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Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

19.11.2024 21:18
Starship Flug 6 Antworten

Ich koppel' das hier mal als separaten Strang aus, um das zu bündeln & weil der SpX2/Elon-Musk-Strang ein ziemlicher Olla-Potrida-Eintopf geworden ist.

All systems and weather are looking good for today's flight test of Starship.

The live launch webcast on @X will go live ~40 minutes before liftoff, which is targeted for 4:00 p.m. CT →
4:24 PM · Nov 19, 2024

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
I’m heading to the Great State of Texas to watch the launch of the largest object ever to be elevated, not only to Space, but simply by lifting off the ground. Good luck to @ElonMusk and the Great Patriots involved in this incredible project!
8:33 PM · Nov 19, 2024

Ortszeit Starbase: 14:17 CST.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

19.11.2024 21:31
#2 RE: Starship Flug 6 Antworten

Offizieller Livestream:

Es handelt sich dabei um den isg. 420. Start, den SpaceX durchführt.

Es ist der letzte Start der 1. Version, auch "Block 1" genannt; ab Flug 7 kommt Block 2 zur Anwendung. Im Lauf des nächsten Jahres soll die endgültige Variante Block einsatzbereit sein. Daten:

Booster prop load (in tons) 3.300 - 3.650 - 4.050
Ship prop load (tons) - 1.200 - 1.500 - 2.300
Booster liftoff thrust (tf) - 7.130 - 8.240 - 10.000
Ship initial thrust (tf) - 1.250 - 1.600 - 2.700
Booster height (m) 71 - 72,3 - 80,2
Ship height (m) 50,3 - 52,1 - 69,8
Total height (m) - 121,3 - 124,4 - 150

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

19.11.2024 22:33
#3 RE: Starship Flug 6 Antworten

Join our livestream from 21:15 UTC as we attempt to capture the launch of SpaceX Starship Flight 6 from our cameras on the International Space Station
7:08 PM · Nov 19, 2024

Starship live from space: Watch as we attempt to capture the launch of SpaceX Starship Flight 6! 🚀
Started 18 minutes ago


"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

19.11.2024 23:01
#4 RE: Starship Flug 6 Antworten

23:00. Liftoff.
T 2:43 MECO + Hot staging. Tower is go for catch.
T 4:50 Wasserlandung vorausgesagt. Keine Turmlandung.
T 6:43 Aufsetzen + Explosion des Boosters im Golf von Mexiko.
T 7:49 Ship in Höhe von 146 km.
T 18 min. Geschwindigkeit 26.330 km/h; Höhe 188 km.

Jonathan McDowell@planet4589·4m
Looks like apogee was a bit low, only 190 km instead of 213 km

T 38:04: Neuzündung eines der Motoren der Ship. Geschwindigkeit 26500 km/h, Höhe 136 km.

Starship has successfully ignited one of its Raptor engines while in space for the first time
11:38 PM · Nov 19, 2024

T 42 min. 108 km Höhe. Erstes Auftreten des Plasmas um das Schiff aufgrund der Luftreibung.
T 45 min. 93 km.
47:00; 83 km.
49:00. 75 km.
51:00. 70 km.
53:00. 67 km
55:00. 62 km.
57:00. 56 km. Ship bewegt sich auf die Tagseite der Erde.
59:00. 50 km.
1:00:00. 45 km. 9300 km/h.
1:01:00. 40 km. 6100 km/h.
1:02:00. 29 km. 2500 km/h.
1:03:00. 17 km. 800 km/h. (Ganzes Schiff in der Rückwärts gerichteten Kamera sichtbar)
1:04:00 7 km. 500 km/h.
1:05:00. 1 km. 307 km/h.
1:05:11. Landing flap.
1:05:33. Splashdown. Während der letzten 10 Sekunden klare Aufnahme des Roboterschiffs vor Ort gut 200 km vor der Westküste von Australien.

