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Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

13.03.2022 23:35
#151 RE: SLS Antworten

Nur damit dies nicht untergeht und weil heute das "Abstürzen der ISS" mal wieder als Aufreger in den Medien umgeht.

Jonathan McDowell @planet4589

As expected, TsUP (Russian mission control in Korolev) commanded a 6 minute engine firing of the Progress MS-18 cargo ship docked to the ISS at 1935 UTC Mar 11 to reboost the station's orbit by 0.9 km.

4:07 AM · Mar 12, 2022·TweetDeck

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

15.03.2022 13:38
#152 RE: SLS Antworten

Space Launch System. Weiterer Fahrplan. Ich kenne das VAB noch aus Apollo-Zeiten als Vertical Assembly Building.

Zitat von, March 15, 2022
NASA is ready to roll out the first Space Launch System rocket this week for a countdown rehearsal ahead of a launch later this year.

Agency officials said at a March 14 briefing that they had completed reviews for the scheduled March 17 rollout of the SLS from the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) at the Kennedy Space Center to Launch Complex 39B several kilometers away. Rollout is scheduled to begin at approximately 5 p.m. Eastern and take 11 hours to reach the pad.

The SLS, with the Orion spacecraft mounted on it, will spend a few weeks at the pad for tests that culminate in a practice countdown called a wet dress rehearsal, where the core stage of the rocket is filled with liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen propellants and goes through a countdown that stops just before the core stage’s four RS-25 engines would ignite.

“We are in very good shape and ready to proceed with this roll on Thursday evening,” Charlie Blackwell-Thompson, Artemis launch director at NASA, said at the briefing. Weather forecasts project acceptable conditions for the rollout.

Assuming the rollout and other tests at the pad remain on schedule, the formal countdown rehearsal will start with a “call to stations” for NASA personnel on April 1, she said. The fueling of the core stage and practice countdown will take place April 3.
The wet dress rehearsal will be the final major test before the first SLS launch on the Artemis 1 mission. NASA has not set a date for the launch but noted at a Feb. 24 briefing it was still keeping open an option for the “tail end” of a May launch window that runs from May 7 to 21. However, a launch in June or July is more likely.

After the dress rehearsal, NASA anticipates spending eight to nine days working on the vehicle for post-test operations and servicing before rolling it back to the VAB for final launch preparations. That schedule is subject to change, though, depending on what happens during the test, said Tom Whitmeyer, deputy associate administrator for exploration systems development.

NASA should then be able to set a more specific launch date for Artemis 1.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

15.03.2022 15:07
#153 RE: SLS Antworten

PS. Wer sich über den Bodenkontakt der verschiedenen Missionen informieren will, kann das auf der Webseite des DSN, des Deep Space Network der NASA tun. Zurzeit läuft über die Bodenstation in Madrid ein Testlauf für die Kommunikation mit EM1, der Exploration Mission 1, also der Artemis 1-Mission, die oben erwähnt wird, über Antennenschüssel 56. Des weiteren die Verbindung zur Raumsonde Juno in 893 Mio. km Entfernung über Antenne 63, sowie zu SOHO und zur Parker Solar Probe. Antenne 34 in Canberra hält gerade den Kontakt mit dem Rover Perseverance auf dem Mars aufrecht. 🛰📞

Quick Stats
First year of Operation: 1997
Type: Azimuth-Elevation
Beam Wave Guide
Diameter: 34 metres
Height: 35 metres

Transmit: X-Band (7145-7235 MHz)
S Band (2025-2120 MHz)
Receive: X-Band (8200-8600MHz)
S-Band (2200-2300 MHz)
K-Band (25.5-27.0 GHz)
Ka-Band (31.8-32.3 GHz)
X-Band Acquisition Aid (8400-8500MHz)
Accuracy: within 0.004° (pointing)
within 0.25mm (surface RMS)

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

17.03.2022 13:39
#154 RE: SLS Antworten

Coverage, Activities Set for First Rollout of NASA’s Mega Moon Rocket

Live coverage for rollout begins at 5 p.m. EDT on Thursday, March 17 and will include live remarks from NASA Administrator Bill Nelson and other guests. Coverage will air on NASA Television, the NASA app, and the agency’s website.

At the pad, NASA will conduct a final prelaunch test known as wet dress rehearsal, which includes loading the SLS propellant tanks and conducting a launch countdown.

