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Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.142

12.08.2024 19:42
#101 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten



The reach of this platform is insane. 🔥
Donald Trump’s first post on 𝕏 since his return received 10 million views, 230000 likes, 80000 reposts, and 31000 comments in about an hour.
6:52 PM · Aug 12, 2024


Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022)@TeamTrump
@UlrichElkm62551 - this is a message from President Trump:

Thank you for liking this post! My interview with Elon Musk will begin at 8 pm ET.
You will be notified when the interview begins.
Make America Great Again!
Reply #stop to opt-out.
7:42 PM · Aug 12, 2024

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

alpha_beta Offline

Beiträge: 136

13.08.2024 09:37
#102 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Die Elon-Trump Konversation - zumindest solange die EU-Länder dies noch nicht blockiert haben ähnlich wie RT, denn:

Es scheint mir als arbeiten die EU-Herrscher an einer baldigen EU-Firewall o.äh., anders sind mir solche von Arroganz und Anmaßung triefenden Einmischungen der EU in den US-Wahlkampf nicht zu erklären. Natürlich nur zum Schutz der eigenen Bevölkerung, um die tumben Untertanen vor Desinformation, Terrorismus und Kinderpornographie zu schützen.

Fiat iustitia, ne pereat mundus.

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.142

13.08.2024 11:30
#103 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Zitat von alpha_beta im Beitrag #102

Die Elon-Trump Konversation

Zur Vorwarnung: das Gespräch war lang - beinahe zwei Stunden. Es begann etwas über eine halbe Stunde verspätet, nachdem der Space (nicht X selbst, aber der Audiostream) durch einen massiven DDOS-Angriff erst einmal lahm gelegt wurde. Es startete dann, nach MESZ, um 03:02 und endete um 04:47. Kurzzusammenfassung:

The Vigilant Fox 🦊@VigilantFox·4h
The Elon/Trump Interview: Must-See Moments
All the key takeaways in under 5 minutes.

The interview began with Elon Musk highlighting a massive DDoS attack that disrupted the live broadcast and delayed it well past its scheduled 8 PM broadcast.
Musk said this was a clear indication of the strong opposition to allowing President Trump’s voice to be heard. "This massive [DDOS] attack illustrates that there's a lot of opposition to people just hearing what President Trump has to say."

From there, the conversation shifted to a more ominous topic—the ideal location for a sniper.
Musk found it particularly interesting how Thomas Crooks had chosen the most obvious spot for an assassination attempt and nobody saw it coming.
"If the goal is to assassinate, what's your favorite spot? That building. That building would be number one," Musk observed, with Trump agreeing, "That would have been the spot."

Musk praised Trump for his response to an assassination attempt, noting that instead of retreating, Trump continued to fight with a defiant spirit.
"Your actions after that assassination attempt were inspiring," Musk told Trump, who reflected on how that day deepened his belief in God. Trump credited a famous immigration chart for turning his head and ultimately saving his life.

The discussion then turned to policy, with Trump criticizing Vice President Kamala Harris for her hypocrisy.
Trump accused Harris of stealing his "no tax on tips" idea while simultaneously supporting increased IRS surveillance on people's tips.
"These people are FAKE," Trump declared, pointing out how the administration had previously hired 88,000 IRS agents to target waitresses and caddies over tips, only for Harris to adopt his policy when it suited her politically.

Musk then issued a dire warning about the future of America if the current border policies continue.
"I'm not sure we've got a country if open borders persist for another four years," Musk warned.
Trump stressed that if Kamala gets into office, it would lead to 50 to 60 million people entering the country from all over the world.

In the night's funniest moment, Trump quipped that Joe Biden’s IQ is so low, “he might not even have an IQ at all.”
“There's nothing on the board that goes this low.”

As the conversation continued, Musk proposed a bold plan to cut government spending, linking inflation directly to government overspending.
"Inflation comes from government overspending because the checks never bounce when it's written by the government," Musk explained.
He suggested the creation of a "government efficiency commission" to scrutinize and reduce unnecessary expenditures, pointing out that the national debt’s interest payments have now surpassed the defense budget—a situation that demands immediate action.

Finally, Musk addressed the issue of censorship, calling out European Commissioner Thierry Breton for trying to censor his conversation with Trump.

Breton’s warning—“With great audience comes greater responsibility”—was met with a sharp response from Musk, who shared a meme telling Breton to "take a big step back and literally f—k your own face."

