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 Kommentare/Diskussionen zu "Zettels Raum"
Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

11.07.2022 23:59
Eine wirkliche Mondrakete: ...und wieder zurück Antworten

Der Chronist kommt seiner Pflicht mit leichter Verspätung nach - aber dergleichen scheint bei diesem Programm ja zum Programm zu gehören. Auch der Start von CAPSTONE war ursprünglich schon für den Oktober 2021 vorgesehen.

Das erste Mal übrigens, daß ich ein GIF eingebunden habe - und siehe da, es funktioniert. Ich laufe halt auch noch mental auf Windows 98.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

12.07.2022 00:36
#2 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete: ...und wieder zurück Antworten

Und just gerade kommt dies als Meldung aus Boca Chica:

Jeff Foust @jeff_foust
Uh oh.

Chris Bergin - NSF @NASASpaceflight · 4m
Fire at the launch site.

12:32 AM · Jul 12, 2022·Tweetbot for Mac

Chance Belloise @chancebelloise
Replying to @NASASpaceflight
But wait… I thought it was planned 😅

Elon Musk@elonmusk · 1h
Replying to @SirineAti and @ExplainThisBob
Yes. Booster engine testing.

12:31 AM · Jul 12, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

Scheibe. Livestream:

"SpaceX has experienced a presumed anomaly during Booster 7 testing"
"LIVE: SpaceX Tests Super Heavy Booster 7, Results in Explosion and Pad Fire"

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

12.07.2022 01:08
#3 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete: ...und wieder zurück Antworten

Chris Bergin - NSF @NASASpaceflight
Booster looks OK. Now depress venting. RIP Air Duct Line.

PS The time of the event was 4:20PM CDT of course. 😅
11:26 PM · Jul 11, 2022·Twitter Web App

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

12.07.2022 01:40
#4 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete: ...und wieder zurück Antworten

Und der dritte Streich:

First Images from the James Webb Space Telescope

On Monday, July 11, President Joe Biden released one of the James Webb Space Telescope’s first images in a preview event at the White House in Washington. NASA, in partnership with ESA (European Space Agency) and CSA (Canadian Space Agency), will release the full set of Webb’s first full-color images and spectroscopic data during a televised broadcast beginning at 10:30 a.m. EDT (14:30 UTC) on Tuesday, July 12, from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. Learn more about how to watch.

This first image from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope is the deepest and sharpest infrared image of the distant universe to date. Known as Webb’s First Deep Field, this image of galaxy cluster SMACS 0723 is overflowing with detail. Thousands of galaxies – including the faintest objects ever observed in the infrared – have appeared in Webb’s view for the first time. This slice of the vast universe covers a patch of sky approximately the size of a grain of sand held at arm’s length by someone on the ground. Learn more about this image (en español).

Hier in voller Auflösung:

Nachtrag: das Bild im letzten Link ist skalierbar, man kann hineinzoomen. Der abgebildete Galaxienhaufen befindet sich in einer Entfernung von 4,6 Milliarden Lichtjahren. Die schmalen gebogenen Schemen sind Galaxien, die ihrerseits noch einmal Milliarden von Lichtjahren dahinter liegen und auf deren Licht die Gesamtmasse des Galaxienhaufens wie eine Schwerkraftlinse wirkt (deshalb diese Verzerrung).

Man bekommt beim Spazieren durch das Bild mit hoher Auflösung eine leichte Ahnung, warum es den beteiligten Wissenschaftlern die Sprache verschlagen hat.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

13.07.2022 14:26
#5 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete: ...und wieder zurück Antworten

Zitat von Ulrich Elkmann im Beitrag #2

"SpaceX has experienced a presumed anomaly during Booster 7 testing"
"LIVE: SpaceX Tests Super Heavy Booster 7, Results in Explosion and Pad Fire"

Update: July 12, 8:50 a.m. ET: New details are emerging about the anomaly. A “cloud of well-mixed methane and oxygen gas was accidentally ignited,” and it “functioned like a small fuel-air bomb,” resulting in in the explosion and shockwave, according to Teslarati.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

18.07.2022 22:55
#6 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete: ...und wieder zurück Antworten

Stichwort "Mond" + "unendliche Geschichte".


