.9 deg Earth orbit
2022 Dec 6 1024 T+21:03:37 Artemis I apogee, 396139 km, begin Earthbound leg
2022 Dec 11 1508 T+25:08:41 Artemis I within GEO
1709? T+25:10:29? ESM-1 jettisoned from CM-002
1719 T+25:10:32 CM-002 altitude 212 km, orbit 45 x 392095 km x 85.7 deg
1720 T+25:10:33 ESM-1 reentry, burnup over Pacific near 156W 26N
1720 T+25:10:33 CM-002 entry 100 km over Pacific
1723 T+25:10:36 CM-002 main parachutes out
1735 T+25:10:48 CM-002 splashdown NE of Hawaii

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.792

21.11.2022 09:21
#27 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete: "Knock on Wood!" Antworten

Nearly five days after its sky-lighting launch, NASA’s unpiloted Orion crew capsule closed in on the moon Sunday, on course for a critical rocket firing and lunar flyby Monday to whip the craft into a distant orbit. The goal is to pave the way toward a piloted flight around the moon in 2024.

NASA managers met Saturday and gave flight controllers a “go” to proceed with Orion’s “outbound powered flyby” maneuver, a two-and-a-half-minute firing of the spacecraft’s main engine starting at 7:44 a.m. EST Monday, about 19 minutes after the capsule passes behind the moon on a left-to-right trajectory as viewed from Earth.

The burn will change Orion’s velocity by about 350 mph, committing the craft to a course-changing flyby. And it will be executed during the 34 minutes Orion is out of contact with flight controllers.

Two minutes after passing within about 80 miles of the lunar surface at 7:57 a.m., Orion will swing back into contact as it whips around the moon on a trajectory that will carry the spacecraft back out toward a planned “distant retrograde orbit,” or DRO.

In that planned orbit, Orion will reach a point farther from Earth — 268,558 miles — than any previous human-rated vehicle as flight controllers test its propulsion, navigation and power systems.
A second firing of Orion’s main engine Friday at 4:52 p.m. will put Orion in the distant retrograde orbit, so named because the spacecraft will again be moving from left to right, beyond the moon, as viewed from Earth. Six days later, a third main engine firing will send Orion back toward the moon for a second powered flyby on December 5.

That fourth and final burn will put the spacecraft on course for Earth with splashdown in the Pacific Ocean west of San Diego planned for 12:40 p.m. EST on December 11.

7:44 a.m. EST = 13:44 MEZ.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.792

21.11.2022 11:25
#28 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete: "Knock on Wood!" Antworten

Chris Bergin - NSF @NASASpaceflight
7,000 miles to the Moon.

First powered lunar flyby, with closest approach to the lunar surface - approximately 80 miles – at 7:57am ET (12:57 UTC).
11:20 AM · Nov 21, 2022·Twitter Web App

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.792

21.11.2022 12:16
#29 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete: "Knock on Wood!" Antworten

12:15 MEZ

Velocity 723 MP/H
Distance from Earth 233,156 Miles
Distance to Moon 4,652 Miles

12:25 MEZ. Geschwindigkeit der Kapsel 833 Meilen pro Stunde.
Die Geschwindigkeit war auf 215 mph gesunken und steigt jetzt infolge der Anziehungskraft des Mondes wieder an.

Velocity 1,411 MP/H
Distance from Earth 232,712 Miles
Distance to Moon 2,242 Miles

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.792

21.11.2022 13:30
#30 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete: "Knock on Wood!" Antworten

MEZ 13:26. Signalverlust. Artemis 1 im Mondschatten.

MEZ 13:32
Velocity 2,361 MP/H
Distance from Earth 232,776 Miles
Distance to Moon 949 Miles

Velocity 3,010 MP/H
Distance from Earth 232,083 Miles
Distance to Moon 614 Miles
16 Minuten bis Austritt aus dem Signalschatten des Monds.

11/21/2022 13:46 Stephen Clark
The Orion spacecraft's Outbound Powered Flyby burn should now be underway. This burn occurs without a communications link with the Orion spacecraft as it flies on the back side of the moon.

Spaceflight Now@SpaceflightNow
The Orion spacecraft's Outbound Powered Flyby burn should be complete. This 2-minute, 30-second burn was expected to change the capsule's velocity by about 400 mph (643 km per hour) as it flies a few hundred miles over the far side of the moon.
1:48 PM · Nov 21, 2022·TweetDeck

11/21/2022 13:58 Stephen Clark
NASA's Orion spacecraft should now be flying at its closest point to the moon on its outbound trajectory, soaring just 81 miles over the lunar surface.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.792

21.11.2022 14:14
#31 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete: "Knock on Wood!" Antworten

14:04. Funkkontakt steht.

