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Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

12.07.2017 22:38
Dichronauts Antworten

Gestern erschienen.

- Greg Egan, Dichronauts. Night Shade, $26.99 (312p) ISBN 978-1-59780-892-7

Zitat von Publishers Weekly
Egan’s latest work of experimental science fiction (after the Orthogonal trilogy) is impressively bizarre. He takes some of the physics concepts explored in Christopher Priest’s The Inverted World and turns them up to 11, imagining a universe in which there are two dimensions each of time and space. Gravity works in wholly unfamiliar ways. Some people, called walkers, are born only able to look east and (if they bend backwards) west, but not north and south; they have a symbiotic relationship with siders, who live in walkers’ brains and can look north and south and relay what they detect. Seth is a walker who shares his brain with Theo, a sider. The two of them work as surveyors, searching for the properly habitable zones into which their city, Baharabad, can be moved as its current zone becomes inhabitable due to the planet’s rotation. (Baharabad is in constant motion, its forward edge being extended as its back edge is destroyed.) Egan provides copious and necessary papers on the math and physics of world (there’s less information on the staggeringly weird biology), but even with that help, much of the science will make the plotting borderline impenetrable for anyone not already immersed in the concepts. Nonphysicists hoping to stay afloat by clinging to the plot will find there’s little of it to hold onto. Egan may have out-Eganed himself with this one.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

12.07.2017 22:43
#2 RE: Dichronauts Antworten

Egan gibt, wie immer, auf seiner Homepage Hilfestellungen zu den Konzeptionen hinter seinem Kosmos, Illustrationen, Grafiken.

Information and illustrations

Rotating square in Dichronauts space
Double Plus, Double Minus: A Gentle Introduction to the Physics of Dichronauts
World Lines in the Dichronauts Space-Time
Geometry and Rotations in the Dichronauts Space
Light, and the Dark Cone
Falling Uphill
Solid, Liquid, Cone Plasma
The World of Dichronauts
Gravity, and the Shape of the World
The Sun, the Habitable Zone, and Absolute Summer
The Grain of the Land, and the Migration
The World of Dichronauts [Extra]
The Gravitational Field of a Hyperboloidal World
Solar vs Geological Coordinates
Interactive Dichronauts Space
Dichronauts excerpt

Auch wenn's keiner laut sagt: das, auf Englisch gesagt, ur-model, das hier ganz unten im Konzeptstammbaum steht, ist natürlich Mesklin aus Hal Clements Mission of Gravity, 1954.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire


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