The rollout involves a 4-mile journey between the Vehicle Assembly Building and the launch pad, expected to take between six and 12 hours. Live, static camera views of the debut and arrival at the pad will be available starting at 4 p.m. EDT on the Kennedy Newsroom YouTube channel.

MEZ = EDT+6h

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

17.03.2022 14:47
#155 RE: SLS Antworten

ExoMars 2022-Mission der ESA abgesagt. Der Start war für September vorgesehen.

Andrew Jones @AJ_FI

ESA's ExoMars 2022 rover mission with Russian lander and launch vehicle has been suspended, ESA’s ruling Council has unanimously decided

2:05 PM · Mar 17, 2022·Twitter for Android

N° 9–2022: ExoMars suspended
17 March 2022

As an intergovernmental organisation mandated to develop and implement space programmes in full respect with European values, we deeply deplore the human casualties and tragic consequences of the aggression towards Ukraine. While recognising the impact on scientific exploration of space, ESA is fully aligned with the sanctions imposed on Russia by its Member States.

ESA’s ruling Council, meeting in Paris on 16-17 March, assessed the situation arising from the war in Ukraine regarding ExoMars, and unanimously:

acknowledged the present impossibility of carrying out the ongoing cooperation with Roscosmos on the ExoMars rover mission with a launch in 2022, and mandated the ESA Director General to take appropriate steps to suspend the cooperation activities accordingly.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

17.03.2022 20:52
#156 RE: SLS Antworten

Weiterer Livestream zum Rollout des Space Launch Systems; ist bereits seit 4 Stunden live geschaltet, obwohl der Beginn erst in zwei Stunden ansteht.

Die Entfernung vom VAB zur Startrampe 39B beträgt rund 6,8 km.
Der Raupenkettenschlepper und die Rakete kommen zusammen auf ein Gewicht von 21,4 Millionen (englischen) Pfound; mithin 9700 Tonnen.

00:24 (18:24 EST): der Transporter hat sich nach der Fahrt aus dem VAB und dem ersten planmäßigen Halt auf dem Weg zur Startrampe gemacht. (Der Halt diente dazu, um zu sehen, wie sich das Abbremsen auf die Rakete und die Kapsel auswirken).

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

18.03.2022 01:32
#157 RE: SLS Antworten

Chris Bergin - NSF @NASASpaceflight

ISS passing over SLS right now!

1:21 AM · Mar 18, 2022·Twitter Web App

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

18.03.2022 13:23
#158 RE: SLS Antworten

Und dann war da noch dies hier:

Chris Bergin - NSF @NASASpaceflight

A Russian Soyuz 2.1a is set to launch three cosmonauts to the ISS today.

Launch is scheduled for 11:55 am EDT (15:55 UTC), on a fast-track rendezvous resulting in docking three hours after launch.

Overview by Chris Gebhardt (@ChrisG_NSF).

1:03 PM · Mar 18, 2022·Twitter Web App

The Russian federal space agency Roscosmos is set to launch a Soyuz 2.1a with three cosmonauts to the International Space Station (ISS) Friday, March 18 at 11:55 am EDT (15:55 UTC) aboard the Soyuz MS-21 mission.

Utilizing a fast-track rendezvous, the all-Roscosmos crew will dock to the station approximately three hours after liftoff to start a six-month, long-duration mission.

Soyuz MS-21 will be the first crew flight for Russia of 2022 and will mark the first time in the ISS’s history that a Soyuz crew mission launches with three Roscosmos cosmonauts and no international partner astronauts.

All Russian missions to the station — such as the October 2021 film crew — have occurred before, but never an all Roscosmos cosmonaut crew.


Cosmic Penguin @Cosmic_Penguin

So the Soyuz MS-21 S/C is named after Sergei Korolev*, which is a huge irony given his birthplace (Zhytomyr), place of childhood (Nizhyn, near Chernihiv), vocational school (Odessa) & 1st college (Kyiv) are all being bombarded heavily by Russians right now.

1:50 PM · Mar 18, 2022·Twitter Web App

*Kommentar im russischen Videofeed: с пилотируемым кораблем «С. П. Королёв» («Союз МС-21»).


Anatoly Zak @RussianSpaceWeb

One of the songs played to cosmonauts into the cockpit goes something like that: "...they brought a death notice to a mother of a soldier..."

