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Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.796

15.12.2022 00:24
Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - Rücksturz zur Erde Antworten

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.796

15.12.2022 12:39
#2 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - Rücksturz zur Erde Antworten

Zitat von ZR
...Nachdem die Bergungsteams erst einmal zwei Stunden abgewartet hatten, bis der Ammoniakvorrat verdampft war, der zur Kühlung der Kommandokapsel dient...

Wegen eines Lecks an einer Sojus-Kapsel wurde ein Weltraumspaziergang auf der ISS in letzter Minute abgesagt. Russland hält sich mit Informationen zurück.

Wegen technischer Probleme ist ein geplanter Weltraumspaziergang von zwei Kosmonauten im Außenbereich der Internationalen Raumstation ISS abgesagt worden. Vor dem Öffnen der Ausstiegsluke sei aus zunächst ungeklärter Ursache ein Warnsignal angegangen, teilte die russische Raumfahrtbehörde Roskosmos mit.

Das US-Magazin "Arstechnica" berichtet von einem Leck, das sich vermutlich in einem externen Kühlkreislauf am hinteren Ende des Sojus MS-22-Raumschiffs befindet, das an der Station angedockt ist. Auf einem Video sei eine Flüssigkeit zu sehen, "die kontinuierlich aus der Sojus strömte".

Dabei könne es sich um Ammoniak handeln, heißt es weiter. Von russischer Seite sei das allerdings nicht bestätigt worden. Ammoniak wird als Kühlmittel für Raumfahrzeuge verwendet.

Die Besatzung hat den Europäischen Servicearm zur Inspektion benutzt, gesteuert von der Kosmonautin Anna Kikina (vielleicht erinnert sich noch jemand, daß der Nicht-Mehr-Leiter von Roskosmos, Dmitri Rogosin, erklärt hatte, die russischen Raumfahrer auf der ISS sollten nicht vom Westen gelieferten Komponenten nicht mehr nutzen). Es ist unklar, ob das Leck eine Folge eines Leitungs- oder Ventilbruchs aus dem Versagen der Bordsysteme der Sojus M-22 ist oder auf den Treffer eines Mikrometeoriten oder von Welttraumtrümmern zurückgehen könnte. An der ISS sind neben der Sojus zurzeit noch eine Crew Dragon-Kapsel, zwei Progress-Transporter und ein Cygnus-Transporter von Northrop Grunman angedockt.

Das Leck ist um 01:45 MEZ aufgetreten. Auf den Außenaufnahmen ist deutlich zu sehen, wie gefrorene Eispartikel aus dem Versorgungsteil der Kapsel austreten & wegströmen.

Scott Manley@DJSnM
As far as I can tell a coolant failure won’t affect the descent module’s ability to reenter and land safely, but could very well affect the ability to perform the maneuvering and deorbit burn.
5:50 AM · Dec 15, 2022

The Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft is scheduled to return to Earth with Prokopyev, Petelin, and Rubio on March 28. Until then, the spacecraft serves as the emergency lifeboat for the three-man crew that launched aboard it in September. If Russian officials determine the Soyuz MS-22 spaceship is unable to bring the crew home, a replacement Soyuz could be launched from Baikonur without anyone on-board to automatically dock with the station.

But it’s unclear when the next Soyuz in line, Soyuz MS-23, could be ready for launch. It is currently scheduled to take off March 16 with Russian cosmonauts Oleg Kononenko, Nikolai Chub, and NASA astronaut Loral O’Hara to begin a six-month expedition.

Scott Manley@DJSnM
The spacewalk was supposed to move a radiator from Rassvet to Nauka, it's been waiting 12 years for this.
5:11 AM · Dec 15, 2022

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.796

15.12.2022 16:15
#3 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - Rücksturz zur Erde Antworten

Nachtrag ISS-Leck.


Eric Berger@SciGuySpace
The coolant leak on the Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft was never controlled, it just stopped leaking last night after all of the coolant was gone. Russian specialists are now assessing impacts on other Soyuz systems to determine whether the craft is flyable.
2:24 PM · Dec 15, 2022

A story I wrote on this late last night holds up: Three ISS crew members are potentially impacted by this, including NASA's Frank Rubio. It is possible that Russia will have to send up a replacement Soyuz.


