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Johanes Offline

Beiträge: 2.725

28.10.2021 12:23
#76 RE: Privatinseln im All Antworten

Ich betrachte die Marsbesiedelung als unerreichbares Fernziel. Etwa wie einen Fixsteuern, mit dem Navigatoren den Kurs bestimmen.

In dieser Hinsicht betrachte ich Musk als mutigen Visionär. Möglicherweise wird die Marsbesiedelung scheitern, vielleicht auch ganz anders aussehen, als wir es uns jetzt vorstellen können, aber das macht ihren Wert als "Idealvorstellung" nicht völlig zunichte.
Ähnlich ist es mit orbitalen Stationen und dergleichen mehr.

Stand: 26.09.2021 In Erwartung des Wahlkaters
07.10. Medien sprechen von der Ampel-Koalition to be continued

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

02.11.2021 14:28
#77 RE: Privatinseln im All Antworten


Elon Musk @elonmusk
Replying to @HardcoreHistory

Almost finished Jünger’s Storm of Steel. Intense. Great book.

9:05 PM · Nov 1, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Florian Offline

Beiträge: 3.191

02.11.2021 15:33
#78 RE: Privatinseln im All Antworten

Zitat von Ulrich Elkmann im Beitrag #77

Elon Musk @elonmusk
Replying to @HardcoreHistory

Almost finished Jünger’s Storm of Steel. Intense. Great book.

9:05 PM · Nov 1, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

Unklar, was mich jetzt am meisten überrascht.
Dass Musk Zeit findet, dicke Wälzer zu lesen.
Oder dass er sich ausgerechnet ein (zumindest aus amerikanischer Sicht) recht obskures Werk wie Stahlgewitter aussucht.
Oder dass ein in der Öffentlichkeit stehender Mensch sich heutzutage noch traut zuzugeben, einen Autor zu lesen, das als politisch unkorrekt gilt.
Oder dass Musk Umlaute richtig verwendet.

alpha_beta Offline

Beiträge: 145

02.11.2021 17:31
#79 RE: Privatinseln im All Antworten

Da Elon Musk ein INTP ist sollte nichts davon überraschen.

Johanes Offline

Beiträge: 2.725

02.11.2021 19:39
#80 RE: Privatinseln im All Antworten

Zitat von alpha_beta im Beitrag #79
Da Elon Musk ein INTP ist sollte nichts davon überraschen.

Das ist die beste Antwort.

Stand: 26.09.2021 In Erwartung des Wahlkaters
07.10. Medien sprechen von der Ampel-Koalition to be continued

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

02.11.2021 23:36
#81 RE: Privatinseln im All Antworten

*Huch* II. Oder vielleicht besser: 我的妈呀!


1:12 AM · Nov 2, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

02.11.2021 23:54
#82 RE: Privatinseln im All Antworten

So gaaanz eindeutig ist mir das auch (noch) nicht. Ich vermute mal, daß bezieht sich auf die Kabalen mit den Herren Bezos & Branson.

Der Vierzeiler im klassischen Versmaß stammt aus der "Geschichte der drei Reiche" / 三国演义 von Luo Guanzhong (1679), einer der 4 klassischen chinesischen Romane. Kontext ist die Rivalität der Söhne von Cao Cao, Heerführer extraordinaire zur Zeit der Streitenden Reiche, nach dessen Tod. Nachdem Cao Pi nach mehreren Feldzügen und der Aussendung von Meuchelbanden über Cao Zhi gesiegt hat, befiehlt er ihm, einen klassischen Vierzeiler zu improvisieren, noch bevor er sieben Schritte gemacht hat (deswegen ist das kleine Gedicht auch als 七步诗 / Gedicht der 7 Schritte bekannt). Cao Zhi benutzt als als Anklage & Vorwurf gegen seinen Bruder.

Das Bohnenstroh brennt unter dem Kessel.
Im Kessel weinen die Bohnen.
Sie sind aus derselben Wurzel entsprossen.
Warum gibt es nichts Wichtigeres, als einander zu vernichten?

Das Reimschema ist etwas anders gelagert als im englischen Clerihew. Während diese Vierzeiler das Reimschema a-a-b-b haben, hat das chinesische Gedicht a-a-b-a (qí/qì/shēng/jí).

On second thoughts, weil Clerihews hier mgw. so unbekannt sind wie Cao Cao himself, ein Beispiel:

Sir Humphry Davy
Abominated gravy.
He lived in the odium
Of having discovered sodium.

