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Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.796

11.08.2022 00:35
Zeitmarke. Vor 50 Jahren: Stippvisite aus dem All Antworten

Mit einem Tagesausflug nach Sodom und Gomorrha.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.796

14.09.2022 15:53
#2 RE: Zeitmarke. Vor 50 Jahren: Stippvisite aus dem All Antworten

Zitat von ZR
Diese chinesische Mission schließt damit eng an die vergleichbare Mission DART der amerikanischen Raumfahrtbehörde NASA an, dem Double Asteroid Redirection Test, die seit dem 24. November 2021 unterwegs zum Asteroiden Dimorphos ist. Dabei handelt es sich um die kleinere Hälfte eines Doppel-Asteroiden, gewissermaßen den Mond des Asteroiden Didymos. Während Didymos einen Durchmesser von 780 Metern aufweist, mißt sein 2003 entdeckter Trabant nur rund 160 Meter. Zwischen dem 26. September und 1. Oktober 2022, in gut 6 bis 7 Wochen also, soll die 500 kg schwere DART-Sonde, nach dem Aussetzen mehrere Kleinsatelliten („Cubesats“) zur Missionsbeobachtung, mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 6,6 Kilometern pro Sekunde, auf dessen Oberfläche einschlagen. Auch hier ist es das Ziel der kosmischen Tontaubenschießens, festzustellen, ob sich durch den Impakt eine Änderung der Umlaufbahn ergibt – und es sich möglicherweise lohnt, diesen Ansatz weiter zu verfolgen, um im Fall eines tatsächlich drohenden irdischen Einschlags praktische Maßnahmen dagegen treffen zu können.

Hier gibt es dazu eine Missionsübersicht sowie einen Countdown:

Double Asteroid Redirection Test

Countdown to DART's Impact on September 26, 2022, 7:14 p.m. EDT
12 Days : 09 Hours : 22 Minutes : 53

DART Impactor
DART is a low-cost spacecraft. The main structure of the spacecraft is a box with dimensions of roughly 1.2 × 1.3 × 1.3 meters (3.9 × 4.3 × 4.3 feet), from which other structures extend to result in measurements of roughly 1.8 meters (5.9 feet) in width, 1.9 meters (6.2 feet) in length, and 2.6 meters (8.5 feet) in height. The spacecraft has two very large solar arrays that when fully deployed are each 8.5 meters (27.9 feet) long. DART will navigate to crash itself into Dimorphos at a speed of approximately 6.1 kilometers (3.8 miles) per second. The total mass of the DART spacecraft was approximately 1,345 pounds (610 kilograms) at launch and will be roughly 1260 pounds (570 kilograms) at impact. DART carries both hydrazine propellant (about 110 pounds, or 50 kilograms) for spacecraft maneuvers and attitude control, and xenon (about 130 pounds, or 60 kilograms) to operate the ion propulsion technology demonstration engine.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.796

15.09.2022 12:57
#3 RE: Zeitmarke. Vor 50 Jahren: Stippvisite aus dem All Antworten

Gestern komme ich darauf zurück, und heute nacht:

Zitat von 22:47 BST, 14 September 2022 | UPDATED: 09:14 BST, 15 September 2022
Meteor streaks across Scotland’s skies ‘so low you could HEAR it’ leaving locals transfixed

A large meteor has been spotted over Scotland and the north of England.

Video shot form a back garden in Motherwell shows large bright object flying from let to right an a downwards angle followed by a long tail.

The UK Meteor Network has received more than 200 public reports about a fireball in the sky. A couple of their cameras caught the image.

Many people reported hearing a loud bang as the object entered the Earth's atmosphere and shot past the sound barrier.

According to initial reports the meteor has heading from the south west over the island of Ireland and across to Scotland.

Alan McGowan, of Dunblane, Stirlingshire, said: 'I saw it arc slowly across the night sky as I drove through Dunblane with my dad around 10pm. It was a huge burning ball of green with an orange flaming tail. It was amazing to see. At first we thought it was a crashing plane or helicopter then realised it was likely a meteor.'

One video shot in Dublin saw the meteor lighting the night's sky green.

Some witnesses claimed that the object crashed north of Glasgow although there has been no proof of an impact.

