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Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

29.04.2022 22:38
#176 RE: Starlink Antworten

Zitat von Ulrich Elkmann im Beitrag #174
Der nächste Starlink-Start ist übrigens für den 29. April angesetzt.

Countdown bei T minus 49 Minuten.

Punktlandung der Startstufe auf der JRTI nach 8 Minuten. Das wird nie alt.

Man muß sich das mal gepflegt ausmalen: Da startet so ein 70 m hoher Schornstein mit einem Gewicht von 540 Tonnen, erreicht 9fache Schallgeschwindigkeit & beginnt aus 116 km Höhe zu fallen. Zwei Abbremsungen - 1 x für 30 Sekunden mit 3 der 9 Merlin-Triebwerke in 45 km Höhe, eine zweite mit einem Triebwerk in gut 3 km Höhe für 15 Sekunden - und dann setzt das Ding butterweich & absolut punktgenau im Zentrum der Zielscheibe im 280 Kilometern Entfernung vom Schießplatz auf. Der 5. Start dieses Boosters war erst vor drei Wochen.

23:46. In gut 5 Minuten überfliegt die Zweitstufe über Mitteleuropa, in einer Linie über Amsterdam, Frankfurt am Main und weiter Richtung München.
23:53. T bei 26 Minuten. Über dem Schwarzen Meer.
23:59. T +32 Minuten. Über Mekka.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Morn Offline

Beiträge: 203

30.04.2022 12:23
#177 RE: Starlink Antworten

Zitat von Ulrich Elkmann im Beitrag #176
Punktlandung der Startstufe auf der JRTI nach 8 Minuten. Das wird nie alt.

Ich schau mir das fast jedes mal an, wenn die Show zu einer erträglichen Zeit läuft.
Immer bin ich aufs neue begeistert.

Morn <><
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin
1987, L. Cohen

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

01.05.2022 23:18
#178 RE: ISS Antworten

TASS gestern.

"Роскосмос" принял решение о дате окончания работы на МКС

МОСКВА, 30 апр — РИА Новости. Решение по дате окончания работы России на Международной космической станции (МКС) уже принято, но публично сообщать о нем "Роскосмос" не обязан, заявил гендиректор госкорпорации Дмитрий Рогозин.
"Мы подготовили свои предложения, <...> они отправлены правительству и президенту. Решение принято уже. Мы не обязаны о нем говорить публично", — сказал он в эфире телеканала " Россия 24".
Рогозин добавил, что Россия предупредит партнеров по МКС за год до окончания работы. По его словам, такой срок предусмотрен международными обязательствами.

Rogosin hat gestern auf dem Kanal "Rossija 24" erklärt, daß Roskosmos die Zusammenarbeit mit der ISS aufgrund der Sanktionen einstellen wird, die Entscheidung sei gefallen, das Datum stehe fest, es würde aber noch nicht bekanntgegeben. Und die bisherigen westlichen Partnerländer würden 12 Monate vor Ablauf in Kenntnis gesetzt.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

05.05.2022 15:28
#179 RE: Starlink Antworten

Das wird langsam zur Gewohnheit. Nr. 4-17, T bei minus 20h, 10 Min. Zum 2. Mal wird eine Startstufe zum 12. Mal gestartet. Allerdings liegen zwischen dem letzten Start und morgen anders als beim ersten 12. Start 10 Wochen statt nur 3.

Spaceflight Now@SpaceflightNow

SpaceX is about to roll a Falcon 9 rocket to launch pad 39A for a liftoff tomorrow carrying 53 Starlink satellites broadband satellites. Watch a live view of the launch pad:

3:15 PM · May 5, 2022·TweetDeck

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Johanes Offline

Beiträge: 2.781

05.05.2022 18:11
#180 Wer? Antworten

Also schon mal vormerken, in ein paar Tagen kommt die Meldung.

24.04.22, Endlich, EU kämpft gegen Hass im Netz
25.04.: Twitter wurde von Musk übernommen.
04.05.:Scholz WILL nicht nach Kiew
(to be continued)

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

06.05.2022 11:42
#181 RE: Wer? Antworten

Start von 4-17 um 11:42 MESZ/05:42 EDT.
8:32 Startstufe auf der "A Shortfall of Gravitas" gelandet. Optisch eindrucksvoll, weil die Stufe beim Abstieg genau über dem Terminator herbakam, der Granze zwischen Tag & Nacht. Am Standort der ASoG herrscht gerade Sonnenaufgang.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

14.05.2022 00:01
#182 RE: Wer? Antworten

Erster Starlink-Start für dieses Wochende. 4-13. Von Vandenberg. T minus 7 Minuten.