Für diesen Flug hat SpaceX insgesamt 2100 Kacheln des Hitzeschutzschilds entfernt, um das Gewicht zu vermindern und für spätere Flüge das weiche Auffangen durch die Greifarme des Startturms zu ermöglichen.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

20.11.2024 01:54
#5 RE: Starship Flug 6 Antworten

John Kraus@johnkrausphotos
The cadence will only increase from here. Some historical context on the pace of the Starship program thus far:

Starship flight 1-6: 580 days
Saturn V flight 1-6: 616 days
Falcon 9 flight 1-6: 1,214 days
First <6-week Falcon 9 turnaround: Flights 10-11, over four years after flight 1
First <6-week Starship turnaround: Flights 5-6, ~1.5 years after flight 1
First <6-week Saturn V turnaround: Never
11:58 PM · Nov 19, 2024

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

20.11.2024 09:39
#6 RE: Starship Flug 6 Antworten

Ellie in Space 🚀💫@esherifftv
Issue was with launch and catch tower, not booster

“Following a nominal ascent and stage separation, the booster successfully transitioned to its boostback burn to begin the return to launch site. During this phase, automated health checks of critical hardware on the launch and catch tower triggered an abort of the catch attempt. The booster then executed a pre-planned divert maneuver, performing a landing burn and soft splashdown in the Gulf of Mexico.”
3:27 AM · Nov 20, 2024

Direkte Quelle:

During this phase, automated health checks of critical hardware on the launch and catch tower triggered an abort of the catch attempt. The booster then executed a pre-planned divert maneuver, performing a landing burn and soft splashdown in the Gulf of Mexico.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

20.11.2024 11:24
#7 RE: Starship Flug 6 Antworten

Date and time (UTC)
19 November


Payload (⚀ = CubeSat)
Stuffed banana

Flight number
Flight 6


Sixth Starship orbital test flight. A stuffed banana served as the Zero-G indicator, becoming Starship's first payload, though it remained within the vehicle for the duration of the flight.[210]

The toys, which are generally tethered to a wall or other anchor, begin to float about the cabin when the launch phase of the flight ends, indicating that the crew is in zero-g.

The custom began on Russian spaceflights, dating back to the first launch of a human into space in 1961. Soviet-era cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin carried a small doll with him on his Vostok 1 mission to watch it float. Since then, the zero-g indicators have varied from homemade dolls to off-the-shelf, commercial toys.

SpaceX adopted the practice with its first test flight of the Crew Dragon spacecraft, launching a plush doll of the planet Earth on its 2019 Demo-1 mission to the space station. The Celestial Buddies' Earth was then joined by a sequined apatosaur, "Tremor," which was chosen by the sons of Demo-2 crewmates Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

20.11.2024 12:34
#8 RE: Starship Flug 6 Antworten

Halten wir fest: der Grund, warum die Startstufe nicht aufgefangen worden ist, lag an einem Problem mit dem Startturm. Wenn man sich den Videostream nach dem Start genau ansieht, erkennt man, daß die Antenne an der Spitze um etwa 45° nach hinten gekippt erscheint, als ob sie der Druckwelle nicht standgehalten hätte.

Elon Musk@elonmusk
The biggest technology challenge remaining for Starship is a fully & immediately reusable heat shield.
Being able to land the ship, refill propellant & launch right away with no refurbishment or laborious inspection. That is the acid test.
3:58 AM · Nov 20, 2024

Um dieses Problem auszuschließen, gibt es eine einfache Lösung. Direkt neben dem ersten Startturm ist im Sommer ein zweiter errichtet worden (sechs Gitterrost-Kuben, die aufeinandergestapelt worden sind, mit je 20 m Kantenlänge), der künftig zum Auffangen des Starship dienen soll. Mit einem dritten Startturm stehen dann für jeden Start zwei unbenutzte zur Verfügung, die nicht in Mitleidenschaft gezogen sein können.

Elon Musk@elonmusk
The Two Towers

SpaceX@SpaceX·Aug 21
Second launch tower stacked as the newest addition to Starbase

10:59 PM · Aug 21, 2024

Elon Musk@elonmusk
The Two Towers
8:21 PM · Nov 19, 2024

Construction of a second launch tower began in May 2024,[109] near the former location of the suborbital launch site.[110] The first tower sections arrived on May 14, 2024.[111] Foundation work for the second tower was spotted on May 25, and concrete pouring began in June. Structure installation began in mid-June,[112] with the tower's stacking being completed on August 21.[113]

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

20.11.2024 20:43
#9 RE: Starship Flug 6 Antworten

Space Sudoer@spacesudoer·1h
As much as I hate asking this here, I couldn't resist.
What caused the catch abort?