Der Tweet hat heute jedenfalls in den chinesischen sozialen Medien für ein gewaltiges Hallo! gesorgt.

PS. Den kleinen Philologen zwackt mal wieder die Pedanterie. Im 三国演义 findet sich das im Kapitel 79. Luo, dessen Lebensdaten meist mit 1330-1400 angegeben werden (genau weiß man es nicht) hat die Episode aus dem 4. Kapitel, 文學第四 ("Über Dichtung und Gelehrsamkeit") des 世說新語 / Shishuo Xinyu ("Neuer Bericht über Geschichten aus aller Welt"), einer Sammlung von 1100 Anekdoten, die Liu Yinqing in der 1. Hälfte des 5. Jahrhunderts kompiliert hat.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

03.11.2021 00:30
#83 RE: Musk twittert auf Chinesisch Antworten

Eine chinesische Antwort in Musks Twitter-Strang bietet eine andere Deutung an, die mir leicht einleuchtender scheint - den Bezug hierauf:

Zitat von 28.10.2021
Shiba Inu (SHIB) überholt Dogecoin (DOGE) – was ist da los?

Die Top Ten der kapitalstärksten Kryptowährungen hat über Nacht einen Neuzugang: Shiba Inu (SHIB) verzeichnet aktuell rund 45 Milliarden US-Dollar Marktkapitalisierung hat und sich damit auf Platz 8 vorgeschoben. Überrundet wurdet dabei mit Dogecoin (DOGE) auch der Token, den Shiba Inu sich selbst als Gegner ausgesucht hat. Mit erneut gut 100 Prozent Plus in den vergangenen sieben Tagen hat SHIB nahtlos an den überaus erfolgreichen Start in den Oktober angeschlossen. Bei den Zahlen können auch diejenigen kaum noch an Shiba Inu vorbeigucken, die SHIB und Dogecoin am liebsten als Meme Coins und Spielzeugwährungen abtun.

„Smart Money“ hat Shiba Inu für sich entdeckt

Auf Twitter gibt Daniel Khoo vom Analysedienst Nansen einen Anhaltspunkt für den Erfolg von Shiba Inu. Er ist sich sicher, dass sogenanntes „Smart Money“ konzentriert bei SHIB eingestiegen ist und so den Höhenflug verursacht. Unter Smart Money („kluges Geld“) wird bei Nansen Kryptokapital verstanden, welches Wallets zuzuordnen ist, die in der Sparte DeFi durch Bereitstellung von Liquidität nachweislich hohe Gewinne eingefahren haben. Im Fall Shiba Inu sind es demnach gerade einmal 67 Adressen, die über die letzten 30 Tage groß bei SHIB eingestiegen sind.

Unterstützt wird diese Beobachtung auch von Zahlen aus der Blockchain. Demnach sind es große Transaktion von Whales, die den Kurs von Shiba Inu treiben. Dazu passt, dass gut zwei Drittel des Handels mit SHIB auf dezentralisierten Kryptobörsen stattfindet und nur um 13 Prozent auf zentralisierten Handelsplätzen. Mit dem Start von ShibaSwap als Zentrum des Ökosystems von Shiba Inu im Juli hatte der angestrebte Einstige von SHIB als eigenständigem Spieler bei DeFi begonnen.

Selbst China begeistert sich für Shiba Inu

Auch ein drittes Indiz steuert bei, die Preisexplosion von Shiba Inu zu verstehen. Denn Google Trends als Analyseinstrument dafür, wonach im Web gesucht wird, zeigt für SHIB neben Höchstwerten in den USA auch ebensolche in China. Dort hat die Führung in Peking zwar den Handel mit ausländischen Kryptowährungen strafbewehrt reguliert. Doch Kryptokapital ist nach wie vor im großen Maßstab vorhanden und könnte in SHIB einen Kandidaten entdeckt haben, der kapitalstark über dezentralisierte Plattformen gehandelt wird. Dort ist üblicherweise keine Anmeldung mit Klarnamen notwendig.

Nochmal die beiden ersten Zeilen:


Die Bohnen in Zeile 1 / 萁, entsprechen der chinesischen Aussprache für "SHIB".
Das Bohnenstroh in Zeile 2 / 豆在 dòu zài entspricht der chinesischen Aussprache für "DOGE".

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

03.11.2021 00:58
#84 RE: Musk twittert auf Chinesisch Antworten

Nicht nur auf Twitter. Das wird ganz allgemein in der Medienberichterstattung in China so gedeutet.