Residents in Scotland and Northern England were stunned to witness a likely meteor gliding through the sky, describing the event as “unbelievable” and “stunning”.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Florian Online

Beiträge: 3.191

15.09.2022 17:20
#4 RE: Zeitmarke. Vor 50 Jahren: Stippvisite aus dem All Antworten

ich dachte mir, dieser Beitrag passt ganz gut zur Überschrift "Stippvisite aus dem All":

Über Schottland ist anscheinend ein extrem großer Meteor runtergegangen.

Als ich das gelesen habe, musste ich an Shakespeare denken:
“When beggars die, there are no comets seen. The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes.”

Wie passend, dass der größte Meteoritensturz ausgerechnet zeitgleich passiert mit dem dortigen Tod der Königin...

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.796

23.09.2022 22:33
#5 RE: Zeitmarke. Vor 50 Jahren: Stippvisite aus dem All Antworten

Zitat von Ulrich Elkmann im Beitrag #2

Hier gibt es dazu eine Missionsübersicht sowie einen Countdown:

Double Asteroid Redirection Test

Countdown to DART's Impact on September 26, 2022, 7:14 p.m. EDT
12 Days : 09 Hours : 22 Minutes : 53

Da sieh' mal einer an: Analog Science Fiction - Science Fact, September/October 2022. Das bekommt man auch nicht oft zu lesen: Eine Science-Fiction-Story, die buchstäblich nächsten Montag spielt.

Zitat von Tangent Online, 22 September 2022, Mike Bickerdike
This bimonthly issue of Analog has a lot on offer, containing a novella by Michael Cassutt, 4 novelettes, 15 short stories and 2 pieces of flash fiction.

“Shepherd Moons” by Jerry Oltion, is a novelette in which the real-life impact of a spacecraft with an asteroid, occurring this year, is given a fictional treatment. The DART spacecraft (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) is being undertaken by NASA to determine how much an asteroid can be redirected by collision, with impact due on 26th September 2022. In Oltion’s story based on these contemporary events, the impact and damage to the asteroid reveal an alien presence in our solar system, which is followed up by a manned mission to the asteroid. It’s quite a nice idea, but it unfortunately fails to translate into a particularly interesting or believable story. The protagonist doesn’t convince as a lead astronaut, and the tale would have been more engaging if the prose axiom of ‘show don’t tell’ was more often adhered to. Overall, rather a missed opportunity for a cool real-life tie-in.

Zitat von Analog, Sept.-Oct. 2022
"Shepherd Moons" by Jerry Oltion

It wasn’t every day that NASA whacked an asteroid with a half-ton space probe. DART was designed to test how much influence an impact would have on the asteroid’s orbit, but it was also proof of concept for much more ambitious missions to follow, some of which might be crewed depending upon what they discovered tonight. Didymos was an Earth-crossing asteroid with a two-year period, relatively easy to reach and relatively easy to return from after an extended stay. If NASA ever sent a mission out there, Priya planned to be on board.

The mission clock ticked over to 6:30. Forty-four minutes to impact. Didymos was a bright speck in the center of the field, still too small to show a disk. But the probe was approaching at over four miles per second, and as they watched, a dimmer speck separated from the bright one. Dimorphos, Didymus’s tiny moon. That was the actual target. DART would strike it head-on as it swung around in its orbit, slowing it down by a smidgen, enough for telescopes on Earth to detect the difference in its period after a few more orbits. And that sudden slowdown would change the orbit of the larger companion by an even smaller smidgen. Not enough to matter, but it was a proof-of-concept mission, a demonstration that we could alter the orbit of an asteroid if we needed to.

A cheer filled the room as the two bright dots separated. “Right on schedule,” Mark said. So far the mission was going nominally. It was entirely automated at this point, with the probe thirty-six light-seconds away, so if anything went wrong, there would be little the controllers could do to correct it.

“It’ll be switching guidance from Didymos to Dimorphos,” Priya said. And as she spoke, the view gave a little jerk. “That was the thruster.”

The mission communicator a few stations down the row said, “The probe has achieved a navigation lock on Dimorphos. All systems are ‘go.’ Forty-one minutes to impact.”

Priya said, “That means the probe is . . . almost exactly ten thousand miles out.”
The two specks drew apart on the monitor as the probe closed in. Mark said, “I read somewhere that the number of Earth-grazing asteroids that are binary is way higher than the number of binaries out in the main asteroid belt. Weird statistic.”

