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Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.265

22.07.2024 23:16
#76 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Anna Paulina Luna (Republican - Florida) im Untersuchungsausschuß heute:

-Director Cheatle, can you please give me the names of the individuals in charge of your op for the rally?
Kimberly Cheatle: I'm not going to release names.
- And can you give me the titles? How many individuals?
KC: No.
- Nothing?
KC: We had a full advance team that was responsible for advance on site.
- How many people are the final approval authority?
KC: There are a number of people
- Can you give me a number?
KC: ...engaged in approving...
- Can you give me a number?
KC: No, I do not have the firm number.
- Can you just confirm whether I understand this is an open investigation, but in order to dispel conspiracy theories. Have you guys been able to subpoena the shooter's Discord records? Or has the FBI, to your knowledge?
KC: I believe that the FBI is working on those.
- OK. Is is factual to say that you have not ruled out that the shooter was working with other people or persons?
KC: Again, the FBI is conducting the criminal investigation...
- Can you, at least in an effort to dispel conspiracy theories, can you confirm or deny that?
KC: At this time, we do not have that there were any other people engaged.
- So you believe he's acting alone?
KC: I do.
- OK. Have you been made aware of multiple eyewitnesses reporting that there was a second shooter on a water tower?
KC: I do not have any information related to any second shooter.
- OK. The reason I ask is because according to testimony from multiple witnesses, they did report that. And again, to my understanding, there were over 40 sniper teams that were briefed by the Butler ESU. And I want to make sure that people are aware - if you're saying that there's not another shooter, that we are able to clear that information. Because from this whole entire briefing, it doesn't seem like much information has ben able to get out to the American people. So I'm trying to dispel rumors, as I'm sure you understand. Was it true that Secret Service was present at the Butler ESU briefing?
KC: Tkere was a briefing between the counter-sniper teams.
- Was Secret Service present?
KC: Yes, to my knowledge.
- OK. I want to read you a report from people that seem to be throwing you under the bus and stated that they were in attendance and that Secret Service was not in attendance at the security briefing, according to individuals with knowledge. And also include that the AGR building, where the shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks, was located, was actually not a part of their security perimeter for that. So there was not Secret Service present. It seems as though that when you were asked earlier from Rep Kristen Murphy about whether or not Secret Service was aware of a threat, you had said: no, they were unaware of a threat. And yet, according to communications, again from law enforcement that were in some of these group chats, they actually had reported that Secret Service was made aware of a threat at around 5:59 p.m. as a part of the command, including Secret Service, aware of messages and requests about information about the suspect's location. Can you please tell me if you have knowledge of that at all?
KC: Again, I think we're conflating the difference between the term "threat" and "suspicious".
- But you guys did have knowledge at 5:59 pm., according to these group chats, did you not?
KC: Of a suspicious individual.
- OK. Chairman, in my opinion, according to some of the testimony today, I feel that you have perjured yourself in some instances, And so I'm going to ask for a full review of the transcripts by staff. And if you find that to be the case, I do ask that you bring perjury charges against the director. I will say this: it is very frustrating, and I've talked to my colleagues and we've said it to your face: that you have been up here basically stonewalling our ability to get the answers to the American people. And what I will also say is that every single member of Congress does not fel safe with you in charge. You have heard that. And I think that we are all sitting ducks with you directing the Secret Service currently. But more importantly, it sends a message to our adversaries that we are not protected. And we are one of the strongest countries in the world. So you have essentially made us a less safe country because of it. As a result of that, I'm asking you to formally step down. I share my same opinions as my Democrat colleagues. And I also think that your efforts to bring forward a full investigation and report in 60 days is unacceptable. And as a result of that, I'm going to do everything in my legislative toolkit to ensure that that happens sooner rather than later. And I'm sure that you know that we brought a vote on inherent contempt against Garland for essentially blocking a congressional investigation. And I don't think that you should be any different. So I will say that I am just completely disgusted by your performance today. And I understand that you are probably in a position where you're being told not to testify - which is why we had to subpoena you. I think that goes back to Garland. But again, that is part of the flushing that we need to get out of Washington. And I would be happy to assist in that process.

"Perjury" ist Meineid; falsche Aussage vor Gericht.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.265

23.07.2024 00:19
#77 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Marjorie Taylor Greene (Republican - Georgia) heute im Untersuchungsausschuß:

