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Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

23.02.2021 00:20
Werbepause Antworten

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Johanes Offline

Beiträge: 2.781

23.02.2021 01:09
#2 RE: Werbepause Antworten

Ich kann vielleicht ein noch älteres Exempel liefern:
"Denn in demselben Augenblick begannen aus dem gehäuften Sternkies, rings um das leere, pechschwarze Rechteck, einzelne spritzige Sternlein mit hüpfendem Mutwillen auf die Tafel zu springen, und aus ihnen bildete sich im Nu eine Lichtschrift, eine Titelschrift, und ich las, durchhaus nicht zu meiner Erbauung:

»Die Abendsterne Heute.«[...]
Vielleicht würden die Gestirne des Zodiak auch noch zu Annoncen für Hautcreme und Abführmittel mißbraucht werden! Die kosmische Zudringlichkeit des Menschen war ins Absurde gewachsen(.)"
Werfel, "Stern der Ungeborenen", Siebentes Kapitel:

Wobei dieser Roman ohnehin schwer einzuordnen ist.

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

23.02.2021 01:42
#3 RE: Werbepause Antworten

Vorweggenommen hat das als erster Villiers de l'Isle-Adam in seiner kleinen Erzählung "Affichage celeste," deren erste Fassung im November 1873 erschienen ist: da werden Werbeslogan mit riesigen Bogenlampen an den Nachthimmel projiziert. Wolkenprojektionen hat es ja seit den 1890er Jahren immer wieder gegeben.

Wobei die Idee, daß man in der Anordnung der Sterne Buchstaben oder Wörter lesen kann (das ist jetzt ein leicht anderer Topos) ja auch durchaus auftaucht; am bekanntesten vielleicht in der Gestalt Wowbaggers des unendlich Verlängerten in Doublas Adams' "Das Leben, das Universum und der ganze Rest": "Einen Moment lang stellte er sich seine Reiseroute vor, indem er alle Pünktchen am Himmel miteinander verband wie bei dem Kinderspiel mit den numerierten Punkten. Er hoffte, daß das von irgendeinem günstigen Punkt im Universum aus gesehen ein ganz, ganz unanständiges Wort ergäbe."

Die Projektion auf den Mond findet sich übrigens schon bei George Allan England, in der Erzählung "The Lunar Advertising Co, Ltd.", The Gray Goose, August 1906; nachgedruckt unter dem Titel "A Message from the Moon: The Story of a Great Coup" in Pearson's Magazine im April 1907. Und ich würde mich nicht wundern, wenn ich beim Durchblättern von Albert Robida darüber stolpern würde.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

23.02.2021 19:20
#4 RE: Werbepause Antworten

Mir klappt gerade der Kiefer runter. Hier im Forum hat sich nämlich schon mal jemand recht ausführlich zum Thema "Mond als Reklametafel" geäußert. Hatte ich völlig vergessen. Und im folgenden Eintrag heißt es "Also doch den Mond rot anmalen." Und Robida findet sich da auch.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

28.02.2021 01:55
#5 RE: Werbepause Antworten

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

21.05.2021 16:51
#6 RE: Werbepause Antworten

Leicht tangential zum Thema.

Zitat von BBC, 20 May 2021
Europe plans sat-nav and telecoms network at the Moon

The European Space Agency is proposing a precise navigation system at the Moon, much like the sat-nav technology we have here on Earth. It would enable spacecraft and astronauts to know exactly where they are when moving around the lunar body and to land with precision. The initiative, known as Moonlight, would also incorporate a telecommunications function.

A large flotilla of lunar missions will be launched this decade. Chief among them will be the US space agency-led successor to Apollo. Called Project Artemis, this will put crews on the Moon for the first time in more than 50 years. "We are entering a new phase - the systematic exploration of our 'eighth continent', the Moon," said David Parker, the director of human and robotic exploration at Esa.

Esa is asking two industrial consortia in Europe to define what an integrated sat-nav and telecoms system at the Moon would look like.

It'll include a constellation of at least three, but probably more, positioning-and-relay satellites to give global coverage, and will likely include some surface beacons, too, to augment the accuracy of the navigation signals. "The target we have at the moment is that the constellation would be able to allow for an accuracy of 100m and probably better. We think we are able to get to 30m in the first instance," explained Paul Verhoef, the director of Esa's navigation department. Moonlight is just at the feasibility stage at the moment - what is known in industry-speak as a Phase A/B1 study.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

13.09.2021 13:43
#7 RE: Werbepause Antworten

Lesen die hier mit?

