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Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

22.11.2022 00:42
Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - "...und endlich noch Erduntergang" Antworten

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

22.11.2022 01:00
#2 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - "...und endlich noch Erduntergang" Antworten

Eric Berger@SciGuySpace
Heads up lunar conspiracy nuts! NASA flight director Judd Frieling says Orion will be flying past the Moon again on Dec. 5, and this time there will be sunlight on the Earth-facing side. Cameras on Orion will capture imagery of the Apollo landing sites.
12:09 AM · Nov 22, 2022·TweetDeck

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

22.11.2022 01:02
#3 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - "...und endlich noch Erduntergang" Antworten

Eine bislang noch nicht von der NASA geklärte Frage ist die, ob der Startturm des „Mobile Launcher“ beim Abheben der bislang stärksten je gestarteten Rakete Schaden genommen hat.

Zum Mobile Launcher:

Eric Berger @SciGuySpace
Sarafin on damage to the exploration ground systems: "The Mobile Launcher itself has a little bit of damage to it, but it will be ready for Artemis II."
12:01 AM · Nov 22, 2022·TweetDeck

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

22.11.2022 18:59
#4 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - "...und endlich noch Erduntergang" Antworten

Jim Free@JimFree
We’ve been incredibly efficient with our use of propellant on #Artemis I so far. As of Nov. 21, we've used a total of 3.7K lbs of propellant, 76 lbs less than expected. We have 2.1K lbs of margin available over what we planned for use, an increase of 201 lbs from expected values.
6:29 PM · Nov 22, 2022·Sprinklr

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

23.11.2022 14:29
#5 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - "...und endlich noch Erduntergang" Antworten

Zitat von Ulrich Elkmann im Beitrag #3
Eine bislang noch nicht von der NASA geklärte Frage ist die, ob der Startturm des „Mobile Launcher“ beim Abheben der bislang stärksten je gestarteten Rakete Schaden genommen hat.

Huge Artemis 1 moon rocket blew the doors off its launch tower's elevators (video)

By Elizabeth Howell published about 19 hours ago

NASA's powerful new moon rocket damaged its launch pad and blew away elevator doors in the launch tower during its inaugural liftoff last week.

"The damage that we did see pertains to really, just a couple of areas," emphasized NASA's Mike Sarafin, Artemis mission manager, in a press conference with reporters on Monday (Nov. 21).

Like the space shuttle before it, Artemis 1's launch used a water suppression system to reduce the amount of damage to the launching deck, which worked as expected. Nevertheless, paint was peeled off the deck of Artemis 1's launch tower due to the sheer force of the liftoff, Sarafin said.

The elevators for servicing the launch tower fared less well, with photos showing crooked framing around at least one of the two lifts after the doors were ripped away by the shock wave generated by the SLS.

"The elevator system is not functioning right now," Sarafin explained. "The pressure basically blew the doors off our elevators ... right now, the elevators are inoperable, and we need to get those back into service."

Minor damage was induced to the pneumatic lines associated with gaseous nitrogen and gaseous helium to service the massive SLS tanks, which tricked oxygen sensors on the pad into reading low oxygen levels amid the leaking gas, NASA officials added.

Managers also found two small flight items near the pad that shouldn't have been there: "throat plug material" expelled from the rocket during liftoff (which happens from time to time with rocket launches), and one piece of RTV (insulating caulking) from the base of the Orion capsule.

It is unclear, however, whether the RTV flew off during launch or came off during Tropical Storm Nicole, which ripped off a strip of caulking prior to the launch; mission managers had determined before launch that the RTV issue would not be a risk.

The damage was minor enough that Sarafin characterized SLS as "a very clean system," adding that the rocket exceeded its performance targets and that the team will make some changes for Artemis 2.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

23.11.2022 14:37
#6 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - "...und endlich noch Erduntergang" Antworten

Update Cubesats.

A tiny NASA moon probe failed to perform a crucial maneuver as planned on Monday (Nov. 21), but the cubesat might still be able to salvage its water-hunting mission.

The LunaH-Map spacecraft is one of 10 cubesats that launched as ride-along payloads last Wednesday (Nov. 16) on NASA's Artemis 1 mission.

