Zitat von December 16, 2021Technicians at a jungle spaceport in South America are completing tests on the James Webb Space Telescope Thursday to make sure they fixed a “finicky” communications interface glitch that halted launch preparations earlier this week.
NASA and European Space Agency officials will confirm the mission’s target launch date — currently penciled in for no earlier than Dec. 24 — as soon as Friday.
Officials said Thursday morning they didn’t want to officially announce a new target launch date until teams in French Guiana finished an “aliveness” test of the Webb telescope, already mounted on top of its Ariane 5 rocket inside a hangar.
“We’re not taking any risks with Webb,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, head of NASA’s science mission directorate. “It’s already risky enough the way it is. We’re absolutely making sure everything works.” ... If the testing Thursday finished on schedule, ground crews could encapsulate Webb inside the Ariane 5 rocket’s Swiss-made payload fairing Friday.
Now I'm confused, there were several tweets this morning, including from our DG that I retweeted, that Webb encapsulation has started for a launch on the 24th, but now all those tweets are gone, what is going on ?
Zitat NASA confirms next Friday for Webb Space Telescope launch
NASA is shooting for next Friday to launch its newest space telescope
By MARCIA DUNN AP Aerospace Writer
17 December 2021, 22:21
NASA Administrator Bill Nelson confirmed Friday that the James Webb Space Telescope will attempt to blast off on Dec. 24. A European Ariane rocket will provide the lift from South America’s French Guiana.
The $10 billion Webb — considered the successor to the Hubble Space Telescope — was supposed to soar Saturday, but was jolted by a clamp during launch preparations, resulting in a four-day delay. Then a bad communication link on the rocket had to be fixed, postponing the launch another two days.
U.S. and European space officials signed off Friday on the launch date, following one last round of testing.
Nelson expects a smaller crowd at the launch site because of the holidays. Liftoff is scheduled for 7:20 a.m. EST.
“Since it’s Christmas Eve, all the congressional delegations that were going down, all of that has evaporated,” he told The Associated Press. Even the NASA and contractor team has dwindled, he noted. But he'll be there.
The James Webb Space Telescope is confirmed for the target launch date of 24 December, at 12:20 GMT / 13:20 CET.
Late yesterday, teams at the launch site successfully completed encapsulation of the observatory inside the Ariane 5 rocket that will launch it to space. Webb’s launch final readiness review will be held on Tuesday 21 December and, if successful, roll-out is planned for Wednesday 22 December.
Ich hab' mal gerade astrologisch nachgecheckt. 21 Minuten nach Starttermin steht der Mond genau in Opposition zu Jupiter, und zu dem Zeitpunkt geht von Kourou gesehen genau in dem Moment die Venus am Mittagshimmel auf. Die haben die also "im 1. Haus", ebenso wie Merkur, der gut 5° westlich davon steht; und Mars im zweiten Haus. Genau im Süden steht in Guyana Alpha Centauri gut 20° über dem Horizont; der Mond im Westen, 2 Stunden vor Untergang.
(Nachtrag: *huch* Jupiter und Saturn stehen beide im Wassermann. "This is the time of Aquarius...")
"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire
However, due to adverse weather conditions at Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana, the flight #VA256 to launch the James Webb Space Telescope –initially scheduled for December 24– is being postponed.
10:32 PM · Dec 21, 2021·Twitter Web App
Arianespace @Arianespace· 1h Replying to @Arianespace
The new targeted launch date is Dec. 25, as early as possible within the following launch window: Round pushpin Between 07:20 a.m. and 07:52 a.m. Washington, Round pushpin Between 09:20 a.m. and 09:52 a.m. Kourou, Round pushpin Between 12:20 p.m. and 12:52 p.m. UTC, Round pushpin Between 01:20 p.m. and 01:52 p.m. Paris.
Zitat Launch of Webb telescope delayed to Christmas morning
A poor weather forecast at the Guiana Space Center in South America has forced officials to delay the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope by one day to Dec. 25, Christmas morning, mission managers said Tuesday.
The 32-minute launch window Saturday opens at 7:20 a.m. EST (1220 GMT). Ground crews at the jungle spaceport in French Guiana planned to transfer the European Ariane 5 rocket with the Webb telescope on top to the ELA-3 launch zone Wednesday.
That rollout, expected to take about two hours, has been delayed to Thursday.
Managers from Arianespace, the Ariane 5’s launch operator, met with representatives from NASA, the European Space Agency, and the French space agency, CNES, for a launch readiness review Tuesday in French Guiana. The meeting covered the status of the Ariane 5 launcher, Webb, and the launch range at the French-run Guiana Space Center.
Officials gave the go-ahead at the end of the review to continue launch preparations, targeting a liftoff opportunity Friday morning. But managers decided to delay the launch by 24 hours after a weather briefing later Tuesday.
Zitat Heute Abend soll die Wetterlage noch einmal geprüft werden. Davon wird abhängen, ob das JWST, ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt der amerikanischen NASA mit der ESA und der kanadischen Raumfahrtorganisation, am Samstag, den 25. Dezember, abheben kann. Das 32-minütige Startfenster öffnet sich dann um 13:20 Uhr Mitteleuropäischer Zeit.
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