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Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

06.03.2023 18:55
#26 RE: Roskosmos Antworten



On Aug. 22, 2018, Director General of Roskosmos State Corporation Dmitry Rogozin and the Minister of Defense and Aerospace Industry of Kazakhstan Beibut Atamkulov signed a protocol on the changes and amendments to the 2004 agreement on the Baiterek complex. The document officially confirmed that the Baiterek project would now rely on the future Soyuz-5 rocket based at the launch infrastructure of the Zenit-M complex in Baikonur.
In mid-May 2022, less than three months after Russia escalated its war against Ukraine, resulting in a new wave of Western sanctions, TsENKI infrastructure division at Roskosmos hosted a meeting with Kazakh officials in Moscow on the Baiterek project. According to the official statement issued after the event, the two sides reconfirmed the feasibility of the project, but they also discussed "...additional measures for risk reduction stemming from the anti-Russian sanctions."

Earlier, specialists from the NII SK launch infrastructure development bureau in Moscow and KTs Yuzhny in Baikonur "amended the list and the amount of repair and reconstruction work required by the systems of the launch pad and the processing facilities employed in the Baiterek complex," the statement said, adding that the maintenance team had conducted hardware checks at the facility. However, there was no update at the time on any practical steps to refurbish the launch pad or the processing facility for the Soyuz-5 rocket.

Only in July 2022, Rogozin admitted that the first planned launch of Soyuz-5 from Baikonur would likely have to be postponed from 2023 to 2024 due to lack of progress with the construction of the launch pad. Around the same time, Kazakh officials said that the project would be pushed back from six months to a year. The delay was re-confirmed during the meeting in Baikonur on August 9 of the newly appointed head of Roskosmos Yuri Borisov with Kazakh Minister of Digital Development and Communications Bagdad Musin, who witnessed the launch of a Soyuz-2 rocket with the Khayam satellite for Iran.

In March 2023, unofficial reports said that Kazakh authorities had arrested all TsENKI assets in Baikonur and even ordered its local head in Kazakhstan not to leave the country. As long predicted, and if proved to be true, the move would essentially spell the end of the Baiterek project and would possibly derail the entire Soyuz-5 rocket development project leaving it without a launch site.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

10.03.2023 15:45
#27 RE: Roskosmos Antworten

Thomas Burghardt@TGMetsFan98
"Some Roscosmos specialists" are now reported to suspect Soyuz MS-23 may have a similar manufacturing defect as Soyuz MS-22 and Progress MS-21.
2:59 PM · Mar 10, 2023


Katya Pavlushchenko @katlinegrey·8h
1/3. Referring to three anonymous sources in space industry, Izvestia reported that the launch of #SoyuzMS24 may happen earlier than planned: in June 2023 instead of September 2023.

2/3. According to the sources of Izvestia, some Roscosmos specialists don’t exclude the possibility of a manufacturing defect in the cooling system of Soyuz-MS 22 and Progress MS-21. So they insist on the earlier return of Soyuz MS-23 in case if it has the same defect.

3/3. Roscosmos told to Izvestia that the launch date of Soyuz-MS 24 will be determined later by the State Commission.
6:56 AM · Mar 10, 2023


Космический корабль «Союз МС-24» может отправиться к МКС на три месяца раньше запланированного срока — 7 июня вместо 15 сентября, сообщили «Известиям» три источника в отрасли. Это может быть связано с желанием быстрее вернуть на Землю космонавтов Сергея Прокопьева, Дмитрия Петелина и Франциско Рубио. Они вынужденно задержались на орбите из-за разгерметизации корабля «Союз МС-22». Чуть позже подобное ЧП произошло и с грузовым кораблем «Прогресс МС-21». По словам источников «Известий», некоторые специалисты до сих пор не исключают, что причиной этих нештатных ситуаций был брак на производстве. В этих условиях они хотят вернуть на Землю и людей, и отправленный ранее за ними «Союз МС-23», который теоретически тоже может иметь подобные дефекты.