馬斯克推特微博發曹植《七步詩》 網友:這什麼意思?

(Dürfte jedem verständlich sein: Elon Musk postet auf Twitter das Siebenschritt-Gedicht: Was bedeutet das?)

mit der Antwort:

因為馬斯克沒有說明發《七步詩》的用意,有不解的網友直接提問,「誰能告訴我,他發這個啥意思」。有網友猜測此事和柴犬幣(Shiba inu)超越狗狗幣(Doge)有關,甚至改寫成「煮doge燃doge萁,doge在釜中泣;bitcoin是同根生,相减何太急」。還有網友笑稱,馬斯克「又在裝被AI控制了」。

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

07.11.2021 17:25
#85 RE: Zurück zum Kerngeschäft Antworten

SpaceX @SpaceX

Following Crew-2’s return to Earth, Falcon 9 will launch Dragon’s third long-duration crew mission to the @Space_Station
as soon as Wednesday, November 10; weather forecast is 80% favorable for liftoff

4:52 PM · Nov 7, 2021·Twitter Media Studio

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

12.11.2021 13:01
#86 RE: Zurück zum Kerngeschäft Antworten

Countdown Starlink Start 31. Cape Canaveral, Startrampe 40. T minus 40 Minuten. 53 Satelliten an Bord, 9. Start der Erststufe.

Gesamtzahl der betriebsbereiten Satelliten im Orbit zurzeit: 1646; davon aktiv genutzt: 1447.

PS: "Launch was scrubbed Friday due to launch site and booster recovery weather concerns. Liftoff has been rescheduled for Saturday."

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

13.11.2021 19:37
#87 RE: Zurück zum Kerngeschäft Antworten

SpaceX launches Starlink satellites after upgrading user antennas

by Jason Rainbow — November 13, 2021

SpaceX successfully deployed another 53 Starlink satellites Nov. 13 in its first dedicated launch for the broadband constellation in two months. A Falcon 9 carrying its latest batch of Starlink satellites lifted off from Cape Canaveral in Florida at 7:19 a.m. Eastern, a day after being scrubbed because of poor weather. All the satellites were successfully deployed to low Earth orbit where they will join the rest of the Starlink constellation, according to SpaceX. The Falcon 9’s reusable first stage also landed on SpaceX’s drone ship after successfully completing its ninth flight.

To date, SpaceX has launched more than 1,800 Starlink satellites to build out global coverage.

Starlink is serving about 140,000 users across 20 countries, according to a presentation SpaceX filed with the Federal Communications Commission Nov. 10, up about 40,000 from what it reported in August. It said it had received more than 750,000 “orders/deposits globally” for the service. However, pandemic-related silicon shortages have been delaying production and impacting its ability to fulfill orders.

Antennas have been a major sticking point for the company as it heavily subsidizes them to encourage adoption. On Nov. 10, the FCC approved a new Starlink antenna that SpaceX has said would be cheaper to produce, although it continues to charge customers $499 for the hardware needed to connect to Starlink’s services. The new rectangular dish is also thinner and lighter than its circular predecessor. Starlink’s beta users have been using a 23-inch-wide, 16-pound circular user terminal for more than a year where the broadband services are available. They now have the option of buying a dish that is 12 inches wide and 19 inches long, weighing 16 pounds. The 12-inch width diameter also matches the diameter of the antennas that Amazon is developing for its planned Project Kuiper constellation.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

18.11.2021 11:51
#88 RE: Zurück zum Kerngeschäft Antworten

dev @astrodeven

Main takeaways from Elon’s talk:

-First orbital launch attempt in January/February

-1000 Starships for life to become multi-planetary

-2-3 uncrewed Mars landings before humans

-A dozen Starship launches in 2022

-Launch of commercial payloads in 2023

3:40 AM · Nov 18, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

PS. Etwas ausführlicher.

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has laid out a scenario for space travel that calls for his company’s Starship launch system to take on its first orbital test flight as soon as January.

Starship could go through “a dozen launches next year, maybe more,” and be ready to send valuable payloads to the moon, Mars and even the solar system’s outer planets by 2023, Musk said during a Nov. 17 online meeting of the National Academies’ Space Studies Board and Board on Physics and Astronomy.

The National Academies presentation followed up on big-picture talks that Musk delivered in 2016 (when Starship was known as the Interplanetary Transport System), 2017 (when it was known as the BFR or “Big Frickin’ Rocket”) and 2018 (when Musk settled on “Starship”).