In contrast to the censorship regimes across the world, Musk told Trump, “I think it's obvious that you're a believer and an advocate of free speech.”
“Because during your first time as president, you were attacked relentlessly every day, often very unfairly with false attacks. And you didn't try to shut down the media. You didn't try to inhibit their freedom of speech. And I think that says a lot.”

This viral conversation, which has amassed over 88 million views in just five hours, can be listened to on replay on Donald Trump’s 𝕏 page.

Etwa nach einer Stunde erwies es sich übrigens, daß sowohl Trump als auch Musk massive Fans von Javier Milei sind.

Elon Musk@elonmusk
This is the long version. Shorter edit of highlights coming soon.
6:36 AM · Aug 13, 2024

Nach dem verspäteten Start durch die DDOS-Attacke lief der Stream übrigens völlig reibungslos - was der Reaktion von Team Kamala ein eigenes Flair verleiht.

Kamala HQ@KamalaHQ
Our statement on... whatever that was.

Statement on Donald Trump's Interview with Elon Musk.

Donald Trump's extremism and dangerous Project 2025 agenda is a feature not a glitch of his campaign, which was on full display for those unlucky enough to listen in tonight during whatever that was on

Trump's entire campaign is in service of people like Elon Musk and himself - self-obsessed rich guys who will sell out the middle class and who cannot run a livestream in the year 2024.
5:07 AM · Aug 13, 2024


Elon Musk@elonmusk
Happy to host Kamala on an 𝕏 Spaces too.
6:39 AM · Aug 13, 2024

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Morn Offline

Beiträge: 154

13.08.2024 12:45
#104 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten


Zitat von alpha_beta im Beitrag #102
Es scheint mir als arbeiten die EU-Herrscher an einer baldigen EU-Firewall o.äh., anders sind mir solche von Arroganz und Anmaßung triefenden Einmischungen der EU in den US-Wahlkampf nicht zu erklären. Natürlich nur zum Schutz der eigenen Bevölkerung, um die tumben Untertanen vor Desinformation, Terrorismus und Kinderpornographie zu schützen.

Man nennt sowas gemeinhin 'Antifaschistischer Schutzwall'.

Morn <><
Es käme wohl einem biblischen Wunder gleich, brächte diese Regierung, angesichts ihrer Charaktere und deren Bildungsniveaus, etwas Funktionales oder auch nur annähernd Sinnvolles zu Stande.

Tiefseetaucher Online

Beiträge: 347

13.08.2024 16:07
#105 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Zitat von Morn im Beitrag #104
Zitat von alpha_beta im Beitrag #102
Es scheint mir als arbeiten die EU-Herrscher an einer baldigen EU-Firewall o.äh., anders sind mir solche von Arroganz und Anmaßung triefenden Einmischungen der EU in den US-Wahlkampf nicht zu erklären. Natürlich nur zum Schutz der eigenen Bevölkerung, um die tumben Untertanen vor Desinformation, Terrorismus und Kinderpornographie zu schützen.

Man nennt sowas gemeinhin 'Antifaschistischer Schutzwall'.

Da ist der heutige Tag ja passend.

Wenn das Aussprechen der Wahrheit »den Falschen« nutzt, dann stimmt etwas mit »den Richtigen« nicht. - Dushan Wegner
Ich bin nicht antisemantisch. Einige meiner besten Freunde sind Wörter.
Die deutschen Medien informieren mich umfassend und wahrheitsgemäß – außer auf dem Gebiet, von dem ich etwas verstehe.

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.142

13.08.2024 19:08
#106 RE: Anmerkungen zu einem Attentat Antworten

Zitat von alpha_beta im Beitrag #102
solche von Arroganz und Anmaßung triefenden Einmischungen der EU in den US-Wahlkampf

Da hat es wohl ein paar böse Anrufe von der anderen Seite des Atlantiks gegeben.

Brussels has accused its internal market commissioner of going rogue by sending a letter to Elon Musk threatening punishment if content posted on social media site X was found to place EU citizens at risk of “serious harm”.

Thierry Breton, the French commissioner, had posted the warning letter on X, the platform owned by Musk, hours before the billionaire interviewed US presidential candidate Donald Trump, also on X.
On Tuesday the European Commission denied that Breton had approval from its president Ursula von der Leyen to send the letter.
“The timing and the wording of the letter were neither co-ordinated or agreed with the president nor with the [commissioners],” it said.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.142

26.08.2024 00:30
#107 RE: Biden Antworten

Nur so in Sachen Sommerpause.