LunaH-Map was designed to map the distribution and abundance of hydrogen — and, by extension, water ice — near the moon's south pole. Such data is of great interest to NASA's Artemis program, which aims to build a crewed research outpost in this region.

The cubesat was supposed to perform an engine firing during its flyby of the moon on Monday but failed to do so, likely because of a stuck valve in its propulsion system, NASA officials said.

But all is not necessarily lost. LunaH-Map's other systems appear to be functioning normally, and heating the valve might free it, bringing the propulsion system online as well.

"If the propulsion system is able to achieve thrust within the next few months, the mission may still recover some or all of LunaH-Map's original science mission," NASA officials said in an update on Tuesday (Nov. 22). "On the spacecraft's current path, alternate trajectories are available to achieve lunar orbit — including orbits that could enable low-altitude measurements of the lunar surface."

LunaH-Map, which is led by researchers at Arizona State University, isn't the only Artemis 1 cubesat to suffer problems after being deployed by the mission's Space Launch System rocket. For example, Japan's OMOTENASHI probe experienced communications issues and failed to drop a tiny lander on the moon as a result.

NASA's Near Earth Asteroid (NEA) Scout probe has apparently been silent since the Nov. 16 launch, as has the citizen scientist cubesat Team Miles. And the LunIR spacecraft may be experiencing some trouble as well.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

23.11.2022 16:28
#7 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - "...und endlich noch Erduntergang" Antworten

"Eines dieser Raumschiffe ist die Orion. Winziger Teil eines gigantischen Sicherheitssystems, das die Erde vor Bedrohungen aus dem All beschützt. Begleiten wir die Orion und ihre Besatzung bei ihrem Patrouillendienst am Rande der Unendlichkeit."

Der Chronist notiert.

Zitat von November 23, 2022 9:58 am
NASA’s Mission Control Center at the agency’s Johnson Space Center in Houston unexpectedly lost data to and from the spacecraft at 12:09 a.m. CST for 47 minutes while reconfiguring the communication link between Orion and Deep Space Network overnight. The reconfiguration has been conducted successfully several times in the last few days, and the team is investigating the cause of the loss of signal. The team resolved the issue with a reconfiguration on the ground side. Engineers are examining data from the event to help determine what happened, and the command and data handling officer will be downlinking data recorded onboard Orion during the outage to include in that assessment. There was no impact to Orion, and the spacecraft remains in a healthy configuration.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

24.11.2022 12:32
#8 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - "...und endlich noch Erduntergang" Antworten

Apropos 🌝.

First Emirati mission to the Moon will now launch on November 30

The UAE has announced a new date for the launch of its first mission to the surface of the Moon.

The new launch date of the mission has been set to November 30 at 12.39pm local time, two days after the original date, the Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC) has announced.

MBRSC had signed an agreement with Japan’s ispace in 2021, enabling the latter to provide payload delivery services to the Emirates Lunar Mission.

Upon landing, the Rashid rover will explore the characteristics of the lunar soil, the petrography and geology of the Moon, dust movement, surface plasma conditions, and the Moon’s photoelectron sheath.

Meanwhile, the integrated spacecraft will take a low-energy route to the moon rather than a direct approach, taking about five months to launch, in March 2023, according to ispace.

The mission by MBRSC plans to send a lunar rover named Rashid to the Moon in November 2022 aboard ispace's Hakuto-R lander.[3][4] The rover will land in Atlas crater.[5]

Rashid will be equipped with two high-resolution cameras, a microscopic camera to capture small details, and a thermal imaging camera. The rover will also carry a Langmuir probe, designed to study the Moon's plasma and will attempt to explain why Moon dust is so sticky.[6] The rover will study the lunar surface, mobility on the Moon’s surface and how different surfaces interact with lunar particles.[7][8]

Spacecraft Rashid
Dry mass 10 kg (22 lb)
Dimensions 53.5 cm (21.1 in) × 53.85 cm (21.20 in)

Falcon 9, Launch Complex 40, Cape Canaveral, 12:39 UAE / 9:39 MEZ.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

24.11.2022 23:48
#9 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - "...und endlich noch Erduntergang" Antworten

Der Chronist notiert.