Joey Murphy@JoeyMurphySpace
A point I just realized, haven't seen anyone make this connection: The ISS, for the last 4 days, has been in a "Sunlit orbit" where it has no eclipses and spends the whole time in sun (and heat). Soyuz has had a coolant loop fail. These may be connected.

Joey Murphy@JoeyMurphySpace·Dec 10
For the ISS tracking fans out there:
Normally, the ISS has 16 sunrises and sunsets per day. But 90 minutes ago, it entered a period of high beta angle, meaning it is now sunlit, and will stay fully sunlit until 19:10 UTC on December 15. These 5 days will have no time in darkness.

It's possible the four days of constant heat was more than the coolant loop could keep up with; these situations very seldom happen. Most of the time, Soyuz gets the benefit of eclipses to cool down, rather than needing to always do its own cooling. Keep an eye out for more news.

I recently made a simulation to show this effect. You are looking at Earth from the sun, with axis and equator shown. On left is 12/01. ISS orbits in the red/black ring, passing behind earth for half the orbit. On the right is the orbit's orientation today. It never goes behind.

In animated form, so you can see how the orbit evolves (and the Earth's axis shifts) over time. In addition to the orbit alignment, the Winter Solstice is evident, as the South Pole points closest to the sun before continuing around.
4:50 AM · Dec 15, 2022

Replying to @SciGuySpace
From the descriptions i've managed to find, it doesn't seem like the cooling system has redundancy, other than an auxiliary loop connected to the station. So it appears that while it's docked might be fine, but after that - don't know.
2:33 PM · Dec 15, 2022

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.796

15.12.2022 19:42
#4 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - Rücksturz zur Erde Antworten

Gemäß offizieller russischer Version war die Ursache ein Treffer durch einen Mikrometeoriten.

Russian space capsule leak likely caused by micrometeorite

MOSCOW (AP) — A coolant leak from a Russian space capsule attached to the International Space Station was likely caused by a micrometeorite strike, a Russian space official said Thursday.

Russia’s space corporation Roscosmos and NASA both have said that the incident hasn’t posed any danger to the station’s crew. However, the leak prompted a pair of Russian cosmonauts to abort a planned spacewalk earlier in the day.

Sergei Krikalev, a veteran cosmonaut who serves as the director of crewed space flight programs at Roscosmos, said a meteorite striking one of the radiators of the Soyuz MS-22 capsule could have caused the coolant to escape.

The malfunction could affect the performance of the capsule’s coolant system and the temperature in the equipment section of the capsule but doesn’t endanger the crew, Krikalev said in a statement.

Pressemitteilung von Roskosmos, via RIA Nowosti:

Новоспредварительным данным, 15 декабря, экипаж после визуального осмотра подтвердил утечку в системе охлаждения, говорится в сообщении пресс-службы "Роскосмоса".

"По предварительной информации, в четверг, 15 декабря, произошло повреждение внешней обшивки приборно-агрегатного отсека транспортного пилотируемого корабля "Союз МС-2ти. Повреждение внешней поверхности корабля "Союз МС-22" произошло, по 2", — указывает корпорация.

"Nach vorläufigen Informationen kam es am 15. Dezember zu eine Beschädigung an der Außenseite der Instrumenten- und Vorsorgungseinheit des bemannten Transportraumschiffs Sojus MS-2TI. Die Hülle des Raumschiffs wurd an zwei Stellen beschädtigt," teilte die Agentur mit.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.796

15.12.2022 21:28
#5 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - Rücksturz zur Erde Antworten

PM der NASA.

On Wednesday, Dec. 14, an external leak was detected from the Roscosmos Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft docked to the Rassvet module on the International Space Station. The external radiator cooling loop of the Soyuz is the suspected leak source.

Roscosmos is closely monitoring Soyuz spacecraft temperatures, which remain within acceptable limits. NASA and Roscosmos continue to coordinate external imagery and inspection plans to aid in evaluating the external leak location. Plans for an additional inspection of the Soyuz exterior using the station’s Canadarm2 robotic arm are underway.

The leak was first detected around 7:45 p.m. EST Dec. 14 when data from multiple pressure sensors in the cooling loop showed low readings. At that time, cosmonauts Sergey Prokopyev and Dmitri Petelin were preparing to conduct a spacewalk. The cosmonauts did not exit the space station, and no crew members were exposed to the leaking coolant.

The Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft carried NASA astronaut Frank Rubio and Roscosmos cosmonauts Sergey Prokopyev and Dmitri Petelin into space after launching from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on Sept. 21.

The crew aboard station completed normal operations Thursday, including participating in science investigations and research, as well as configuring tools ahead of a planned U.S. spacewalk on Monday, Dec. 19. Specialists are working through robotic plans ahead of Monday’s spacewalk to best optimize for upcoming station operations and the Soyuz inspection.

A Roscosmos spacewalk scheduled for Dec. 21 is indefinitely postponed as the team continues its investigation of the Soyuz spacecraft.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.796

15.12.2022 22:46
#6 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - Rücksturz zur Erde Antworten

Zitat von Ulrich Elkmann im Beitrag #3
The ISS, for the last 4 days, has been in a "Sunlit orbit" where it has no eclipses and spends the whole time in sun (and heat).

Guckt ihr hier:

Epoche (UTC): Donnerstag, 15. Dezember 2022 16:40:43
Mittlere Bewegung (Umrundungen pro Tag): 15,49962276
Anzahl an Umrundungen: 37333
Der gestrichelte Teil des Pfads zeigt, wo der Satellit im Erdschatten liegt.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.796

16.12.2022 15:12
#7 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - Rücksturz zur Erde Antworten

Katya Pavlushchenko@katlinegrey
Roscosmos stated that the information by RIA Novosti about the temperature of 50 C in #SoyuzMS22 is NOT TRUE: They say, the temperature is about 30 C.
2:38 PM · Dec 16, 2022

Госкорпорация «Роскосмос»
Распространенная РИА «Новости» информация со ссылкой на «информированный источник» о повышении температуры в «Союзе МС-22» до +50 градусов Цельсия не соответствует действительности

В пятницу специалисты Центра управления полетами совместно с космонавтами на борту МКС провели ряд тестов систем пилотируемого корабля «Союз МС-22», в том числе измерение температуры в жилом объеме корабля (спускаемом аппарате и бытовом отсеке), где температура составила около +30 градусов Цельсия. Это незначительное изменение температурного режима.

В настоящее время разрабатываются различные варианты парирования возникшей ситуации, продолжая анализ поступающих с борта МКС данных, в том числе фото- и видеофиксации.

Изменения температурного режима сейчас не критичны для работы техники и комфорта экипажа станции, в том числе и по докладам самого экипажа, и не представляют угрозы для жизни и здоровья космонавтов.

Необходимый температурный режим в жилом объеме корабля «Союз МС-22» поддерживается средствами российского сегмента МКС.
39.6K Dec 16 at 14:33

Die Meldung, die RIA Nowosti unter Bezug auf eine "informierte Quelle" verbreitet, daß die Temperatur innerhalb der Sojus MS-22 auf mehr als 50 Grad Celsius gestiegen sei, ist falsch.

Am Freitag führten Spezialisten der Bodenkontrolle zusammen mit der Besatzung der ISS eine Reihe von Tests des Systeme des Raumschiffs "Sojus MS-22" durch. Dazugehörte auch die Messung der Temperatur im Raumfahrzeug (Landefahrzeug und Kapselinneres), wo die Temperatur ein wenig höher als 30 Grad Celsius betrug. Das ist nur ein unbedeutender Anstieg der zulässigen Meßwerte.

Zurzeit wird an verschiedenen Maßnahmen gearbeitet, um die Situation zu bewältigen, einschließlich der Analyse der Bilddaten und Videoaufnahmen aus der ISS.

Die Temperaturregelung innerhalb des Mannschatfsbereichs der Sojus MS-22 erfolgt vom russischen Teil der ISS aus.

Meldung von RIA Nowosti um 14:41 (MEZ):

Источник: температура в "Союзе МС-22" за сутки поднялась до 50 градусов
Температура в "Союзе МС-22" из-за аварии в системе охлаждения поднялась до 50 градусов

МОСКВА, 16 дек — РИА Новости. Температура в пристыкованном к МКС российском корабле "Союз МС-22" достигла 50 градусов Цельсия из-за аварии в системе охлаждения, сообщил РИА Новости информированный источник.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.796

16.12.2022 18:29
#8 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - Rücksturz zur Erde Antworten

"Was bisher bekannt ist - was nicht." Ausnahmsweise scheint das mal angemessen, anstatt mit 5€ fürs Phrasenschwein zu Buche zu schlagen.