SpaceX is targeting Friday, May 13 for a Falcon 9 launch of 53 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 4 East (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. The instantaneous launch window is at 3:07 p.m. PT, 22:07 UTC.

The first stage booster supporting this mission previously launched Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, DART, and two Starlink missions. Following stage separation, Falcon 9's first stage will return to Earth and land on the Of Course I Still Love You droneship stationed in the Pacific Ocean.

Morgen steht #2 auf dem Plan, vom Kennedy Space Center.

08:47. 5. Landung der Startstufe, auf der "OCISLY."


SpaceX passes 2,500 satellites launched for Starlink internet network

SpaceX launched a Falcon 9 rocket Friday afternoon from California’s Central Coast with another batch 53 Starlink internet satellites, pushing the total number of spacecraft launched in the network above 2,500, including testbeds and prototypes already cycled out of the fleet.

The Falcon 9 lifted off at 3:07:50 p.m. PDT (6:07:50 p.m. EDT: 2207:50 GMT) Friday from Vandenberg Space Force Base, a military spaceport between Los Angeles and San Francisco.

The mission was the 19th Falcon 9 launch of the year, and the 45th SpaceX mission primarily dedicated to deploying satellites for the Starlink internet network.

The launch from Vandenberg raised the total number of Starlink satellites launched to more than 2,547 spacecraft. That number includes prototypes, failed satellites, and decommissioned spacecraft no longer in the constellation.

More than 2,200 Starlink satellites are currently in orbit and working, according to an analysis by Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist who tracks spaceflight activity. That’s about half of SpaceX’s planned first-generation network of 4,408 Starlink satellites.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

14.05.2022 14:03
#183 RE: Wer? Antworten

Zitat von Ulrich Elkmann im Beitrag #182
Morgen steht #2 auf dem Plan, vom Kennedy Space Center.

SpaceX will launch 53 more Starlink satellites and land rocket today. Watch it live.

Liftoff is scheduled for Saturday (May 14) at 4:40 p.m. EDT (2040 GMT).

SpaceX plans to launch and land a rocket on Saturday (May 14), its second such effort in less than 24 hours.

A two-stage Falcon 9 rocket carrying 53 of SpaceX's Starlink internet satellites is scheduled to lift off Saturday at 4:40 p.m. EDT (2040 GMT) from Florida's Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. If all goes according to plan, the rocket's first stage will come back to Earth and land at sea on the SpaceX droneship Just Read the Instructions about nine minutes after liftoff.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

14.05.2022 22:38
#184 RE: Wer? Antworten

Countdown im Kennedy Space Center bei minus 4 Minuten.

MESZ 22:41. Liftoff.

Seit langer Zeit zum ersten Mal wieder der Erststart einer Erststufe.

8:24 Bilderbuchlandung auf der Just Read the Instructions. Im absoluten Zentrum der Zielscheibe.

154th launch of a Falcon 9 rocket since 2010
162nd launch of Falcon rocket family since 2006
1st launch of Falcon 9 booster B1073
134th Falcon 9 launch from Florida’s Space Coast
86th Falcon 9 launch from pad 40
141st launch overall from pad 40
67th flight of a new Falcon booster
46th dedicated Falcon 9 launch with Starlink satellites
20th Falcon 9 launch of 2022
20th launch by SpaceX in 2022
19th orbital launch based out of Cape Canaveral in 2022

SpaceX hat also in weniger als 24 Stunden 106 Satelliten in die Umlaufbahn gestartet. Das sind soviel, wie die beiden Supermächte zusammen zwischen Oktober 1957 und März 1961 gestartet haben.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

17.05.2022 19:25
#185 RE: Wer? Antworten

Hatten wir ja schon lange nicht mehr...

Spaceflight Now @SpaceflightNow

SpaceX is raising a Falcon 9 rocket on pad 39A at the Kennedy Space Center. The Falcon 9 is set for launch at dawn tomorrow with another batch of Starlink internet satellites.