To allow for additional testing of the lunar lander that will deliver our VIPER rover to the lunar South Pole, its arrival to the Moon is now scheduled for 2024.

10:07 PM · Jul 18, 2022·Sprinklr

Jul 18, 2022

NASA Replans CLPS Delivery of VIPER to 2024 to Reduce Risk

NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) initiative allows rapid acquisition of lunar delivery services from American companies for payloads that advance capabilities for science, exploration or commercial development of the Moon. Through CLPS, NASA contracted Astrobotic of Pittsburgh to deliver the agency’s Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) to the lunar surface in search of ice and other potential resources. The measurements returned by VIPER will provide insight into the origin and distribution of water on the Moon and help determine how the Moon’s resources could be harvested for future human space exploration. While VIPER was originally scheduled for lunar delivery by Astrobotic in November 2023, NASA has requested the Astrobotic and VIPER mission teams to adjust VIPER’s delivery to the Moon’s South Pole to November 2024.

NASA’s decision to pursue a 2024 delivery date results from the agency’s request to Astrobotic for additional ground testing of the company’s Griffin lunar lander, which will deliver VIPER to the lunar surface through CLPS. The additional tests aim to reduce the overall risk to VIPER’s delivery to the Moon. To complete the additional NASA-mandated tests of the Griffin lunar lander, an additional $67.8 million has been added to Astrobotic’s CLPS contract, which now totals $320.4 million.


"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

20.07.2022 20:02
#7 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete: ...und wieder zurück Antworten


The SLS rocket finally has a believable launch date, and it’s soon

The major remaining task? Arming the rocket's flight termination system.

Eric Berger - 7/20/2022

NASA officials said Wednesday that the space agency continues to make progress preparing the massive Space Launch System rocket and Orion spacecraft for a launch later this summer. Moreover, they now have enough confidence to set a launch date: August 29.

Under the agency's current plans, the stacked SLS rocket and Orion spacecraft will roll out to its launch site at Kennedy Space Center on August 18. Then, there would be three opportunities—August 29, September 2, and September 5—to launch the vehicle before the window closes.

"These are the dates we are working toward today," said Jim Free, the chief of NASA's human exploration systems development program.

Free added that a launch in less than six weeks would require ongoing preparations to continue smoothly, plus cooperation from the weather along the Florida coast. Late August and early September is a period when tropical activity in the Atlantic Ocean typically nears its crescendo. During a teleconference with reporters, Free and other officials emphasized the uncertainty involved in attempting to launch such a complex vehicle for the first time.

Each of the three launch opportunities would allow for a "long-class" mission for the Orion spacecraft, which will be uncrewed and fly into lunar orbit for several weeks before returning to Earth and splashing down in the Pacific Ocean. The launch times and mission durations are as follows:

August 29: 8:33 am ET (12:33 UTC), 42 days, October 10 landing
September 2: 12:48 pm ET (16:48 UTC), 39 days, October 11 landing
September 5: 5:12 pm ET (21:12 UTC), 42 days, October 17 landing

The Artemis I mission is a test flight to verify the capabilities of the SLS rocket and demonstrate Orion's ability to return from the Moon and survive re-entry into Earth's atmosphere at high velocities. If it goes well, a human flight around the Moon, Artemis II, could follow in 2025.

As NASA and the SLS rocket's myriad contractors work on final close-out tasks, the main activity left is activating the rocket's flight termination system, which would be commanded to destroy the vehicle if it flies off course after launching. This activity is scheduled to begin on August 11, according to NASA's internal schedule.

Once the flight termination system is activated, NASA has about three weeks to launch the rocket. This is due to the batteries that power the termination system, which must operate independently of the rocket.

This flight termination system can only be serviced inside the Vertical Assembly Building. So if NASA attempts a launch during the August 29 to September 5 period but is unsuccessful due to weather or some other technical issue, the vehicle would have to be rolled back to the assembly building for flight termination work. Effectively, this means that if the vehicle tried to launch on or before September 5 and is unsuccessful, the next launch attempt probably would not come until October.