Zitat von ZR
Anfang Januar 1958, also drei Monate nach dem "Sputnik-Schock" im Gefolge des Starts des ersten Erdsatelliten am 4. Oktober 1957, begann die USAF, die U.S. Air Force (die NASA als "nationale Weltraumbehörde" wurde erst im Oktober 1958 gegründet) mit der Planung des dann fast 42 Jahre lang geheimgehaltenen "Project 119". Dieses Vorhaben sah vor, auf dem Mond, und zwar auf dem Terminator, der Grenze zwischen Tag und Nacht, eine Atombombe zur Explosion zu bringen, um die eigenen technischen Möglichkeiten der ganzen Welt vor Augen zu führen, und damit die "Moral der amerikanischen Bevölkerung zu heben." Als Sprengkopf war zunächst eine Wasserstoffbombe in Betracht gezogen worden; als sich deren Gewicht als zu hoch für die bis dahin entwickelten Trägerraketen erweis, entschied sich das zehnköpfige Planungsteam unter Leonard Reiffel für einen Sprengkopf der Bauart W25; deren Sprengkraft von einem Äquivalent von 1,7 Tonnen TNT etwa einem Zehntel der Hiroshima-Bombe "Little Boy" aufwies. Ende Januar 1959 wurden die Planungen am Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago eingestellt, nachdem die Rechnungen ergeben hatten, daß der Blitz der Explosion mit bloßen Auge nur äußerst schwach wahrgenommen worden wäre und der Rest der Welt und ein großer Teil des amerikanischen Bevölkerung ein solches Feuerwerk womöglich nicht im geplanten Sinn wertgeschätzt hätte.

Ausgelöst war dieses Project durch einen Zeitungsbericht in der Tageszeitung The Pittsburgh Press, die am 1. November 1957 auf Seite 13 unter dem Titel "Latest Red Rumor: They'll Bomb Moon" vom angeblichen Bericht eines sowjetischen Überläufers zu berichten wußte, die UdSSR plane zum 40. Jahrestag der Oktoberrevolution, als Machtdemonstration eine Atombombe auf dem Mond zu zünden: nicht an exakten Jubiläum, dem 14., sondern drei Tage später während einer Mondfinsternis.

Zitat von September 12, 202106:09 AM
So: no, America did not nuke the Moon. But, remarkably, for a time, the US Air Force were tempted to do just that—not to destroy it, but to show off the country’s military and scientific might to the Soviets in the most over-the-top way possible. For the briefest of moments, some suggested the best way to win the space race was not to land astronauts on the Moon, but to tag that magnificent desolation with radioactive graffiti. ... That same year, on November 1, a rather curious article appeared in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. The headline:


“The latest rumor going the rounds is that the Russians plan to explode a rocket-borne H-bomb on the moon on or about Nov. 7,” the article reads. “If that’s true — look out! The rocket and its cargo of violence are more likely than not to boomerang.” By boomerang, they mean that the rocket may miss the Moon and swing back around to hit Earth.
This is where the polymathic Leonard Reiffel, a physicist, author, educator, and inventor, enters the picture. At the time, Reiffel worked at Chicago’s Armour Research Foundation, a sort of Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory for atomic energy, rocket, and missile technology enthusiasts. As Vince Houghton, the director of the NSA’s National Cryptologic Museum in Fort Meade in Maryland, reports in his book Nuking the Moon, the Air Force approached Reiffel in the late-1950s with an unusual query: what would happen if we detonated a nuclear warhead on the Moon? Would it be feasible, and what would the blast look like?

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

05.10.2022 16:01
#8 RE: Werbepause Antworten

Who is ready for a fleet of cubesats flying over cities, displaying ads? "Space advertising turns out to have a potential for commercial viability."

ERIC BERGER - 10/5/2022, 3:31 PM

On Wednesday the public relations department of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology in Moscow issued a news release with a provocative title: "Ad-block this: Space advertisers ready to display commercials in the sky."

How about no.

The basis for the news release is a study in the journal Aerospace. Its authors assess the technical feasibility of flying satellites in formation, in space, to reflect sunlight and display commercials in the sky above cities. The authors wondered whether satellites could fly long enough, and in enough different formations over various cities, to make money back from advertising to cover their development and launch costs.

Their findings are positive, the researchers report, writing in their paper, "An unrealistic idea as it may first seem, space advertising turns out to have a potential for commercial viability." The optimum size of such a formation is about 50 cubesats, of the 12U variety that individually measure about 34cm×20cm, with an operating lifetime of about three months.

To optimize the economics of the satellite formation, the team chose to fly an orbit over large and densely populated cities, displaying an ad for one minute before moving to the next city. The Russian researchers calculate that the daily space advertising revenue would reach approximately $2 million. They estimate that a single mission operating for 91.5 days could generate a net income of $111.6 million after expenses.