7:21 PM · May 17, 2022·TweetDeck

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

18.05.2022 12:39
#186 RE: Wer? Antworten

Starlink 4-18.
T minus 20 Minuten. 3. Start in 5 Tagen.
Flüssigwasserstoffbetankung der zweiten Stufe beginnt in 4 Minuten.

Startrampe 39A, Kennedy Space Center; Landeplatz für die Startstufe "A Shortfall of Gravitas."
5. Flug der Startstufe.

155th launch of a Falcon 9 rocket since 2010
163rd launch of Falcon rocket family since 2006
5th launch of Falcon 9 booster B1052
135th Falcon 9 launch from Florida’s Space Coast
49th SpaceX launch from pad 39A
143rd launch overall from pad 39A
97th flight of a reused Falcon 9 booster
47th dedicated Falcon 9 launch with Starlink satellites
21st Falcon 9 launch of 2022
21st launch by SpaceX in 2022
20th orbital launch based out of Cape Canaveral in 2022

12:59 MESZ: Liftoff.
8:22: Punktlandung.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

18.05.2022 16:00
#187 RE: Boeing Starliner Antworten

Damit es nicht untergeht:

ULA @ulalaunch

The United Launch Alliance #AtlasV rocket will roll out this morning, moving @BoeingSpace's CST-100 #Starliner spacecraft to the Space Launch Complex-41 pad at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station for liftoff tomorrow at 6:54pmEDT (2254 UTC).

Live blog:

3:40 PM · May 18, 2022·Twitter Web App

A United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket will launch Boeing's Crew Space Transportation (CST)-100 Starliner spacecraft on its Orbital Flight Test-2 (OFT-2) to the International Space Station. OFT-2 is the second uncrewed flight of the Starliner that will demonstrate the spacecraft's human transportation capabilities. This test flight is the last major step before the Atlas V and Boeing's Starliner capsule take American astronauts to the International Space Station as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program.

Launch Date and Time: Thursday, May 19, 2022 at 6:54 p.m. EDT (2254 UTC)

May 18 16:02
Rollout Preps

The undercarriage jacks have raised the Mobile Launch Platform (MLP) from the pedestals in the Vertical Integration Facility (VIF).

Technicians are completing the final few steps in the procedures to prepare for rollout, having switched systems from the VIF to portable elements used during the transfer that will cover one-third-of-a-mile distance. That included generator power, communication lines and transitioning the environmental control system (ECS) to the portable trailers connected to the MLP.

Zur Erinnerung: Beim Erstflug im Dezember 2019 ist es zu massiven Problemen mit der Steuerung gekommen; beim Start war der Treibstoffverbrauch so hoch, daß die Kapsel nicht mehr aus dem Parkorbit in 190 km Höhe an die ISS andocken konnte; außerdem ist es zu mehreren Ausfällen der Kommunikation gekommen. Ein Triebwerk ist ausgefallen; eins der drei Trägheitsnavigationssysteme ditto, und ein Ventil für die Stickstoffbetankung zur Lagekontrolle ebenfalls.

Verschiedene Beobachter einschließlich eines Mitglieds des Sicherheits-Überwachungskomitees der NASA zogen Parallelen zu Softwareproblemen des Boeing-Flugzeugs 737 MAX.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

18.05.2022 16:17
#188 RE: Boeing Starliner Antworten

May 18 16:14
Rollout Begins
The 172-foot-tall Atlas V rocket is departing the Vertical Integration Facility for the pad at Space Launch Complex-41 to launch the second Orbital Flight Test of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft.

First motion of the rollout occurred at 10:14 a.m. EDT (1414 UTC).

May 18 17:12
Atlas V Arrives at the Pad

The United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket is perched atop Cape Canaveral's Space Launch Complex-41 for Thursday's launch of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner on the second Orbital Flight Test (OFT-2) in support of NASA's Commercial Crew Program.

May 18 18:02

Thursday's precise liftoff time has been established for the Atlas V rocket to send Boeing's Starliner spacecraft on its journey to the International Space Station.

Based upon the latest tracking of the station's orbit, launch is targeted to occur at 6:54:47 p.m. EDT (2254:47 UTC) from Space Launch Complex-41 at the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida.