Ms. Cheatle, I'd like to remind you that you are under oath. The site team has a senior supervisor and advance team, protective intelligence team, a counter-sniper element and detail. Who was the agent in charge, how long has she been the agent in charge, and what is her Secret Service background?
KC: So, I'm not gonna provide a name..
- Why not? You're here to answer our questions.
KC: I'm not gonna provide names...
- You stated in your testimony: you said "I am here today to answer your questions."
KC: That is correct.
- Answer the question!
KC: I'm not gonna provide names of our personnel.
- Why not? The American people are demanding these answers from you today, Ms. Cheatle!
KC: I will do the best to provide you with accurate information based on the facts that I have at this time.
- You're not answering our questions. The advance element coordinates with other law enforcement partners to identify threats and weaknesses at the sites and movement. We'd like a copy of the advance report. Have you brought it here with you today?
KC: We will comply with the request for the documentation that has been requested.
- When will that be? - Ms. Cheatle: 'cause you should have brought it today.
KC: I am certain that our personnel are working on obtaining all of that documentation...
- I don't believe you, and neither do the people watching this hearing. You're not doing well, as Mr. Moskowitz informed you. You have been sitting here for over three hours, and I have you know: the entire country is demanding you to resign, and demanding you be fired if you do not resign. Things are not going well for you. You need to answer the questions. Was there a protective Intelligence scheme and technical resources were utilized for that, specifically drone or helicopter assets?
KC: There were a number of technical assets that were deployed for that event, and there was a Protective Intelligence team that was assigned to that event.
- Why was Crooks able to fly a drone over the entire area of the rally the day of the rally and the day of his assassination attempt?
KC: To my knowledge, he did not fly the drone over the entire area.
- How did he fly a drone over the area, period? Any part of the area?
KC: Again, I would have to go back and check the timeline of when that took place, and when the event...
- Why didn't your bring the timeline with you today to answer our questions?
KC: I don't have all the answers on the timelines based on the criminal investigations.
- Were you not prepared today, to answer our questions?
KC: I am prepared to answer the questions based on the information and wanted to be able to provide...
- Do you have a timeline that you... Do you have a timeline at all? From any of the day?
KC: I have a timeline that does not have specifics.
- That is shocking. That is ABSOLUTELY unacceptable. That means you're a failure at your job. Let's talk about things that are prohibited in Trump rallies -and I've been to a lot of Trump rallies: Backpacks, bags, bicycles, firearms, any type of weapon, or any other item determined to be a potential safety hazard - like a range finder would be one. At 5:10 Crooks' is first observed by one of the snipers, ABO sniper 1, at the building. 5:10. 5:10! President Trump was shot in the face at 6:11 p.m. 5:28: AGO sniper takes a picture of a bicycle and two bags - those belong to Crooks. 5:32: ABO sniper 1 sights Crooks spots Crooks looking at his phone and using a range finder. 5:45: ESU command confirms "we see a photo" and say they have been relayed on. 6:05 p.m. AGO sniper 1 later communicates that Crooks is seen moving northeast in direction of sheets and that Crooks has a backpack. Two minutes before the shooting, while President Trump has been allowed to take the stage, people see Crooks laying on his stomach in a sniper position on the roof, and they're yelling "He has a gun!" and they are trying to alert law enforcement and Secret Service. Why was Crooks not shot by the snipers? Why was he allowed to be there?
KC: As soon as the individual was indentified as a threat, they were...
- Nonnonono! What do you consider to be a threat? A man with a gun, laying in a sniper position, a man that had a backpack, a man that had a bicycle, a man that had a range finder: at what point is he determined "a threat"?
KC: An individual with a backpack is not is not a threat. An individual with a range finder is not a threat.
- What about a man laying on a building that has direct line of sight of President Trump with a gun that pepole are screaming and pointing out? Is that "a threat", Ms. Cheatle?
KC: Once that individual was identified, they were neutralized.
- No, "they were neutralized". Crooks was neutralized after he shot President Trump in the face, Mr. Cheatle. Is he only "a threat" once he fires the weapon?
KC: As soon as te counter-sniper identified that individual, they were able to neutralize them.
- How were people in the crowd... OK: let's take it this way. People under your command did not consider him to be a threat. Yet people in the crowd knew that he had a gun and considered him to be a threat. That means that you are a complete failure as the director of the Secret Service. That people under your command don't perceive a man laying on a roof with direct line to the President with a gun - they don't perceive that to be a threat. Yet the people in the crowd do. How is that possible?
Chairman: That's the last question, but please answer the question, Ms. Director.
KC: I'm not certain at this time how the information from the people in the crowd was relayed to any law enforcement personnel.
- Now, you knew that everyone.. the people knew that there was a danger, that there was a threat to President Trump, and it was allowed to happen. Was there a stand-down order, Ms. Cheatle? Was there a conspiracy to kill President Trump?
KC: Absolutely not!
- Then how did this happen? And why are you still sitting here, not turning in your letter of resignation?
Chairman: Last question. Please answer it.
KC: That is what we are investigating to determine.
- We are waiting for your letter. We're waiting for your letter of resignation, and you will need to consider that before you leave today.
Nochmals zur Erinnerung: das war keine Anhörung hinter verschlossenen Türen, sondern öffentlich, von Fox News landesweit übertragen.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

F.Alfonzo Offline

Beiträge: 2.191

23.07.2024 00:42
#78 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Zitat von Ulrich Elkmann im Beitrag #71
Bidens Sozialmedienteam hat am späten Samstagabend noch über X getwittert

Mal ein kleiner Exkurs mit einer Frage, die ich nicht beantworten kann:

Warum nutzen diese Leute Twitter als Haupt-Sprachrohr, ohne irgendein Backup zu haben?

Seit Jahren weiss jeder, dass die Big-Tech-Firmen allerlei Schindluder betreiben um einen Bias in der Öffentlichkeit zu erzeugen, mit individualisierten Shadow-Bans und ähnlich ekelhaften Methoden; trotzdem hat Trump das linksradikale Twitter als Haupt-Kommunikationsmedium genutzt, und jetzt nutzt es Biden, mit einem erklärten Feind des Wokismus als Eigentumer.

Ich halte das für völlig bescheuert. Das geringste, was ein POTUS machen sollte, wäre auf Privatkosten einen Server anmieten, einen Blog aufsetzen (für Trump: und dann zumindest mal sämtliche Tweets da zu archivieren, um Manipulation durch Big-Tech auszuschliessen.

Haben die keine Medienberater, die ihnen erklären wie der Mist auf den Sozialen Medien läuft, oder sind sie beide zu alt und stur, um auf Berater zu hören?

Frank2000 Offline

Beiträge: 3.395

23.07.2024 01:14
#79 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Das die Leiterin des SS noch im Amt ist, ist ein himmelschreiender Skandal. Und?


Mehr muss man dazu nicht wissen.

In der Welt online würde dieser Kommentar wieder wegen "Pauschalisierung" und "Provokation" zensiert.
Leider kann ich auch hier nicht vollständig schreiben, was ich von Linken halte. Denn während man straflos (ja sogar bejubelt) Hass, Hetze, Mobbing über das bürgerliche Lager ausschütten kann, werden links-kritische Kommentare in Deutschland inzwischen gerne mit illegalen Polizeiaktionen bestraft. Einfach mal Nachts die Tür eintreten und das Haus verwüsten.

Beschwer dich doch, du Opfer, versuch mal einen Richter zu finden, der GEGEN die linke Junta entscheidet.

Verbote sind Freiheit. Meinungen sind Terror. Quoten sind Leistung. Linke Regierung ist Familie. (c) Rot-Grüne Allianz
Prophezeiung: 2022, das Jahr in dem in Deutschland der Schleier für alle eingeführt wird. Nennt sich dann "Maske".
"Warum halten sie Begriffe wie 'Zigeunersoße' für rassistisch, aber 'Schei** Juden' für harmlos?", Hamed Abdel-Samad

F.Alfonzo Offline

Beiträge: 2.191

23.07.2024 02:33
#80 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Zitat von Frank2000 im Beitrag #79
Das die Leiterin des SS noch im Amt ist, ist ein himmelschreiender Skandal. Und?