Musk’s basic concept is the same: Starship and its giant Super Heavy booster would be a one-size-fits-all system that could be used for point-to-point suborbital travel, orbital space missions and all manner of trips beyond Earth orbit, including moon landings. It’d be capable of lofting more than 100 tons to low Earth orbit (three times as much as the space shuttle), and sending 100 people at a time to Mars.

This week’s presentation provided some new details.

The production-model Super Heavy booster would have 33 methane-fueled engines rather than the 29 engines that have been installed on the prototype. They’d be next-generation Raptor 2 engines, each capable of 500,000 to 600,000 pounds of thrust at liftoff. Total thrust would as high as 17 million pounds (7,700 metric tons), Musk said.

“It’s about 2.2, 2.3 times the thrust of a Saturn V,” Musk said. “It’s the biggest rocket ever designed, and we’re really close to our initial launch.”

The first orbital Starship and Super Heavy booster are currently undergoing testing at SpaceX’s Starbase facility in Boca Chica, Texas. Musk expected the launch pad and tower to be complete this month. “Then we’ll do a bunch of tests in December, and hopefully launch in January,” he said.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

19.11.2021 12:26
#89 RE: Zurück zum Kerngeschäft Antworten

Jetzt ist es also gewissermaßen amtlich:

SpaceX targets January or February for first launch of world’s largest rocket

The new schedule rules out a launch before the end of the year. A delay into 2022 was widely expected as SpaceX awaits the completion of an environmental review from the FAA, and races to finish assembly of a launch pad tower to support the nearly 400-foot-tall (120-meter) rocket.

“We’re expecting our license approval from the FAA around the end of this year, and so that probably means a launch attempt in January, or perhaps February,” Musk said in a discussion with the Space Studies Board and the Board on Physics and Astronomy, part of the National Academies Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

As he did before the debut of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy rockets, Musk tried to manage expectations on the outcome of the first Starship orbital launch attempt.

“We’ve completed the first orbital booster and first orbital ship, and we’ll be complete with the launch pad and launch tower later this month, and then we’ll do a bunch of tests in December, and hopefully launch in January,” Musk said.

“There’s a lot of risk associated with this first launch, so I would not say it is likely to be successful, but I think we’ll make a lot of progress,” musk said. “We’ve also built a factory for making a lot of these vehicles. So this is not a case for just one or two. We’re aiming to make a great many.

“We intend to do hopefully a dozen launches next year, maybe more,” Musk said. “And if we’re successful with it being fully reusable, that means we build up the fleet just as we are with the Falcon 9 booster, which is reused.”

Musk says the cost of a Starship launch will eventually fall below the cost of a Falcon 9 rocket flight, which a SpaceX manager said last year can fall below $30 million with reused parts.

“Basically, we intend to complete the test flight program next year, which means it’s probably ready for valuable payloads that are not for testing, but actual real payloads, in 2023.”

PS. Und während ich hier an meinem "Schreibtisch in Nubien" sitze, fällt mein Blick auf das Geomuseum des LWL, das lt. Netzauskunft "vorübergehend geschlossen" ist. Das Gebäude wird seit Oktober 2008 entkernt & grundsaniert; der Umbau sollte bis 2014 abgeschlossen sein; zwei Wochen vor der geplanten Neueröffnung am 4. Dezember 2016 wurden bei der Baubegehung diverse "Mängel festgestellt." Seitdem wird pro Jahr für etwa 2 Wochen im Sommer leichte Betriebsamkeit vorgeschützt; in diesem Jahr wurde der Innenhof des barocken dreiflügeligen Baus, der Landsbergschen Kurie, aufgerissen und präsentiert sich seitdem als Trümmerwüste.

Mehr muß man über den Zustand dieses Landes gar nicht wissen.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

01.12.2021 23:19
#90 RE: Zurück zum Kerngeschäft Antworten


Wealth Director @wealth_director · Nov 29

"I think Elon Musk is a genius, and I don't use that word lightly. I think he's also one of the boldest men that ever came down the pike." - Charlie Munger

Whenever anyone asks Elon Musk how he learned to build rockets, he says: "I read books."

1. Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

This biography of Steve Jobs is based on Jobs' interviews and information collected from family and friends, and rivals over two years. The book was written at Jobs' request before he passed away in 2011.