Elon Musk@elonmusk
Lost comms to the launch tower computer. Catch would probably still have worked, but we weren't sure, so erred on the side of caution.
7:41 PM · Nov 20, 2024


"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

20.11.2024 21:02
#10 RE: Starship Flug 6 Antworten

A day after SpaceX launched its Starship rocket for the sixth time, the company received good news from the Federal Aviation Administration regarding future launch operations from its Starbase facility in South Texas.

In a draft version of what is known as an "Environmental Assessment," the FAA indicated that it will grant SpaceX permission to increase the number of Starship launches in South Texas to 25 per year from the current limit of five. Additionally, the company will likely be allowed to continue increasing the size and power of the Super Heavy booster stage and Starship upper stage.

"FAA has concluded that the modification of SpaceX’s existing vehicle operator license for Starship/Super Heavy operations conforms to the prior environmental documentation, consistent with the data contained in the 2022 PEA, that there are no significant environmental changes, and all pertinent conditions and requirements of the prior approval have been met or will be met in the current action," the federal agency stated in its conclusion.

The 158-page document makes for interesting reading, and it details the extent to which the FAA and other agencies reviewed air quality, climate, water, noise, cultural, wildlife, and other impacts. In all of these areas, the federal agency concluded that the mitigations SpaceX undertook as part of the 2022 environmental review process are sufficient to account for the increase in its Texas launch activities.

And there will be significant impacts. For example, the number of large trucks that deliver water, liquid oxygen, methane, and other commodities will increase substantially. According to the FAA document, the vehicle presence will grow from an estimated 6,000 trucks a year to 23,771 trucks annually. This number could be reduced by running a water line along State Highway 4 to supply the launch site's water deluge system.

SpaceX has made progress in some areas, the document notes. For example, in terms of road closures for testing and launch activities, SpaceX has reduced the duration of closures along State Highway 4 to Boca Chica Beach by 85 percent between the first and third flight of Starship. This has partly been accomplished by moving launch preparation activities to the "Massey's Test Site," located about four miles from the launch site. SpaceX is now expected to need less than 20 hours of access restrictions per launch campaign, including landings.

If finalized, this environmental assessment will give SpaceX the regulatory greenlight to match its aspirations for launches in at least 2025, if not beyond. During recent public meetings, SpaceX's general manager of Starbase, Kathy Lueders, has said the company aims to launch Starship 25 times next year from Texas. The new regulations would permit this.

Additionally, SpaceX founder Elon Musk has said the company intends to move to a larger and more powerful version of the Starship and Super Heavy rocket about a year from now. This version, dubbed Starship 3, would double the thrust of the upper stage and increase the thrust of the booster stage from about 74 meganewtons to about 100 meganewtons.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

21.11.2024 13:40
#11 RE: Starship Flug 6 Antworten

The upper stage Starship spacecraft reached an initial apogee of 190 km (120 mi) and a perigee of 8 km (5.0 mi) at a 26.2 degree orbit, marking the first time Starship has had positive perigee. At 22:37:46 the Ship successfully conducted the first Raptor engine relight in the vacuum of space which raised the apogee to 228 km (142 mi) and the perigee to 50 km (31 mi).[2] Starship reentered the atmosphere at 22:47:13, and at 23:05:24, Starship performed a controlled splash down in the Indian Ocean.

(Ref. 2)

Starship flight 6 was launched on Nov 19. The booster was waved off from a recovery attempt (due to a tower issue) and made a divert burn to a water splashdown. The ship reached an estimated 8 x 190 km x 26.2 deg orbit, the first time Starship has had positive perigee. A Raptor in-flight restart during descent raised the orbit to about 50 x 228 km, followed by entry over the Indian Ocean and splashdown on the ocean surface.

Jonathan's Space Report No. 840 draft 2024 Nov 18

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

21.11.2024 17:18
#12 RE: Starship Flug 6 Antworten

21.11. 17:16. Landung von Booster 1079.20 auf der "A Shortfall of Gravitas," 8 Minuten nach dem Start der Starlink-Mission 6-66 von Cape Canaveral.