4:22 PM · Mar 18, 2022·Twitter Web App

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

18.03.2022 16:57
#159 RE: SLS Antworten

16:56. Start der Sojus MS-21 von Baikonur. Andocken an die ISS in drei Stunden.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

21.03.2022 18:24
#160 RE: SLS Antworten

Stichwort Terminkalender.

Dan Ives @DivesTech

Tomorrow Musk will officially cut the red ribbon on the Giga Berlin factory with Tesla now establishing a major manufacturing factory within Europe. We view the opening of Giga Berlin as one of the biggest strategic endeavors for Tesla over the last decade. Output expanding key

3:04 PM · Mar 21, 2022·Twitterrific for iOS

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

21.03.2022 20:21
#161 RE: SLS Antworten

Daß OneWeb heute angekündigt hat, die verbleibenden Satelliten zum Aufbau seines weltraumgestützten Internets nicht wie bei dem 13 Starts vorher durch Sojus-Booster zu starten (von den insgesamt 648 Satelliten befinden sich 428 in der Umlaufbahn), sondern eine Zusammenarbeit mit SpaceX zu starten (was nicht einer gewissen Ironie entbehrt), hat sich vielleicht herumgesprochen.

Und ansonsten:

Elon Musk @elonmusk
Replying to @thesheetztweetz and @QuiltyAnalytics

SpaceX default plan was ~65% of global launch mass to orbit this year. Incremental demand might take that to ~70%, so not a major change. Those numbers don’t count Starship.

Rough math is ~16 tons * 50 launches = 800 tons. Rest of world is <400 tons (mostly China).

7:59 PM · Mar 21, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

Elon Musk @elonmusk
Replying to @elonmusk @thesheetztweetz and @QuiltyAnalytics

First Starship orbital flight will be with Raptor 2 engines, as they are much more capable & reliable. 230 ton or ~500k lb thrust at sea level.

We’ll have 39 flightworthy engines built by next month, then another month to integrate, so hopefully May for orbital flight test.

8:19 PM · Mar 21, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Florian Offline

Beiträge: 3.196

22.03.2022 17:41
#162 RE: SpX-DM2 und darüber hinaus. Nebst der Beantwortung der Frage: "Wer ist Elon Musk"? Antworten

Musk ist schon ein sehr spezieller Charakter und mir nicht unbedingt symphatisch.

Aber seine unternehmerische Leistung ist einfach großartig.
Der Mann schwafelt nicht lange rum - sondern macht einfach.

Jüngstes Beispiel:

Musk stattet das ukrainische Militär mit Satellitenkommunikation aus.
"Via Twitter bestätigte Fedorov dass fast täglich neue Satellitenmodems nachgeliefert werden – und das Musk die Ukraine so online hält, trotz Strom- und Internetausfällen in traditionellen Bodennetzen aufgrund der russischen Attacken.(...)
Laut Gesprächen mit Luftwaffenoffizieren nutzen die Piloten der gefürchteten Bayraktar-Drohnen der Ukraine die mobilen Starlink-Terminals dafür, Zieldaten mit Online-Karten abzugleichen und Live-Videodaten der Drohnen an andere Einheiten zu übermitteln. So würden unter anderem Artillerie-Schläge koordiniert."

Unternehmertum at its best.
Musk zeigt der Welt - und ganz speziell auch der Bundesregierung - wie schnelle und wirkungsvolle Hilfe für die Ukraine geht.
Man vergleiche das einmal mit der bräsigen Organisation der deutschen Militärhilfe:

"Die Ukraine hat nach Informationen der WELT AM SONNTAG in den vergangenen zwei Wochen keine nennenswerten deutschen Waffenlieferungen mehr erhalten. (...)
Von den ebenfalls versprochenen Strela-Luftabwehrraketen hat die Ukraine hingegen offenbar bisher nur einen Bruchteil erhalten. Das erfuhr WELT AM SONNTAG aus ukrainischen Regierungskreisen. Der Ukraine wurden demnach nur 500 Stück geliefert. Berlin hatte Anfang März jedoch 2700 solcher Raketen zugesichert. Die Übergabe habe zudem erst am Donnerstagabend in Polen stattgefunden. Laut ukrainischen Regierungskreisen sind derzeit keine weiteren Strela-Lieferungen geplant."

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

22.03.2022 20:44
#163 RE: SpX-DM2 und darüber hinaus. Nebst der Beantwortung der Frage: "Wer ist Elon Musk"? Antworten

O-Ton Elon Musk heute.