В Ракетно-космической корпорации «Энергия» обсуждают возможность переноса старта к МКС пилотируемого корабля «Союз МС-24» на 7 июня, рассказал «Известиям» источник, знакомый с ситуацией. Это позволит на три месяца раньше срока сменить трех членов экипажа станции. Сейчас информация на сайте «Роскосмоса» гласит, что дата запуска корабля — 15 сентября. Второй источник — из РКК «Энергия» — сообщил, что подобный вариант развития ситуации действительно обсуждается, однако во всех официальных документах пока сохраняется намеченная в плане сентябрьская дата.·;

Es wird also mit der Nöglichkeit geplnat, die Sojus MS-24 3 Monate vor dem bisland geplanten Starttermin am 15. September, also am 7. Juni zu starten, falls es sich erweist, daß die beiden Lecks auf einen Konsturktionsfehler zurückgehen und die MS-23 den auch eingebaut hat.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

12.03.2023 03:04
#28 RE: Roskosmos Antworten

Vor einer Minute Landung der Crew-5-Kapsel vor der Küste von Florida.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

28.03.2023 12:39
#29 RE: Roskosmos Antworten

William Harwood @cbs_spacenews
Soyuz MS-22/68S: We're standing by for undocking of the damaged Soyuz MS-22/68S crew ferry ship from the International Space Station's Rassvet module; the spacecraft lost its coolant 12/14 after what the Russian space agency Roscosmos said was a micrometeoroid impac
11:46 AM · Mar 28, 2023

Soyuz MS-22/68S: The damage forced Roscosmos to send up a replacement Soyuz - MS-23 - and to extend the MS-22 crew's stay aboard the ISS to a full year; Sergey Prokopyev, Dmitri Petelin and NASA's Frank Rubio now plan to return to Earth in September after 371 days in space

Soyuz MS-22/68S: The Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft is coming home with 481 lbs of cargo instead of a crew and is taking a fast-track trajectory back to Earth to minimize internal heat buildups; landing in Kazakhstan is expected at 7:45am EDT (1142 UTC)

Soyuz MS-22/68S: Undocking confirmed, at 5:57am EDT (0957 UTC) as the International Space Station passed 262 miles above northern China; the Soyuz is now backing away from the Russian Rassvet module
11:58 AM · Mar 28, 2023

Soyuz MS-22/68S: The Soyuz will execute a 4-minute 31-second deorbit burn at 6:51am, slowing the ship by 128 meters/second to drop the far side of the orbit into the atmosphere for landing near the town of Dzhezkazgan, Kazakhstan

Soyuz MS-22/68S: With the departure of the MS-22 vehicle, the ISS crew has transitioned from Expedition 68 to 69; NASA TV coverage of the Soyuz's departure has concluded; we'll provide updates on re-entry/landing as information comes in from Roscosmos

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

28.03.2023 13:44
#30 RE: Roskosmos Antworten

Livestream der Landung:

Сегодня планируется расстыковка беспилотного корабля «Союз МС-22» от Международной космической станции и его приземление в Казахстане. Корабль отчалит от модуля «Рассвет» в 12:57 по мск. Приземление спускаемого аппарата планируется в 14:45 мск в 147 км юго-восточнее казахстанского города Жезказган.

13:46 MEZ. Mit großer Staubwolke in der Steppe in Kasachstan aufgesetzt. 150 km südwestlich von Schesqasghan.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

29.03.2023 19:19
#31 RE: Sojus MS-22 Landung Antworten

Katya Pavlushchenko @katlinegrey
Temperature in #SoyuzMS22 which landed yesterday in Kazakhstan was more comfortable than in the worst scenario calculated by Roscosmos specialists, said Sergei Krikalev. How hot it was in the ship during the descent, will be known after analyzing different parts of the ship.
5:37 PM · Mar 29, 2023


Eric Berger @SciGuySpace
I asked about the report of 50° C temperatures inside the Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft during its return to Earth Tuesday (no crew were inside). NASA's Joel Montalbano said they have a lot of questions, too, are are working with Roscosmos to obtain some insight.
8:25 PM · Mar 29, 2023

This temperature, over a period of hours, with high humidity and people in suits, very probably would have been fatal had three people returned to Earth inside the damaged Soyuz.

Montalbano says give NASA another two or three weeks and "we can report further" on the data obtained by Roscosmos during the return of Soyuz MS-22 from the space station.