The launch opportunity is instantaneous, meaning there is only a moment in time available each day for liftoff to occur when the orbital plane of the space station passes over the pad.

At the time of launch, the station will be 262 miles (422 km) above the North Atlantic approaching Europe. Starliner will rendezvous and dock with the station about 24 hours after liftoff.

May 18 20:26
Atlas RP-1 Loading

Fueling of the Atlas V first stage is underway at Cape Canaveral's Space Launch Complex-41. The launch team is pumping 25,000 gallons of RP-1 fuel, a highly refined kerosene, into the rocket for Thursday's flight.

The room-temperature RP-1 fuel that will power the main engine during the initial phase of the Starliner launch. Fueling of the rocket with cryogenic liquid oxygen to the main stage and liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen to Centaur occurs during tomorrow's countdown.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

19.05.2022 13:57
#189 RE: Boeing Starliner Antworten

May 19 13:34

Atlas V Countdown Begins

This is Atlas Launch Control at L-11 hours, 20 minutes (T-minus 6 hours, 20 minutes) and counting!

The countdown has been initiated for liftoff of the Atlas V rocket carrying the Starliner spacecraft on its Orbital Flight Test-2 (OFT-2).

Today's countdown lasts more than 11 hours from now through liftoff, which is longer than previous Atlas V flights.

There are two pre-planned, built-in holds scheduled in the count. The first is reserved prior to fueling at T-minus 2 hours and lasts 60 minutes.

The second is a long-duration, four-hour hold that will be inserted into the countdown after the completion of fueling operations at the T-minus 4 minute mark. That block of time allows the Blue Team to enter the launch pad with the rocket is in a quiescent state to perform all of the necessary work to prepare the Starliner crew module for flight. On future crewed missions, this will be the time in which the astronauts board the capsule and get strapped into their seats.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

19.05.2022 20:32
#190 RE: Boeing Starliner Antworten

May 19 20:15

The liquid hydrogen tank in the Centaur upper stage just reached the 96 percent level. Topping is beginning to produce a fully-fueled, 978,924-pound rocket to launch Starliner today.

Spaceflight Now @SpaceflightNow
Boeing confirms oxidizer isolation valves on the Starliner service module, which caused the scrub of the previous OFT-2 launch attempt last year, have successfully completed their final pre-launch cycle test.
8:15 PM · May 19, 2022·TweetDeck

May 19 20:51
Countdown Holding

T-minus 4 minutes (L-4 hours, 4 minutes) and holding. The countdown has entered the planned four-hour built-in hold. With the rocket in a quiescent state following fueling, this hold is when astronauts will board Starliner for flight. Today's Orbital Flight Test-2 will simulate crew ingress procedures by the Blue Team at the pad. Liftoff time remains 6:54:47 p.m. EDT (2254:47 UTC), at T-minus 4 minutes and holding, this is Atlas Launch Control.

May 19 21:00

All three cryogenic tanks on the rocket have been topped off to flight level. That gives us a fully-fueled, 978,924-pound rocket to launch Starliner today.

May 19 21:03

The Blue Team has crossed into the hazard area. Spacecraft Coordinator Conner Murphy here in the Launch Control Center will be responsible for monitoring and tracking the team's movements via pad cameras.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

19.05.2022 21:47
#191 RE: Keine Raumspaziergänge mehr auf der ISS Antworten

NASA shelves routine spacewalks for now due to leaky helmet

NASA is suspending all but the most urgent spacewalks after water was found in an astronaut's helmet following a March excursion, agency officials said on Tuesday (May 17).

NASA will perform an assessment of its extravehicular mobility unit (EMU) spacesuits after water was found in the helmet worn by European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Matthias Maurer following a March 23 spacewalk, agency officials said.

This means that astronauts will not go outside and perform extravehicular activities (EVAs) unless there is a pressing need for repairs on the International Space Station. Given that the affected EMU won't return to Earth for analysis until July, non-urgent spacewalks will be off the table for several months at the least.

This is the second time spacewalks have been suspended due to unexpected water leakage, although the last time in July 2013 was far more serious.

During that 2013 incident, ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano experienced a severe water leak that ended up covering most of his face. His spacewalk with NASA's Chris Cassidy was cut short due to the water volume Parmitano was reporting, roughly an hour after starting the work. Parmitano emerged safely from the incident and without injury, however.

