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Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

15.02.2024 18:31
#51 RE: IM-1 Antworten

Stichwort Kap Kaminski.

Good and stable S-Band signal from #IM1 lunar lander @Int_Machines in Bochum @SternwarteBO with our 20m antenna.
6:05 PM · Feb 15, 2024

Livestream des Signals von "Odysseus":

PS. Aktuell ist die Sonde 127.000 km von uns entfernt und bewegt sich zurzeit mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 1,83 km/Sek; die Mondentfernung beträgt aktuell 376,200 km.

23:13 MEZ. Entfernung 150.000 km.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Krischan Offline

Beiträge: 651

16.02.2024 08:25
#52 RE: IM-1 Antworten

Zitat von Ulrich Elkmann im Beitrag #50

Plus die Sektion "Kleingedrucktes".
[ .... ]

Na, das ist der übliche Disclaimer, der bei börsennotierten Unternehmen als reine Absicherung recht üblich ist, ansonsten kann einem aus jeder euphorischen Präsentation aktionärsseitig ein Strick gedreht werden.

Man könnte auch schreiben: Leute, wenn ihr lest, was wir schreiben, denkt drüber nach und macht euch einen eigenen Kopf.

Dafür braucht man aber keine Anwlatskanzlei


Deutsche Wurst - alles andere ist Käse.

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

16.02.2024 16:06
#53 RE: IM-1 Antworten

Zitat von Krischan im Beitrag #52

Na, das ist der übliche Disclaimer, der bei börsennotierten Unternehmen als reine Absicherung recht üblich ist

Das ist mir schon klar, aber das war das erste Mal, daß mir das als integraler Bestandteil einer Pressemitteilung unterkam, und eben nicht als das übliche eben Kleingedruckte im Rahmenwerk, man solle bitte die Katze nicht in der Mikrowelle trocknen.

PS. "Odysseus" hat momentan eine Entfernung von 239.150 Kilometern.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

16.02.2024 16:22
#54 RE: IM-1, Nova-C Antworten

Intuitive Machines@Int_Machines
IM-1 Mission Vehicle Health Update 🧵

1/6 The IM-1 mission Nova-C class lunar lander continues to be in excellent health, and we are preparing for our engine commissioning maneuver.
Following nominal launch vehicle separation, the spacecraft autonomously brought up all sensors and radios. Odysseus listened to the Inertial Measurement Unit to determine attitude rates and activated the Reaction Control System to nullify those attitude rates as designed.

2/6 Earlier today, Nova-C’s navigation system rejected star tracker data, but a patch has been sent to the spacecraft, and the star tracker updates have resumed nominal operations.
Initially, the star tracker information was numerically conditioned slightly differently than we anticipated. We were expecting a one-in-a-thousand numerical tolerance and received a number more like two and three in a thousand. So, Nova-C’s navigation system rejected the star tracker data.

3/6 When we tested this system terrestrially, they were within tolerance, but we experienced slightly different numerical conditioning in flight.
The vehicle had a very low rate of rotation, approximately .15 degrees per second, mostly around the long axis, which caused our solar arrays and antennas to rotate in and out of the desired attitude.

4/6 We noticed that, at one point, we passed through Nova-C’s max power attitude, and we recorded the artificial attitude. We then manually forced the navigation system to advance to attitude pointing and commanded the vehicle to go to the maximum power attitude we observed.

5/6 This put Nova-C into a power-positive configuration and fully charged Nova-C’s batteries. With the diagnostic data we collected, we identified a patch to align the numerical conditioning of the star tracker data with our navigation system’s acceptance test. We tested the patch on the ground, sent it to the spacecraft, restarted the star tracker, and immediately began processing star tracker updates – resuming nominal operations.

6/6 Again, the IM-1 mission Nova-C class lunar lander is in excellent health, and we are preparing for Odysseus’ commissioning maneuver.

This update is also posted on our IM-1 Mission Page:

End 🧵1900CT 15FEB2024
1:55 AM · Feb 16, 2024

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

16.02.2024 21:22
#55 RE: IM-1, Nova-C Antworten

Nova-C Update 2.

