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Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

19.05.2021 02:19
Colonial Pipeline & Nord Stream 2 Antworten

Dass'n Ding. Obwohl im Nachhinein die Logik sofort glasklar + folgerichtig ist. Aber ich hab's tatsächlich nicht kommen sehen. Vor einer Woche ist die wichtigste US-Pipeline gehackt worden. Lt. offizieller Version Ransomware, das Stichwort Russland fiel auch fortwährend. 7 Tage später läuft die Sache wieder und prompt schießen die USA die oft und hartnäckig angedrohten Sanktionen gegen Nord Stream 2 in den Wind.

Saleha Mohsin
Biden admin will waive sanctions on the corporate entity and CEO overseeing construction of Russia's Nord Stream 2 pipeline into Germany, @axios reports

7:57 nachm. · 18. Mai 2021·Twitter Web App

Scoop: Biden to waive sanctions on company in charge of Nord Stream 2

The Biden administration will waive sanctions on the corporate entity and CEO overseeing the construction of Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline into Germany, according to two sources briefed on the decision.

Why it matters: The decision indicates the Biden administration is not willing to compromise its relationship with Germany over this pipeline, and it underscores the difficulties President Biden faces in matching actions to rhetoric on a tougher approach to Russia.

Driving the news: The State Department will imminently send its mandatory 90-day report to Congress listing entities involved in Nord Stream 2 that deserve sanctions. Sources familiar with the drafting of the report tell Axios the State Department plans to call for sanctions against a handful of Russian ships.

The State Department will also acknowledge that the corporate entity in charge of the project (Nord Stream 2 AG) and its CEO (Putin crony and former East German intelligence officer Matthias Warnig) are engaged in sanctionable activities.
However, the State Department will waive the applications of those sanctions, citing U.S. national interests.
This planned move seems at odds with Secretary of State Antony Blinken's statement, made during his confirmation hearing: "I am determined to do whatever we can to prevent that completion" of Nord Stream 2.

Between the lines: This planned move also sets up a bizarre situation in which the Biden administration will be sanctioning ships involved in the building of Nord Stream 2 but refusing to sanction the actual company in charge of the project.

Sources close to the situation say that top Biden officials have determined that the only way to potentially stop the project — which is 95% complete — is to sanction the German end users of the gas.
And the Biden administration is not willing to rupture its relationship with Germany over Nord Stream 2.

The big picture: As Axios has previously reported, the completion of Nord Stream 2 would be a huge geopolitical win for Putin and give him substantial new leverage in Europe.

Russian gas currently has to pass through Ukraine on its way to Europe. Bypassing Ukraine with a direct pipeline to Germany is an opportunity for Russia to advance its goal of isolating its former client state, now a fledgling democracy, from Western Europe.
Russia has a long track record of cutting critical supplies to its neighbors during disputes, including cutting off gas to Ukraine.
The pipeline could be finished by the summer without a major intervention to stop it.

A State Department spokesperson told Axios the Biden administration had made clear that companies participating in Nord Stream 2 could face sanctions and would "continue to underscore U.S. strong, bipartisan opposition to this Russian malign influence project."

"The Biden administration has been clear that the Nord Stream 2 pipeline is a Russian geopolitical project that threatens European energy security and that of Ukraine and eastern flank NATO allies and partners," the spokesperson said.
The State Department spokesperson would not confirm the waivers or any details about the imminent report.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Llarian Offline

Beiträge: 7.210

19.05.2021 04:08
#2 RE: Colonial Pipeline & Nord Stream 2 Antworten

Der Zusammenhang ist aber schon arg abenteuerlich gestrickt. Die Amis werden so oder so jetzt ihr Netzwerk an der Stelle abdichten, sind insofern auch nicht wirklich erpressbar. Das Biden die Sanktionen fallen lässt, hat in erster Linie damit zu tun, dass er ein rückratloser, alter Mann ist und seine Partei nicht die geringsten Probleme damit hat, wenn sich Chinas oder Russlands Einfluss in der Welt weiter ausbaut.

Und er ist ohnehin gerade dabei die amerikanische Ölindustrie zu ruinieren, da kann ihm Nordstream am Ende egal sein.

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

19.05.2021 12:08
#3 RE: Colonial Pipeline & Nord Stream 2 Antworten

Zitat von Llarian im Beitrag #2
Die Amis werden so oder so jetzt ihr Netzwerk an der Stelle abdichten, sind insofern auch nicht wirklich erpressbar.

Andy Ngô
Last week the DC Metropolitan PD suffered a massive data leak after being hacked by a Russian-language syndicate. Among the leaks include law enforcement training on #antifa’s ideology and tactics. The material is surprisingly accurate. I’ll quote it here rather than screenshot:
5:58 vorm. · 18. Mai 2021·Twitter for iPhone

und angehefteter Strang:

DC MPD: "Antifa—the movement is a conglomeration of left-wing autonomous, militant anti-fascist groups in the United States. The principal feature of antifa groups is their use of direct action."

DC MPD: "They [antifa] engage in varied protest tactics, which include digital activism, property damage, physical violence, and harassment against those whom they identify as fascist, racist, or on the far-right."

DC MPD: "They [antifa] tend to be anti-capitalist & they are predominantly far-left & militant left, which includes anarchists, communists & socialists. Their stated focus is on fighting far-right & white supremacist ideologies directly, rather than through electoral means."

DC MPD : "This group by far is the most violent we have dealt with over the years."

DC MPD: "As you all are aware during the Inauguration of President Trump this was the group that destroyed property, assaulted any Trump supporter they ran into includ[ing] the elderly. They have no moral compass on who they go after."

The internal training material from DC MPD on #antifa also includes various law enforcement strategies and tactics to counter them but I won't quote here given the information may be sensitive.

Da hat jemand die Kompromatkoffer gut bestückt.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire


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