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Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.793

17.11.2019 02:51
Zeitmarke: "Hallo Mars - hier Erde!" Antworten

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.793

07.05.2022 17:54
#2 RE: Zeitmarke: "Hallo Mars - hier Erde!" Antworten

In Cros' Beispiel ging es um den "Kontakt mit dem Mars" vor 150 bzw. 100 Jahren. Wie so etwas im Mai 2022 wirklich aussieht, kann man hier nachlesen.

Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover

"NASA’s Ingenuity in Contact With Perseverance Rover After Communications Dropout"

Written by David Agle, Media Representative at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory

After missing a planned comms session earlier this week, the #MarsHelicopter has re-established contact with @NASAPersevere & mission controllers on the ground. More on what happened + the team’s plan to return Ingenuity to normal operations

On Thursday, May 5, mission controllers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory received confirmation that the agency’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter had re-established communications with the Perseverance rover. Earlier in the week, the rotorcraft had missed a planned communications session with the rover – for the first time in over a year of operations on the Mars surface. Ingenuity relies on Perseverance as the base station that enables it to send data to and receive commands from Earth. While more data downlinks and analysis are needed, the Ingenuity and Perseverance teams believe they have determined a cause of the anomaly as well as a plan to return to normal operations.

Ingenuity became the first powered aircraft to operate on another world on April 19, 2021. Designed to perform up to five experimental test flights over a span of 30 Martian days (sols), or close to 31 Earth days, the rotorcraft has flown over 4.2 miles (6.9 kilometers) across 28 sorties and operated from the surface of the Red Planet for over a year.

Data downlinked indicates that the communications dropout on May 3, Sol 427 of the Perseverance rover’s mission at Mars, was a result of the solar-powered helicopter entering a low-power state, potentially due to the seasonal increase in the amount of dust in the Martian atmosphere and lower temperatures as winter approaches. The dust diminishes the amount of sunlight hitting the solar array, reducing Ingenuity’s ability to recharge its six lithium-ion batteries. When the battery pack’s state of charge dropped below a lower limit, the helicopter’s field-programmable gate array (FPGA) was powered down.

The FPGA manages Ingenuity’s operational state, switching the other avionics elements on and off as needed to maximize power conservation. It also operates the heaters that enable the helicopter to survive frigid Martian nights, maintains precise spacecraft time, and controls when the helicopter is scheduled to wake up for communications sessions with Perseverance.

When the FPGA lost power during the Martian night, the helicopter’s onboard clock – which designates the time that communications with Perseverance occur – reset. And Ingenuity’s heaters, so vital to keeping electronics and other components within operational temperatures – turned off. When the Sun rose the next morning and the solar array began to charge the batteries, the helicopter’s clock was no longer in sync with the clock aboard the rover. Essentially, when Ingenuity thought it was time to contact Perseverance, the rover’s base station wasn’t listening.

To make sure Perseverance would hear a call, Perseverance mission controllers at JPL commanded the rover to spend almost all of Sol 429 (May 5) listening for the helicopter’s signal. It came at 11:45 a.m. local Mars time. The data transmitted was limited to deliberately preserve battery charge, but the helicopter’s critical health and safety data were nominal. The radio link between Ingenuity and Perseverance was stable, spacecraft temperatures were within expectation, the solar array was recharging the battery at a rate expected for this season, and the battery was healthy, containing 41% of a full charge.

But one radio communications session does not mean Ingenuity is out of the woods. The increased (light-reducing) dust in the air means charging the helicopter’s batteries to a level that will allow important components (like the clock and heaters) to remain energized throughout the night presents a significant challenge.

Each night for the past three sols, Ingenuity’s heaters have kicked in when its battery temperature was below 5 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 15 degrees Celsius). While on, the heaters kept the temperature of vital helicopter components from dropping farther – down to the ambient environmental temperature of minus 112 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 80 degrees Celsius). But the team believes that the battery couldn’t sustain the energy draw of the onboard heaters throughout the night.

“We have always known that Martian winter and dust storm season would present new challenges for Ingenuity, specifically colder sols, an increase in atmospheric dust, and more frequent dust storms,” said Ingenuity Team Lead Teddy Tzanetos of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. “Every flight and every mile of distance flown beyond our original 30-sol mission has pushed the spacecraft to its limits each and every sol on Mars.”