Wenn der bisherige Fahrplan nicht unterbrochen wird, wird SpaceX das laufende Jahr mit isg. 136 Starts abschließen.


Kyle Harrison@kwharrison13
From 2002 to 2024, SpaceX has raised ~$10B.

From 2002 to 2024, the total budget of NASA was $435B.

If capital was the only mighty unlock needed, NASA would own the moon and we’d be celebrating the opening of the first McDonalds on Mars by now.
11:26 PM · Nov 19, 2024

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

22.11.2024 00:40
#13 RE: Starship Flug 6 Antworten

Stichwort Fahrplan. Um mal das vorlegte Tempo zu verdeutlichen: die nächsten Starts von SpaceX stehen für den 24., 25., und 26. November auf der Agenda; für den 24.11. sind isg. 4 Starts vorgesehen: zusätzlich noch einer der "Electron" von Rocket Lab auf Neuseeland und zwei chinesische von Jiuquan. Für den 2. Dezember steht der nächste Launch der ESA auf dem Plan: der insgesamt dritte Start einer Vega-C von Kourou und der erste seit dem Scheitern des 2. Einsatzes im Dezember 2022 (der Erstflug war im Juni 2022); es ist der 22. Start einer Rakete der Vega-Klasse überhaupt seit dem Erstflug im Februar 2012 (in der Entwicklung befindet sich die Reihe seit 1998). Zum Vergleich: SpaceX hat mit der Falcon 9 allein in diesem Jahr bislang 111 Starts durchgeführt.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

22.11.2024 15:31
#14 RE: Starship Flug 6 Antworten

Zitat von Ulrich Elkmann im Beitrag #8

Elon Musk@elonmusk
The biggest technology challenge remaining for Starship is a fully & immediately reusable heat shield.
Being able to land the ship, refill propellant & launch right away with no refurbishment or laborious inspection. That is the acid test.
3:58 AM · Nov 20, 2024

Hoha: das hatte ich ganz übersehen; da folgt noch etwas nach.

Elon Musk@elonmusk·Nov 20
The biggest technology challenge remaining for Starship is a fully & immediately reusable heat shield.
Being able to land the ship, refill propellant & launch right away with no refurbishment or laborious inspection. That is the acid test.

Geisterjäger@Geisterjger4·Nov 20
Is the perspirative cooling still off the table?

Elon Musk@elonmusk
Metallic shielding, supplemented by ullage gas or liquid film-cooling is back on the table as a possibility
7:05 PM · Nov 20, 2024

Unter Ullage (englisch u. a. für „Freiraum“, „Füllstand bis Tankdecke“) versteht man in der Seeschifffahrt den freien Raum bzw. den gemessenen vertikalen Abstand zwischen der Oberfläche einer Flüssigkeit in einem Tank (Füllstand) und dem oberen Abschluss des Tanks.

In der Raumfahrt ergeben sich durch Ullage besondere Herausforderungen. In Mikrogravitation oder Schwerelosigkeit ist der Flüssigtreibstoff von Raketen nicht wie auf der Erdoberfläche am unteren Ende der Tanks, wo der Treibstoff entnommen wird, konzentriert. Das erschwert es, eine konstanten Zufuhr von Treibstoff zu den Triebwerken zu ermöglichen, die Raketentriebwerke oftmals benötigen. Es gibt verschiedene Lösungen für das Problem, etwa Ullage-Motoren, die kurz vor dem Start eines Triebwerkes Schub ausüben und durch die Beschleunigung den Treibstoff in eine Richtung des Tanks drücken. Sobald das Triebwerk gestartet ist, übernimmt es diese Funktion. Ullage-Motoren können z. B. kleine Feststoffraketen oder das Reaction Control System (RCS) eines Raumschiffes sein.