Jeff Foust@jeff_foust
NASA ISS program manager Joel Montalbano, asked about reports of temps of 50 deg C in the Soyuz MS-22 during its uncrewed return yesterday, says his team saw different numbers but won't release them now. Promises a briefing in 2-3 weeks to discuss it.
8:40 PM · Mar 29, 2023

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

31.03.2023 19:15
#32 RE: Baikonur Antworten

In early March 2023, reports began to circulate that Kazakhstan had seized the property of Roscosmos at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. This has raised questions regarding launch operations from the spaceport, including important crew and cargo logistics flights for the International Space Station (ISS).

However, it is likely that the development of the Soyuz-5 rocket, as well as liquid oxygen and nitrogen production, are larger concerns as a result of the recent legal action.

Not all of the property of Roscosmos was seized. The lawsuit was filed by Kazakhstan against TsENKI (Centre for Operation of Space Ground-based Infrastructure), an organization that manages only the ground-based infrastructure of Roscosmos. This means that satellites, rocket stages, and other pieces of equipment were not seized. They can be launched into space as scheduled, since there are no restrictions on the use of ground-based equipment, except for its export outside Kazakhstan.

The lawsuit, due to which the trial began, was filed by “Joint Kazakh-Russian Enterprise Baiterek” to the “Center for the Operation of Ground-based Space Infrastructure Facilities” (TsENKI). The amount of the claim is 13.5 billion tenge, or 2 billion rubles, or 30.3 million US dollars.

The official reason for filing the claim is the non-fulfillment by the Russian side of its obligations under the contract for the construction of the Baiterek complex. According to the requirements of the Kazakh side, Russia had to conduct an environmental impact assessment of the planned Soyuz-5 rocket for this launch complex and did not. Importantly, neither TsENKI nor Roscosmos have sufficient funds to pay for the assessment. Their funding depends on the Russian government, and thus the assessment also requires permission from the Russian government.

Baiterek is a joint project of Russia and Kazakhstan to modernize Site 45, the launch complex of Zenit rockets produced by Russia and Ukraine, for the new Soyuz-5 rocket. It was assumed that this rocket could also be launched from Odyssey, the former Sea Launch platform purchased by the private Russian airline S7 that has been stored in the Far East for several years. S7 pays huge amounts of money annually to store the platform, but the rocket that Roscosmos has promised is still in the design stage.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

06.07.2023 16:27
#33 RE: ISS Antworten

Apropos "2001 - Odyssee im Weltraum" & "Space Hilton":

Zitat von July 6, 2023

- space hotels here we come —

NASA will allow private astronauts on the ISS for $11,250-$22,500 a day
The space agency wants to create a sustainable economy in low Earth orbit.

On Thursday morning, NASA held a press conference to announce that the International Space Station is now open for business. Previously, commercial organizations have only been able to use the ISS for research purposes; now NASA is open to letting them make a profit in low Earth orbit (LEO). "We're marketing these opportunities as we've never done before," said NASA's Chief Financial Officer Jeff DeWitt earlier today.

For starters, the space agency issued a new directive that allows commercial manufacturing and production to occur on the ISS, as well as marketing activities. It's not quite "anything goes," though—approved activities have to have a link to NASA's mission, stimulate the development of a LEO economy, or actually require a zero-G environment. NASA has published a price list for the ISS, and it's setting aside five percent of the station's annual resources (including astronaut time and cargo mass) for commercial use.

Be prepared to pay to reach LEO. The cheapest cargo option is $3,000/kg to get it there, then an additional $3,000/kg to dispose of it in the trash. If you want it back again, that'll be a $6,000/kg return fee, although round trip prices per kg are more expensive if you need power or life support on the way home.

In addition to manufacturing and production, NASA set pricing for space tourists—it’s calling them private astronaut missions—aboard the ISS, too. Regenerative life support and toilet access? That's a snip at $11,250 per crew day. The more expensive "Crew Supplies" option—$22,500—sounds more hospitable, including as it does "food, air, crew provisions, supplies, medical kit, [and] exercise equipment." NASA says it will support up to two short-duration private missions to the ISS each year, and those missions will travel on a US launch vehicle developed under the Commercial Crew program.