Schön, daß ihr alle da seid. Heute haben wir die ersten Autos an unsere Kunden ausgeliefert. Was für ein Meilenstein! Vor zirka zwei Jahren haben die Bauarbeiten angefangen. Jetzt stehen wir vor der fertigen Fabrik. Danke für all eure harte Arbeit, die das hier möglich gemacht hat Thank you for your hard work which has led to this great day, and it's amazing to see how excited the customers were to receive their cars. I mean, it was just super good vibes.

Und er liest in dieser Sprache besser ab als unsere offizielle Außendarstellerin.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

23.03.2022 21:47
#164 RE: SpX-DM2 und darüber hinaus. Nebst der Beantwortung der Frage: "Wer ist Elon Musk"? Antworten

Apropos "Abenteuer im Weltraum." Wenn ich es richtig überblicke, dann war das heute der erste Weltraumspaziergang eines Deutschen überhaupt. (*)

William Harwood @cbs_spacenews

US EVA-80: Kayla Barron and Thomas Marshburn, helping Maurer out of his spacesuit, report the German astronaut's helmet had water coating 30% to 50% of the faceplate and that a pad added in the wake of a serious water leak during a 2013 EVA was damp

9:38 PM · Mar 23, 2022·TweetDeck

(* "literarisch" bin mir mir jetzt überhaupt nicht sicher; es könnte Otto Willi Gail sein, "Der Schuß ins All" oder "Der Stein vom Mond" (1925 bzw. 26), aber auch Ludwig Anton, "Brücken über dem Weltenraum" (1922) oder sogar schon in Friedrich Maders "Wunderwelten" (1911).)


Chari, anchored to the end of the space station’s robot arm, plans to install the ammonia jumpers, work with Maurer to attach and connect the TV camera and attach two handling fixtures to an external radiator assembly.

Maurer will float from work site to work site, making power and data connections on the European Bartolomeo instrument platform, tying down a pulled-up insulation blanket on the Japanese Kibo module and helping Chari connect the new TV camera.

He also plans to carry out a variety of other tasks, including work to loosen bolts in a solar array electronics assembly to facilitate future component changeouts and to run a power cable to a coolant pump module.

The space station circulates ammonia through heat exchangers out to six radiators, three on each side of the lab’s power truss, to dissipate the heat generated by the station’s electronics. The ammonia is routed to the radiators through hoses from “radiator beam valve modules,” or RBVMs, part of a system that can be rotated with respect to the sun to maximize cooling.

In 2017, a slight leak was detected in jumpers running between one radiator panel and an RBVM. The hoses were bypassed, removed, taken back to Earth, refurbished and relaunched for installation by, as it turns out, Chari.

The spacewalk is expected to last about six-and-a-half hours.

PPS. Kommando zurück.

Als vierter Deutscher ist Matthias Maurer in den freien Kosmos ausgestiegen.

Der 52-Jährige ist der zwölfte Deutsche im All und der vierte auf der ISS. Auch seine drei Vorgänger auf dem Außenposten der Menschheit hatten einen Außeneinsatz absolviert: Thomas Reiter (2006), Hans Schlegel (2008) und Alexander Gerst (2014).

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

28.03.2022 16:40
#165 RE: SpX-DM2 und darüber hinaus. Nebst der Beantwortung der Frage: "Wer ist Elon Musk"? Antworten

Exclusive-SpaceX Ending Production of Flagship Crew Capsule -Executive

By Reuters|March 28, 2022, at 7:08 a.m.

(Reuters) - SpaceX has ended production of new Crew Dragon astronaut capsules, a company executive told Reuters, as Elon Musk's space transportation company heaps resources on its next-generation spaceship program.

Capping the fleet at four Crew Dragons adds more urgency to the development of the astronaut capsule's eventual successor, Starship, SpaceX's moon and Mars rocket. Starship's debut launch has been delayed for months by engine development hurdles and regulatory reviews.

It also poses new challenges as the company learns how to maintain a fleet and quickly fix unexpected problems without holding up a busy schedule of astronaut missions.

"We are finishing our final (capsule), but we still are manufacturing components, because we'll be refurbishing," SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell told Reuters, confirming the plan to end Crew Dragon manufacturing.

She added that SpaceX would retain the capability to build more capsules if a need arises in the future, but contended that "fleet management is key."

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

28.03.2022 22:11
#166 RE: Bodenproben vom Roten Planeten Antworten

Nicht, daß mich das im Geringsten überrascht...

