Zitat As Trump continues to defy all predictions from his critics, the critics need to maintain their self-images as the smart ones who saw this new Hitler coming. And that means you will see hallucinations like you have never seen. It will be epic.
Zitat von Martin im Beitrag #2Danke für den Hinweis. Ich habe mich auch durch einige Beiträge gelesen: Very persuasive. Gute Sprache, klare Gedanken, trifft man selten so an.
Gruß, Martin
Dem schließe ich mich an. Das Beste, was ich zu der Wahl gelesen habe.
War ich vorher gegenüber Trump mehr oder weniger neutral und den kritischen Einschätzungen von liberal-konservativer Seite zugeneigt, scheint mir Trump jetzt doch deutlich rationaler und integrer, als ich es für möglich gehalten hätte - es könnte ein zweiter Reagan werden. Tu felix America.
Scott Adams hat übrigens neben den Buchfassungen von "Dilbert" auch 2004 einen Roman veröffentlicht, den man wohl unter SF einsortieren kann (die Handlung spielt 2040), The Religion War, geschrieben 2002/2003 (!). Der beginnt so:
Zitat von The Religion War, Andrews McMeal Publishing (2004)In the year 2007, a brilliant and charismatic leader named al-Zee began his rise to power in the Palestinian territories. He was the architect of the Twenty-Year Plan for eliminating Israel, the success of which started a domino effect in the Middle East, as one Arab dictatorship after another fell, and the territories rolled into the Great Caliphate. Al-Zee`s sujects, heady from an unbroken string of victories, demanded the spread of Islam to the rest of the world. Al-Zee understood that this was neither practical nor desirable, but to satisfy the appetite of his people he began an unending war of minor terror against the Christian world. The attacks were calculated to be large enough to look like progress, yet small enough to avoid provoking all-out war. Publicly he blamed renegade groups for the attacks. The Christian-dominated countries knew that al-Zee was behind the attacks, but they depended on him for their oil, and wanted to avoid a larger war that would cripple their economies, and in all likelihood increase the number of bombings.
Terror weapons improved dramatically during al-Zee's rule. Anyone with a few hundred dollars could uy a satellite-guided model airplane capable of flying a hundred miles to deliver explosives to a precise target. Al-Zee was careful to avoid killing anyone important or destroying anything irreplaceable. It was a difficult balancing act, trying to wage small-scale war without provoking total war. (pp. xi-xii)
Zitat As Trump continues to defy all predictions from his critics, the critics need to maintain their self-images as the smart ones who saw this new Hitler coming. And that means you will see hallucinations like you have never seen. It will be epic.
Seit der Präsidentenwahl in den USA habe ich ein wenig durch Adams' Blogarchiv gelesen, auch aus der Zeit vor der Wahl, und ich bin beeindruckt.
Und jetzt:
Zitat von Scott AdamsInstead of dribbling out one headline at a time, so the vultures and critics can focus their fire, Trump has flooded the playing field. You don’t know where to aim your outrage. He’s creating so many opportunities for disagreement that it’s mentally exhausting. Literally. He’s wearing down the critics, replacing their specific complaints with entire encyclopedias of complaints. And when Trump has created a hundred reasons to complain, do you know what impression will be left with the public?
He sure got a lot done.
Even if you don’t like it.
In only a few days, Trump has made us question what-the-hell every other president was doing during their first weeks in office. Were they even trying?
Noch ein fundamentaler Unterschied zum Vorgänger: wie lange war das Dauermantra "it was all the fault of the Bush administration"? Wie viel Vorwürfe haben wir in den letzten 6 Tagen in Richtung BHO gehört? Genau keinen. Frei nach dem Vogel Bülow: Früher war mehr Lamento.
Nb: Die vorgeblichen "Enthüllungen" über internen Dissenz im Team T dürften fürs erste das Neue Narrativ werden, mit dem wir täglich beschenkt werden.
Zitat von Vox, Jan. 26New York magazine’s Eric Levitz has a useful rundown: One Trump aide told Politico Sunday that the new president “gets bored and likes to watch TV,” while others told the New York Times that Trump’s “lack of discipline troubled even senior members of Mr. Trump’s circle.” By Monday night, the Washington Post was publishing a lengthy story describing how Trump “grew increasingly and visibly enraged” by coverage of his sparsely attended inaugural and, “over the objections of his aides and advisers,” ordered White House press secretary Sean Spicer to give a fiery and wholly inaccurate rebuttal. The Post said it based its account on “nearly a dozen senior White House officials and other Trump advisers and confidants.”
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