Zitat von Artemis I – Flight Day Nine
Orion is now about one day away from entering into a distant retrograde orbit around the Moon. The orbit is “distant” in the sense that it’s at a high altitude approximately 50,000 miles from the surface of the Moon. Due to the distance, the orbit is so large that it will take the spacecraft six days to complete half of a revolution around the Moon before exiting the orbit for the return journey back to Earth.

The spacecraft completed its sixth outbound trajectory correction burn at 3:52 p.m. CST, firing the European Service Module’s auxiliary engines for 17 seconds. This is the final trajectory correction before entering distant retrograde orbit. When in lunar orbit, Orion will perform three orbital maintenance burns to keep the spacecraft on course.

Just after 1:42 p.m. CST on Nov. 24, Orion was traveling 222,993 miles from Earth and 55,819 miles from the Moon, cruising at 2,610 miles per hour.

NASA Television coverage of the distant retrograde orbit insertion burn, scheduled for 4:30 p.m. EST on Friday, Nov. 25. The burn is scheduled to take place at 4:52 p.m.

Images are sent down to Earth, and uploaded to NASA’s Johnson Space Center Flickr account and Image and Video Library. When bandwidth allows, views of the mission will be available in real-time via video stream.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

25.11.2022 22:40
#10 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - "...und endlich noch Erduntergang" Antworten

DRO insertion burn in about 10 minutes. Livefeed:

88 Sekunden Zündung.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

26.11.2022 23:30
#11 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - "...und endlich noch Erduntergang" Antworten

NASA's Johnson Space Center @NASA_Johnson
Houston, we have a new record 🌎

On Saturday Nov. 26, at 8:40 a.m. ET, @NASA_Orion broke the record for the farthest distance traveled from Earth of a human-rated spacecraft. The record was previously held by Apollo 13 at 248,655 statute miles from Earth. Go Artemis!
10:29 PM · Nov 26, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

28.11.2022 15:35
#12 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - "...und endlich noch Erduntergang" Antworten

Noch einmal "Erduntergang":

Chris White@cknasaboy
Good morning from Lunar DRO!

Today, the Moon will transit in front of the Earth! Step away from the World Cup for just a moment to watch and follow along here:
2:33 PM · Nov 28, 2022·Twitter for iPad

Hier Livestream der NASA:

Elapsed Mission Time: 12:07:51
Velocity: 1,680 MPH
Distance from Earth: 268,261 Miles
Distance from Moon: 43,258 Miles

Die Erdbedeckung findet um 17:00 GMT statt, mit entsprechendem Signalverlust.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

28.11.2022 17:20
#13 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - "...und endlich noch Erduntergang" Antworten

MEZ 17:09. Beginn der Erdbedeckung.
MEZ 18:17. Signalverlust.

Note: @NASA_Orion is now in an expected period with no signal. As with all space communications, we need line of sight to transmit and receive signals, and right now the Moon is between Orion and @NASASCaN Deep Space Network tracking stations. Stay tuned for more live video.
7:10 PM · Nov 28, 2022·Twitter Web App

MEZ 20:31. Antenne DSS 56 des Deep Space Network in Madrid empfängt wieder Signale von Artemis 1. Livefeed von der Kapsel läuft wieder.
Sobald der Mond aus der Sicht von Madrid untergegangen ist (22:37), übernimmt Antenne 26 des DSN in Goldstone in Kalifornien den Empfang.
MEZ 20:53. Goldstone ist "auf Sendung" & empfängt.

21:02. Nb: Antenne DSS 54 in Madrid empfängt gerade Daten vom KPLO, dem Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter auf dem Weg zur Mondumlaufbahn, am 8. August 2022 mit einer Falcon 9 gestartet. Mondorbit wird m 16. Dezember erreicht.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

28.11.2022 21:46
#14 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - "...und endlich noch Erduntergang" Antworten

Ich werd' nicht mehr. Der Kommandant des schnellen Raumkreuzers "Orion", vor 56 Jahren zum ersten Mal ins All gestartet; am 8. September 1966 (genau 9 Tage vor dem ersten Flug der NGC-1701 Enterprise unter James Tiberius Kirk) hieß bekanntlich Cliff McLane, gespielt von Dietmar Schönherr.

