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 Kommentare/Diskussionen zu "Zettels Raum"
Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

19.01.2023 03:35
28. Juni 1971 Antworten

Vom Universum und seinen Erbberechtigten.

Der bescheidene Nachweis, dass wir tatsächlich in einer Simulation leben.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

19.01.2023 16:06
#2 RE: 28. Juni 1971 Antworten

Zitat von Ulrich Elkmann im Beitrag #1
Heute 03:35

Der bescheidene Nachweis, dass wir tatsächlich in einer Simulation leben.


Jim O'Shaughnessy@jposhaughnessy
Curiouser and Curiouser...

Are We Living in a Computer Simulation, and Can We Hack It?
4:10 AM · Jan 19, 2023

Let's Hack the Universe

A popular cosmological theory holds that we live in a vast computer simulaton.
So how hard could it be to tweak the supreme algorithm?

In recent years the idea that our universe, including ourselves and all of our innermost thoughts, is a computer simulation, running on a thinking machine of cosmic capacity, has permeated culture high and low. In an influential essay in 2003, Nick Bostrom, a philosopher at the University of Oxford and director of the Institute for the Future of Humanity, proposed the idea, adding that it was probably an easy accomplishment for “technologically mature” civilizations wanting to explore their histories or entertain their offspring. Elon Musk, who, for all we know, is the star of this simulation, seemed to echo this idea when he once declared that there was only a one-in-a-billion chance that we lived in “base reality.”

It’s hard to prove, and not everyone agrees that such a drastic extrapolation of our computing power is possible or inevitable, or that civilization will last long enough to see it through. But we can’t disprove the idea either, so thinkers like Dr. Bostrom contend that we must take the possibility seriously. In some respects, the notion of a Great Simulator is redolent of a recent theory among cosmologists that the universe is a hologram, its margins lined with quantum codes that determine what is going on inside.

A couple of years ago, pinned down by the coronavirus pandemic, Dr. Anderson began discussing the implications of this idea with his teenage son. If indeed everything was a simulation, then making improvements would simply be a matter of altering whatever software program was running everything. “Being a programmer, I thought about exactly what these changes might involve,” he said in an email.

If the software was well written, tweaking it should be easy work, he reasoned. Modifications could change our laws of physics, or add new features to the universe: menu options, speed filters, closed captioning, pop-up blockers — buttons to push that would make our lives richer or more fun.

Moreover, if the software running the universe was open source — publicly available for other programmers to inspect and manipulate — then these “meta-hackers” might be amenable to our feature requests, and might even be looking for them, Dan Werthimer, Dr. Anderson’s colleague in Berkeley, suggested. Think of it as a cybernetic version of prayer, a way to petition the Great Simulator.

Dr. Anderson recently polled his colleagues to ask how they would tweak the cosmic algorithm, which he calls Unisym. He posted the responses on his blog, along with comments on how these changes might be put in effect and how well they might work.

For example, Dr. Anderson would like to be able to click a button and view all of the footsteps he has ever taken, glowing orange on the ground. “I can see where I’ve been in Berkeley and go to the Sierras and I can see all the hikes I’ve taken there,” he said. Clicking another button would highlight all of the footprints ever made. “Are there places no one has ever been?” he wondered. His son, he added, would like to know if a joke he was about to tell would get a good laugh.

Some feature requests from his other respondents: the ability to pause the simulation long enough to think up a snappy retort in conversation, or a rewind option to undo a regrettable remark or revisit a missed opportunity, something I would definitely up-vote.
“Each such request should fork a new universe, for obvious reasons,” Dr. Anderson writes on his blog.

“It’s a safe bet that someone would give me the look of death within a day or two,” he writes. “And within a few weeks nearly all drivers would be incinerated. So it’s probably best to implement this so that each look of death forks a new universe where the requested incineration happens, but the original universe continues without it.”

What’s on your cosmic wish list? How would you tweak the supreme algorithm? The year 2023 is still young; there’s plenty of time to petition the cosmic hackers for a better deal. Just look out for the butterflies, and be careful what you wish for.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Johanes Offline

Beiträge: 2.781

20.01.2023 09:02
#3 RE: 28. Juni 1971 Antworten

Noch ein Hinweis: Anscheinend ist das Osterei doch keines.

Jedenfalls falls der Inhalt dieses Leserbriefes mit der Wirklichkeit übereinstimmt.

„Was du nicht willst, dass man dir tu, das füg' auch keinem andern zu“

H_W Offline

Beiträge: 456

20.01.2023 14:56
#4 RE: 28. Juni 1971 Antworten

Zitat von Ulrich Elkmann im Beitrag #1
Vom Universum und seinen Erbberechtigten. späteren Zyklen stellt sich heraus, daß es sich bei der Erde um eine verlorengegangene Kolonie der Arkoniden handelt

Der bescheidene Nachweis, dass wir tatsächlich in einer Simulation leben.

Lieber Ulrich Elkmann,
anscheinend gibt es mehrere Simulationen, die parallel laufen, sich im Detail aber unterscheiden.

Meine Erinnerung gaukelt mir vor, Arkon wäre eine Kolonie von Akon gewesen.
Und die Akonen stammen in meiner Version von ausgewanderten Lemurern ab.

Danke jedenfalls für die Erinnerung an (längst) vergangene Jugendtage. Ich habe als kleiner Junge seit Anfang der 70er Jahre parallel 1. und 2. Auflage regelrecht verschlungen. Mitte, Ende der Neunziger verlor sich dann mein Interesse.

Gruß, H_W


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