Der Hitzeschild des Starship besteht aus 18.000 sechseckigen Kohlefaserkacheln von gleicher Größe, mit einem Durchmesser von 24,13 cm und einer Dicke zwischen 2,5 und 7 cm; für Flug 6 ist die Zahl um 1200 reduziert worden. Die genauen Details sind nicht öffentlich bekannt. Ein kurzer Überschlag ergibt, daß der bisherige Hitzeschild eine Gesamtoberfläche von 20m² aufweist. Legt man das Gewicht der HRSI-Kacheln (wie sie für den Shuttle zur Anwendung kamen, mit einem spezifischen Gewicht von 0,25, würde sich ein Gesamtgewicht von 5 t ergeben; wenn man die Kohlenstoffverbundfasern (TUFROC) nimmt, die bei der X-37 verwendet werden (0,4), wären das 8 Tonnen.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

25.11.2024 10:41
#15 RE: Starship Flug 7 Antworten

The Launch Pad@TLPN_Official
STARSHIP FT7 UPDATE! #SpaceX #Starship #Flight7
According to new documents filed by NASA to the FAA; SpaceX is targeting NET January 11th, 2025 for Starship Flight 7; and NASA5, a Gulfstream V will be used to observe the reentry of Ship 33 when it enters over the Indian Ocean.

NASA is requesting a expedited review and consideration to accommodate multiple flights over the Gulf of Mexico and Southwest Texas beginning as soon as December 7th, 2024 to calibrate the onboard sensors that will be used to image the peak heating of SpaceX’s Starship 7 during re-entry.

This new information now confirms the seventh flight of Starship will be another suborbital flight and that no further Starship flights will be attempted this year.
2:38 AM · Nov 25, 2024

SpaceX is reportedly targeting no earlier than January 11, 2025, for its highly anticipated 7th Starship Flight Test, according to new documents set to the FAA by NASA.

This mission, part of the ongoing development of SpaceX’s next-generation launch system, will feature close collaboration with NASA, which is contributing its expertise and resources to support the flight with the use of its Gulfstream V aircraft which will collect critical imaging data during the ships return to earth.

NASA's Gulfstream V aircraft, N95NA (callsign NASA5), will play a pivotal role in the mission by capturing high-resolution imagery of the Starship vehicle during its re-entry phase.

These observations are crucial for understanding the vehicle's performance under extreme conditions, particularly during peak heating. The imaging data will inform future spacecraft designs and contribute to making reusable space vehicles safer.

NASA has requested an expedited exemption from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to conduct lightless operations for this mission.

According to NASA’s Johnson Space Center Air Operations Division, the aircraft will need to operate with all exterior and interior lights turned off during calibration flights and the mission itself. This is necessary to reduce interference with sensitive onboard imaging equipment.

The FAA exemption, if granted, will also serve as a template for international coordination, including with Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA), where the aircraft will deploy to support the January launch.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

09.12.2024 19:12
#16 RE: Starship Flug 7 Antworten

Static Fire von Booster 14 für Flug 7, vor einer Stunde.

Deluge: 46:29
Static Fire: 46:31 - 46:42

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

18.12.2024 01:04
#17 RE: Starship Flug 7 Antworten

007, with a license to thrill.

Ellie in Space 🚀💫@esherifftv
BREAKING: FAA issues license authorization for Starship Flight 7!

Today, the FAA issued a license modification authorizing SpaceX to launch multiple missions of the Starship/Super Heavy vehicle on the Flight 7 mission profile and vehicle configuration. The FAA determined SpaceX met all safety, environmental and other licensing requirements for the suborbital test flight.
“The FAA continues to increase efficiencies in our licensing determination activities to meet the needs of the commercial space transportation industry,” said the Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation Kelvin B. Coleman. “This license modification that we are issuing is well ahead of the Starship Flight 7 launch date and is another example of the FAA’s commitment to enable safe space transportation.”
The Flight 7 mission profile involves launch of the combined Starship/Super Heavy vehicle from Boca Chica, Texas, a return to the launch site of the Super Heavy booster rocket for a catch attempt by the launch tower, and a water landing of the Starship vehicle in the Indian Ocean west of Australia. Please contact SpaceX for information about its planned launch date.
The SpaceX Starship program operates under an FAA-issued Part 450 launch license.