Cliff Allister McLane ist Major der Schnellen Raumverbände (SRV), die unter dem Kommando von General Lydia van Dyke stehen. Er ist dafür bekannt, häufiger befehlswidrig zu handeln, doch haben seine Extratouren in der Regel den Hintergrund, dass die Schreibtischhengste der Obersten Raumbehörde (ORB) allzu wenig von der praktischen Arbeit in den Weiten des Weltraums verstehen. Seine außerplanmäßigen Aktionen haben zudem zu Erfolgen geführt, die bei befehlsgemäßem Handeln mit aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nicht eingetreten wären - als da wären der Durchbruch zur Saturnbasis im Zweiten Galaktischen Krieg oder ein eigenmächtiges Eingreifen auf Alpha Centauri.

Ich schaue gerade nach, welche Anwärter für die Artemis-Flüge die NASA ausgewählt hat.

We selected an initial team of NASA astronauts – the Artemis Team – to help pave the way for the next lunar missions including sending the first woman and next man to walk on the lunar surface in 2024.

And we are not doing this alone. International partnerships are key to long-term exploration and some of their astronauts will join the Artemis Team later. Together, we will define this incredible Artemis Generation of science and lunar exploration that doesn’t stop at the Moon, rather, prepares humanity for our next giant leap, Mars.

Now, let's meet the Artemis Team!

Und da finde ich unter den 18 Ausgewählten:

NASA Astronaut Anne McClain

Hometown: Spokane, Washington
Astronaut Selection Year: 2013
Military Experience: U.S. Army
Colleges and Degrees: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical/Aeronautical Engineering from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and a Master of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Bath in Bath, England. McClain also earned a Master of Science in International Relations from the University of Bristol in Bristol, England.

McClain was commissioned as an Army officer in 2002 and immediately attended graduate school. Her studies at the University of Bath focused on the unsteady aerodynamics and flow visualization of free-to-roll nonslender delta wings and her research was later published through the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). She concurrently researched the security burden in developing countries at nearby University of Bristol. Following graduate school, McClain earned her wings as an OH-58D Kiowa Warrior scout/attack helicopter pilot. She began her operational flying career with 2nd Battalion, 6th Cavalry Regiment at Wheeler Army Airfield, Hawaii as an Air Traffic Control Platoon Leader, Aviation Intermediate Maintenance Platoon Leader, then later Detachment Commander. She served 15 months in Operation Iraqi Freedom, flying more than 800 combat hours on 216 combat missions as pilot-in-command and Air Mission Commander. In 2009, she attended the Aviation Captain’s Career Course and was then assigned to 1st Battalion, 14th Aviation Regiment at Fort Rucker as the battalion operations officer and OH-58D instructor. In May 2010, she was appointed Commander of C Troop, 1st Battalion, 14th Aviation Regiment, responsible for the Army’s initial entry training, instructor pilot training, and maintenance test pilot training in the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior. She completed Command and General Staff College and the C-12 fixed wing multiengine qualification courses in 2011 and 2012. She then attended the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School, graduating with Class 143 in June 2013 at the same time she was selected as a NASA astronaut candidate.

McClain is a Senior Army Aviator and has logged more than 2,000 flight hours in 20 different rotary and fixed-wing aircraft. She is a rated pilot and instructor pilot in the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior and a rated pilot in the C-12 Huron (King Air), UH-60 Blackhawk, and UH-72 Lakota.

NASA Experience:
McClain was selected in June 2013 as one of eight members of the 21st NASA astronaut class. Her Astronaut Candidate Training included scientific and technical briefings, intensive instruction in International Space Station systems, spacewalks, robotics, physiological training, T-38 flight training, and water and wilderness survival training. She completed astronaut candidate training in July 2015, and is now qualified for future assignment.

Anne McClain most recently served as Flight Engineer on the International Space Station for Expedition 58 and 59.

Spaceflight Experience:
Expedition 58/59 (December 3, 2018 through June 24, 2019). The crew launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome aboard the Soyuz spacecraft. McClain, who served as Flight Engineer, was joined by CSA Astronaut David Saint-Jacques, as well as Russian Cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko. The Expedition 59 crew contributed to hundreds of experiments in biology, biotechnology, physical science and Earth science, including investigations into small devices that replicate the structure and function of human organs, editing DNA in space for the first time and recycling 3D printed material. McClain conducted two spacewalks totaling 13 hours and 8 minutes on her mission into space. She has spent a total of 204 days in space.