Was man unter einer "LEO economy" praktischerweise genau verstehen soll, erschließt sich mir bislang nicht; jedenfalls nicht, solange damit Humanpräsenz gemeint ist und nicht nur das Hin- und Herschaufeln von Datenpaketen. Das hat sich nicht geändert, seit G. Harry Stine gefordert hat, die amerikanische Chipproduktion in die Erdumlaufbahn zu verlegen, weil es da ein so praktisches Vakuum geben würde, um nicht in der Hinsicht demnächst von Asien abgehängt zu werden - was damals allein Japan meinte. Das war in seinem Buch "The Third Industrial Revolution" & das ist 1975 erschienen.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

10.10.2023 07:23
#34 RE: ISS Antworten

Da capo al fine.

Russian space station laboratory module appears to spring coolant leak

October 9, 2023

An apparent exterior coolant leak from a Russian laboratory module at the International Space Station has been reported by the crew. It follows similar leaks that struck a Russian Soyuz crew ferry craft and a Progress cargo ship within the past year.

This latest incident was reported by Mission Control Center at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston to NASA space station crew member Jasmin Moghbeli around 1 p.m. EDT (1700 UTC).

“We’re seeing flakes outside. Need a crew to go to the cupola, look toward the aft side, we think windows five or six, and confirm any visual flakes,” mission control requested.

Moghbeli, the commander of the SpaceX Crew-7 mission and current ISS flight engineer, said she would go check it out herself. She was asked if she could confirm the point of origin, since it was difficult to see that from the ground perspective.

“Yeah, there’s a leak coming from the radiator on the MLM,” Moghbeli said.

The MLM is the Multipurpose Laboratory Module, also called “Nauka.” It’s the newest module of the space station, having launched on a Russian Proton rocket on July 21, 2021.

“We copy and we think we concur. We just confirmed it with video and they’re seeing it here on the ground,” Mission Control replied. “Jaws [a nickname for Moghbeli], can you please close the cupola shutters?”

Less than a minute later, Moghbeli confirmed the shutters were closed. This was presumably to prevent the surface of the windows being contaminated by the leaking coolant. About 20 minutes after that, ISS Commander and European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Andreas Mogensen confirmed to Mission Control that the gym and lab shutters on the U.S. side of the space station were also closed.

NASA has not yet made an official comment regarding the leak.


Chris Bergin - NSF@NASASpaceflight
ISS Update on a leak observed Nauka:

At approximately 1 p.m. EDT Oct. 9, NASA flight controllers in mission control at the agency’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, using cameras on the International Space Station exterior, observed flakes emanating from one of two radiators on the Roscosmos Nauka Multipurpose Laboratory Module (MLM). The flight control team informed the crew aboard the space station of the potential leak, and NASA astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli confirmed the presence of the flakes from the cupola windows, after which the crew was asked to close the shutters on U.S. segment windows as a precaution against contamination.

The crew aboard station was never in any danger.

Roscosmos confirmed that the observed leak is on Nauka’s backup radiator, which is mounted to the outside of the module. The radiator was delivered to the space station on the Rassvet module during space shuttle mission STS-132 in 2010. It was transferred to the Nauka during a Roscosmos spacewalk in April. The primary radiator on Nauka is working normally, providing full cooling to the module with no impacts to the crew or to space station operations.

Teams on the ground will continue to investigate the cause of the leak, and additional updates will be made as available.
12:38 AM · Oct 10, 2023

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

26.10.2023 11:20
#35 RE: ISS Antworten

Spacewalking cosmonauts find radiator coolant leak

Cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko planned to sop up the pooling coolant with a cloth towel, but was told to leave the area immediately when he reported some of the liquid had made it onto a safety tether. He said none had reached his suit.

The radiator in question was launched with the Russian Rassvet module aboard the space shuttle Atlantis in May 2010. The radiator and a small experiment airlock remained stored on Rassvet until earlier this year when spacewalking cosmonauts attached both to the Nauka multi-purpose laboratory module.

The radiator’s installation went normally and valves were opened to route coolant from Nauka into its unfolded panels. But on Oct. 9, flight controllers noted flakes streaming from the area of the radiator. The flakes turned out to be frozen coolant that was spewing overboard.

