Die Christenverfolgung im Orient ist eine in unseren Medien viel zu wenig beachtete humanitäre Tragödie. Sie könnte sich aber auch als Todesstoß für die Wirtschaft der arabischen Länder erweisen.
Und weder bei der taz noch sonstwo hat sich bei den von Frau Kelek beklagten Zuständen etwas geändert. Und das nach dem arabischen Frühling, der für alle sichtbar einen gewaltigen reaktionären Ruck (und Mord und Totschlag) ausgelöst hat.
Zitat Financial Times, 11. April 2013 ______________ "In a report written by the US agricultural attaché in Cairo, the US warned that the Egyptian government was overestimating production for the current crop year by as much as a third or more. Egypt has predicted it will harvest 9.5m tonnes of wheat this year. The US report put its own estimates 10 per cent lower, at 8.7m tonnes, and warned that several “knowledgeable interlocutors” put the forecast even lower, at 6m-7m tonnes.
Failure to buy enough local wheat would not only potentially provoke social unrest in a country where heavily subsidised bread is a mainstay of the diet, but could also force the government to spend scarce dollars on wheat imports.
The report warned Cairo was also failing to take into account possible fuel shortages arising from the currency crisis that could affect the harvest.
Diesel shortages could handicap the distribution of wheat after the harvest and “may cause bottlenecks [and] shortages in June/July when stocks will be very low”, the report said." ______________
Die Treibstoffknappheit ist übrigens jetzt schon ein Problem:
FT, 1. April 2013 ______________ "On Monday, the authorities announced cooking fuel, or butane, price increases of 60 per cent for consumers and 100 per cent for businesses, the first such increases in decades. Last year it eliminated subsidies on high-octane fuel. But reducing the amount of subsidised fuel available to ordinary drivers may be the only way to both staunch the black market and reduce the burden of energy costs on public coffers.
The nationwide fuel shortages are among several alarming signs pointing to continued economic and social troubles for Egypt." ______________
Schuld tragen natürlich die üblichen Saboteure & konterrevolutionären Elemente: ______________ "Egyptian officials blame shortages on the rampant arbitrage by smuggling gangs who export fuel abroad, often to the Gaza Strip but also by boat to destinations as far as Turkey. Egypt buys diesel fuel for about $1,000 a tonne but sells it for less than $200 to the market, officials say." ______________
Zitat The American Interest, 10 May 2013 _____________ "Egypt received its sixth Standard & Poor’s downgrade since the fall of the Mubarak government yesterday. The drop of its short- and long-term credit rating from B to C territory is only the latest failure to befall the government of President Mohamed Morsi. His administration is now presiding over an economic and social tragedy so ruinous that we wouldn’t be surprised to see an increase in Mubarak nostalgia in Egypt.
Meanwhile the number of robberies and homicides has skyrocketed *, tourism is moribund **, and a widely expected food shortage is approaching. This summer promises to be a very ugly one for Egypt—the worst chapter yet in the post-Mubarak era." _____________
* ditto, 2 May 2013: _____________ "The FT has a story this morning about the unprecedented crime rates plaguing Egyptians of all walks of life: armed robberies are up twelvefold, car thefts are up fourfold, and homicides have tripled." _____________
Zitat FT, May 1, 2013 _____________ "Previously undisclosed figures provided by the ministry to the Financial Times show that homicides tripled from 774 in 2010 to 2,144 last year ... Rare crimes such as kidnapping for ransom, once confined almost entirely to the tribal lands of the Sinai Peninsula, rose from 107 in 2010 to 412 in 2012 and now take place across the country ... Home invasions jumped from 7,368 in 2010 to 11,699 in 2012 while reported car thefts increased four-fold from 4,973 in 2010 to 21,166 in 2012. ... Reports of armed robberies rose 12-fold from 233 in 2010 to 2,807 in last year, and police caution that many incidents go unreported. ... Gun crimes have risen approximately 250 per cent since the revolution, Gen Osman said." _____________
Christian Post, May 7, 2013 _____________ "Booze and bikinis are "welcome" in Egypt, according to the country's tourism minister, Hisham Zaazou ... Zaazou said, "Bikinis are welcome in Egypt and booze is still being served. We had talks with these Salafi groups and now they understand the importance of the tourism sector, but still you have some individuals that are not from the leadership saying these things." ... Prior to Mubarak's ousting, tourism was a big industry for Egypt; approximately 14.7 million people visited the country in 2010 alone, bringing in about $12.5 billion to the country. However, in 2011 only 9.8 million visitors entered the country, as concerns about safety escalated. The income figure for tourism also fell from the $12.5 billion to just $8.8 billion." _____________
"One billion euros in aid that the EU gave to Egypt over the past six years has gone to waste, the EU’s spending watchdog reported today in a scathing assessment. Sixty percent of that aid — €600 million— is unaccounted for.
“They do not fulfill the conditions at all—and nevertheless, the money is given,” one of auditors official who conducted the review told the Financial Times."
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