Anne Charlotte McClain (* 7. Juni 1979 in Spokane, Washington) ist eine US-amerikanische Militärpilotin, Astronautin und ehemalige Rugby-Nationalspielerin.
Im Dezember 2020 wurde McClain als Kandidatin für Mondflüge im Rahmen des Artemis-Programms ausgewählt.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

28.11.2022 23:03
#15 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - "...und endlich noch Erduntergang" Antworten

Nachtrag Deep Space Network. Antenne 43 in Canberra in Australien empfängt gerade Daten der Sonde Voyager 2.

Die Dauer der Mission steht jetzt bei (holt tief Luft) 45 Jahren, 3 Monaten, 8 Tagen, 7 Stunden und 32 Minuten; die Entfernung beträgt 19 Milliarden und 807 Millionen km, oder 132 Astronomische Einheiten, und die Laufzeit der Funksignale beträgt 18 Stunden und 21 Minuten.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

29.11.2022 00:00
#16 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - "...und endlich noch Erduntergang" Antworten

Pressekonferenz der Artemis-Flugleitung.

Das Bodenteam umfaßt 60 Leute; 10 Flugingenieure im Kontrollzentrum samt je einer Unterstützung, in drei Schichten.
Zu Artemis 2: die Mission wird 10 Tage lang dauern, mit je 4,5 Tagen für den Flug zum und zurück vom Mond.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Frank2000 Offline

Beiträge: 3.477

29.11.2022 09:45
#17 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - "...und endlich noch Erduntergang" Antworten

Zitat von Ulrich Elkmann im Beitrag #15
Nachtrag Deep Space Network. Antenne 43 in Canberra in Australien empfängt gerade Daten der Sonde Voyager 2.

Die Dauer der Mission steht jetzt bei (holt tief Luft) 45 Jahren, 3 Monaten, 8 Tagen, 7 Stunden und 32 Minuten; die Entfernung beträgt 19 Milliarden und 807 Millionen km, oder 132 Astronomische Einheiten, und die Laufzeit der Funksignale beträgt 18 Stunden und 21 Minuten.

Wo auch immer genau die Mauer ist ("Sphäre") - noch ist die Sonde nicht dagegen gestoßen.

Verbote sind Freiheit. Meinungen sind Terror. Quoten sind Leistung. Linke Regierung ist Familie. (c) Rot-Grüne Allianz
Prophezeiung: 2022, das Jahr in dem in Deutschland der Schleier für alle eingeführt wird. Nennt sich dann "Maske".
"Warum halten sie Begriffe wie 'Zigeunersoße' für rassistisch, aber 'Schei** Juden' für harmlos?", Hamed Abdel-Samad

Krischan Offline

Beiträge: 648

29.11.2022 11:47
#18 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - "...und endlich noch Erduntergang" Antworten

Zitat von Ulrich Elkmann im Beitrag #15
Nachtrag Deep Space Network. Antenne 43 in Canberra in Australien empfängt gerade Daten der Sonde Voyager 2.

Die Dauer der Mission steht jetzt bei (holt tief Luft) 45 Jahren, 3 Monaten, 8 Tagen, 7 Stunden und 32 Minuten; die Entfernung beträgt 19 Milliarden und 807 Millionen km, oder 132 Astronomische Einheiten, und die Laufzeit der Funksignale beträgt 18 Stunden und 21 Minuten.

Hut ab vor den Ingenieuren, die damals mit (aus heutiger Sicht) sehr robuster Technik diese Sonde konzipierten und bauten. 45 so alt wie ich. Von wegen geplanter Obsoleszenz


Deutsche Wurst - alles andere ist Käse.

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

29.11.2022 13:40
#19 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - "...und endlich noch Erduntergang" Antworten

OT, weil nicht Mondreise. Aber heute nachmittag um 16:08 (bzw. 23:08 Beijinger Zeit) startet von Jiuquan aus die nächste Besatzung zur chinesischen Raumstation Tiangong. Shenzhou-15 löst die im Juni gestartete Mannschaft von Shenzhou-14 ab; es handelt sich um Chinas 10. bemannten Raumflug überhaupt.