Test Induced Damage Exceptions
The Starship/Super Heavy Flight 7 license authorization includes Test Induced Damage Exceptions. SpaceX identified test objectives associated with certain flight events and system components of the Starship vehicle. The FAA evaluated each exception as part of flight safety and flight hazard analyses and confirmed that all public safety requirements have been met.
The five approved test induced damage exceptions include: failure of the thermal shield during high-heating; failure of the flap system during high dynamic pressure; failure of the Raptor engine system during the landing Starship burn; failure of the Raptor engine system during in-space demonstration burn; and failure of Super Heavy systems during post-booster catch vehicle safing.
If one of these scenarios occurs, a mishap investigation will not be required provided there was no serious injury or fatality, no damage to unrelated property and no debris outside designated hazard areas.
Controlled / Uncontrolled Starship Vehicle Entry

The Starship/Super Heavy Flight 7 license authorization also includes the option for SpaceX to conduct a controlled or uncontrolled entry of the Starship vehicle. SpaceX must communicate a decision to conduct an uncontrolled entry to the FAA prior to launch. If SpaceX chooses an uncontrolled entry the loss of the Starship vehicle will be considered a planned event.

A mishap investigation will not be required for an uncontrolled entry provided there was no serious injury or fatality, no damage to unrelated property, and no debris outside designated hazard areas.
11:20 PM · Dec 17, 2024

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

03.01.2025 19:13
#18 RE: Starship Flug 7 Antworten

Flug 7, Update, 3. 1. 25.

The seventh flight test of Starship is preparing to launch.

The upcoming flight test will launch a new generation ship with significant upgrades, attempt Starship’s first payload deployment test, fly multiple reentry experiments geared towards ship catch and reuse, and launch and return the Super Heavy booster.

A block of planned upgrades to the Starship upper stage will debut on this flight test, bringing major improvements to reliability and performance. The vehicle’s forward flaps have been reduced in size and shifted towards the vehicle tip and away from the heat shield, significantly reducing their exposure to reentry heating while simplifying the underlying mechanisms and protective tiling. Redesigns to the propulsion system, including a 25 percent increase in propellant volume, the vacuum jacketing of feedlines, a new fuel feedline system for the vehicle’s Raptor vacuum engines, and an improved propulsion avionics module controlling vehicle valves and reading sensors, all add additional vehicle performance and the ability to fly longer missions. The ship’s heat shield will also use the latest generation tiles and includes a backup layer to protect from missing or damaged tiles.

The vehicle’s avionics underwent a complete redesign, adding additional capability and redundancy for increasingly complex missions like propellant transfer and ship return to launch site. Avionics upgrades include a more powerful flight computer, integrated antennas which combine Starlink, GNSS, and backup RF communication functions into each unit, redesigned inertial navigation and star tracking sensors, integrated smart batteries and power units that distribute data and 2.7MW of power across the ship to 21 high-voltage actuators, and an increase to more than 30 vehicle cameras giving engineers insight into hardware performance across the vehicle during flight. With Starlink, the vehicle is capable of streaming more than 120 Mbps of real-time high-definition video and telemetry in every phase of flight, providing invaluable engineering data to rapidly iterate across all systems.

While in space, Starship will deploy 10 Starlink simulators, similar in size and weight to next-generation Starlink satellites as the first exercise of a satellite deploy mission. The Starlink simulators will be on the same suborbital trajectory as Starship, with splashdown targeted in the Indian Ocean. A relight of a single Raptor engine while in space is also planned.

The flight test will include several experiments focused on ship return to launch site and catch. On Starship’s upper stage, a significant number of tiles will be removed to stress-test vulnerable areas across the vehicle. Multiple metallic tile options, including one with active cooling, will test alternative materials for protecting Starship during reentry. On the sides of the vehicle, non-structural versions of ship catch fittings are installed to test the fittings’ thermal performance, along with a smoothed and tapered edge of the tile line to address hot spots observed during reentry on Starship’s sixth flight test. The ship’s reentry profile is being designed to intentionally stress the structural limits of the flaps while at the point of maximum entry dynamic pressure. Finally, several radar sensors will be tested on the tower chopsticks with the goal of increasing the accuracy when measuring distances between the chopsticks and a returning vehicle during catch.

The Super Heavy booster will utilize flight proven hardware for the first time, reusing a Raptor engine from the booster launched and returned on Starship’s fifth flight test. Hardware upgrades to the launch and catch tower will increase reliability for booster catch, including protections to the sensors on the tower chopsticks that were damaged at launch and resulted in the booster offshore divert on Starship’s previous flight test.