Priya said, “It’s the YORP effect. Sunlight on a rotating body makes it spin faster, and it eventually breaks apart. Sunlight is stronger on near-Earth asteroids than on main belt asteroids.”

Mark laughed. “I was just going to guess that.”

“Sure you were.”

Priya took a sip of coffee and kept the mug in her hand for warmth. She had become shivering cold in the last few minutes.

They watched the asteroids draw apart, Didymos finally becoming a disk rather than just a point of light. It was roughly spherical, with boulders and depressions more or less at random. Dimorphos was much smaller, only five hundred feet, a fifth the size of Didymos, so they didn’t see detail until just a couple minutes before impact. When they did, all that stood out was just a bright spot on a surprisingly smooth, round surface.

“That’s weird,” Priya said. “It’s more spherical than Didymos. You’d expect the smaller one to be more ragged. Less gravity to pull things together.”

It was growing fast now. Didymos slid off to the side of the screen, leaving Dimorphos dead center. The bright spot began to take on shape, but that shape was perfectly round. Round with a blister dead center. Sunlight angling in from the side made it obvious that they were looking at a dome. A dome with round ports, dish antennae, and angled black solar panels.

Voices raised all around the control room. “What the hell! That’s artificial! Who put that there?”

Zum Autor:

Nachtrag: und wo ich gerade schon mal ein bißchen zum Autor stöbere, stelle ich fest, daß er gestern (!) seinen 65. Geburtstag gefeiert hat.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.796

03.11.2024 22:30
#6 RE: Zeitmarke. Vor 50 Jahren: Stippvisite aus dem All Antworten

Asteroid Sar2667, approximately one meter in diameter, was expected to strike near the French city of Le Havre at 02:59 UTC. Gijs de Reijke traveled to a photogenic location close to home in the southern Netherlands to capture it, and this was the result.
Credits & 📸: Gijs de Reijke
10:23 PM · Nov 3, 2024

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.796

03.12.2024 19:24
#7 RE: Zeitmarke. Vor 50 Jahren: Stippvisite aus dem All Antworten

Tiny Asteroid To Hit Earth Over Siberia Today – Here's What To Know - It most definitely will not be a second Tunguska Event.

In a matter of hours, a small asteroid will burn over the Siberian skies. This is only the 11th time that an asteroid has been predicted to hit our planet before it actually happened, but it shows that the system of planetary defense is working!

At around 4:15 pm UTC today, the asteroid will burn in the atmosphere. The object is tiny, about 70 centimeters (27.6 inches) in diameter. It's not the smallest known asteroid – a previously predicted impactor holds that record for now. It's still pretty small and a testament to the observatories that can spot these tiny rocks and the software developed to quickly work out where and when they are going to hit.

The asteroid was discovered by the Kitt Peak National Observatory in Tucson Arizona. This is the fourth prediction of an asteroid impact in 2024. In January, a bright fireball burned over Berlin and left behind extremely rare meteorites. In September, a bright fireball exploded over the Philippines. Another one burned over the Pacific in October. Four in one year is a new record!

The region where the fireball is expected to take place is scarcely populated so we might not get footage like after the Chelyabinsk meteor. Plus this asteroid is more than 30 times smaller than that so it won’t be as spectacular or damaging.

A small asteroid hit Earth and burned up over Siberia

Astronomers spotted a 70-centimetre asteroid hours before it hit the atmosphere above northern Siberia, making a fireball in the sky

By Matthew Sparkes

3 December 2024 , updated 3 December 2024

An asteroid around 70 centimetres in diameter was spotted by astronomers hours before burning up harmlessly but spectacularly in the atmosphere above Siberia.

The European Space Agency (ESA) issued an alert at 9.27 am GMT, warning that the space rock would light up the sky at around 11.15 pm local time (4.15 pm GMT) above northern Siberia.

"An image from a webcam showing the asteroid burning up in the atmosphere above Siberia":

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.796

14.01.2025 21:35
#8 RE: Zeitmarke. Vor 50 Jahren: Stippvisite aus dem All Antworten

Es schlägt 13.