Dass die kurz vor der Wahl keine Behördenleiter rausschmeissen ist klar, würde nur der Eindruck vermitteln, dass man was falsch gemacht hat.

An Ihrer Stelle würde ich mich eher fragen, warum eine Nancy Faeser hierzulande den Rechtsstaat zertrümmern kann und die FDP dabei zuschaut, inkl. des sog. Justizministers.

Frank2000 Offline

Beiträge: 3.395

23.07.2024 08:36
#81 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Faeser ist eine Linke. Und die FDPler sind verantwortungslose opportunistische, Deutschland-feindliche Weicheier.

Die entscheidende Frage ist:

Warum wird so was gewählt?

Meine Thesen dazu hab ich ja schon erläutert.

Verbote sind Freiheit. Meinungen sind Terror. Quoten sind Leistung. Linke Regierung ist Familie. (c) Rot-Grüne Allianz
Prophezeiung: 2022, das Jahr in dem in Deutschland der Schleier für alle eingeführt wird. Nennt sich dann "Maske".
"Warum halten sie Begriffe wie 'Zigeunersoße' für rassistisch, aber 'Schei** Juden' für harmlos?", Hamed Abdel-Samad

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.265

23.07.2024 08:51
#82 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Zitat von Frank2000 im Beitrag #79
Das die Leiterin des SS noch im Amt ist, ist ein himmelschreiender Skandal.

Der Kleine Zyniker(TM) nimmt das als weiterten Beweis, daß die Programmierer der Matrix die Dosis erhöhen, um sich dem absinkenden Nie-woh der NPC-Massen anzupassen. Da haben wir einen Meuchelmörder-in-spe mit dem Namen "Crooks" (Plural von Crook = Gauner, Ganove), der als Amateur freies Spiel hat, sowie als Gegenspielerin eine ...Dame..., deren voriger Job die allgemeine Sicherung der Liegenschaften von Pepsi Cola war und in deren Nom de guerre Cheatle für jeden, der des Englischen halbwegs mächtig ist, das "cheat" unüberhörbar mitschwingt. Man kann das schlechterdings nicht erfinden.


Und sofort wird mir das hier eingespielt:

Collin Rugg@CollinRugg
NEW: Donald Trump says he had a “little argument” in the dogpile with Secret Service agents while they laid on top of him at the PA rally.
The president said the agents wanted to take him out on a stretcher but he refused.
The agents thought Trump had also been hit in the abdomen but Trump assured them it was just his ear.
“Well, they wanted to put me on a stretcher. They had a stretcher and they wanted to put me on a stretcher. And I said, I'm not going on a stretcher.”
“We had a little argument while I have six guys lying on top of me. I mean I had some big guys on top of me.”
3:42 AM · Jul 23, 2024

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.265

23.07.2024 09:19
#83 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Rep. Nancy Mace@RepNancyMace
WATCH us introduce a privileged motion to impeach Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle. The House has NEVER voted on an impeachment of an inferior civil officer ... but historic times call for historic measures.
3:08 AM · Jul 23, 2024

The form of this resolution is as follows:

Impeaching Kimberly A. Cheatle, Director of the United States Secret Service, for high crimes and misdemeanors. Resolve that Kimberly A. Cheatle, Director of the United States Secret Service, is impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors, and that the following article of impeachment be exhibited to the United States Senate: Article of Impeachment, exhibited by the House of Representatives of the United States of America, in the name of itself and of the people of the United States of America against Kimberly A. Cheatle, Director of the United States Secret Service and maintenance, in support of its impeachment against her for high crimes and misdemeanors.

Die entscheidende Frage ist:
Warum wird so was gewählt?

Selbst ich als entschiedener Gottloser bin mittlerweile soweit, darauf die Antwort zu geben: weil diese Form von Weiberherrschaft etwas zutiefst Satanisches ist.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Gorgasal Offline

Beiträge: 4.044

23.07.2024 09:44
#84 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Was genau sind denn die "high crimes and misdemeanors"? Ist das ihr komplettes Abblocken vor dem Untersuchungsausschuss unter Eid?

Oder soll da allen Ernstes eine potentielle Verschwörung untersucht werden, die bis zu Cheatle hoch reicht (und bei dem dann ein Haufen Leute involviert gewesen wären)? Das wäre dann ein weiterer Beleg für das Absinken der US-Politik auf das Niveau von Unterschichtenfernsehen...

Aus meiner Sicht ist bodenlose Inkompetenz eine völlig ausreichende Erklärung dafür, was da alles schiefgelaufen ist. "Don't attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity." Eine verschwörungstheoretische Schnappatmung hilft hier vielleicht, die extremeren Teile der Republikaner zusammenzuschweissen (die das nicht mehr nötig haben), vergrätzt aber sicherlich mehr Unentschiedene in der Mitte.

Non delectent verba nostra, sed prosint. - Seneca, Epistulae morales ad Lucilium, 75, 3

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.265

23.07.2024 09:48
#85 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten


Rep. Nancy Mace@RepNancyMace
It's been about 6 hours since we called out Cheatle for being full of it. She still hasn't resigned.
1:01 AM · Jul 23, 2024

Zitat von Gorgasal im Beitrag #84
Was genau sind denn die "high crimes and misdemeanors"? Ist das ihr komplettes Abblocken vor dem Untersuchungsausschuss unter Eid?

Exakt das. Erscheinen vor einem Untersuchungsausschuß des Kongresses erst auf gerichtliche Vorladung; Falschaussage unter Eid, Verweigerung jeder substantiellen Antwort auf wiederholte Nachfrage, keinerlei Sachaussage in der Frage eines Mordanschlags auf einen der ranghöchsten Politiker des Landes als Leiterin der zuständigen Sicherheitsbehörde. In der Position muß sie wissen, zu was sie gegenüber einem solchen Ausschuß verpflichtet ist.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Llarian Offline

Beiträge: 7.070

23.07.2024 11:03
#86 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Zitat von Gorgasal im Beitrag #84
Was genau sind denn die "high crimes and misdemeanors"? Ist das ihr komplettes Abblocken vor dem Untersuchungsausschuss unter Eid?