"Quite interesting." - Elon Musk

2. Surface Detail by Iain M. Banks

science-fiction series by Iain Banks (one of Musk's favorite authors), is mainly about "The Culture", a utopian society made up of humanoid races and artificial intelligence.

"I recommend all of Banks' books. Especially this book." - Elon Musk

3. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

"Atlas Shrugged" shows us a dystopian future with a sinking economy and a crumbling society under government oppression.

"A counterpoint to communism and useful as such, but should be tempered with kindness." - Elon Musk

4. The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith

The Wealth of Nations is a profoundly influential work in the study of economics and examines precisely how nations become wealthy.

Elon Musk @elonmusk · Jun 16, 2018
Replying to @monongahelaEX and @AntVenom

Read Das Kapital when I was 14, incl cross-checking English translation of original German. Adam Smith FTW obv. Ironically, future automation will naturally lead to greater equality of consumption. Monopolies are true enemy of people. Competing to serve is good.

5. Zero to One by Peter Thiel with Blake Masters

Zero to One explores how companies can better predict the future and take action to ensure that their startup is a success.

"Peter Thiel has built multiple breakthrough companies, and (this book) shows how." - Elon Musk

Wealth Director @wealth_director · Nov 29

From Munger to Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos to Bill Gates, mental models are used by the most remarkable people.

A mental model?

Put simply, it’s a psychological explanation of how things work, providing with a new way to see the world; as a result, helping us make sense of reality

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

01.12.2021 23:58
#91 RE: Zurück zum Kerngeschäft Antworten

Ich geb' das hier nur mal weiter, mit dem Hinweis, daß davon der größte Teil Gerüchteküche ist und kein Außenstehender überblickt, wieviel Substanz, wenn überhaupt, dahinter steckt.

Begonnen hat es damit:

Elon Musk tells SpaceX employees that Starship engine crisis is creating a ‘risk of bankruptcy’

Published Tue, Nov 30 2021

Elon Musk described a dire situation with SpaceX’s development of Raptor rocket engines the day after Thanksgiving in a companywide email, a copy of which was obtained by CNBC.
The Raptor production crisis is much worse than it seemed a few weeks ago,” Musk wrote.
Raptor engines power the company’s Starship rocket, with Musk adding that SpaceX faces “genuine risk of bankruptcy if we cannot achieve a Starship flight rate of at least once every two weeks next year.”

Elon Musk is angry with the lack of progress SpaceX has made in developing the Raptor engines that power its Starship rocket.

He described a dire situation the day after Thanksgiving in a companywide email, a copy of which was obtained by CNBC.

“The Raptor production crisis is much worse than it seemed a few weeks ago,” Musk wrote.

Starship is the massive, next-generation rocket SpaceX is developing to launch cargo and people on missions to the moon and Mars. The company is testing prototypes at a facility in southern Texas and has flown multiple short test flights. But to move to orbital launches, the rocket prototypes will need as many as 39 Raptor engines each – necessitating a sharp ramp in engine production.

Musk’s email to SpaceX employees provides more context to the significance of the departure of former Vice President of Propulsion Will Heltsley earlier this month. Heltsley had been taken off Raptor development before he left, CNBC reported, with Musk noting in his email that the company’s leadership has been digging into the program’s problems since then – and discovering the circumstances “to be far more severe” than Musk previously thought.

Musk wrote in the email that he planned to take the long Thanksgiving holiday off. But, after discovering the Raptor situation, Musk said he would personally work on the engine production line through Friday night and into the weekend.

“We need all hands on deck to recover from what is, quite frankly, a disaster,” Musk wrote.

The billionaire founder has repeatedly described production as the most difficult part of creating SpaceX’s mammoth rocket. The company has steadily built up its Starship production and testing facility in Boca Chica, Texas, with multiple prototypes in work simultaneously.

The company’s next major step in developing Starship is launching to orbit.

Musk on Nov. 17 said SpaceX will “hopefully launch” the first orbital Starship flight in January or February, pending regulatory approval by the FAA as well as technical readiness.

Musk said earlier this month that he wasn’t sure if Starship would successfully reach orbit on the first try, but emphasized that he is “confident” that the rocket will get to space in 2022. He also noted at the time that Starship development “is at least 90% internally funded thus far,” with the company not assuming “any international collaboration” or external funding.

Der Grund hinter der Krise:

But, while SpaceX has launched about 1,700 Starlink satellites to orbit so far, Musk said the first version of the satellite “is financially weak.” The company has been steadily growing Starlink’s user base, with about 140,000 users paying for service at $99 a month.