"NASA to delay Mars Sample Return, switch to dual-lander approach"

NASA plans to delay the next phase of its Mars Sample Return campaign and split a lander mission into two separate spacecraft to reduce the overall risk of the program.

At a March 21 meeting of the National Academies’ Space Studies Board, Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA associate administrator for science, revealed that NASA and the European Space Agency had agreed to revise the schedule and design for upcoming missions that will return samples being cached by the Perseverance rover to Earth.

Original plans called for the launch of both a NASA-led Sample Retrieval Lander and ESA-led Earth Return Orbiter in 2026. The lander, using an ESA-built rover, would collect the samples cached by Perseverance and load them into a rocket called the Mars Ascent Vehicle (MAV), which would launch them into orbit. The orbiter, using a NASA-provided collection system, would gather the samples and return them to Earth in 2031.

An independent review, though, recommended in November 2020 that NASA delay those future missions to 2027 or 2028 to provide a more reasonable development schedule.
Both NASA and ESA agreed to adopt the approach as well as a schedule that would delay the launches of the two landers to 2028. The Earth Return Orbiter would launch in 2027, and the samples would return to Earth in 2033 under that revised schedule.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

01.04.2022 15:55
#167 RE: Bodenproben vom Roten Planeten Antworten

Vorgestern: Rückkehr von Marc Vande Hei von der ISS nach dem längsten Raumflug eines US-Astronauten; 355 Tage.
Gestern: Vierter Parabelflug der New Shepard im westlichen Texas mit 6 Passagieren auf nominelle Weltraumhöhe.

A $330 million German hyperspectral Earth-imaging satellite will hitch a ride to orbit from Cape Canaveral with 39 smaller commercial payloads on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket set for blastoff Friday.

The German observation satellite — named the Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program, or EnMAP — is sitting on top of a stack of microsatellites, CubeSats, and even smaller “picosats” ready for launch at 12:24 p.m. EDT (1624 GMT) Friday.

EnMAP is the biggest of the bunch, weighing roughly 2,160 pounds (980 kilograms) and about the size of a compact car, dwarfing its co-passengers on the Transporter 4 mission.

The EnMAP project is managed by DLR, the German space agency, which first approved the satellite for development in 2006. The launch of EnMAP has been delayed a decade due to technological and engineering problems, mainly associated with the satellite’s sophisticated imaging instrument.

The satellite will scan Earth’s surface with a telescope and dual spectrometers tuned to see sunlight reflected off the ground, lakes, rivers, and oceans in 242 colors.

“EnMAP is a satellite that acquires images of Earth,” said Sebastian Fischer, the mission manager at DLR. “However, an image is normally recorded in three different colors: red, green and blue. The unique thing about EnMAP is that it does not only concentrate on these three colors, but the light is split into very many, very small wavelength ranges.”

The extra detail can tell scientists, policymakers, businesses, farmers, and foresters about the state of the environment, giving insights about the health of vegetation and water pollution.
But there’s just a 30% chance weather at Cape Canaveral will be acceptable for liftoff Friday. The changes improve Saturday, when there’s a 50% chance of favorable weather for launch.

LAUNCH SITE: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida
LAUNCH DATE: April 1, 2022
LAUNCH TIME: 12:24 p.m. EDT (1624 GMT)
WEATHER FORECAST: 30% probability of acceptable weather
BOOSTER RECOVERY: “Just Read the Instructions” drone ship

Es handelt sich um den ersten von sechs Starts, die SpaceX für April auf dem Fahrplan hat.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

08.04.2022 11:44
#168 RE: Axiom-1 Mission Antworten

Damit es nicht untergeht. Heute steht der Start der Axiom-Mission an. Kein Kommentator versäumt es darauf hinzuweisen, daß jetzt zwei Personenraketen auf "Cape Kennedy" auf benachbarten Startrampen (LC 39A & B) in Bereitschaft stehen.

Four private citizens are gearing up to ride into orbit Friday aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon spacecraft, taking aim on the International Space Station on the first all-commercial mission to visit the research complex. Liftoff from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida is set for 11:17 a.m. EDT (1517 GMT).

The arrangement is the first of its kind. Previous visits by private astronauts, or “space tourists,” to the space station occurred on government-led missions on Russian Soyuz spaceships.

The Ax-1 mission will last about 11 days, with roughly nine days on the space station, where López-Alegría, Connor, Pathy, and Stibbe will perform experiments, participate in educational and public relations outreach activities, and enjoy their time in orbit.