Das wird es wohl sein.

Oder soll da allen Ernstes eine potentielle Verschwörung untersucht werden, die bis zu Cheatle hoch reicht (und bei dem dann ein Haufen Leute involviert gewesen wären)? Das wäre dann ein weiterer Beleg für das Absinken der US-Politik auf das Niveau von Unterschichtenfernsehen...

Das haben die Reps doch gar nicht nötig. Das Ganze ist ein triviales politisches Spiel. Man wird die offen für jeden erkennbare Inkompetenz dazu nutzen, um jetzt ein Impeachment zu starten. Und die Demokraten sitzen zu 100% in der Zwickmühle: Wenn sie mitmachen, haben sie gerade einen ihrer eigenen Beamten wegen Inkpompetenz überführen lassen, ein typischer DEI Pick. Das wäre ein Eigentor. Wenn sie sich aber dagegen stellen, dann weren die Reps von heute bis zur Wahl darauf herum reiten, dass die Inkompetenz der Demokraten das Leben einer US-Präsidenten grob gefährdet hat und man trotzdem noch die Hand schützend über diese Inkompetenz hält.

Die Demokraten hatten ein ganz kurzes Fenster um sich gegen sie zu stellen. Das haben sie verpasst. Jetzt müssen sie die Suppe auslöffeln.

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.265

23.07.2024 11:21
#87 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Die gesamten fünf Stunden der Anhörung des Oversight Committee sind übrigens hier nachzusehen:

Die gerichtliche Vorladung zur Anhörung ist am vorigen Donnerstag erfolgt, die Zustellung der Fragen, auf die das Kommittee Antwort verlangt, am Montag vor einer Woche.

The Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee issued a subpoena Wednesday to the Secret Service director compelling her to appear before the committee on Monday for what is scheduled to be the first congressional hearing into the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump.

And even before the first hearing Republican calls for Director Kimberly Cheatle to resign intensified Wednesday with top Republican leaders from both the House and the Senate saying she should step down. The director has said she has no intention of resigning.

Rep. James Comer said initially that the Secret Service committed to her attendance but that Homeland Security officials appeared to intervene and there has been no “meaningful updates or information” shared with the committee.

Comer said the “lack of transparency and failure to cooperate” with the committee called into question Cheatle’s ability to lead the Secret Service and necessitated the subpoena.

Der Ausschuß selber kann keine disziplinarischen Maßnahmen verhängen, aber weil der Secret Service eine Bundesbehörde ist, kann der Kongreß die geforderte Amtsenthebung umgehend in Kraft setzen.

U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle repeatedly failed to answer basic questions from Republicans and Democrats related to stunning operational failures that led to the attempted assassination of President Trump.

Key Questions Director Cheatle failed to answer:
- Did the Secret Service deny President Trump’s campaign additional security? If so, when and how many times?
- Why did Secret Service fail to secure a rooftop in proximity to the rally site and with a clear view of President Trump’s podium?
- Were agents positioned at the rally site affiliated with Secret Service or another Department?
- Was there any intelligence gathered by Secret Service on the gunman?
- How were Secret Service resources deployed at the rally site?
- Was their advanced planning by Secret Service leading up to the campaign rally?
In their closing remarks, Chairman James Comer and Ranking Member Jamie Raskin announced a joint letter calling on U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle to resign.

Chairman Comer: “The Secret Service has thousands of employees and a significant budget, but it has now become the face of incompetence. Americans demand answers, but they have not been getting them from the Secret Service. We are instead learning about new facts about the events surrounding the attempted assassination every day from whistleblowers and leaks. Americans demand accountability, but no one has yet to be fired for this historic failure. It is my firm belief, Director Cheatle, that you should resign.”

During Chairman Comer’s questioning, Director Cheatle failed to clarify or answer basic questions related to agents assigned to protect President Trump on the day of the assassination attempt.

Rep. Foxx: “The Secret Service receives billions in funding each year. In fact, you have received increases of 55%. Clearly a lack of financial resources is not to blame for the staffing shortages. In 2022, the Secret Service saw nearly half its workforce leave in one year… can you explain why so many staff left in one year?”

Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-Ill.) slammed Director Cheatle for failing to answer basic questions related to recorded footage clearly showing the gunman getting into position to assassinate President Trump.
Rep. Krishnamoorthi: “That’s a threat! Right there in the video, the guy is on the roof, and everybody is yelling at him.”
Director Cheatle: “Yes.”
Rep. Krishnamoorthi: “And they are directing the officers attention to him, the rally wasn’t paused at that point correct?”
Director Cheatle: “We are currently still combing through communications and when communications were passed.”
Rep. Krishnamoorthi: “This is two minutes before the shots started ringing out. Director Cheatle yes or no, was there ever a moment where the Secret Service actually considered pausing the rally?”
Director Cheatle: “The Secret Service would have paused the rally had they known.“
Rep. Krishnamoorthi: “So the answer is no, correct?”
Director Cheatle: “I can speak to you in generalities.”
Rep. Krishnamoorthi: “No, no, I don’t want generalities, I want specifics, the answer is no, you did not consider pausing the rally, correct?”

Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) stated that Director Cheatle has failed to be transparent and emphasized that Secret Service leadership has yet to hold any individual employee accountable for unacceptable security failures.

Rep. Sessions: “So no employee has been disciplined and no employee has been placed in any position that would place their job in jeopardy?”
Director Cheatle: “We’re in a process of…”
Rep. Sessions: “That’s not what I asked, you’re the person that runs the place, you’re the person that knows right from wrong, good from bad. And you have had a number of days and now you come before this Committee, knowing you’re going to be before us, and you have to shift it off to someone else. Do you see where there was something that went wrong as a professional at an agency for 28 years or do you have to count on someone else to give you the final report?”
Director Cheatle: “I see that something went wrong, and I acknowledge that something went wrong…”
Rep. Sessions: “Then what went wrong? Was the special agent in charge not doing their job? Was the shooter give extra time? Was the sniper doing their job? These are things that people who have been around for 28 years can analyze quickly.”