To date SpaceX has launched Starlink satellites with its Falcon 9 rockets, but Musk outlined that those rockets do not have the mass or volume needed to effectively deploy the second-generation satellites. That means the success of the Raptor engine program is also critical to the long-term financial stability of SpaceX’s Starlink service, which Musk has talked about spinning off in an IPO.

Lev Eakins hat einen Link geteilt.
1 Tage ·

- Senior managers, who have since left/were fired, had concealed the dire situation over Raptor production, and Musk is only finding out the true picture now.
- Musk canceled his plans for Thanksgiving to work on Raptor production. Asked everyone to come in if they could.
- Musk needs fortnightly flights of Starship in 2022 in order to deploy Starlink V2. F9 can't handle the volume needed.
- SpaceX is spooling up production of Starlink terminals to several million a year (!) which is why the V2 satellites are needed in orbit.
- Musk warns of bankruptcy if fortnightly Starship flights do not happen next year.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

13.12.2021 14:12
#92 RE: Zurück zum Kerngeschäft Antworten

TIME. Person of the Year 2021.

Musk’s belief in progress is not absolute. He has been outspoken about confronting what he sees as the dangers of out-of-control artificial intelligence, and cofounded the AI companies Neuralink and Open AI to advance that goal. He finds cryptocurrency interesting and can talk endlessly about the conception of money as “an information system for resource allocation.” But he doubts that crypto will replace fiat currency, and disavows responsibility for the way his tweets have sent markets into a tizzy. “Markets move themselves all the time,” he says, “based on nothing as far as I can tell. So the statements that I make, are they materially different from random movements of the stock that might happen anyway? I don’t think so.”

Zubrin, of the Mars Society, believes three qualities could fell Musk: his workaholism, his recklessness or a sort of earned hubris. “Great leaders become incapable of hearing criticism,” he says. “Why did Napoleon fail in Russia? Because every time before, he had succeeded. Plenty of French generals were saying, ‘Why don’t we just take Poland and be good?’ But every time in the past, the people who urged caution had been wrong.”

Nevertheless, Zubrin would not bet against his old friend. “Genius is a word that is frequently associated with Musk; wisdom is not,” he says wryly. “But there is one sense in which Musk, in my view, is very wise, which is that he understands that he doesn’t have forever.”

In other words: Get in, loser. We’re going to Mars.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

15.12.2021 00:02
#93 RE: Zurück zum Kerngeschäft Antworten

Zitat von Ulrich Elkmann im Beitrag #92
TIME. Person of the Year 2021.

Oha. Diese Jahresendfigur

A. lehnt Milliardensubventionen durch die deutsche Regierung ab.

Zitat von November 26, 2021
Tesla decides against state aid for German battery plant as Musk opposes subsidies

Tesla (TSLA.O) said on Friday it has withdrawn its application for state aid for its planned battery factory near Berlin as CEO Elon Musk declared the electric vehicle maker opposed all subsidies.

The European Union in January approved a plan that included giving state aid to Tesla, BMW (BMWG.DE) and others to support production of electric vehicle batteries and help the bloc to reduce imports from industry leader China.

Tesla was expected to receive 1.14 billion euros ($1.28 billion) in EU funding for its battery plant in Gruenheide, Brandenburg under the plan, with a final decision likely by the end of the year.

B. Lehnt Wirtschaftsförderprogramme generell ab.

Zitat von December 7, 2021
Elon Musk says federal government should ‘get rid of all subsidies’

The Tesla CEO expressed his opposition to the Biden administration’s inclusion of $7.5 billion for new electric vehicle charging stations in its recently passed, $1 trillion infrastructure bill. Going a step further, Musk said that “no one at Tesla” was thinking about the bill’s potential impact on the electric automaker’s business, and instead suggested that the government’s overall spending has gone too far.

“I think if this bill happened or didn’t happen—we don’t think about it at all really,” he said at the Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council summit in Washington, D.C. Referring to the even larger Build Back Better Act currently being deliberated in Congress, Musk added: “Honestly, it might be better if the bill doesn’t pass. We’ve spent so much money, the federal budget deficit is insane... We’re running this incredible deficit, something’s got to give.”

While he pointed to the need to improve highways and reduce traffic congestion, Musk struck a familiar government-skeptical tone in discussing some of the transportation initiatives and incentives pursued by the Biden administration. He deemed the infrastructure bill’s investment in electric charging stations as “unnecessary”—adding that he would like to see the government “get rid of all subsidies,” including those for the oil and gas industries.