Biden just left his week-long vacation in Santa Ynez, California for Dover, Delaware, where he’ll head to Rehoboth Beach for a 9 day vacation.
Since stating he dropped out of the race, 34 days ago, he’s spent just 6 days at the White House.
11:05 PM · Aug 25, 2024

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.142

06.09.2024 23:52
#108 RE: Biden Antworten

Ich habe mich ja in vergangenen Jahren ab + an beschwert, daß die Kunst des politischen Witzes im laufenden Jahrhundert ausgestorben zu sein scheint. Wenn überhaupt, werden nur noch Sprüche wiederholt, die schon auf den Herrn aus Braunau und das Väterchen aus Georgien im Umlauf waren.

Netzfund vor gerade eben.

So Donald Trump dies and he goes to hell. When he get there he meets the devil. And the devil says: "Listen - you're definitely meant to be here. But we don't have any room for you. So in order for us to accept you in, we're going to have to let somebody go. But I'm going to make it fair, and I'm going to let you choose who gets to leave. So come with me."

So he takes Trump to three different doors, and he says: "Behind one of these doors is somebody you can set free and take their place. Like I said, I'm going to let you make the decision." So Donald Trump opens the first door, and he sees Barack Obama, and he is jumping off a diving board, landing in the pool, getting out of the pool, getting on the diving board and jumping back in. And he's doing it over and over, repeatedly. And Trump goes: "You know, I don't think I can do this for no, I don't think I can do this."

And the devils says: "Alright, we'll check door number two." He opens up door number two, and George Bush is in there, and he's got a hammer and he's breaking rocks. And he just keeps breaking rocks, breaking rocks consistently. He breaks one rock and another rock appears. And Trump goes: "You know - I've got a bad shoulder. Golf injury. Can't be doing that either. So let's go back and check door number three."

So the devil takes him to door number three, and he opens the door and there is Bill Clinton, strapped to a bed. And Monica Lewinsky comes in and does what Monica Lewinsky was famous for doing - over and over and over again. And Trump goes: "You know...yeah, I think I can handle this. I can get used to this. I'll take door number three."

And the devil says: "All right. Monica, you're free to go!"

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Krischan Offline

Beiträge: 636

09.09.2024 07:46
#109 RE: Biden Antworten

Lieber Herr Elkman,
das ist doch eine olle Kamelle, der Witz ist mit wechselnden Protagonisten (aber immer mit Bill & Monica als Climax des Gags).

Unter politischem Humor würde ich das nicht wirklich einordnen, das ist eher die Kategorie "Pipikakapopo-Witz", das geht immer.


Deutsche Wurst - alles andere ist Käse.

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.142

Gestern 20:46
#110 RE: Trump Antworten

Trump is ‘safe following gunshots in his vicinity,’ campaign says in statement

Updated 2:37 PM EDT, Sun September 15, 2024

The Trump campaign on Sunday said former President Donald Trump is “safe following gunshots in his vicinity.”

“President Trump is safe following gunshots in his vicinity. No further details at this time,” Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said in a statement.

The statement did not provide additional details.

This story is breaking and will be updated.

The former president was playing golf at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach. The course was immediately locked down, according to a source familiar.
The Secret Service said on X that it is working with the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office to investigate a protective incident involving Trump. The Secret Service said the incident occurred shortly before 2 p.m.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.142

Gestern 21:43
#111 RE: Trump Antworten

The man who attempted to assasin*te Trump at The golf course had a go-pro and an AK-47.

Secret Service opened fire on the attacker.
9:33 PM · Sep 15, 2024

Mal wieder einer der sich häufenden Fälle, in denen X/Twitter die einzige Informationsquelle darstellt. Bei den deutschen wie englischsprachigen Nachrichtenkanälen wirft Google nur die außerordentlich wichtige Neuigkeit aus, daß Trump sich böseböse über Taylor Swift ausgelassen haben soll, weil die erklärt hat, Kamala wählen zu wollen. Man muß halt Prioritäten setzen.

Ich setz' mal die Updates hierher, wie sie hereinkommen. Wenn nicht expreß verlinkt, stammt das vom oben eingestellten CNN-Link.

A person has been detained in connection with the incident at Trump International Golf Club, according to a law enforcement source.

Multiple sources said Secret Service fired at the suspect.

Officials believe an armed individual intended to target Trump, according to sources briefed on the matter.

A long gun has been recovered, according to the law enforcement source.