Kononenko and Chub checked and reset coolant loop valves, adjusting them to isolate the radiator from supply lines and photographing the leak site to help engineers figure out what caused it.

Kononenko initially reported “the radiator is clean. I don’t see anything … I do not see any traces of coolant.”

But he reported numerous “black spots” on one radiator panel and after the valves used to isolate the radiator from its coolant lines were adjusted, droplets of coolant could be seen leaking from a line connecting two radiator panels.

The droplets combined to form a fairly large bubble around the leaking coolant line. Kononenko said the bubble was too large to sop up with the towel he had planned to use. Instead, the cosmonauts simply left it as is while engineers on the ground began considering possible courses of action.

The presumed cause of the Soyuz leak was a micrometeoroid impact. The Russians have not addressed the possible cause of the Progress leak or the one affecting the Nauka radiator. But it seems extremely unlikely micrometeoroids could have caused three such incidents in similar systems.

Kononenko and Chub were not planning any sort of repair. Their primary objective was to find and document where the leak originated and to isolate the radiator from coolant supply lines to prevent any future problems.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

20.11.2023 00:50
#36 RE: ISS Antworten

Kein Leck, aber ISS.

Frankfurt – Weltraum-Fans, die einmal etwas anderes als Sterne oder Planeten am Himmel sehen wollen, haben derzeit die Gelegenheit dazu. Momentan kreist ein ungewöhnliches Objekt um die Erde: Eine Werkzeugtasche. Wenn man weiß, wohin man schauen muss, kann man sie derzeit sehen.

Doch wie kommt eine Werkzeugtasche ins Weltall? Sie wurde von den beiden Nasa-Astronautinnen Jasmin Moghbeli und Laurel O‘Hara bei einem Außenbordeinsatz an der Internationalen Raumstation ISS genutzt – und hat sich dabei unabsichtlich selbstständig gemacht. Seit 2. November 2023 treibt die Tasche alleine durchs All und hat sich mittlerweile ein Stück von der ISS entfernt.

Eine durch den Weltraum treibende Werkzeugtasche wäre nicht besonders spannend, wenn man sie nicht auch von der Erde aus sehen könnte. Wenn zwei wichtige Voraussetzungen erfüllt sind, dann kann man das Objekt derzeit tatsächlich am Himmel beobachten. Der Himmel muss dazu natürlich wolkenfrei sein, außerdem muss die Internationale Raumstation ISS am Himmel sichtbar sein.

Letzteres ist in Deutschland bald der Fall. Vom 16. bis 20. November kann man die ISS am frühen Abend über den Himmel ziehen sehen. Sie sieht dabei aus wie ein „heller Stern“, leuchtet beständig und blinkt nicht. Die Werkzeugtasche hat etwa dieselbe Geschwindigkeit wie die ISS und befindet sich noch auf derselben Flugbahn. Wer sie sehen möchte, sollte die ISS am Himmel finden und dann ein Stück vor der Raumstation nach einem leuchtschwachen Objekt suchen, das sich etwa auf derselben Bahn befindet.

Wie Earthsky berichtet, soll die Helligkeit der Werkzeugtasche bei etwa mag 6 liegen, was bedeutet, dass man besser ein Fernglas zur Hilfe nehmen sollte, um das Objekt zu beobachten. Nur bei sehr dunklem Himmel und mit sehr guten Augen kann man Objekte mit mag 6 mit bloßem Auge am Himmel entdecken.

Je länger man wartet, bis man die Werkzeugtasche sucht, desto schwieriger wird es, sie am Himmel zu finden. Sie wird zwar wohl noch ein paar Monate sichtbar sein, entfernt sich dabei aber immer weiter von der ISS und wird so deutlich schwerer aufzuspüren.

Das Schicksal der Werkzeugtasche ist bereits besiegelt: Vorläufige Schätzungen gehen laut Earthsky davon aus, dass die Tasche immer weiter Richtung Erde sinkt und etwa im März 2024 in der Erdatmosphäre verglühen wird. (tab)

Lost tool bag captured on video

The tool bag recently lost by NASA astronauts during a spacewalk is now orbiting Earth and is surprisingly visible to stargazers. The object can appear as bright as a 6th-magnitude star. You can see it in the video above by Eddie Irizzary and Nelson Ortega taken from Añasco, Puerto Rico, on November 11, 2023, around 7:15 pm AST (23:15 UTC). At the time, the tool bag was passing close to where we see Delta Aquilae and Altair, the brightest star in the constellation Aquila the Eagle. Orbital tracking and predictions confirm the object in this video is, in fact, the tool bag that astronauts Jasmin Moghbeli and Loral O’Hara accidentally lost on November 2, 2023.