The Ingenuity and Perseverance teams have designed a plan they hope will make a difference. Their goal is to help the helicopter’s battery accumulate enough of a charge during the next few sols so that it could support all necessary spacecraft systems during the cold Martian night. Uplinked yesterday, the new commands lower the point at which the helicopter energizes its heaters from when the battery falls below 5 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 15 degrees Celsius) to minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 40 degrees Celsius). The helicopter then shuts down quickly, rather than consuming the battery charge with the heaters. The team hopes this strategy will allow the battery to retain whatever charge it collected during the day. The Ingenuity engineers hope that after several days of the helicopter’s array soaking in the limited rays, the battery will have reached a point where the spacecraft can return to normal operations.

Allowing the heaters to remain off overnight will conserve significant battery energy but will also expose components to the cold of Martian night. Developed as a technology demonstration to prove that powered, controlled flight on Mars is possible, the 4-pound (1.8-kilogram) rotorcraft carries many commercial off-the-shelf parts that weren’t designed for the cold of deep space operations.

“Our top priority is to maintain communications with Ingenuity in the next few sols, but even then, we know that there will be significant challenges ahead,” said Tzanetos. “I could not be prouder of our team’s performance over the last year, let alone our aircraft’s incredible achievements on Mars. We are hopeful that we can accumulate battery charge in order to return to nominal operations and continue our mission into the weeks ahead.”

Ist das cool, oder ist das cool?

Und ganz nebenbei: da kommt einfach ein Fluggerät aus einer anderen Welt daher & fliegt dort herum? Am 24. Juni, in genau sieben Wochen, jährt sich übrigens die erste Sichtung einer fliegenden Untertasse zum 75. Mal.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Florian Offline

Beiträge: 3.191

07.05.2022 18:35
#3 RE: Zeitmarke: "Hallo Mars - hier Erde!" Antworten

zum Thema "Mars":
Hier ein fast schon gespenstischer Zufall, über den ich neulich gestolpert bin:

(Quelle: )

Dr. [Wernher] von Braun authored a book in 1948 while he was at Ft. Bliss, Texas, called Marsprojekt. The science fiction novel was published in German. Three years after Dr. von Braun relocated to Huntsville, the book was published in English by the University of Illinois Press in 1953 and titled, The Mars Project…

In 2006, the science fiction novel from Dr. von Braun from 1948, which had gone unpublished, was released by a Canadian publisher of space-related historical science fiction as “Project Mars: A Technical Tale.”

Chapter 24 of this science fiction work is titled, “How Mars in Governed.” In one passage of that chapter, the book states: The Martian government was directed by 10 men, the leader of whom was elected by universal suffrage for five years and had the title of “Elon.” Two houses of parliament enacted the laws to be administered by Elon and his cabinet. The upper house was called the Council of the Elders and contained 60 people who were named to those positions for life by Elon.

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.793

07.05.2022 18:59
#4 RE: Zeitmarke: "Hallo Mars - hier Erde!" Antworten

Nicht ganz. Das, was auf Englisch erschienen ist, war der "technische Anhang," in dem von Braun seine Kalkulationen für die Ausstattung und den Ablauf der Expedition überschlagen hat. (Er merkt übrigens an, daß das noch unvollständig ist & nur den Flug selbst betrifft, aber nicht die Errichtung einer dauerhaften Marsbasis). Es handelt sich übrigens um einen Amtstitel: "der Elon."


Die von von Braun skizzierte gewaltige wissenschaftliche Expedition zum Mars sah eine Flotte von 10 Raumfahrzeugen (7 für Passagiere und 3 Versorgungsraketen, die alle im Orbit zusammengebaut werden sollten) und eine Besatzung von insgesamt 70 Mann vor. Von Braun berechnete Größe und Gewicht der Schiffe für die Reise zum Mars und zurück zur Erde und kalkulierte einen Treibstoffbedarf von 5.320.000 Tonnen.