Donald Trump Jr.@DonaldJTrumpJr
Again folks!
SHOTS FIRED at Trump Golf Course in West Palm Beach, Florida.
An AK-47 was discovered in the bushes, per local law enforcement. The Trump campaign has released a statement confirming former President Trump is safe.
A suspect has reportedly been apprehended.
8:51 PM · Sep 15, 2024

R A W S A L E R T S@rawsalerts
🚨#BREAKING: Florida State Representative John Snyder reports that the suspect in the Trump golf course shooting is a white male in his mid-60s
10:34 PM · Sep 15, 2024

The afternoon incident at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, comes two months after an assassination attempt against the former president at a Butler, Pennsylvania, rally that sparked scrutiny of the US Secret Service.

West Palm Beach Sheriff Ric Bradshaw said during a Sunday news conference that his office was informed at 1:30 p.m. ET of shots fired by the Secret Service. Trump had been playing golf at the time, moving between holes five and six, a source briefed on the matter told CNN.

A Secret Service agent spotted a rifle barrel with a scope sticking out of the fence and “engaged” with the person, Bradshaw said. The person, who was later taken into custody, was 300 to 500 yards away from Trump, an official said.

“We are able to catch a witness that came to us and said, ‘Hey, I saw the guy running out of the bushes, he jumped into a black Nissan and I took a picture of the vehicle and the tag,’ which was great,” Bradshaw said.

Authorities alerted the Martin County Sheriff’s Office, which detained the person. The witness was able to then identify the man, who has not been named.

FBI shares pictures of rifle, backpack and GoPro 'assassin' had hidden in the bushes while lying in wait for Trump on his Florida golf course

New images reveal the backpack, GoPro camera and AK-47 style rifle that a gunman left behind when fleeing the scene where he was targeting Donald Trump.

Multiple reports name the suspect as Ryan Wesley Routh.

Officials said U.S. Secret Service agents spotted a rifle barrel sticking out of the bushes two holes ahead of where Trump was golfing on Sunday, prompting the agents to fire at the suspect.

Im Klartext: der Schütze befand sich zwei Löcher weiter auf dem Golfplatz in der Richtung, in der Trump sich bewegte. Der Schütze wußte vorher, wo und wann Trump dort spielen würde. Dies ist aus Sicherheitsgründen nicht öffentlich bekanntgemacht worden. Trotz des Attentats vor zwei Monaten hat der Secret Service heute erklärt, es habe keinen vollen Personenschutz mit vorheriger Abiegelung des Platzes gegeben, "weil Trump nicht amtierender Präsident sei und somit keine Mittel dafür bereitstünden."

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.142

Heute 01:10
#112 RE: Trump Antworten

Bitte mal einen Blick hierauf werfen. Das Titelbild des "Time Magazine" von vor 4 Tagen, ausgerechnet an 9/11.

TIME’s new cover: How Kamala Harris knocked Donald Trump off course
1:03 PM · Sep 11, 2024

Die Programmierer der Matrix müssen gerade Überstunden schieben.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.142

Heute 16:08
#113 RE: Trump Antworten

The person in custody in connection with the apparent attempted assassination is Ryan Wesley Routh, according to three law enforcement sources. The self-employed affordable housing builder in Hawaii went on social media to weigh in on politics and current events, at times criticizing the former president, and expressed strong support for Ukraine.

Routh traveled to Ukraine following Russia’s full-scale invasion of its neighbor more than two years ago, according to video and images geolocated by CNN to Kyiv’s Independence Square.

Trump had no public events on his schedule for Sunday, and his golf game was a last-minute addition to his itinerary, two sources familiar with the matter said.

A reminder: Ryan #Routh was never in any branch of the #Ukrainian military. He's repeatedly lied & misrepresented himself.
9:29 AM · Sep 16, 2024

King Jack Strong 🇺🇦 🏳️‍🌈@v8mile
Warning about Ryan Routh: he is not, and never has been, associated with the International Legion or the Ukrainian Armed Forces at all. He is not, & never has been, a legion recruiter. He is misrepresenting himself and lying to many people.
12:20 PM · Jun 21, 2024


Azov Brigade@azov_media
A video from 2022 of a rally in support of the Mariupol garrison in Kyiv, attended by the suspected Donald Trump assassination attempt, Ryan Wesley Routh, is circulating on social media.

We would like to officially state that Ryan Wesley Routh has no connection to Azov and has never had any connection to Azov. The peaceful demonstration he attended was open and anyone could join it. He was caught on the video filmed by the protesters by accident.

We believe that the spread of the narrative about the possible connection between Azov and Ryan Wesley Routh is playing along with Russian propaganda and discredits the 12th Special Forces Brigade Azov of the National Guard of Ukraine and the Security and Defense Forces of Ukraine in general.
12:50 PM · Sep 16, 2024

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

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