While the August 29 launch date is not firm, we can have far more confidence in it than any previous launch windows NASA has set for the Artemis I mission. All of the major prelaunch tests have been completed, and the vehicle is technically ready to fly. The next major decision point will come in mid-August, when NASA makes the decision to roll the booster to the pad. After that, the agency is tentatively planning to hold a Flight Readiness Review on August 22, when NASA leaders would make the "go" or "no-go" decision on whether to formally proceed with the launch.

Stephen Clark @StephenClark1
Here are the launch times for the preliminary Artemis 1 target launch dates:
• Aug. 29 at 8:33am EDT with a 120-minute window
• Sept. 2 at 12:48pm EDT with a 120-minute window
• Sept. 5 at 5:12pm EDT with a 90-minute window
5:16 PM · Jul 20, 2022·TweetDeck


"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

21.07.2022 14:05
#8 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete: ...und wieder zurück Antworten

The next launch period after that, LP-26, opens Sept. 19 and runs through Oct. 4, but NASA planners prefer LP-25 because it offers longer daily launch windows and longer missions lasting around 40 days. Assuming an Aug. 29 launch, the Orion capsule would return to Earth 42 days later on Oct. 10.

Free said the schedule as it now stands “gets us aligned” with Aug. 29 “with what we know today.”

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

21.07.2022 16:53
#9 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete: ...und wieder zurück Antworten

Zitat von ZR
Note 4: Immerhin stehen mit der Rocket Factory Augsburg und Isar Aerospace gleich zwei bayerische Unternehmen in den Startlöchern, um demnächst weitere Kunstmonde in die Umlaufbahn zu befördern.

Andrew Parsonson @AndrewParsonson
Big news: @isaraerospace has become the first privately-funded launch operator granted access to the Guiana Space Centre by @CNES. The company will launch its Spectrum rockets from the old Diamant site in Kourou from 2024 onwards.
8:09 AM · Jul 21, 2022·Twitter Web App

21 Jul, 2022
Isar Aerospace selected to be first privately-funded launch services company flying satellites from Guiana Space Centre

Munich, 21 July 2022 – Isar Aerospace, Europe’s leading and most well-funded private European launch service provider for small and medium satellite deployment, today announced that it has been selected by the French Space Agency CNES (Centre National d’Études Spatiales) to operate its rockets at the Diamant site of CSG (Centre Spatial Guyanais) in French Guiana. In the course of the open call of CNES, Isar Aerospace has signed a binding term sheet that lays the foundation to conduct commercial and institutional launch operations at CSG from 2024 onwards.

“We are excited that CNES has selected us as small satellite launch operator to fly satellites from the Guiana Space Centre. With adding Kourou, we will further extend our global network of critical infrastructure and gain even more flexibility for our customers. But this is not only an important pillar for Isar Aerospace’s future growth. Creating more launch and deployment capabilities is an essential block to take on the global market for satellite launches”, says Josef Fleischmann, COO and Co-Founder of Isar Aerospace.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

25.07.2022 21:05
#10 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete: ...und wieder zurück Antworten

Boeing aiming to deliver second SLS Core Stage to NASA in March
Philip Sloss July 25, 2022

Boeing is continuing final assembly work for the second Space Launch System (SLS) Core Stage at the Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) in New Orleans, with plans to complete production and deliver the rocket stage to NASA next year in March 2023. The space agency’s prime contractor for SLS Core Stages is wrapping up standalone integration of the engine section/boattail assembly of the most complicated element of the launch vehicle.

Production work on Core Stage-2, Boeing’s second flight article build, is progressing towards the final join of the stage elements later this year. The rocket stage will help launch a crew of four astronauts on the Artemis 2 mission to circumnavigate the Moon, currently forecasted no earlier than May 2024.

The engine section and boattail for the stage are nearing the end of standalone integration. “We’re finishing up system integration and final electrical work to get into functional test,” Amanda Gertjejansen, Boeing’s Core Stage 2 Engine Section Integrated Product Team Lead, said in a July 21 interview with NASASpaceflight.