147th launch of a Falcon 9 rocket since 2010
155th launch of Falcon rocket family since 2006
5th launch of Falcon 9 booster B1062
129th Falcon 9 launch from Florida’s Space Coast
140th launch overall from pad 39A
46th SpaceX launch overall from pad 39A
90th flight of a reused Falcon 9 booster
6th SpaceX launch with humans on-board
1st mission for Axiom Space
3rd flight of Dragon Endeavour spacecraft
8th flight of a Crew Dragon spacecraft

DOCKING AT ISS: 7:45 a.m. EDT (1145 GMT) on Saturday, April 9

MESZ 13:07: Countdown t-04:10.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

08.04.2022 16:37
#169 RE: Axiom-1 Mission Antworten

16:37: MESZ. T minus 40 Minuten.
Zurückfahren des Zugangsarms vom Startturm um -44 Min.
17:00. Zweite Stufe vollständig betankt.
T minus 4 Minuten. Brennkammern & Zuleitungen werden herabgekühlt.
17:17. Liftoff.
T 2:50. Stufentrennung.
T 9:31. Punktlandung der Startstufe.


Eric Berger @SciGuySpace

Some perspective on Crew Dragon's rapid rise: It has now flown 22 astronauts into orbit. China, widely regarded as having the second-most capable space program in the world, has launched 20 astronauts since 2003.

5:29 PM · Apr 8, 2022·TweetDeck

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

09.04.2022 14:34
#170 RE: Axiom-1 Mission Antworten

04/09/2022 14:30 Stephen Clark Stephen Clark

Contact and soft capture confirmed! Axiom's commercial crew -- Mike López-Alegría, Larry Connor, Eytan Stibbe, and Mark Pathy -- have arrived at the International Space Station, completing a 21-hour transit from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

04/09/2022 14:32 Stephen Clark Stephen Clark

Docking occurred at 8:29 a.m. EDT (1229 GMT) as the space station flew 258 miles over the central Atlantic Ocean.

Auf der ISS selbst gilt übrigens UT = GMT.

14:51 MESZ:

Spaceflight Now @SpaceflightNow· 8m

The Crew Dragon’s docking sequence is complete. A series of 12 hooks drove closed to create a firm link between the SpaceX capsule and the International Space Station.

It will take about two hours to equalize pressure and open hatches.


The commercial spacecraft built and owned by SpaceX docked with the Harmony module at 8:29 a.m. EDT (1229 GMT) Saturday, nearly 45 minutes later than scheduled due to a video problem on the space station.
Less than two hours later — following a series of pressure and leak checks in the docking adapter — the four-man team opened the hatch of their Dragon spacecraft and floated into the space station, where commander Tom Marshburn and the lab’s six other crew members welcomed the new arrivals.

With the Ax-1 crew members safely inside the station, there are now 11 people living and working on the complex, including five Americans, three Russians, one German, one Canadian, and one Israeli space flier.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

11.04.2022 13:16
#171 RE: Twitter Antworten

Zitat von 04:46 BST, 11 April 2022 | Updated: 07:38 BST, 11 April 2022
Elon Musk refuses to join Twitter's board after becoming the company's largest shareholder with a 9.2% stake: CEO Parag Agrawal says 'I believe this is for the best' and the Tesla CEO bizarrely tweets then deletes a single emoji following the news

Elon Musk, 50, last week was revealed to be the biggest shareholder in Twitter, having bought a stake worth 9.2 percent - four times that of founder Jack Dorsey
Musk was due to join the board of the company on Saturday but decided not to, CEO Parag Agrawal said on Sunday

The usually vocal Musk has not commented on his decision but early Monday morning he tweeted an emoji of a smiling face, with a hand over its mouth - supposedly an expression of rapture, a smirk, a shy smile, or indicating happiness. He then deleted it.

Twitter's CEO also did not reveal the reason behind Musk's surprising decision.

Yet Musk then changed his mind, amid days spent posting a flurry of tweets suggesting changes to Twitter, and conducting online polls - some serious, some seemingly in jest.

Had he taken a board seat, he would have been limited in how much of the company's shares he could own, with a 14.9 percent cap.

Musk could now remain a passive investor or plan a hostile takeover of the company.