Distinct vehicle and pad criteria must be met prior to a return and catch of the Super Heavy booster, requiring healthy systems on the booster and tower and a final manual command from the mission’s Flight Director. If this command is not sent prior to the completion of the boostback burn, or if automated health checks show unacceptable conditions with Super Heavy or the tower, the booster will default to a trajectory that takes it to a landing burn and soft splashdown in the Gulf of Mexico. We accept no compromises when it comes to ensuring the safety of the public and our team, and the return will only take place if conditions are right.

The returning booster will slow down from supersonic speeds, resulting in audible sonic booms in the area around the landing zone. Generally, the only impact to those in the surrounding area of a sonic boom is the brief thunder-like noise with variables like weather and distance from the return site determining the magnitude experienced by observers.


Starship’s sixth flight test aimed to push the vehicle to its limits as we iterate towards a rapidly reusable rocket.

A block of planned upgrades to the Starship upper stage will debut on this flight test, bringing major improvements to reliability and performance 🧵

The vehicle’s forward flaps have been reduced in size and shifted towards the vehicle tip and away from the heat shield, significantly reducing their exposure to reentry heating while simplifying the underlying mechanisms and protective tiling. The ship’s heat shield will also use the latest generation tiles and includes a backup layer to protect from missing or damaged tiles

Redesigns to the propulsion system, including a 25 percent increase in propellant volume, the vacuum jacketing of feedlines, a new fuel feedline system for the vehicle’s Raptor vacuum engines, and an improved propulsion avionics module controlling vehicle valves and reading sensors, all add additional vehicle performance and the ability to fly longer missions

Avionics upgrades include a more powerful flight computer, integrated antennas which combine Starlink, GNSS, and backup RF communication functions into each unit, redesigned inertial navigation and star tracking sensors, an integrated smart batteries and power units that distribute data and 2.7MW of power across the ship to 21 high-voltage actuators, and an increase to more than 30 vehicle cameras giving engineers insight into hardware performance across the vehicle during flight

With @Starlink, the vehicle is capable of streaming more than 120 Mbps of real-time high-definition video and telemetry in every phase of flight, providing invaluable engineering data to rapidly iterate across all systems

5:34 PM · Jan 3, 2025

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

06.01.2025 12:56
#19 RE: New Glenn Antworten

Erststart New Glenn, Update.

Marcus House@MarcusHouse
Delayed to NET January 10 based on marine navigation info. Hope we still get to see this beast fly this week.
3:22 AM · Jan 6, 2025

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

11.01.2025 23:13
#20 RE: New Glenn Antworten

Zitat von Ulrich Elkmann im Beitrag #19
Erststart New Glenn, Update.

Spaceflight Now@SpaceflightNow
@blueorigin is standing down from an overnight launch attempt from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station due to poor conditions in the booster recovery zone. Now targeting Jan. 13 to launch New Glenn during 3-hr window that opens at 1 am EST (0600 UTC).
10:45 PM · Jan 11, 2025

In der Karibik, in der die schwimmende Landeplattform "Jacklyn" positioniert ist, hat es in den letzten Tagen schwere See gegeben; mit Wellenhöhen bis zu 4 Metern.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

12.01.2025 13:52
#21 RE: Flight 7 Antworten

The seventh flight test of Starship is preparing to launch as soon as Wednesday, January 15.

16:40. Starbase. Ship 33 destacked. Aktuell T -78:19.

17:25: Restack von Schiff 33. T 77:33. Im Lifefeed kann man gerade mitverfolgen, mit welcher Geschwindigkeit das abläuft. Nur zur Erinnerung: das Schiff ist 50 m hoch, die Startstufe 70 m, und der Starttisch gute 20 m. (Der kleine Laie vermutet mal, daß das zur Neukalibrierung des FTS gedient hat, das für den Booster nach des Ausetzen des Schiffs nicht mehr zugänglich ist.)

17:50. Aufsetzen des Schiffs auf den Hot Staging Ring. Vor 30 Minuten war das noch auf halber Höhe. Man sieht deutlich, wie sich das Trumm erst ausschwingen muß.
18:32. Aufgesetzt.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

13.01.2025 07:12
#22 RE: New Glenn Antworten

New Glenn Erststart, Livestream.