NASA suspended all spacewalks back then amid an investigation, which culminated in a December 2013 report that identified multiple factors, from the spacesuit's construction to NASA procedures, that could be amended to prevent future such issues. (For example, water had been reported before by spacewalking astronauts, and NASA determined that a halt and investigation should have happened before Parmitano's excursion.)

The mishap report identified the immediate technical cause for the 2013 incident as "inorganic materials causing blockage of the drum holes" in an EMU water separator. This, in turn, caused water to spill into a vent loop.

The incident in Maurer's spacesuit seems to be the most serious water problem faced since NASA implemented the 2014 fixes.

Maurer reported about 8 to 10 inches (20 to 25 centimeters) of water in a very thin layer, covering the helmet's inner surface. The suit sometimes does generate a bit of water, Weigel said during the Tuesday news conference, but "this was a bit beyond what our normal experience faces. It was specifically the quantity of water that got our attention."

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

19.05.2022 21:57
#192 RE: Boeing Starliner Antworten

May 19 21:55

We are now exactly three hours away from liftoff. Blue Team operations continue to progress smoothly at the pad while launch team members here at the Atlas Spaceflight Operations Center monitor the health and status of rocket systems.

Liftoff remains targeted for exactly 6:54:47 p.m. EDT (2254:47 UTC).

May 19 22:27

Configuring the Launch Abort System in the crew module of Starliner has been completed. The Blue Team will proceed to egress the spacecraft shortly

May 19 22:55
L-2 hours

We are coming up on two hours until liftoff. Out at the launch pad, the Blue Team continues to progress through its timeline in the crew module. We are tracking no issues in the countdown that would preclude a liftoff at 6:54:47 p.m. EDT (2254:47 UTC).

May 19 23:00

Approval to close the Starliner hatch for flight has been radioed to the pad.

May 19 23:22

Centaur engine chilldown is getting underway at this point in the launch countdown. The twin RL10 engines will produce a combined 44,000 pounds of thrust to loft Starliner to its injection point.

May 19 23:39

Activities are on schedule for liftoff at 6:54:47 p.m. EDT (2254:47 UTC), the exact moment that the International Space Station's orbital plane passes over the Space Launch Complex-41 pad.

At T-minus 4 minutes and holding, with 71 minutes remaining in the hold, this is Atlas Launch Control.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

20.05.2022 00:10
#193 RE: Boeing Starliner Antworten

00:09 T minus 45 Minuten.

"Orbital insertion burn" startet 31 Minuten nach dem Abheben vom KSC.

May 20 00:37

Launch Conductor Doug Lebo is reminding all console operators that if a constraint is observed after the L-minus 7 minute readiness poll, the team member shall announce "hold, hold, hold" on the communications loops, identify their station and briefly state the reason for the hold.

00:44. Access Arm Retraction. T minus 11 Min. Starliner on internal power.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

20.05.2022 00:55
#194 RE: Boeing Starliner Antworten

00:55 MESZ. Liftoff.

2:20. Solid booster separation.
3:57. 80 km Höhe.
11:54. Main Engine Cutoff.
14:54. Spacecraft Separation.
31:02. Orbital Insertion Burn, 54 seconds.

Bis zum Andocken an der ISS dauert es etwa 24 Stunden.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

20.05.2022 15:48
#195 RE: Boeing Starliner Antworten

Jonathan McDowell @planet4589

Starliner: 2 of the 12 aft OMACS thrusters failed during the orbit insertion burn, slack taken up by a third. Not too serious in my opinion

3:17 AM · May 20, 2022·TweetDeck

Loren Grush @lorengrush

While Starliner is in a good orbit, two thrusters failed during the flight. One thruster shut down early, and the flight control system turned it over to the second thruster. That one fired, but shut down early too and the flight control system turned it over to a third thruster.

3:14 AM · May 20, 2022·TweetDeck

Loren Grush @lorengrush·12h
Updating our story but should add NASA and Boeing claim the failure shouldn't impact the rest of the mission. "I would say right now we do not need to resolve the thrusters prior to the next big burn." -- Steve Stich

Jonathan McDowell@planet4589

First TLE is now out showing Starliner in a 361 x 373 km x 51.6 deg orbit.
At 0600 UTC it's about 4000 km behind ISS.