As my colleague Jeff Foust succinctly quipped on Twitter this morning, such an initiative would pose a very real challenge to efforts by the United States to ban testing of anti-satellite weapons.

Seriously, this is a terrible idea for a variety of reasons, from the proliferation of space debris to concerns about satellite light pollution. But perhaps most importantly, this is just something that people will viscerally hate. One of the worst "innovations" in the last decade is the proliferation of high-volume video ads at gas station pumps. These are incredibly annoying, and the only positive aspect of them I can see is that they will drive more people to buy electric vehicles.

"Satellite Formation Flying for Space Advertising: From Technically Feasible to Economically Viable" by Shamil Biktimirov 1,*ORCID,Gleb Belyj and Dmitry Pritykin Space Center, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, 121205 Moscow, Russia

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), 141701 Dolgoprudny, Russia


Aerospace 2022, 9(8), 419;
Received: 30 June 2022 / Revised: 27 July 2022 / Accepted: 28 July 2022 / Published: 1 August 2022

The paper presents a feasibility study of satellite formation-flying missions for space advertising. To estimate a space advertising mission viability, the global population coverage model is designed and the demonstration schedule with a focus on larger cities is optimized for the formation of small satellites deployed in repeat ground track Sun-synchronous orbits. Monetization of an image demonstration over a city depends on the city population, outdoor advertising cost, and parameters limiting the number of potential advertising observations. Formation lifetime expressed in terms of fuel consumption for image reconfigurations and maintenance is one of the key factors and is analyzed via numerical simulation of satellite formation-flying dynamics and control.

Keywords: satellite formation flying; space advertising; feasibility study; demonstration price model; Earth coverage; lifetime

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

05.10.2022 16:33
#9 RE: Werbepause Antworten

Nachtrag zum Vorigen.

Super Grover @Super_Grover
Replying to @SciGuySpace
After an American company proposed a square kilometer space billboard in 1993 the US Congress passed a law making obtrusive space advertising (defined as capable of being recognized by a human being on Earth without the aid of a telescope) illegal.
4:21 PM · Oct 5, 2022·Twitter Web App

51 USC § 50911 – Space Advertising
Space advertising has always been a topic of corporate creativity against government legislation and mixed public options. The US Code Title 51 Chapter 509, “Commercial Space Launch Activities,” is a compilation of laws designed to facilitate, monitor, and control the private enterprise of outer space commercialization and technology. The act contains two main areas of focus. The first recognises the United States’ capacity for the development of satellites and launch vehicles, as well as the launch sites and services. The other assigns the Department of Transportation the duties of coordinating launches, administering permits and licenses, and promoting safety standards related to commercial space technology[1].

Section 50911 of the law, which is the specific subsection of focus, concerns space advertising. This law is split into three subsections, with the first (a) concerning licensing. This law adds a qualification to the issuance of licenses for rockets and re-entry vehicles. A license may not be issued or transferred on the launch of a payload which has materials that would constitute as obtrusive space advertising, and the requirements of the chapter on licensing cannot be waived. The second (b) addresses launching, which states that no one who currently has a license can legally launch a payload which has any material that could be used for obtrusive space advertising either. Finally, the last subsection (c) looks at commercial space advertising itself. This states that the section doesn’t apply to nonobtrusive commercial space advertising, only obtrusive. Simply put, the rules of the law don’t apply to advertising on commercial space transportation vehicles, infrastructure payloads, launch facilities, or launch support facilities[2]. An unobtrusive advertisement, such as a logo on an astronaut’s uniform, would be allowed while something obtrusive, like a billboard visible from Earth, is not.

The original introduction of this law cites back to 1993 when U.S. Congressman Ed Markey introduced a bill aspiring to ban all U.S. advertising in space. This was a response to the Space Billboard project by the American Company Space Marketing Inc., which sought to launch a 1km2 illuminated billboard into low orbit. The created law was amended further in 1999 to prohibit only at obtrusive advertising, a clarification which allowed sponsors to place their logos on payloads or astronaut uniforms[3]. Since the 1940’s, many statutes were enacted concerning national and commercial space programs. These include, but are not limited to; Title 15, Commerce and Trade, Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare, and Title 49, Transportation. Title 51, National and Commercial Space Programs, was promulgated on December 18, 2010 by President Barack Obama. These did not modify or repeal existing programs, instead serving to restate existing law in an optimized organization structure sans imperfections while still adhering to the policy, intent and purpose of the original laws[4].


"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

"Hey Joe" »»

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