Rep. McClain: “How long did you prepare for this hearing?”
Director Cheatle: “I’ve been preparing for this hearing over the weekend and into last week.”
Rep. McClain: “Ok, so five days? Six days?”
Director Cheatle: “I’m not sure the date that I got the letter asking me to be here.”
Rep. McClain: “What are you sure of? Are you sure of the color of your hair? Are you sure of the color of your suit? Tell the American people what you are sure of, you aren’t even sure of when you started preparing for this hearing? I mean the biggest hearing of your life and you have no clue; you can’t remember? When you started preparing for this hearing? Do you understand why those words seem hollow to the American people? The people who are supposed to entrust their faith to you?”
Director Cheatle: “I assure you the moment I received notification…”
Rep. McClain: “But you can’t remember.”

Das nennt man wohl gepflegt auf DIN A 36 falten.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Frank2000 Offline

Beiträge: 3.395

23.07.2024 12:50
#88 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Das ist ja alles ganz nett und wir wissen: in Deutschland wäre so etwas komplett unmöglich.

Aber bevor nicht ein offizielles Strafverfahren gegen KC läuft, ist das alles nur Beiwerk. Ja, KC steht am Ende ihrer Karriere. Selbst, wenn die Democrats gewinnen ist klar, dass sie in den nächsten Jahren ihren Posten verliert und dann nie wieder einen neuen bekommt.

Aber genug Geld wird sie haben. Dann kriegt sie noch einen schönen Ruheposten und fertig.

Erst ein Strafverfahren ändert die Lage.

Verbote sind Freiheit. Meinungen sind Terror. Quoten sind Leistung. Linke Regierung ist Familie. (c) Rot-Grüne Allianz
Prophezeiung: 2022, das Jahr in dem in Deutschland der Schleier für alle eingeführt wird. Nennt sich dann "Maske".
"Warum halten sie Begriffe wie 'Zigeunersoße' für rassistisch, aber 'Schei** Juden' für harmlos?", Hamed Abdel-Samad

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.265

23.07.2024 16:11
#89 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Zitat von Frank2000 im Beitrag #88

Erst ein Strafverfahren ändert die Lage.

Das hier müßte in einem funktionierenden Rechtsstaat dafür ausreichen.

Secret Service Director Claims There Are No Recordings Of Radio Traffic From Trump Assassination Attempt

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle told lawmakers her agency has no radio recordings from the day of the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, earlier this month.
On Monday, Cheatle was asked about the security agency’s records-keeping practices by Rep. Russell Fry, R-S.C.

“Does the Secret Service routinely record communications between and amongst detail?” Fry said.
“Radio communications?” Cheatle clarified.
“Any communication,” Fry said.
“Email communications are captured as well as text messages. And then depending on the detail, radio communications are recorded,” Cheatle said.
“Does the Secret Service have recorded communications from the July 13th event?” Fry asked.
“We do not have radio communications from that day,” Cheatle said.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.265

23.07.2024 17:59
#90 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Morbleu! Da bin ich als Pendler gerade einmal 60 Minuten offline, weil ich das 📱 im 🚍 einstecken lasse, und als ich den Heimrechner hochfahre, springt mich prompt dies an:

Kimberly Cheatle

Nach Trump-Attentat Secret-Service-Direktorin tritt zurück

Stand: 23.07.2024 17:41 Uhr

Die Direktorin des Secret Service, Cheatle, hat als Konsequenz aus dem Attentat auf den ehemaligen US-Präsidenten Trump ihren Rücktritt erklärt. Präsident Biden kündigte an, umgehend ihre Nachfolge zu regeln.

Kimberley Cheatle gibt ihr Amt als Direktorin des Secret Service ab. Sie zieht damit die Konsequenzen aus den Vorwürfen, bei der Bewachung des Präsidentschaftskandidaten Donald Trump versagt zu haben. Die Behörde ist unter anderem für den Schutz des aktuellen und der früheren Präsidenten zuständig.

Cheatle ist die zweite Frau in diesem Amt nach Julia Person, die 2013 von Barack Obama zur Direktorin des USSS ernannt worden war. Person trat 2014 nach Sicherheitspannen zurück; sie war nur ein Jahr im Amt. Möglicherweise wird auch Cheatle nur eine sehr kurze Amtszeit beschieden sein.

Aktualisierung von 17 Uhr:
Kimberly Cheatle hat ihren Rücktritt verkündet.

Es wird fortwährend schwieriger, mich davon zu überzeugen, daß dies hier NICHT die Matrix ist.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.265

23.07.2024 18:16
#91 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

PS. Weil es mittlerweile auch hierzulande "ein Thema" wird.

Wo ist Joe Biden? Seit fast einer Woche wurde er nicht mehr gesehen. Einziges Lebenszeichen war ein Anruf bei einer Veranstaltung von Kamala Harris. Mit rauchiger, schwacher, kaum erkennbarer Stimme. Die Gerüchteküche brodelt.

Lebt der Präsident noch? Woran leidet er wirklich? Stimmt es, dass in Las Vegas die Air Force One einen medizinischen Notfall meldete, landen wollte und wieder durchstartete? In den sozialen Medien wird spekuliert. Wir haben die wichtigsten Gerüchte für Sie zusammen gefasst.*

President Biden@POTUS
Tomorrow evening at 8 PM ET, I will address the nation from the Oval Office on what lies ahead, and how I will finish the job for the American people.
5:10 PM · Jul 23, 2024

* Etwa hier:

Laura Loomer@LauraLoomer
BREAKING: 🚨🚨Joe Biden @JoeBiden is dying and final preparations are being made for him.🚨🚨
He was supposed to leave Delaware today, but his health has deteriorated.
Due to his accelerated decline, Joe Biden has cancelled nine trips that were scheduled for the next two weeks.
Biden is expected to leave his beach home in Rehoboth, Delaware on Tuesday afternoon and arrive back at the White House at 2:30 pm, although that could be changed to Wednesday, July 24th. It all depends on how much he continues to decline…
Biden has been dying, and he is dying rather quickly. This is why Kamala flew to Delaware today and why Biden’s White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients called for an emergency meeting and call with all White House staff today.
The medical emergency Joe Biden had on July 5th, 2024 on Air Force One that I exclusively reported almost killed him. His time left is limited.