Der Weltraumbahnhof liegt in der Wüste Gobi, in der Inneren Mongolei. Dort herrschen gerade Nachttemperaturen bis zu minus 20 Grad. Bislang sind die bemannten Starts in China immer im Sommer oder frühen Herbst erfolgt. Der Livestream zeigt gerade eine Temperatur von -17,2°C.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

29.11.2022 16:02
#20 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - "...und endlich noch Erduntergang" Antworten

11/29/2022 15:58 Stephen Clark

T-minus 10 minutes. Ignition of the Long March 2F rocket’s hydrazine-fueled engines is set for exactly 10:08:14 a.m. EST (1508:14 GMT). The launch of the Shenzhou 15 mission is timed for when Earth’s rotation brings the Jiuquan site under the Chinese space station's orbital plane.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

29.11.2022 16:09
#21 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - "...und endlich noch Erduntergang" Antworten

16:08. Liftoff.
2 Min. Absprengen der Rettungsrakete.
160 Sek. Absprengen der 4 Feststoffbooster.
470 Sek. Brennschluß der zweiten Stufe.
16:18. Abtrennung der zweiten Stufe.
16:26. Ausklappen der Solarpaneele.
Orbit 200 x 316 km.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

29.11.2022 18:07
#22 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - "...und endlich noch Erduntergang" Antworten

Zurück zum 🌝.

Kathy Lueders@KathyLueders
Two innovative payloads launching aboard @SpaceX tomorrow: 1) @NASAJPL's Lunar Flashlight will enter a lunar near-rectilinear halo orbit (similar to #CAPSTONE and @NASA_Gateway's orbit), flying with green propellant to look for water at the South Pole. 1/2

2) An ispace Moon lander that will attempt retrieval of a small sample of lunar regolith. After providing imagery and data of the collected material, ispace will transfer ownership to NASA, an important step for the recovery and use of space resources. 2/2
5:52 PM · Nov 29, 2022·Sprinklr

NASA’s Lunar Flashlight SmallSat Readies for Launch
Nov. 23, 2022

Editor’s note: The Lunar Flashlight launch date has been updated to no earlier than Nov. 30.

The small satellite will search for water ice in permanently shadowed craters at the Moon’s South Pole, using an orbit only one other spacecraft has employed.

When NASA’s Lunar Flashlight launches no earlier than Nov. 30, the tiny satellite will begin a three-month journey, with mission navigators guiding the spacecraft far past the Moon. It will then be slowly pulled back by gravity from Earth and the Sun before settling into a wide science-gathering orbit to hunt for surface water ice inside dark regions on the Moon that haven’t seen sunlight in billions of years.

No larger than a briefcase, Lunar Flashlight will use a reflectometer equipped with four lasers that emit near-infrared light in wavelengths readily absorbed by surface water ice. This is the first time that multiple colored lasers will be used to seek out ice inside these dark craters. Should the lasers hit bare rock or regolith (broken rock and dust), the light will reflect back to the spacecraft. But if the target absorbs the light, that would indicate the presence of water ice. The greater the absorption, the more ice there may be.

We are bringing a literal flashlight to the Moon – shining lasers into these dark craters to look for definitive signs of water ice covering the upper layer of lunar regolith,” said Barbara Cohen, Lunar Flashlight principal investigator at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. “I’m excited to see our mission contribute to our scientific understanding of where water ice is on the Moon and how it got to be there.”

The spacecraft’s orbit – called a near-rectilinear halo orbit – will take it 43,000 miles (70,000 kilometers) from the Moon at its most distant point; at its closest approach, the satellite will graze the surface of the Moon, coming within 9 miles (15 kilometers) above the lunar South Pole.

Lunar Flashlight will use a new kind of “green” propellant that is safer to transport and store than the commonly used in-space propellants such as hydrazine. In fact, Lunar Flashlight will be the first interplanetary spacecraft to use this propellant, and one of the mission’s primary goals is to test this technology for future use. The propellant was successfully tested on a previous NASA technology demonstration mission in Earth orbit.