9:19 AM · May 20, 2022·TweetDeck

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

20.05.2022 19:18
#196 RE: Boeing Starliner Antworten

Starliner will reach a position about 82o feet (250 meters) from the station around 5:46 p.m. EDT (2146 GMT). At that time, Starliner should have established a communications link with the space station, allowing the astronauts inside the research complex to send commands to the approaching capsule.

Kenneth Chang@kchangnyt
Still no update since last night about Boeing's Starliner spacecraft supposedly en route to the International Space Station. According to the timeline Boeing distributed before launch, a go/no-go decision for approach to the station should occur ~2:30 p.m. ET.
7:45 PM · May 20, 2022·Twitter Web App

Hopefully we'll find out what's been going on when NASA TV resumes coverage at 3 p.m.

Whoops, 3:30 p.m.

3:30 p.m. EDT => 21:30 MESZ.

Nur eine kleine Erinnerung, daß an dieser Front auch seit 18 Stunden absolute Funkstille herrscht:

Last Updated: May 20 02:16

May 20 02:16

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

20.05.2022 21:49
#197 RE: Boeing Starliner Antworten

5/20/2022 20:55 Stephen Clark

Mission control in Houston just informed astronaut Bob Hines on the International Space that the ISS Mission Management Team polled "go" for rendezvous of the Starliner spacecraft with the station later today.

Engineers overnight analyzed the failure of two thrusters during the orbit insertion burn. The Starliner’s orbital maneuvering and attitude control, or OMAC, jets were used for the injection burn, and will be fired again for several rendezvous burns to fine-tune the craft’s approach to the International Space Station.

“We had two thrusters fail,” said Mark Nappi, Boeing’s Starliner program manager. “The first one had fired. It fired for a second and then it shut down. The flight control system did what it was supposed to and it turned it over to the second thruster. It fired for about 25 seconds and then it shut down.

“Again, the flight control system took over, did what it was supposed to, and and went to third thruster and we had a successful orbital insertion,” Nappi said.

The Starliner spacecraft remained on course to dock at the space station around 7:10 p.m. EDT (2310 GMT) Friday, but officials said engineers will analyze the thruster issue overnight before a management meeting Friday morning to decide on whether to proceed with the approach to the station.

Steve Stich, NASA’s commercial crew program manager, said the spacecraft has “plenty of redundancy” to complete the test flight without the failed thrusters. The thrusters that shut off during the orbit insertion burn are located in one of four doghouse-shaped propulsion pods on the Starliner service module.

Each “doghouse” has three aft-facing OMAC engines, for a total of 12. There are eight additional OMAC engines positioned in other areas of the spacecraft. Each OMAC thruster generates about 1,500 pounds of thrust, and are used in conjunction with lower-thrust reaction control system thrusters to maneuver the Starliner spacecraft in orbit.

The OMAC engines completed another orbit phasing burn Thursday night, and will be used again for approach maneuvers closer to the space station Friday. The capsule’s final approach will be controlled by the smaller reaction control system jets, then the OMAC engines will fire again at the end of the mission for the deorbit burn to set up the Starliner for re-entry and landing.

Despite the thruster problem, NASA and Boeing officials were pleased with the start to the Starliner’s unpiloted demonstration mission, known as Orbital Flight Test-2. Officials also a sublimator, part of the Starliner’s cooling system, was “sluggish” during the launch, but its performance improved once the spacecraft arrived in space.

05/20/2022 21:44 Stephen Clark

Astronaut Kjell Lindren on the International Space Station has sent a test command to turn on a docking light on the Starliner spacecraft. This demonstrates the command link between ISS and Starliner.

22:00. Entfernung zur ISS 15 km; Annäherungsgeschwindigkeit 5,8 m/Sek.
22:12. Entfernung zur ISS 4,8 km; Annäherungsgeschwindigkeit 4,5 m/Sek.
22:22. Entfernung 10 km, Geschwindigkeit 3 m/Sek. Grünes Licht für TPI (Terminal Phase Initiation burn).
22:26. TPI hat begonnen.
In 42 Minuten Inbound Flyingaround Maneuver, um die Kapsel "vor" die ISS zu plazieren. IF1 setzt die Kapsel 500 m vor & 300 m unter die ISS.
In 200 m Entfernung wird Starliner stoppen und 50 m zurücksetzen (als Test, ob den Anflug bei Bedarf risikolos abgebrochen werden kann).
22:39. Entfernung 5km. ISS fliegt über die Westgrenze Polens. Unten auf der Erde gewittert es. (Das ist die Gewitterfront, die um 16:00 über das Münsterland zog.)