Bookmark this tweet.
3:59 AM · Jul 23, 2024

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.265

31.07.2024 18:54
#92 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Natürlich ist es nicht das, wonach es aussieht.

Zitat von Tue, 30 July 2024, 6:35 pm GMT+2
The Hill

Trump claims Facebook, Google censored assassination attempt content

Former President Trump criticized Facebook and Google on Tuesday for allegedly restricting content related to his assassination attempt.

“Facebook has just admitted that it wrongly censored the Trump ‘attempted assassination photo,’ and got caught. Same thing for Google,” Trump said in a post on Truth Social. “They made it virtually impossible to find pictures or anything about this heinous act.”


Meta, Facebook’s parent company, clarified Monday that a fact check was mistakenly applied to a photo of Trump raising his fist following the assassination attempt.

“This was an error,” Meta spokesperson Dani Lever wrote on social platform X. “This fact check was initially applied to a doctored photo showing the secret service agents smiling, and in some cases our systems incorrectly applied that fact check to the real photo. This has been fixed and we apologize for the mistake.”

Google has also come under fire in recent days after its search engine was reportedly failing to autofill with potential search options about the assassination attempt on the former president, according to Newsweek.

The tech giant told Newsweek that it is “working on improvements” and emphasized that autocomplete is “just a tool to help people save time, and they can still search for anything they want to.”


Facebook admits 'mistake' in censoring iconic Trump assassination attempt photo: 'This was an error'
Google was previously accused of censoring search results for the assassination attempt against Trump

Facebook wrongly called the popular image of Donald Trump pumping his fist in the air after an assassination attempt against him an "altered photo," a spokesperson admitted Monday.
Users across X shared reports that their Facebook accounts were labeling the image as "altered", explaining "Independent fact-checkers reviewed a similar photo and said it was altered in a way that could mislead people."
Meta Public Affairs Director Dani Lever later explained on X it was done in error as the systems were meant to detect a separate version of the image.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Frank2000 Offline

Beiträge: 3.395

31.07.2024 19:21
#93 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Aber klar. Ein menschlicher Fehler, keine Absicht. Ganz sicher. Versprochen.

Verbote sind Freiheit. Meinungen sind Terror. Quoten sind Leistung. Linke Regierung ist Familie. (c) Rot-Grüne Allianz
Prophezeiung: 2022, das Jahr in dem in Deutschland der Schleier für alle eingeführt wird. Nennt sich dann "Maske".
"Warum halten sie Begriffe wie 'Zigeunersoße' für rassistisch, aber 'Schei** Juden' für harmlos?", Hamed Abdel-Samad

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.265

02.08.2024 23:05
#94 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Ein menschlicher Fehler, keine Absicht.

Aug 2, 2024 NEW: Acting Secret Service head says local officer sent radio message about gunman before Trump was shot—USSS never got it

"With respect to the radio transmissions ... there was somebody who did in fact radio out that they'd seen the individual with the weapon ... that vital piece of information, by no fault of anyone, it was a very stressful situation. It did not make it over."

During a press conference on Friday, Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe said that a local officer had sent a radio message out that someone had a weapon on the roof before the shots were fired at the Butler, Pennsylvania Trump rally on July 13.

Rowe's comments came after he testified in a hearing earlier this week about the failures of the USSS during the assassination attempt. Rowe was asked during Friday's press conference if there was a radio message sent out by any local law enforcement officers about the person, later identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks, having a weapon in the few moments before he fired the gun.

"With respect to the radio transmissions, you know, based on what the FBI, my colleague from the FBI testified the other day — they are working on isolating some of those radio frequencies from the state level — that there was somebody who did in fact radio out that they'd seen the individual with the weapon. What I can tell you is that that piece of information, that vital piece of information, by no fault of anyone, it was a very stressful situation. It did not make it over."

Wir schreiben das 21. Jahrhundert. Niemand ist mehr für irgendetwas verantwortlich, schon gar nicht die Verantwortlichen, die mit einer Aufgabe betraut sind. Das gilt vom Personenschutz über die Impfstoffakquise bis zur Sanierung einer mutwillig ramponierten Wirtschaft.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Frank2000 Offline

Beiträge: 3.395

03.08.2024 08:19
#95 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Ehrlich gesagt, verstehe ich das Argument noch nicht mal. "It did not make it over." Was soll das bedeuten?

Aber ja, wir leben in herrlichen Zeiten, wenn man linker Herrscher ist. Egal, wie unfähig, Totalitär oder korrupt man ist: es passiert nix.

Im Höchstfall der Gefühle ein Bauernopfer und das wars. So ja auch im Abschlussbericht zur Ahrtal-Katastrophe:

Aaaaalle waren topp. Auch die Prozesse, der Katastrophenschutz, die Politiker, die Journalisten, die Bürokraten... alle waren die Besten der Besten und haben mit übermenschlichem Willen gekämpft.

Außer diesem einen Landrat. Der ist allein schuld. Der hat quasi im Alleingang die Wolken aufgehängt, das Flusstal geformt, das Wetter gemacht, die Bebauung bestimmt, die Kommunikation übernommen und persönlich jedes einzelne der Opfer ertränkt.

Niemand sonst hat irgendwas verantwortet, entschieden, unterlassen, falsch eingeschätzt, ignoriert oder war sonst wie beteiligt.

Dieser eine Landrat hat wie Satan persönlich alle 150.000 Menschen im Ahrtal gesteuert, bis sie wie Marionetten von ihm ferngesteuert wurden. Deswegen ist nur er schuld, er ganz allein.

Ja, ist klar. Das wundert mich. Nicht.