11/21/2022 14:50 Stephen Clark

NASA confirms the Orion spacecraft completed the Outbound Powered Flyby burn with its main engine. The capsule zoomed just 81 miles over the lunar surface in a maneuver to slingshot toward a distant retrograde orbit around the moon.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.792

21.11.2022 16:17
#32 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete: "Knock on Wood!" Antworten

Orion re-acquired signal with NASA’s Deep Space Network, at 7:59 a.m. EST after successfully performing the outbound powered flyby burn at 7:44 a.m. EST with a firing of the orbital maneuvering system engine for 2 minutes and 30 seconds to accelerate the spacecraft at a rate of more than 580 mph. At the time of the burn, Orion was 328 miles above the Moon, travelling at 5,023 mph. Shortly after the burn, Orion passed 81 miles above the Moon, travelling at 5,102 mph. At the time of the lunar flyby, Orion was more than 230,000 miles from Earth.

The outbound powered flyby burn is the first of two maneuvers required to enter the distant retrograde orbit around the Moon. The spacecraft will perform the distant retrograde orbit insertion burn Friday, Nov. 25, using the European Service Module. Orion will remain in this orbit for about a week to test spacecraft systems. The distant retrograde will take Orion 40,000 miles past the Moon before it returns to Earth. Orion’s greatest distance from the Earth will be Monday, Nov. 28 at 3:05 p.m. CST at more than 268,500 miles. Orion’s greatest distance from the Moon will be on Friday, Nov. 25 at 3:53 p.m. CST at more than 57,250 miles.

Meithan West@meithan42
Change of the selenocentric orbital elements of the #Artemis1 #OrionSpacecraft after the Outbound Powered Flyby burn executed at 12:36 UTC.

Orbit before: 143 km x -16,075 km x 174° (e=1.265, P=N/A)

Orbit after: 131 km x 134,175 km x 174° (e=0.973, P=18.8 days)

The #OrionSpacecraft is now captured in highly elliptical near-escape orbit around the Moon, with an apolune of around 135,000 km (well outside the Moon's SOI).

In about 4 days it will perform another maneuver to enter the target Distant Retrograde Orbit around the Moon.
3:43 PM · Nov 21, 2022·Twitter Web App

SOI = sphere of influence

Die Einflusssphäre (kurz SOI; engl. sphere of influence) ist eine u. a. in der Astrodynamik und Raumfahrt gebräuchliche Größe. Sie gibt an, in welchem Bereich die Gravitation eines Himmelskörpers im Sonnensystem (etwa eines Planeten oder Mondes) Auswirkungen auf andere Himmelskörper hat, die in Rechnungen unbedingt mit einbezogen werden müssen. Außerhalb der SOI wird der Einfluss des Himmelskörpers gegenüber dem der Sonne als vernachlässigbar angesehen.
Mond (Radius in km) 66.000 (in Radien des Himmelskörpers) 38

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.792

21.11.2022 17:36
#33 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete: "Knock on Wood!" Antworten

Eric Berger @SciGuySpace
An Aerojet-made engine, on a European Space Agency-built service module, attached to NASA's Orion spacecraft, passed its first big test Monday

This is a big moment for Artemis I. Prior to liftoff, experts I spoke with generally highlighted three major risks during the flight: Launch, Service Module engine performance, and Landing. We're getting close to nailing two of the first three. Final exam comes in three weeks.
5:26 PM · Nov 21, 2022·TweetDeck

Orion soars around the Moon with a lonely Earth in the distance. The silvery spacecraft is on its way to an elongated orbit around the Moon.
Eric Berger - 11/21/2022, 5:13 PM

Since launching on top of the Space Launch System rocket last Wednesday, Orion's European Service Module had conducted four "trajectory correction burns" on the way to the Moon. These were brief firings of the service module's main engine, an Aerojet-built AJ10 engine. However, the propulsion system faced a stiffer test on Monday as part of a maneuver to enter orbit around the Moon. It passed with flying colors.

The AJ10 engine burned for 2 minutes and 30 seconds as Orion passed behind the Moon, out of contact with NASA back on Earth. When Orion reemerged from the lunar shadow, all was well, and the spacecraft was positioned to reach its temporary destination—a distant retrograde orbit around the Moon.

The orbit takes its name from the fact that Orion will be at times distant from the Moon, as far as 90,000 km away, and traveling in a retrograde manner, meaning the spacecraft will orbit the Moon in the opposite direction that the Moon orbits the Earth. NASA selected this orbit because it will allow engineers to spend more time testing spacecraft systems such as guidance, navigation, communication, and power in deep space. These activities will push the limits of Orion before astronauts fly on board the vehicle during Artemis II in a couple of years.

To enter a distant retrograde orbit, Orion will perform a second burn of its main engine on Friday, November 25. The spacecraft is due to splash down in the Pacific Ocean on December 11, 2022.

Zur Beschädigung des Startturms während des Starts, über den es seit 4 Tagen Gerüchte gibt, seit die NASA Order gegeben hat, keine Bilder des Mobile Launcher nach dem Start zu veröffentlichen:

NASA officials will hold a teleconference with reporters at 5 pm ET (22:00 UTC) on Monday to discuss these issues. These officials, including Artemis I Mission Manager Mike Sarafin, will also be asked about damage to the launch tower that supports the Space Launch System rocket during fueling and just prior to liftoff.

Several sources have told Ars that damage to this $1 billion structure was "far greater" than anticipated during the massive rocket's launch. NASA, so far, has been mum on the extent of the damage.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

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