“We have the last few welds to get done in the next coming days, but then we’ll be complete. LOX (liquid oxygen) feedlines are all in, LH2 (liquid hydrogen) feedlines are all in, so this is the last of the CAPU (Core Stage Auxiliary Power Unit) exhaust tubing that needs to go in.”

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

27.07.2022 11:47
#11 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete: ...und wieder zurück Antworten

Höhlen auf dem Mars hatten wir schon. Hier geht's um "Höhlen auf dem Mond."

Jul 26, 2022
NASA’s LRO Finds Lunar Pits Harbor Comfortable Temperatures

NASA-funded scientists have discovered shaded locations within pits on the Moon that always hover around a comfortable 63 F (about 17 C) using data from NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft and computer modeling.

The pits, and caves to which they may lead, would make thermally stable sites for lunar exploration compared to areas at the Moon’s surface, which heat up to 260 F (about 127 C) during the day and cool to minus 280 F (about minus 173 C) at night. Lunar exploration is part of NASA’s goal to explore and understand the unknown in space, to inspire and benefit humanity.

Pits were first discovered on the Moon in 2009, and since then, scientists have wondered if they led to caves that could be explored or used as shelters. The pits or caves would also offer some protection from cosmic rays, solar radiation and micrometeorites.

“About 16 of the more than 200 pits are probably collapsed lava tubes,” said Tyler Horvath, a doctoral student in planetary science at the University of California, Los Angeles, who led the new research, recently published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

“Lunar pits are a fascinating feature on the lunar surface,” said LRO Project Scientist Noah Petro of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. “Knowing that they create a stable thermal environment helps us paint a picture of these unique lunar features and the prospect of one day exploring them.”

Lava tubes, also found on Earth, form when molten lava flows beneath a field of cooled lava or a crust forms over a river of lava, leaving a long, hollow tunnel. If the ceiling of a solidified lava tube collapses, it opens a pit that can lead into the rest of the cave-like tube.

Two of the most prominent pits have visible overhangs that clearly lead to caves or voids, and there is strong evidence that another’s overhang may also lead to a large cave.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

27.07.2022 14:54
#12 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete: ...und wieder zurück Antworten

Zitat von ZR
Der Nachteil der immensen Brennststoffeinsparung liegt darin, daß die Reise mehrere Monate in Anspruch nimmt. CAPSTONE soll die Mondumlaufbahn am 3. November erreichen. Diese Art von „Schleichfahrt“ ist für Raumsonden im 21. Jahrhundert übrigens der Normalfall: alle in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten lancierten Robotermissionen sind diesem Profil gefolgt: die japanische Kaguya-Mission ebenso wie die chinesischen Chang-e-Sonden, die beiden indischen Chandrayaan-Sonden und die israelische Beresheet-Mission.

Apropos Mond.

South Korea is ready to launch its 1st moon mission

The Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter will lift off on Aug. 2.

The launch of South Korea's first moon mission is just a week away.

The Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter, or KPLO for short, is scheduled to launch atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket next Tuesday (Aug. 2). The mission is viewed as the first step in South Korea's ambitious deep-space agenda, which also includes a robotic landing onto the moon by 2030 and an asteroid sample-return mission.

In May of this year, KPLO was officially named "Danuri," a blend of two Korean words that mean "moon" and "enjoy."

Danuri will circle the moon for at least a year, if all goes according to plan. The orbiter's key tasks will be to measure the magnetic force above the surface of the moon and assess lunar resources such as water ice, uranium, helium-3, silicon and aluminum, as well as to crank out a topographic map to help pick out future lunar landing spots.

It will take the probe a while to get to the moon after its Falcon 9 launch; Danuri will use a ballistic lunar transfer pathway, eventually arriving in lunar orbit in mid-December.

KARI, which is headquartered in Daejeon, provided NASA with about 33 pounds (15 kilograms) of payload mass on the orbiter.

Update, 28.07.

S.Korean Spaceflight 🇰🇷 @Kor_Spaceflight
Danuri(KPLO) launch now scheduled for August 5th 08:08 KST, according to MSIT/KARI.
5:24 AM · Jul 28, 2022·Twitter for Android

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire


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