C. Findet, daß der Staat der schlechteste Unternehmer überhaupt ist.

Videointerview mit dem Wall Street Journal, 7. Dezember 2021.

It does not make sense to take the job of capital allocation away from people who have demontrated great skill in capital allocation and give it to, you know, an entity that has demonstrated very coarse skill in capital allocation - which is the government. I mean - think of the government essentially as a corporation without limit. The government is simply the biggest corporation, with a monopoly on violence - and where you have no recourse.

D. Zofft sich öffentlich mit Pocahontas.

Zitat von December 14, 2021
Elon Musk calls Elizabeth Warren ‘Senator Karen’ in spat over taxes

Elon Musk called Elizabeth Warren “Senator Karen” and said she reminded him of an “angry Mom” on Tuesday after the Massachusetts Senator said the Tesla CEO should pay more in taxes.

“Let’s change the rigged tax code so The Person of the Year will actually pay taxes and stop freeloading off everyone else,” Warren tweeted with a link to a story about Musk being named Time Magazine’s 2021 person of the year.

“Stop projecting!” Musk replied with a link to a Fox News opinion article arguing that the Massachusetts Democrat lied about having Native American heritage in order to benefit from affirmative action polices.

“You remind me of when I was a kid and my friend’s angry Mom would just randomly yell at everyone for no reason,” Musk added.

“Please don’t call the manager on me, Senator Karen,” Musk said in a third tweet accompanied by a praying hands emoji.

Hat die Annalena schon damit gedroht, unsere Atombomberflotte loszuschicken? Schon im Namen der Karens & Annalenas dieser Welt?

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

15.12.2021 10:21
#94 RE: Zurück zum Kerngeschäft Antworten

Ian Miles Cheong @stillgray

You’re going to be seeing a barrage of anti-Elon Musk stories because he’s speaking out against the regime.

1:34 AM · Dec 15, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

15.12.2021 13:45
#95 RE: Zurück zum Kerngeschäft Antworten

Das würzt.

Scott Nelson @ScottNelsonKC
Replying to @SenWarren
Elon Musk is paying 53% tax rate on his stock options (his only compensation) when exercised and combine federal plus CA state taxes. He’ll pay an additional 20%+ if and when he sells stock at long term capital gains. Lastly, he will pay at least 40% (likely higher) as estate tax

5:02 PM · Dec 13, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

Donut @JoeHarper · 15h
Replying to @FatGuyDoes
in the past 7 weeks he has paid more federal income tax than that of everyone you know or have ever known in their entire lives and likely all of their friends and acquaintances as well. combined.

Rohid Jiwani @RohidJiwani· 13h
People don’t understand how taxes actually work lol. Billionaires are not avoiding taxes - they are just playing by the rules of the system. Just like how people in power “rig their elections” and “draw their boundaries” fairly. See I can make wild claims too.

Tony Engel @Veilside_Tony · Dec 13
A guy who literally took the millions he made from Paypal, gambled it to start Tesla, and then took THAT and gambled it to start Space X. JOBS. You know what? I'd rather Elon have that money than a government who would simply waste it. And no, I'm not defending billionaires

Johnna Crider @JohnnaCrider1· Dec 14
Unpopular fact: Elon Musk pays his taxes.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

16.12.2021 12:05
#96 RE: Zurück zum Kerngeschäft Antworten


Tesla Silicon Valley Club @teslaownersSV
Why is everyone attacking @elonmusk ? He pays 53% tax rate and he’ll be the highest tax payer in American history in 2021. He’s actually making a difference on this planet and getting us to mars.
7:31 PM · Dec 15, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

17.12.2021 16:51
#97 RE: Zurück zum Kerngeschäft Antworten

Ach, gar.

Stefan W. Huber @Leerzeit

Dear @elonmusk

Jay Clayton forced you to resign as CEO of #Tesla because you allegedly manipulated the market. Now it turns out that the chairman of the SEC who took action against you was himself manipulating the market. Now we caught him lying & covering up his ties on @CNBC

Stefan W. Huber @Leerzeit · 9h
Hey @CNBC - this is your associate Jay Clayton. He has assured your audience that he did not know @apolloglobal. Yet he himself has disclosed the company as source of potential conflict of interest in 2017. Even the New York Times reported on it. Will you set the record straight?