RE "Grüner Treibstoff":

Zitat von Aug 20, 2020
NASA’s Green Propellant Infusion Mission Nears Completion

NASA just validated a new type of propellant, or fuel, for spacecraft of all sizes. Instead of toxic hydrazine, space missions can use a less toxic, "green" propellant and the compatible technologies designed to go along with it. In a little over a year since launch, NASA's Green Propellant Infusion Mission (GPIM) successfully proved a never-before-used propellant and propulsion system work as intended, demonstrating both are practical options for future missions.

GPIM set out to test a monopropellant – a chemical propellant that can burn by itself without a separate oxidizer – called Advanced Spacecraft Energetic Non-Toxic (ASCENT). Formerly known as AF-M315E, the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory invented the propellant at Edwards Air Force Base in California. It is an alternative to the monopropellant hydrazine.

“This is the first time in 50 years NASA tested a new, high-performing monopropellant in space,” said Tim Smith, GPIM mission manager at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. “It has the potential to supplement or even replace hydrazine, which spacecraft have used since the 1960s.” Based at Marshall, NASA’s Technology Demonstration Mission (TDM) program manages the mission.

GPIM’s effective demonstration of the propellant paved the way for NASA’s acceptance of ASCENT in new missions. The next NASA mission to use ASCENT will be Lunar Flashlight. The small spacecraft, which aims to provide clear-cut information about the presence of water deposits inside craters on the Moon, will launch as a secondary payload on Artemis I, the first integrated flight test of NASA's Orion spacecraft and Space Launch System (SLS) rocket.

Despite being pink in color, ASCENT is considered “green” for its significantly reduced toxicity compared to hydrazine, which requires protective suits and rigorous propellant loading processing procedures. It is safer to store and use, requiring minimal personal protective equipment such as lab coats, goggles, and gloves. Besides being easier and less expensive to handle here on Earth, when loading a spacecraft with propellant, for example, ASCENT will allow spacecraft to travel farther or operate longer with less propellant in their tank, given its higher performance.

Und keine 5 Minuten später wird mir dieser Nachtrag in die Timeline gespült.

South Korean leader eyes “landing on moon in 2032, Mars in 2045” - by Park Si-soo — November 29, 2022

SEOUL, South Korea — President Yoon Suk-yeol of South Korea said Nov. 28 that the country will land a robotic spacecraft on the moon in 2032 and on Mars in 2045, when the nation will mark the 100th anniversary of liberation from 35 years of Japanese colonial rule.

This was part of a set of broader space exploration goals the president unveiled during a keynote speech at the Korea Space Forum 2022 here. To reach the ambitious goals, he promised to double the government’s space development budget in the next five years and funnel at least 100 trillion won ($74.7 billion) into the space sector by 2045. South Korea’s space budget for 2022 is 734 billion won ($553 million).
Yoon didn’t elaborate on the next-generation engine, which he said will be developed in five years. A science ministry official managing the engine development was not immediately available for comment. The kerosene and liquid oxygen-fueled KRE-075 engine, used to launch South Korea’s first homegrown space rocket KSLV-2, is the most advanced rocket engine the country has developed. And the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) started developing liquid-fueled 100-ton thrust engines this year for future missions.

The president didn’t explain why the target year for moon landing was pushed back to 2032 from 2030, set by his predecessor. Chang Dong-soo, a science ministry official involved in the moon landing project, told SpaceNews that the longer-than-expected time to develop a lander and a carrier rocket could be blamed for the delay.

Landing on Mars is a new objective for South Korea. Details are expected to be included in the 4th revision of the Basic Plan for Promotion of Space Development, a five-year plan that covers through 2027.

“By 2045, we will be able to plant our national flag on Mars,” Yoon said. “To make this happen, we will develop unimaginable technologies and explore uncharted areas.”

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

29.11.2022 19:23
#23 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - "...und endlich noch Erduntergang" Antworten

Mond, zum 3. Mal heute nachmittag.

Nov 29, 2022 RELEASE 22-124 "NASA, ICON Advance Lunar Construction Technology for Moon Missions"

NASA has awarded ICON, located in Austin, a contract to develop construction technologies that could help build infrastructure such as landing pads, habitats, and roads on the lunar surface.