Here’s what we know, and what we don’t, about the damaged Soyuz spacecraft

The biggest concern is the flight computers on board the Soyuz spacecraft.

Although there is no immediate danger to the seven astronauts on board the space station, this is one of the most serious incidents in the history of the orbiting laboratory, which has been continuously occupied for nearly a quarter of a century. Among the most pressing questions: Is the Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft safe to fly back to Earth? If not, when can a replacement, Soyuz MS-23, be flown up? And if there is an emergency, what do the three crew members slated to fly home on MS-22 do in the meantime?

Roscomos was never able to stanch the leak of the external cooling loop, so the leak only stopped when there was no coolant left. In the immediate aftermath, Russian flight controllers attempted to use the European robotic arm, attached to the Russian segment of the station, to observe the aft end of the Soyuz where the leak occurred. This 11-meter arm did not provide conclusive data.

As a result, NASA will use the 17.6-meter-long Canadarm2—also known as the space station remote manipulator system—to get a closer look at the Soyuz spacecraft. It's hoped that this visual inspection, likely to take place over the weekend, will provide more definitive information on the source of the leak, its cause, and whether other elements of the Soyuz spacecraft were damaged. To facilitate this work, NASA will delay a spacewalk planned for Monday by astronauts Frank Rubio and Josh Cassada.

In other diagnostic work, Roscosmos performed a test of the Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft's thrusters early on Friday morning to determine whether there were any issues with its propulsion system. This test, according to sources, was nominal.

The biggest concern, however, is the flight computers on board the Soyuz spacecraft overheating. They are used to calculate a precise entry for the Soyuz to ensure it lands in a designated area of Kazakhstan, near recovery forces. Without the flight computers, the procedure would have to be done manually. This is possible but far from optimal, as the area in which the Soyuz might land would be vast.

During the thruster test on Monday morning, the flight computer did warm up, but it did not exceed temperature limits, according to a source. There was a speculative report in the Russian press that the Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft reached an internal temperature of 50 degrees Celsius, but Roscosmos said this is not accurate.

What is not known

The external cooling loop of the Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft is now inoperable. Effectively, this means that a separate cooling loop that keeps the interior of the Soyuz cool—for the comfort of the passengers and the avionics—can no longer easily dump heat into space. Because these flight computers are embedded fairly deeply into the guts of the spacecraft, it's difficult to cool them with the ambient atmosphere of the space station with the hatch open.

At present, the space station is in "high beta," which means it's in a period of full illumination from the Sun during the entirety of its orbit. Over time, this may cause the flight computers to overheat. For this reason, some consideration is being given to an early departure by the crew of Soyuz MS-22, cosmonauts Sergey Prokopyev and Dmitri Petelin and NASA's Frank Rubio. They could leave the station as early as this month if flight controllers determine there is the potential for the flight computers or other sensitive avionics to be damaged before the spacecraft's planned return in March 2023.

Another key question is whether other components on the Soyuz were damaged. If the coolant system was struck by micrometeoroid debris, which appears to be the most likely explanation, this debris could have caused additional damage. This is another reason why a detailed visual inspection of the Soyuz is so important this weekend.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.796

16.12.2022 19:02
#9 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - Rücksturz zur Erde Antworten


Anatoly Zak@RussianSpaceWeb
Checked #Soyuz-MS specs: Temperature inside habitable compartments has to be maintained between +18 and +25 degrees C. It is allowed to raise to +30C or fall to +10C for no more than 3 hours a day... Writing a long read on Soyuz thermal control.
6:32 PM · Dec 16, 2022

Антон Божко@tohasss·25m
Replying to @RussianSpaceWeb
So, it's over for this ship?

Anatoly Zak@RussianSpaceWeb·12m
Replying to @tohasss
I afraid so. Let's not forget, that besides internal volumes, a number of sensitive avionics and thruster hardware have to be thermally conditioned and if these systems are not maintained in right environment their operation can be in doubt.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire


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