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

20.05.2022 23:00
#198 RE: Boeing Starliner Antworten

22.59. Westlich von Singapur. Entfernung 1100 Meter.
23:02. Starliner innerhalb des Approach Ellipsoid, der Zone, in der nur Raumfahrzeuge bewegen dürfen, die sich auf Andockkurs befinden.
23:06. 704 Meter, Geschwindigkeit >1m/Sek.
23:10. 600 m; über Westaustralien; Starliner bewegt sich ins Sonnenlicht.
23:19. westlich von Tasmanien; unten geht die Sonne auf. 500 m. Andocken am Harmony-Modul in 1h:51 min.
23:31. IV2 Burn.
23:46. ACI, Approach Corridor Initiation Burn. 3 Sekunden.
23:49. 255 m. Halte-Kommando. 5 Minuten Pause. (Das dient, wie gesagt dazu, zu sicherzustellen, daß die Crew an Bord der ISS notfalls händisch das Kommando übernehmen kann.)
23:53. Andocken in 80 Minuten.
23:55. Annäherung wieder gestartet.

00:40. Wiederaufnahme der Annäherung. Es gab ein kleines Problem, weil die Positionsanzeige auf der Graphik auf dem Hauptbildschirm der Bodenstation nicht mit den Telemetriedaten übereinstimmte.
00:45. 147 Meter Abstand.
00:49. Auf der 90-Meter-Marke war ein weiterer Zwischenhalt eingeplant, um auf helle Lichtverhältnisse zu warten. Die Verzögerung hat das überflüssig gemacht; deswegen wird der nächste Stop erst in 10 Metern Entfernung eingelegt.
00:51. 75 m.
01:01. 35 m.
01:05. 20 m.
01:07. 15 m.
01:08. 10 m. Auf Halt.
01:15. "06:57" als Zeitpunkt des Andockens von der Einsatzleitung genannt (Central Time). Für diese letzten 10 m dauert es 4 Minuten.
Was am oberen Bildrand am Rund der Kapsel in Draufsicht so flattert wie zwei Fetzen im Wind, sind Reste der Kunststoffabdeckungen, die die Steuerdüsen während des Starts geschützt haben. Der "Wind" stammt von dem austretenden Stickstoff, der zur Stabilisierung des Kapselposition dient.
01:29. Flugleitung: Anfahrtszeit: 23:57 Greenwich Mean Time. 01:46 (MESZ): Noch 11 Minuten in Warteposition.
01:55. Ist nicht sicher, ob der ausgefahrene Andockring arretiert ist; wird ein- und wieder ausgefahren. Addiert gut 30 Minuten zum Fahrtplan. 01:57: Einfahren hat begonnen.
02:06. Flugleitung: neue Andockzeit: in ca. 41 Minuten.
02:17. Das Problem mit dem Andockring scheint bereinigt.
02:24. "Final Approch" gestartet; 7 Minuten vorgezogen. 02:27: 7 m.
02:28. Kontakt & capture. Über dem südindischen Ozean.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

21.05.2022 15:14
#199 RE: Boeing Starliner Antworten

Jeff Foust @jeff_foust

From the just-concluded post-docking briefing: Boeing says they’ve identified “three of so” potential causes for the OMAC thruster failures, but may not be able to reach a definitive root cause since the service module is not returned. May be different causes for each thruster.

Also, two smaller reaction control system thrusters failed today. Plenty of redundancy in the overall system, so no issues for undocking and landing.

Current plan is to remain docked to the station until at least May 25; that sets up a landing at White Sands, N.M., at 6:46 pm EDT that day, if weather permits.

4:17 AM · May 21, 2022·Tweetbot for Mac

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.930

21.05.2022 18:31
#200 RE: Boeing Starliner Antworten

William Harwood @cbs_spacenews

A5/OFT-2: The hatch to Starliner is now open; Kjell Lindgren and Bob Hines are now inside, working through procedures

6:13 PM · May 21, 2022·TweetDeck

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

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