Der fiktionale Teil ist erst 2006 in der englischen Fassung bei Apogee Books publiziert worden; der "technische Anhang" auf deutsch beim Umschau-Verlag 1952 (mit einem Umfang von 81 Seiten) und in der englischen Übersetzung von Henry J. White bei der Illinois University Press im Jahr darauf (91 Seiten). Das Material dieser Berechnungen hat von Braun dann als Grundlagen für die 3 Präsentationen im Hayden Planetarium in New York verwendet, die dann in Druckform in 3 Artikelserien in Collier's Magazine erschienen sind (mit Bebilderungen von Chesley Bonestell & anderen): "Across the Space Frontier" (abgehalten am 12. Oktober 1951, Columbus Day, Zeitschriftenveröffentlichung März 1952), "Across the Space Frontier" (18.10.1953) & "Man's Survival in Space" (28.2.1953), die dann in Buchform bei The Viking Press erschienen sind, mit Cornelius Ryan (ja: der mit der "Brücke von Arnheim"/"The Longest Day") als einem der Herausgeber von Collier's als pro-forma genannten Herausgeber. (Willy Ley & von Braun haben die Arbeit erledigt). Wirklich populär ist das ganze Konzept durch die Vermittlung von Walt Disney geworden, der für das erste Disnleyland in Orlando, Florida Reklame machte und damit sein geplantes, aber erst 1967 eröffnetes "Tomorrowland" bewerben wollte. Die einstündige Sendung "Man in Space" ist auf NBC am Mittwoch, den 9. März 1955 ausgestrahlt und am 15. Juni und 7. September wiederholt worden. Die Zeichnungen von Raumstationen und "bemannten Mondraketen" in den westlichen Medien so bis 1959 gehen fast aussschließlich auf die Modelle aus dieser Sendung zurück.

Weil der Verlag Bechtle, dem von Braun seine Romanfassung angeboten hatte, mit den erzählerischen Aspekten so gar nicht zufrieden war, hat er das gesamte Materialkonvolut einschließlich Bahnberechnungen dem deutschen Schriftsteller Franz L. Neher (1896-1970), der auf solche "Romanfassungen technischer Entwicklungen" spezialisiert war, zur Verfügung gestellt, und der hat auf dieser Grundlage den Roman "Menschen zwischen den Planeten. Der Roman der Raumfahrt" verfaßt, 1953 mit einem Umfang von 586 Seiten erschienen und zwei Jahre später in französischer Übersetzung bei Calmann-Lévy herausgekommen. Das Buch ist übrigens bei Kritik und Leserschaft nicht mal ansatzweise wahrgenommen worden.

Übrigens hat von Braun "Das Marsprojekt" zu ziemlich genau jener Zeit geschrieben - Spätherbst bis Weihnachtszeit 1948 - als Arthur C. Clarke "The Sentinel" verfaßt hat, der hier ja auch schon Thema war. #DieWeltIstKlein

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.793

07.05.2022 20:13
#5 RE: Zeitmarke: "Hallo Mars - hier Erde!" Antworten

Aber danke für die Erinnerung & Anregung.

Ich habe hier ja noch Notizen herumliegen, warum wir WvB die Aufnahme der Türkei in die NATO verdanken. Ich muß das "die Tage" noch mal zu einem kleinen historischen Schlenker ausbauen.

Momentan bin ich gerade dabei, das böse kleine Schandsong, das ihm Tom Lehrer 1965 gewidmet hat, nach und nach in deutsche Knittelverse zu bringen.

Come listen and I'll sing you of Wernher von Braun
A man whose allegiance is ruled by expedience.
Call him a Nazi, he won't even frown,
"Nazi, shmazi," says Wernher von Braun.

Vunce Rrrockets are up
who cares vhere zey komm down?
Zat's not my department!

says Wernher von Braun.

Some have harsh words
for this man of renown
But I think our attitude
Should be one of gratitude
Like the cripples and widows of Old London Town
Who owe their large pensions to Wernher von Braun.

You too can be a big hero,
once you've learned to count backwards to zero.
In German, oder English / I know how to count down...
Und I'm learning Chinese
, says Wernher von Braun.