Meteorite strike in P.E.I. 'not like anything we've ever heard before'

23 hours ago NewsDuration 7:23

An Island homeowner captured what's believed to be a first: the sight and sound of a meteorite striking the earth. CBC News: Compass host Louise Martin speaks with Chris Herd, the meteorite collection curator at the University of Alberta, about this rare rock discovery.

After becoming curious about the dust in front of their home in July 2024, the homeowners checked their security camera footage and noticed an astonishing sight: the exact moment a rock came out of nowhere and landed on the path, scattering grey dust and fragments across the walk and grass. Blink and you’ll miss it: the rock can only be seen in one frame of the video, which indicates rapid movement, but the exploding dust and sound of the impact was undeniable. It clearly came from the sky and appeared to be a meteorite.

The homeowners recovered about 7 grams of the rock from the grass next to the walkway, returning to pick up more samples in the coming days using a vacuum and magnet. They also connected with Chris Herd, curator of the University of Alberta’s Meteorite Collection and professor in the Faculty of Science, via the University of Alberta’s Meteorite Reporting System.

Upon examination of photos of the fragments, Herd confirmed the discovery was, in fact, a meteorite. By chance, he had planned a family trip to Prince Edward Island a mere 10 days after the fall; the trip now included a diversion to check the space where the meteorite landed. With the help of some family members Herd documented the meteorite fragments, measured a 2 x 2 cm divot in the walkway formed by the meteorite’s impact, and recovered a subset of the fragments to become part of the University of Alberta Meteorite Collection. Analysis shows that the newly-named Charlottetown Meteorite is an ordinary chondrite with features that help to explain why it broke apart as it hit the ground.

“As the first and only meteorite from the province of PEI, the Charlottetown Meteorite sure announced its arrival in a spectacular way. No other meteorite fall has been documented like this, complete with sound,” Herd says. “It adds a whole new dimension to the natural history of the Island.”

30 km von dem Schreibtisch, an dem ich das hier gerade tippe, befindet sich an der Straße zwischen Gronau und Enschede, 2 km vor dem Ortseingang und 3 km, nachdem die Enscheder Straße zur Groonause Straat geworden ist, gleich neben dem Radweg zur rechten Hand ein kleiner Findling aus der letzten Eiszeit, und darauf eine Messingplakette, die seit 2015 an den Einschlag des "Glanderburg-meteorit" am 7. April 1990 erinnert. Der Meteorit hat am Ostermontag um 19:32 MEZ nach einer Eintrittsgeschwindigkeit von 21 m/s in die Erdatmosphäre das Vordach eines Einfamilienhauses durchschlagen und ist am Morgen darauf von der Familie Wichmann, die von Verwandtenbesuch heimkam, gefunden worden. Zunächst ist die Polizei von Vandalismus ausgegangen. Aus den Beobachtungen des Feuerballs konnte die genaue Flugbahn des kleinen Asteroiden berechnet werden. Es handelt sich um einen Chondriten (einen Steinmeteor), des Subtyps LL4-6 mit einer Gesamtmasse von 855 g; das größte geborgene Fragment wiegt 135 g. Das Perihel der Bahn lag bei 0,91 AE, das Aphel bei 3,5 AE mit einer Neigung von 23 Grad zur Ekliptik und dem aufsteigenden Knoten bei 17,816°. Die Einflugschneise verlief knapp nördlich des Münsterlands. Die Leuchtspur des Meteoritenbegann in 50 km Höhe bei 52°44' N und 7°46' O, 8 km südlichen von Lingen und endete 5 km westlich von Bad Bentheim auf 52°33' N und 7°07' O in 22 km Höhe.

Räumliche Lage der Bahn:
Der angerichtete Schaden:
Der Stein mit der Plakette:
Aufstellung zum 25. Jahrestag des Einschlags:
Das größte Bruchstück, heute im Museum Naturalis in Leiden:
Seitdem antechambrieren die Glanerbrugser, um den kleinen Stein zurück an die Twente zu holen.