07:12. T minus 20 Minuten.
07:15. T verlängert. Stand jetzt minus 35 Minuten.
Gesamtes Startfenster dauert 3 Stunden; Ende 04:00 Eastern Time.
07:34. T. minus 18 Minuten. Der nächste Start steht für das kommende Frühjahr an, laut Jeff Bezos "regardless of what happens."
07:36. Startverlängerung. T minus 36 Minuten.
08:00. Startverlängerung. T minus 27 Minuten.
08:16. Startverlängerung. T minus 30 Minuten.
08:28. T minus 20 Minuten. Zum wievielten Mal noch? #GroundHogDay
08:36. Startverlängerung. T minus 36 Minuten.
08:55. T minus 20 Minuten. Das X-Kommentariat, angefangen bei Eric Berger undundund hat mittlerweile die Flinte ins Korn geworfen.
09:00. Startverlängerung. T minus 25 Minuten.

Eric Berger@SciGuySpace
They're scrubbing the launch attempt of New Glenn this morning. Not sure when it will be made official.
9:01 AM · Jan 13, 2025

Zitat von Ulrich Elkmann im Beitrag ISS@25
Irgendwie häuft es sich gerade:

Der Start von New Glenn wird verschoben und verschoben.
Der Start von Flug 7 wird verschoben und verschoben.
Das Andocken von Chaser und Target ...

09:08. T minus 20 Minuten.
09:09. SCRUB. Startabbruch.

Blue Origin@blueorigin
We’re standing down on today’s launch attempt to troubleshoot a vehicle subsystem issue that will take us beyond our launch window. We’re reviewing opportunities for our next launch attempt.
9:09 AM · Jan 13, 2025

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

13.01.2025 19:34
#23 RE: New Glenn Antworten

Nachtrag zum Obigen.


An icy vent line may have caused Blue Origin to scrub debut launch of New Glenn

Officially, both on its live webcast as well as on social media following the scrub, Blue Origin was vague about the cause of the delayed launch attempt.

"We’re standing down on today’s launch attempt to troubleshoot a vehicle subsystem issue that will take us beyond our launch window," the company said. "We’re reviewing opportunities for our next launch attempt."

According to sources, the primary problem was likely ice clogging one of the vent lines that carry pressurized gas away from the vehicle. Several attempts were made to melt the ice, but these efforts were not successful, necessitating the scrub. Hopefully Blue Origin will provide more information about the cause of the scrub in the coming days.

Additionally there appears to have been a problem with at least one of the auxiliary power units that provide power to the rocket after the engines shut off. One of the primary purposes of these APUs is to power the deployment of landing legs needed to make a soft touchdown on the company's droneship, Jacklyn. It was not immediately clear early Monday whether Blue Origin would have pressed ahead with the launch should it have had to land the first stage in the ocean rather than attempting a barge landing.

However, there are other factors at play as well. The company has been watching sea states all week for the droneship landing in the Atlantic Ocean, and some forecasts indicate they start to worsen a couple of days from now. How long it takes to address the technical problems with the rocket will also depend on how accessible they are on the launch pad. Finally, the current launch period for New Glenn closes on January 16.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

14.01.2025 03:54
#24 RE: New Glenn Antworten

Blue Origin@blueorigin
New Glenn Launch Update: Our next launch attempt is no earlier than Tuesday, January 14. Our three-hour launch window remains the same, opening at 1 a.m. EST (0600 UTC). Tonight’s poor weather forecast at LC-36 could result in missing this window. This morning’s scrub was due to ice forming in a purge line on an auxiliary power unit that powers some of our hydraulic systems.
12:42 AM · Jan 14, 2025

Ryan Caton@dpoddolphinpro
Context on the weather at the pad: Winds 8kt gusting 11kt at the opening of the window, winds 18kt gusting 25kt at the end. It's cloudy with a chance of rain.
@SLDelta45 Weather Squadron gives this launch a 70% Probability of Violation (30% Go).
Landing weather is Low Risk.
12:54 AM · Jan 14, 2025

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

14.01.2025 08:11
#25 RE: New Glenn Antworten

Ellie in Space 🚀💫@esherifftv
And of course, Blue Origin has scrubbed for the second time so they will NOT attempt tonight
I think between the scrubs and delays of BONG and Flight 7, we may have to wait until the rocket is actually launching to know when it will launch!
4:46 AM · Jan 14, 2025

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

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