Heute sing' ich euch mal etwas von Wernher von Braun,
Dessen Loyalität
Übers Praktische geht.
nennt ihn wer einen Nazi, wird er nicht mal bös' schaun.
"Nazi - Schmazi," sagt Wernher von Braun.

Hauptsache, sie fliegen
egal, wo sie reinhaun'-
Das ist nicht mehr MEIN Job

sagt Wernher von Braun.

Viele reden von ihm boshaft und gemein
Doch ich finde, wir sollten ihm eher dankbar sein
Wie die Krüppel und Witwen in Old London Town
Die verdanken ihre Renten Dr. Wernher von Braun.

Auch dich wird man zum Helden erwählen
Du mußt nur von 10 abwärts zählen.
Auf Deutsch und auf Englisch
beherrsch' ich den Countdown,
Und ich lerne Chinesisch
, sagt Wernher von Braun.


PS. Ich sehe gerade, daß ich hier im Kleinen Zimmer schon mal genau an der Stelle war, 2016.

Zitat von Ulrich Elkmann im Beitrag 神舟十一号 / Shenzhou 11

Ein Posting mit Soundtrack. Der Verfasser hat sich wacker jede Anspielung auf das bekannte Lied aus der Revue von 1965 "That Was the Year That Was" von Tom Lehrer über einen großen Deutsch-Amerikaner verkniffen.

You, too, may be a big hero
Once you've learned to count backwards to Zero.
"In German oder Englisch I know how to count down;
Und I'm learning Chinese," says Wernher von Braun.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.793

07.05.2022 21:04
#6 RE: Zeitmarke: "Hallo Mars - hier Erde!" Antworten

Was mir die Sache etwas leichter macht: der vollständige Text von "The MARS Project: A Technical Tale" ist hier nachzulesen:

Auf S. 177 heißt es:

At no time did they sense any suspicion that their arrival out of the depths of space might be motivated by anything hut the most friendly of feelings and intentions. At first they had thought that perhaps the Martian consciousness of absolute technical superiority over Earthlings had been the foundation of the dignified courtesy and consideration shown to them by the personalities in authority. After all, an interplanetary visitation could be no ordinary event, even in their lives. But slowly Holt and his companions began to realize that they were acting from primarily quite different motives; the pictures of life on Earth with which they had been regaled were to them but final confirmation of the universally held, deep, religious conviction that God had created Man in His own image, wherever Man was to be found. The efforts of Earthlings to subjugate Nature on their richly endowed planet seemed to the Martians technically extremely primitive, but again they drew the conclusion that these pitiful efforts were but an additional proof that God had inspired the doers, and that this inspiration was inseparably linked with that inner urge to action which had been the driving power of Martian civilization.

The Martian government was directed by ten men, the leader of whom was elected by universal suffrage for five years and entitled “Elon.” Two houses of Parliament enacted the laws to be administered by the Elon and his cabinet.

The Upper House was called the Council of the Elders and was limited to a membership of 60 persons, each being appointed for life by the Elon as vacancies occurred by death. In principle, the method was not unlike that by which the College of Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church is appointed. Usually the Elon chose historians, churchmen, former cabinet members or successful economic leaders who could offer lifetimes of valuable experience. The Council of Elders, however, had but limited authority. Proposed laws could be approved or disapproved as presented, but no riders, amendments or alterations could be voted. The Council of the Elders could stimulate, suggest and test legislation, its main purpose was not action, but rather to assure the continuity of the basic thought on legislation, as also the protection of that thought.

A lower house, the Assembly of Deputies, was devoted to action, for here demands were made and wordy battles were fought.

The main distinction between the Martian Assembly and analogous terrestrial legislatures was the electoral system. The United Congress of the Earth was composed of representatives regionally elected after the tried and true examples of the formerly great democratic nations. The Martian Assembly of Deputies, on the other hand, consisted of representatives of certain occupational groups. This peculiar electoral system originated in the structure of the entire Martian community which, despite the close relationship between the thinking and feeling of the individual and that of his Earthling brother, yet differed profoundly from the community of Earth. The ancient culture had long since emerged from the age when the welfare of the inhabitants of any region depended upon their being well and powerfully represented in the machinery of government.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

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