Die letzten beiden Sätze sind das Entscheidende.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

21.04.2022 15:20
#172 RE: Starlink Antworten

Der Start für diese Woche steht heute an. Premiere diesmal: zum erstenmal wird eine Erststufe zum 12. Mal einen Start absolvieren.

SpaceX is counting to launch of a Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station at 11:14 a.m. EDT (1514 GMT) Thursday, carrying another 53 Starlink internet satellites into orbit. The first stage booster, flying for the 12th time, will target a landing on an offshore drone ship.

149th launch of a Falcon 9 rocket since 2010
157th launch of Falcon rocket family since 2006
12th launch of Falcon 9 booster B1060
130th Falcon 9 launch from Florida’s Space Coast
84th Falcon 9 launch from pad 40
139th launch overall from pad 40
82nd flight of a reused Falcon 9 booster
42nd dedicated Falcon 9 launch with Starlink satellites
15th Falcon 9 launch of 2022
15th launch by SpaceX in 2022
15th orbital launch based out of Cape Canaveral in 2022

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

23.04.2022 14:24
#173 RE: Starlink Antworten

With Thursday’s mission, SpaceX has launched 2,388 Starlink satellites to date. Around 2,121 of those satellites are still in orbit and appear to be working, and the rest have either failed or fallen out of orbit, according to a list maintained by Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist who closely tracks spaceflight activity.

That’s nearly five times the number of active satellites currently flying in the second-largest fleet of spacecraft — the internet constellation owned by Starlink rival OneWeb. In third place is Planet, which operates a fleet of more than 200 small Earth-imaging satellites.

SpaceX is in the midst of launching around 4,400 Starlink satellites into five orbital “shells” more than 300 miles above Earth. The shells are positioned at different inclinations, and SpaceX completed launches of the first of the five Starlink groups last May.

Ultimately, SpaceX intends to launch as many as 42,000 internet satellites. The final figure hinges on market demand for the Starlink service, which offers high-speed, low-latency connectivity.

SpaceX says the service is best suited for customers in remote, hard-to-reach areas, such as rural communities, isolated homes, islands, and ships. Customers can sign up for Starlink service online by paying a reservation fee and paying $599 for an antenna and modem. SpaceX charges $110 per month for consumer-grade Starlink service.

Über OneWeb habe ich ja in "Juris Nacht" geschrieben. Die jetzt entfallenen Sojus-Starts von Russland & Kourou aus werden jetzt von SpaceX übernommen.

“SpaceX Falcon team making great progress!” Musk tweeted earlier this week. “Aiming for 5 day launch cadence with many performance & refurb improvements.”

Musk said last month SpaceX wants to launch as many as 60 Falcon rocket missions this year.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

25.04.2022 13:43
#174 RE: Starlink Antworten

SpaceX’s Starlink to provide Wi-Fi on Hawaiian Airlines flights with free service for passengers


SpaceX will start providing wireless internet on Hawaiian Airlines flights from the Starlink satellite network as early as next year, a service the airline told CNBC it plans to offer to passengers for free.

The deal marks the first for Elon Musk’s space company with a major airline. Starlink is SpaceX’s network of about 2,000 satellites in low Earth orbit, designed to deliver high-speed internet to consumers and businesses anywhere on the planet.

Hawaiian’s plan for complimentary connectivity with Starlink could increase pressure on rivals to offer free Wi-Fi for travelers, something currently available on JetBlue Airways. For example, Delta Air Lines CEO Ed Bastian said in 2018 that the airline wants to offer complimentary, high-speed Wi-Fi on its planes. It tested it on some flights in 2019.

The installation of Starlink terminals, also known as antennas, is expected to start next year on Hawaiian planes. The airline has yet to begin testing Starlink on an aircraft, and there are “certification issues that need to be worked through before we’re ready to operate the product,” Avi Mannis, Hawaiian’s chief marketing and communications officer, said in an interview. “But we’re confident that there’s a path forward for that.”

Der nächste Starlink-Start ist übrigens für den 29. April angesetzt.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

26.04.2022 20:00
#175 RE: Starlink Antworten

Und dann war da noch der Fall, in dem ich mir unschlüssig war, in welchen Strang das gehört.

Walter Isaacson @WalterIsaacson

Late last night, after winning his battle for Twitter, @elonmusk was in Boca Chica and held his regular 10 pm meeting on Raptor engine design, where he spent more than an hour working on valve leak solutions. No one mentioned Twitter. He can multitask.

4:01 PM · Apr 26, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

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