Ich hasse die Menschen.

Verbote sind Freiheit. Meinungen sind Terror. Quoten sind Leistung. Linke Regierung ist Familie. (c) Rot-Grüne Allianz
Prophezeiung: 2022, das Jahr in dem in Deutschland der Schleier für alle eingeführt wird. Nennt sich dann "Maske".
"Warum halten sie Begriffe wie 'Zigeunersoße' für rassistisch, aber 'Schei** Juden' für harmlos?", Hamed Abdel-Samad

Gorgasal Offline

Beiträge: 4.044

03.08.2024 11:33
#96 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

it was a very stressful situation

Dieses Detail verstehe ich nicht. Bis zum ersten Schuss war das doch eine völlig normale Wahlkampfveranstaltung, wie Trump und viele andere sie mehrfach täglich machen. Oder zumindest muss es völlig normal für diejenigen Personenschützer gewesen sein, die nichts von der Person mit Waffe wussten - also offenbar fast alle.

Wie kann so ein Ereignis, das für den Secret Service doch mindestens seit Monaten zum absoluten Tagesgeschäft gehört, eine "very stressful situation" sein?

Non delectent verba nostra, sed prosint. - Seneca, Epistulae morales ad Lucilium, 75, 3

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.265

03.08.2024 21:56
#97 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Elon Musk heute im Interview. Leider ohne Sender- oder Vlog-Logo.

Charlie Kirk@charliekirk11
Elon Musk lists out his reasons for supporting Donald Trump this cycle, including:
-Trump will fix the disastrous Biden/Harris open border.
-Trump is the better candidate to contain disastrous runaway spending and bureaucratic bloat.
-Trump will restore “safe and clean cities,” instead of letting every city look like San Francisco under Kamala Harris.
But Musk especially focuses on how Trump thrived heroically under the unthinkable pressure of the assassination attempt in Butler, PA three weeks ago.
“You can’t feign bravery in a situation like that,” he says.
Must watch.
3:45 AM · Aug 3, 2024

(Interviewer) Since I am interviewing Donald Trump -

Elon Musk: Cool.

# You wanna stop by?

EM: Yeah, sure, I'll stop in.

# There was, tragically, an assassination attempt on Donald Trump after you. After that, you tweeted that you endorse him. What's your philosophy behind that endorsement? What do you hope Trump does for the future of this country and for the future of humanity?

EM: You know, people tend to take, like, an endorsement as, well "I agree with everything that person's ever done their entire life, one hundred percent, wholeheartedly." And that's not gonna be true of anyone. But we have to pick: we've got two choices really, for who's President. And it's not just who's president, but the entire administrative structure changes over. And I thought Trump displayed courage under fire, objectively. He just got shot, he's got blood streaming down his face, and he's fist-pumping, saying "fight!" You know, that's impressive. You can't feign bravery in a situation like that. Most people would be ducking, because there could be a second shooter - you don't know. The President of the United States has got to represent the country, and they're representing you, they're representing everyone in America. Well, I think you want someone who is strong and courageous to represent the country. That is not to say that he is without flaws. We all have flaws - but on balance, and certainly at the time, it was a choice. Of Biden - poor guy, has trouble climbing a flight of stairs - and the other is fist-pumping after getting shot. This is no comparison. I mean: who do you want dealing with some of the toughest people and other world leaders, who are pretty though themselves? And I'll tell you: what are the things that I think are important? I think we want a secure border. We don't have a secure border. We want safe and clean cities. I think we want to reduce the amount of spending that we're ... at least slow down the spending, because we're currently spending at a rate that is bankrupting the country. The interest payments on US debt this year exceeded the entire defense department spending. If this continues, all of the federal government taxes will simply be paying the interest. And if you keep going down that road, you end up in the tragic situation that Argentina had back in the day. Argentina used to be one of the most prosperous places ion the world, and hopefully with Milei taking over, he can restore that. But it was an incredible fall from grace for Argentina to go from being one of the most prosperous places in the world to being very far from that. So I think we should not take American prosperity for granted. So I think we've got to reduce the size of government, we've got to reduce the spending, and we've got to live within our means.

PS. Hier stammt das her. Der gesamte Podcast/das gesamte Interview: Elon Musk: Neuralink and the Future of Humanity | Lex Fridman Podcast #438

Achtung. Das gesamte Gespräch (vor allem über Neuralink) ist merh als acht Stunden lang.

Die gesuchte Passage findet sich bei Zeitmarke 01:01:30.

Lex Fridman (01:01:30) There was, tragically, an assassination attempt on Donald Trump. After this, you tweeted that you endorse him. What’s your philosophy behind that endorsement? What do you hope Donald Trump does for the future of this country and for the future of humanity?
Elon Musk (01:01:47) Well, I think people tend to take, say, an endorsement as, well, I agree with everything that person has ever done their entire life 100% wholeheartedly, and that’s not going to be true of anyone. But we have to pick. We’ve got two choices, really, for who’s president. And it’s not just who’s president, but the entire administrative structure changes over. And I thought Trump displayed courage under fire, objectively. He’s just got shot. He’s got blood streaming down his face, and he’s fist pumping, saying, “Fight.” That’s impressive. You can’t feign bravery in a situation like that. Most people would be ducking because there could be a second shooter. You don’t know.
(01:02:44) The president of the United States have got to represent the country, and they’re representing you. They’re representing everyone in America. Well, I think you want someone who is strong and courageous to represent the country. That is not to say that he is without flaws. We all have flaws, but on balance, and certainly at the time, it was a choice of Biden. Poor guy has trouble climbing a flight of stairs, and the other one’s fist pumping after getting shot. So, there’s no comparison. I mean, who do you want dealing with some of the toughest people and other world leaders who are pretty tough themselves?
(01:03:27) I mean, I’ll tell you one of the things that I think are important. I think we want a secure border. We don’t have a secure border. We want safe and clean cities. I think we want to reduce the amount of spending, at least slow down the spending, because we’re currently spending at a rate that is bankrupting the country. The interest payments on US debt this year exceeded the entire defense department spending. If this continues, all of the federal government taxes will simply be paying the interest.
(01:04:06) And you keep going down that road, and you end up in the tragic situation that Argentina had back in the day. Argentina used to be one of the most prosperous places in the world, and hopefully with Milei taking over, he can restore that. But it was an incredible fall from grace for Argentina to go from being one of the most prosperous places in the world to being very far from that. So, I think we should not take American prosperity for granted. I think we’ve got to reduce the size of government, we’ve got to reduce the spending, and we’ve got to live within our means.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.265

03.08.2024 23:18
#98 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Transkript der gesamten acht Stunden hier.