The tool bag changes slightly in brightness, suggesting the object is tumbling as it orbits our planet. Although the tool bag was ahead of the International Space Station (ISS) by about a minute or two shortly after the incident, it is gradually appearing farther ahead of the ISS as it loses altitude.

In fact, it was already about five minutes ahead of the ISS on November 11 (the date the video was taken). By mid-November, the tool bag should be ahead by about ten minutes.

Liebe deutsche Journalisten (FAZ, Stern, Welt & diverse andere Outlets übernehmen die Meldung auch): ich weiß ja, daß ihr das einfach so weitergebt und keiner von euch Erfahrung mit der Praxis - in diesem Fall: der Himmelsbeobachtung, und das als Amateur habt. Aber so wird es damit nichts.

In diesem Video kann man sehen, wie das in der Praxis aussieht:

Ein sekundenschnelles Aufleuchten eines ziemlich schwachen Lichtpunkts. Um so etwas im relativ kleinen Bildfeld eines Fernstechers zu sehen, muß er exakt auf die Stelle gerichtet sein, die beobachtet werden soll: eine Nachführung bzw ein Aufsuchen ist nicht möglich. Die Videoaufnahme ist mit einem vorher justierten Teleskop und Langzeitbelichtung gewonnen worden. Die ISS tritt heute abend, am 20. 11., von meinem Beobachtungsstandort um 19:02 und 37 Sekunden über 10° über den Horizont (so daß solch eine Beobachtung überhaupt Chancen hat), mit einem Azimut von 232°, also im Südwesten und tritt 2 Minuten und 16 Sekunden später in einer Höhe von 36° bei einem Azimut von 212° in den Erdschatten ein, bewegt sich also mit einer Geschwindigkeit von einem Bogengrad in 4 Sekunden. Ein typischer Feldstecher 8x30 hat ein Bildfeld von 6,6 Bogengrad.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

20.11.2023 09:31
#37 RE: ISS Antworten

Nochmals ISS. Damit es nicht untergeht. Heute vor genau 25 Jahren, am 20. November 1998, ist von Baikonur das erste Modul der Internationalen Raumstation, Sarja, gestartet worden, um 09 Uhr:40 Mitteleuropäischer Zeit. Das erste amerikanische Modul, Unity, ist 14 Tage später im Rahmen der Shuttle-Mission STS-88 mit dem Space Shuttle Endeavour montiert worden.

Um 09:18 und 54 Sekunden (MEZ) heute morgen hat die ISS über dem indischen Ozean, bei 63,31° östl. Länge und 30.52° südl. Breite, in 427 km Höhe ihren 142.826. Orbit abgeschlossen. Seit 8417 Tagen ist sie beständig bemannt.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

25.04.2024 18:25
#38 RE: Tiangong Antworten

China's Tiangong space station damaged by debris strike: report

By Elizabeth Howell, published 22 hours ago

Astronauts repaired the damage during two spacewalks this winter.

China will beef up its space debris procedures for astronauts after a partial loss of power on its Tiangong space station, according to state media.

Astronauts on the Shenzhou 17 mission conducted two spacewalks outside the Tiangong space station this winter, most recently on March 1. At the time, Chinese media said there had been a partial (but minor) loss of power supply after the outpost's solar panels suffered a debris strike.

These spacewalks were a success, the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) said Wednesday (April 24) in a press conference reported by the state-run media outlet Xinhua. The agency also plans to do more in the future to guard against space debris issues in orbit.

"The space station's core module Tianhe had suffered a partial loss of power supply due to the impact of the space debris on the solar wing's power cables," Xinhua reported, paraphrasing CMSA deputy director Lin Xiqiang.

Xinhua did not specify if the debris was from micrometeoroids or from human activity in space. Both debris types pose threats to Tiangong as well as the International Space Station (ISS).

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

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