11:56 AM · Dec 17, 2021·Twitter Web App

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

19.12.2021 00:20
#98 RE: Zurück zum Kerngeschäft Antworten

Axiomatic Enemy of the State @DeTocqueville14

The world is far better off with Elon Musk being in possession of his wealth then it would be with the government being in possession of his wealth.

5:38 AM · Dec 18, 2021·Twitter Web App

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

21.12.2021 17:01
#99 RE: Zurück zum Kerngeschäft Antworten

Just for the record. 3 Starts innerhalb von 3 Tagen.

18. Dezember 2021, 12:41. Vandenberg, 52 Starlink-Satelliten (die etwas schwerer sind als das bisherige Modell, deshalb nur 52 statt der üblichen 60). Elfter Start der Erststufe. Landung auf der "Of Course I Love You."
19. Dezember 2021, 03:58. Cape Canaveral Space Force Center, Türksat 5B. Fünfter Start der Erststufe. Landung auf der "A Shortfall of Gravitas."
21. Dezember 2021, 10:06. John F. Kennedy Space Center, Startrampe 39A. Frachtmission CRS-24 zur ISS. Erststart der Erststufe. Landung auf der "Just Read the Instructions." 100. erfolgreiche Landung einer Erststufe.

War der 19. Starlink-Start für das Jahr 2021. Gesamtzahl der gestarteten Starlink-Satelliten: 1944. Einsatzbereit: 1775, zurzeit im Einsatz: 1465.

Seit dem August 2021 ist Starlink übrigens in Portugal und der Schweiz zu empfangen, seit September in Polen, Italien und Tschechien, seit November in Koratien, Schweden und Mexiko, und seit dem 2. Dezember in Litauen.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Online

Beiträge: 14.816

22.12.2021 13:17
#100 RE: Zurück zum Kerngeschäft Antworten

Ich geb' das erstmal ungesehen weiter als Hinweis. Einstündiges Interview von Elon Musk mit The Babylon Bee, von heute.

FULL INTERVIEW: Elon Musk Sits Down With The Babylon Bee

RED ALERT: this is not a joke. Elon Musk sat down with Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon, EIC Kyle Mann, and Creative Director Ethan Nicolle for an in-depth interview on wokeness, Elizabeth Warren, taxing the rich, the Metaverse, which superhero Elon would be, and how the left is killing comedy.

This version contains the full interview with 45 additional minutes of content.

We've gone ahead and released the entire interview for everyone for free -- thanks to all our subscribers and supporters for enabling us to do this. If you already saw the original free portion, jump to 49:46 to see the rest.

0:00 Intro
0:43 Interview starts (how did Babylon Bee get started)
2:50 Elon on California
4:10 Elon on the onion and SNL becoming woke
7:44 The "woke mind virus"
9:00 Recent decline in birth rates, overpopulation
10:10 Elon on the future of sustainable energy
13:23 Back to the topic of wokeness
15:18 Elizabeth warren, taxes
16:07 Elon talks about his taxes, wealth, Tesla options & stock, SpaceX
24:40 Elon on his candy company and the role of companies in general
28:40 Who requested the interview, and CNN
29:45 Would you be Batman or Ironman or something else?
32:58 Elon on the metaverse
36:55 cheeky ad
37:24 Elon on how his career got started, what drives him to keep going, the mission of Tesla and SpaceX, climate change, multiplanetary species, humanity, aliens, etc
48:00 (When the 1 hr short cut interview ended).
54:43 At what mach does Starship encounter Max-Q? How much pressure is that?
58:48 Changes to shapes of rockets
59:28 Robots & AI, Government & regulation
1:10:50 Neuralink
1:20:37 Babylon bee Elon musk subscription tier.
1:21:32 10 set Babylon Bee interview questions:
1:21:57 1. Have you met Christian rap artist Carman?
1:22:28 2. Are you more of a Calvinist or Arminian?
1:23:51 3. You get to add one book to the Bible, what is it? (Elon goes into his journey with the meaning of life)
1:25:25 4. Cigars or Pipes
1:25:47 5. You get to hang out with 3 people living or dead, who are they?
1:26:45 6. Whisky or beer?
1:26:51 7. What would you do as the US President?
1:31:35 8. Have you ever punched anyone or been punched?
1:33:02 9. Whose concert do you go to see (any band in history)?
1:33:25 10. Would you accept Jesus into your life as your Lord and Saviour? (Elon on Jesus, the Bible, and Christian principles).

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Seiten 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | ... 25

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