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 Kommentare/Diskussionen zu "Zettels Raum"
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Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

05.01.2025 21:44
#76 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Anschlag Antworten

Scott Adams@ScottAdamsSays
Persuason Tip:

Next time a Democrat says Trump is a felon, agree completely and tell them how much he reminds you of Nelson Mandela.

Then wait for "But....but...Mendela was unfairly prosecuted."

Just smile.
9:10 PM · Jan 5, 2025

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

17.01.2025 22:26
#77 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Anschlag Antworten

Manche Zeitgenossen sind schon ein paar Tage verfrüht jenseits von gut und böse.

January 17, 2025

Statement from Vice President Kamala Harris on the Equal Rights Amendment

Equality is a fundamental promise of our democracy. That is why the Equal Rights Amendment belongs in our Constitution. It makes our nation stronger, and it is the law of the land because the American people have spoken in states across our nation.

History teaches us that civil rights are fought for and won with every generation. That continues to be true today, which is why I have spent my career fighting for freedoms and to expand opportunities for women and girls. It has always been clear that when we lift up women, we lift up children, families, communities, and all of society. Now, Americans must continue to fight for a more equal and just nation where everyone has the opportunity to realize the promise of America.

Vice President Kamala Harris@VP
The Equal Rights Amendment is the 28th Amendment, and it is the law of the land.

Readers added context they thought people might want to know
The Archivist of the United States, charged with officially publishing ratified amendments, has confirmed that the ERA was not ratified and based that analysis on binding legal precedent.

There is no 28th Amendment.

8:20 PM · Jan 17, 2025

Statement on the Equal Rights Amendment Ratification Process
Media Alert · Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Washington, DC

Archivist of the United States Dr. Colleen Shogan and Deputy Archivist William J. Bosanko released the following statement today on the Equal Rights Amendment and the constitutional responsibilities for administering the ratification process:

“As Archivist and Deputy Archivist of the United States, it is our responsibility to uphold the integrity of the constitutional amendment process and ensure that changes to the Constitution are carried out in accordance with the law. At this time, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) cannot be certified as part of the Constitution due to established legal, judicial, and procedural decisions.

“In 2020 and again in 2022, the Office of Legal Counsel of the U.S. Department of Justice affirmed that the ratification deadline established by Congress for the ERA is valid and enforceable. The OLC concluded that extending or removing the deadline requires new action by Congress or the courts. Court decisions at both the District and Circuit levels have affirmed that the ratification deadlines established by Congress for the ERA are valid. Therefore, the Archivist of the United States cannot legally publish the Equal Rights Amendment. As the leaders of the National Archives, we will abide by these legal precedents and support the constitutional framework in which we operate.

“The role of the Archivist of the United States is to follow the law as it stands, ensuring the integrity of our nation’s governing institutions. Personal opinion or beliefs are not relevant; as the leaders of the National Archives, we support established legal processes and decisions.

“We will continue to serve with transparency and integrity as we move forward in addressing this and all matters related to our Constitution.”

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

18.01.2025 16:24
#78 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Anschlag Antworten

Ich will gar nicht wissen, wieviele Handydaten und Emails da gerade zufällig verschusselt und wie viele Akten geschreddert werden.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

18.01.2025 21:09
#79 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Anschlag Antworten

Phil Holloway ✈️@PhilHollowayEsq
Speaker Johnson spills the tea

Joe has been signing executive orders without knowing what he’s signing, and not remembering what he’s signed

We need a thorough investigation into how this could happen

It’s the biggest scandal in presidential history
4:18 PM · Jan 18, 2025

Sprecher des Repräsentantenhauses Mike Johnson, heute im Interview auf The Front Page:

I do stand by it, and I say this without any personal animus at all. I mean, you know, in some ways I actually feelkind of sorry for Joe Biden. I mean, he's in the twilight years of his life. He is not, obviously has not been in charge for some time. And I know this by personal observation, and now the whole world knows it, and it's been very, very concerning to me over the last, you know, year and a half since I've had this.

- Can you tell us a story when you say "personal observation"?

- Well I mean, this is public now, because the Wall Street Journal got it and put it on the front page. But January a year ago, almost exactly a year ago, I had been asked ... I became speaker in October 2023, and there all sorts of big national security concerns and everything going on. And I started requesting a meeting with the President because, you know, I'm kind of old school, I'm a constitutional law guy. The Speaker of the House should be able to talk to the President, especially in times of great national interest and calamity. But they wouldn't let me meet with him, and his staff kept giving him excuses. This went on for like eight or nine weeks: 'I'm sorry, Mr. Speaker, he doesn't have time...' 'What are you're talking about? I'm second in line for the Presidency. He has time. I need to talk to him.' We had - I can't say the classified parts, but we had some big , BIG national concerns at the time that I was losing sleep over. Finally I just went ot the Hill Press Corps and said "The President is not allowed to meet with a Speaker. There's a problem." So they started putting pressure on them. Long story short: they finally relented. They invited me to the White House. I show up and I realize it's actually an ambush, because it's not just me and the President - it's also Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, Hakeem, you know, the whole... the CIA director, everybody. So I walked in the oval and I went "Ah I know what this is. They're gong to hot-box the Speaker on Ukraine fundings. That's what it was." This is probably the third week of January. We sit down, we're in the midst of it, and the whole conversation, and I'm going: 'We don't need to have this conversation.' The President reaches over just like this. We're sitting right next to the fireplace in the oval, and he grabs my arm, and he says 'The Speaker and I just ned a couple of minutes together. Would you all just leave us alone?' And I looked up on the faces of some of the staf standing along the wall, and they're like 'oh, no - he did it!' So he called it. He's the commander in chief. So everybody leaves, and he and I are standing awkwardly in the middle of the Oval Office, right over on the rug by that coffee tabler. And I said: 'Mr. President, thanks for the moments. You know, this is very important. I got some big national security things I need to talk to you about that I've heard, and I think you know, and what do we do? But first, real quick, Mr. President, can I ask you a question? I cannot answer this for my constituents in Louisiana. Sir, why did you pause LNG exports to Europe? I don't understand. Liquefied natural gas is in great demand by our allies. Why would yo udo that? Because, you understand: we just talked about Ukraine. You understand you're fueling Vladimir Putin's war machine, because they've got to get their gas from him, you know.' And he looks at me, stunned with this, and he said, 'I didn't do that!' and I said, Mr. President, yes, you did. It was an Executive Order, like, three weeks ago' and he goes, 'No, I didn't do that!' and he's arguing with me. I said, 'Mr. President, respectfully, can I ... could I go out here and ask your secretary to print it out? We'll read it together. You definitely did that!" And he goes, 'Oh, you talk about natural gas?' 'Yes, Sir.'He said, 'No, no, you misunderstand.' He said, "what I did is I signed this thing to ... we're going to conduct a study on the effects of LNG.' I said, 'No, you're not, sir. You paused it. I know. I have the terminals, the export terminals in my state. I talked to those people this morning. This is doing massive damage to our economy, national security.' It occurred to me, Barry, he was not lying to me. He genuinely did not know what he had signed. And I walked out of that meeting with fear and loathing because I thought: we're in serious trouble. Who is running the country? Like, I don't know who put the paper in front of him. But he did not know."

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

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