Beim Charlottetown-Meteor sind ungefähr 7g Material gefunden worden; da der Stein am helligten Tag und bei Regenwetter herunterkam, gibt es keine Möglichkeit, aus weiteren Aufnahmen oder Beobachtungen die Flugbahn zu berechnen. Chemisch handelt des sich ebenfalls um einen Chondriten, der zu 48% aus Olivin und zu 52% aus Pyroxen besteht.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.796

29.01.2025 16:09
#9 RE: Zeitmarke. Vor 50 Jahren: Stippvisite aus dem All Antworten

Zitat von Ulrich Elkmann im Beitrag Eine wirkliche Mondrakete. Hin und wieder zurück
"Mons Mouton" war mir als topographische Bezeichnung auf dem Mond bislang unbekannt; ich sehe, daß die offizielle Benennung durch die IAU erst im Mai 2022 erfolgt ist. Es handelt sich um die höchste Erhebung auf dem Mond...

Apropos IAU. Gerade wurde dort das nächste Weltende im Terminkalender angekreuzt.

The date of the end of the world is known

The IAU has announced the date of the end of the world: On December 22, 2032, an asteroid with a diameter of 70 meters may collide with the Earth

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) uses the Turin Scale to assess the risk of asteroid impacts with the Earth. The current value of the asteroid 2024 YR4 is 3, the only asteroid with a value above zero.

The probability of impact is 6%, with possible destruction within a radius of 30 km. The remaining 94% indicate a flyby at a distance of 60,000 km - the trajectory will be clarified by observations in 2028/2029.
3:20 PM · Jan 29, 2025

Kalkulierter Impakt-Korridor:

A lurking threat from the cosmos has astronomers—both seasoned pros and enthusiastic amateurs—on high alert as a newly discovered asteroid, 2024 YR4, passes through our solar neighborhood. This celestial rock, first noticed just days after Christmas 2024, currently presents a minimal impact chance of about 1.2%. However, its potential consequences could be catastrophic, enough to obliterate a city if it veers off course and strikes our planet on December 22, 2032.

NASA’s impact tracking system recently raised the alert level for 2024 YR4, marking it with a level 3 on the Torino scale, a measure used for assessing asteroid risks. Only one other asteroid has matched this level, a reminder that even slight probabilities can lead to intense scrutiny. With an estimated size between 40 and 100 meters, this asteroid could unleash destruction akin to the infamous Chelyabinsk meteor or even a major impact event.

2024 YR4 is an asteroid between 40 and 100 metres (130 and 330 ft) in diameter, classified as an Apollo-type (Earth-crossing) near-Earth object. It was discovered by the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) on 27 December 2024.[2][1] As of 28 January 2025, 2024 YR4 is rated 3 on the Torino scale with a 1 in 83 (1.2%) chance of impacting Earth on 22 December 2032.[5] NASA gives a Palermo Technical Impact Hazard Scale rating of –0.56 for 2024 YR4, which corresponds to an impact hazard 3.6 times less than the background hazard level.[5]

The asteroid previously made a close approach of 828,800 kilometres (515,000 miles; 2.156 lunar distances) to Earth on 25 December 2024 (two days before its discovery), and is now moving away from Earth until it makes its next close approach on 17 December 2028.[3]

With an observation arc of 34 days as of 28 January 2025, 2024 YR4 has a 1 in 83 (1.2%) chance of impacting Earth on 22 December 2032 (with an uncertainty of 1.5 days).[3] The nominal closest approach to Earth on that day is 127,699 km (79,348 mi), with an uncertainty of 1.408 million km (0.87 million mi).[3] Due to 2024 YR4's large size and greater-than-1% impact probability, it is rated at Torino scale level 3.[5][6] This is the second-highest Torino scale rating an asteroid has ever reached, behind 99942 Apophis which previously ranked Torino scale level 4.[6] NASA gives a Palermo Technical Impact Hazard Scale rating of –0.56 for 2024 YR4, which corresponds to an impact hazard 3.6 times less than the background hazard level.[5] The European Space Agency gives a Palermo rating of –0.54,[4] while NEODyS gives –0.49.[9] The risk corridor of 2024 YR4's possible impact locations runs from the Pacific Ocean to South America, the Atlantic Ocean, central Africa, and then to northern India.[8]

The earliest known precovery (pre-discovery) observation of 2024 YR4 was on 25 December 2024, although the measured position of the asteroid in that observation is poor.[1][10] A search through archival Subaru Telescope images from 2016 did not find 2024 YR4, which rules out some distant approaches to Earth in 2032.[8] This raises 2024 YR4's impact probability to 3–6%, depending on whether the 25 December 2024 precovery observation is included in the orbit calculation.[10]

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire


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