"In order to explore other worlds, we need innovative new technologies adapted to those environments and our exploration needs," said Niki Werkheiser, director of technology maturation in NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD). "Pushing this development forward with our commercial partners will create the capabilities we need for future missions."

The award is a continuation of ICON's work under a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) dual-use contract with the U.S. Air Force, partly funded by NASA. The new NASA SBIR Phase III award will support the development of ICON's Olympus construction system, which is designed to use local resources on the Moon and Mars as building materials. The contract runs through 2028 and has a value of $57.2 million.

ICON will work with NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, under STMD’s Moon to Mars Planetary Autonomous Construction Technologies (MMPACT) project. NASA is partnering with industry, government, and academic institutions under the MMPACT project.

The award will build on ICON’s commercial activities and other work with NASA.

ICON 3D printed a 1,700-square-foot simulated Martian habitat, called Mars Dune Alpha, that will be used during NASA's Crew Health and Performance Analog, or CHAPEA, analog mission starting in 2023.

ICON also competed in NASA's 3D Printed Habitat Challenge. The company partnered with the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, and the team won a prize for 3D printing a structure sample that was tested for its ability to hold a seal, for strength, and for durability in temperature extremes.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

29.11.2022 20:46
#24 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - "...und endlich noch Erduntergang" Antworten

Und KAUM hat man sich mal etwas anderem gewidmet, gibt es in Boca Chica den 10-Minuten-Alarm für den Static-Fire-Test des Super Heavy Boosters 7.

Chris Bergin - NSF @NASASpaceflight
T-10 minute SIREN!
8:26 PM · Nov 29, 2022·Twitter Web App

20-Sekunden-Zündung um 20:42 erfolgt

NASA Spaceflight

SpaceX has issued an overpressure alert notice, indicating they may static fire engines on Super Heavy Booster 7. The test window covers from 8 AM to 8 PM.

Chris Bergin - NSF @NASASpaceflight
STATIC FIRE! Booster 7 with a long-duration Static Fire test.

"~20 sec firing with max oxygen fill to test autogenous pressurization" - was what @elonmusk preempted. Not sure how many Raptors, but looked great!
8:43 PM · Nov 29, 2022·Twitter Web App

Voll ausgerüstet hat die Startstufe der Falcon Super Heavy 33 Raptor-Brennkammern.

PS. Nachzählen ergibt 13 Sekunden Brenndauer.

Kevin Randolph @CosmicalChief
B7 static fire. 🔥🚀🔥
Looked like the full duration with full LOX tank test that Elon mentioned would be one of the next steps a few days ago.
8:50 PM · Nov 29, 2022 from Starbase·Twitter for Android


PPS. 11 Raptoren.

SpaceX @SpaceX
Booster 7 completed a long-duration static fire test of 11 Raptor 2 engines on the orbital launch pad at Starbase
10:26 PM · Nov 29, 2022·Twitter Web App

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

29.11.2022 22:50
#25 RE: Eine wirkliche Mondrakete - "...und endlich noch Erduntergang" Antworten

Shenzhou-15 update.


15分钟前 来自
微博视频号 对接开始啦!200米停泊点!神舟十五号和神舟十四号乘组第一次正式通话!【中国🇨🇳载人航天·神舟十五号载人飞行任务·对接中国空间站】#神舟十五号##神十五进驻空间站谁先开门# 北京蓝龙的微博视频

Vor 15 Min.: 200 m Abstand zum Andockpunkt an der Raumstation. Funkverkehr zwishcen den Besatzungen von Shenzhou-14 und Shenzhou-15 steht.

China 'N Asia Spaceflight 🚀🛰️🙏 @CNSpaceflight
BREAKING. #Shenzhou15 has docked at Tianhe Core Module's forward port at 21:42UTC, ~6.5 hours after the launch from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.
History in the making: 7 Asian astronauts in habitable space stations right now (6 🇨🇳and 1🇯🇵)
10:56 PM · Nov 29, 2022·Twitter for Android

China 'N Asia Spaceflight 🚀🛰️🙏 @CNSpaceflight
Shenzhou-14 astronauts and #Shenzhou15 astronauts reunite in space.
Hatch opened at ~23:33UTC
12:57 AM · Nov 30, 2022·Twitter for Android

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

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