Collapse of empires
Lex Fridman (01:10:13) What do you think it takes for the American Empire to not collapse in the near term future, in the next a hundred years, to continue flourishing?
Elon Musk (01:10:28) Well, the single biggest thing that is often actually not mentioned in history books, but Durant does mention it, is the birthright. So perhaps to some, a counterintuitive thing happens when civilizations are winning for too long, the birth rate declines. It can often decline quite rapidly. We’re seeing that throughout the world today. Currently, South Korea is, I think maybe the lowest fertility rate, but there are many others that are close to it. It’s like 0.8 I think. If the birth rate doesn’t decline further, South Korea will lose roughly 60% of its population. But every year that birth rate is dropping, and this is true through most of the world. I don’t mean to single out South Korea, it’s been happening throughout the world. So as soon as any given civilization reaches a level of prosperity, the birth rate drops.
(01:11:40) Now you can go and look at the same thing happening in ancient Rome. So Julius Caesar took note of this, I think around 50 ish BC and tried to pass… I don’t know if he was successful, tried to pass a law to give an incentive for any Roman citizen that would have a third child. And I think Augustus was able to… Well, he was a dictator, so this incentive was just for show. I think he did pass a tax incentive for Roman citizens to have a third child. But those efforts were unsuccessful. Rome fell because the Romans stopped making Romans. That’s actually the fundamental issue. And there were other things. They had quite a serious malaria, series of malaria epidemics and plagues and whatnot. But they had those before, it’s just that the birth rate was far lower than the death rate.
Lex Fridman (01:12:47) It really is that simple.
Elon Musk (01:12:49) Well, I’m saying that’s-
Lex Fridman (01:12:50) More people is required.
Elon Musk (01:12:52) At a fundamental level, if a civilization does not at least maintain its numbers, it’ll disappear.
Lex Fridman (01:12:58) So perhaps the amount of compute that the biological computer allocates to sex is justified. In fact, we should probably increase it.
Elon Musk (01:13:07) Well, I mean there’s this hedonistic sex, which is… That’s neither her nor there. It’s-
Lex Fridman (01:13:16) Not productive.
Elon Musk (01:13:17) It doesn’t produce kids. Well, what matters… I mean, Durant makes this very clear because he’s looked at one civilization after another and they all went through the same cycle. When the civilization was under stress, the birth rate was high. But as soon as there were no external enemies or they had an extended period of prosperity, the birth rate inevitably dropped. Every time. I don’t believe there’s a single exception.
Lex Fridman (01:13:45) So that’s like the foundation of it. You need to have people.
Elon Musk (01:13:49) Yeah. I mean, at a base level, no humans, no humanity.
Lex Fridman (01:13:54) And then there’s other things like human freedoms and just giving people the freedom to build stuff.
Elon Musk (01:14:02) Yeah, absolutely. But at a basic level, if you do not at least maintain your numbers, if you’re below replacement rate and that trend continues, you will eventually disappear. It’s just elementary. Now then obviously you also want to try to avoid massive wars. If there’s a global thermonuclear war, probably we’re all toast, radioactive toast. So we want to try to avoid those things. Then there’s a thing that happens over time with any given civilization, which is that the laws and regulations accumulate. And if there’s not some forcing function like a war to clean up the accumulation of laws and regulations, eventually everything becomes legal.
(01:15:02) And that’s like the hardening of the arteries. Or a way to think of it is being tied down by a million little strings like Gulliver. You can’t move. And it’s not like any one of those strings is the issue, it’s that you’ve got a million of them. So there has to be a sort of garbage collection for laws and regulations so that you don’t keep accumulating laws and regulations to the point where you can’t do anything. This is why we can’t build a high speed rail in America. It’s illegal. That’s the issue. It’s illegal six ways a Sunday to build high speed rail in America.
Lex Fridman (01:15:45) I wish you could just for a week go into Washington and be the head of the committee for making… What is it for the garbage collection? Making government smaller, like removing stuff.
Elon Musk (01:15:57) I have discussed with Trump the idea of a government deficiency commission.
Lex Fridman (01:16:01) Nice.
Elon Musk (01:16:03) And I would be willing to be part of that commission.
Lex Fridman (01:16:09) I wonder how hard that is.
Elon Musk (01:16:11) The antibody reaction would be very strong.
Lex Fridman (01:16:13) Yes.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.265

08.08.2024 22:27
#99 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Collin Rugg@CollinRugg
JUST IN: Donald Trump says he has agreed to three debates with VP Kamala Harris who received zero votes in the primary.
Sept. 4 with Fox News.
Sept. 10 with NBC.
Sept. 25 with ABC.
It appears that Harris has not yet agreed to the debates.
"I hope she agrees to them... I think they will be very revealing."
8:21 PM · Aug 8, 2024

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.265

12.08.2024 14:56
#100 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Are you better off now than you were when I was president?

Our economy is shattered. Our border has been erased. We're a nation in decline.

Make the American Dream AFFORDABLE again. Make America SAFE again. Make America GREAT Again!

8:54 AM · Aug 12, 2024

Auf X. TAFKAT = The App Formerly Known As Twitter.


Collin Rugg@CollinRugg
BREAKING: Donald Trump has made his first post on X to his feed since August 24, 2023.
The post was a 2-minute campaign video and was dropped just hours before Trump is set to do an X Spaces event with Elon Musk.
In the first 10 minutes of the post going live, it received:
- 1.1 million impressions
5:30 PM · Aug 12, 2024

Repost #17.001 steht über der Linie zu lesen.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Seiten 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

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