Intuitive Machines@Int_Machines
1/4 IM-1 Mission Engine Commissioning Update 🧵(16FEB2024 1400 CST)
The IM-1 mission Nova-C class lunar lander continues to be in excellent health, in a stable orientation and remains on schedule for a lunar landing opportunity on the afternoon of February 22. The original mission structure allocated a Commission Maneuver (CM) and three trajectory correction maneuvers to position for Lunar Orbit Insertion. This approach provided flexibility in the mission’s engine burn schedule to allow for learning as we operate the lander in the vacuum of space. Adjusting for this learning process is why the team chose to delay the burn on February 15.

2/4 Communication delays and outages are expected when executing lunar missions, which we accounted for in our mission planning. While preparing for the CM burn last night, flight controllers experienced intermittent uplink and downlink data communications between Nova-C and the ground stations, potentially impacting our ability to collect the critical information required to support the CM burn and follow-on performance analysis.

3/4 As we prepared for the first-ever in-space ignition of a liquid methane and liquid oxygen engine, we reviewed our Earth-based test data against the data we’ve accumulated in space. The in-space performance demonstrated that it takes longer to chill the liquid oxygen feed line than the Earth-based testing. After understanding the in-space liquid oxygen feedline requirements, we adjusted and uploaded the CM burn preparation timeline and increased the onboard event sequence timer.

4/4 Again, the IM-1 mission Nova-C class lunar lander is in excellent health, and we expect to continue to provide mission updates at least once a day on X and the IM-1 Mission webpage.
9:01 PM · Feb 16, 2024

Entfernung 256.000 km (20:24:10 UTC).

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

17.02.2024 16:47
#56 RE: IM-1, Nova-C Antworten

Intuitive Machines@Int_Machines
Intuitive Machines flight controllers successfully fired the first liquid methane and liquid oxygen engine in space, completing the IM-1 mission engine commissioning. This engine firing included a full thrust mainstage engine burn and throttle down-profile necessary to land on the Moon. 🧵(16FEB2024 2020 CST) 1/3

Over the next eight hours, flight controllers will analyze the engine burn data collected from over 270,000 km away from Earth.
This represents another first for Intuitive Machines, demonstrating one of the critical technologies required to land softly on the surface of the Moon. 2/3

The IM-1 mission Nova-C class lunar lander continues to be in excellent health, in a stable orientation and remains on schedule for a lunar landing opportunity on the afternoon of February 22. We expect to continue to provide mission updates at least once a day on X and the IM-1 Mission webpage. 3/3
3:20 AM · Feb 17, 2024

MEZ 16:47: Entfernung 320.000 km.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

17.02.2024 18:39
#57 RE: JAXA H3 Antworten

Vor exakt einem Jahr, am 17.2.23, Abbruch des ersten Startversuchs beim Erststart der H3. Am 7. März dann:

Zitat von Ulrich Elkmann im Beitrag SpX-DM2 und darüber hinaus. Nebst der Beantwortung der Frage: "Wer ist Elon Musk"?
02:37 MEZ. Start von Tanegashima. 3 min. Absprengen der Feststoffbooster.
Ich muß mich auch erst an das japanische "kürümetürü" für die Höhenangaben gewöhnen.
5:10. Brennschluß erste Stufe; Stufentrennung, 240 km Höhe.
8:48. Durchsage der Flugleitung: Zündung der 2. Stufe kann bislang nicht bestätigt werden.
02:53 MEZ. Selbstzerstörung von der Bodenkontrolle an die Rakete gefunkt.


H3 reaches orbit on second launch

The H3 rocket lifted off from the Tanegashima Space Center at 7:22 p.m. Eastern after a two-day delay caused by weather. There were no issues reported during the countdown, with liftoff occurring at the beginning of a window lasting more than two and a half hours.

A key point in the launch was the separation of the upper stage and ignition of its LE-5B-3 engine. On the vehicle’s inaugural launch in March 2023, that engine failed to ignite, forcing controllers to issue a destruct command to destroy the stage and its payload, the ALOS-3 Earth observation satellite.

On this launch, designated H3 Test Flight 2 (H3TF2) by the Japanese space agency JAXA, the engine did ignite. The stage reached a preliminary orbit of about 674 kilometers 16 and a half minutes after liftoff, and moments later deployed one of its payloads, the CE-SAT-1E imaging satellite built by Canon Electronics.

It was scheduled to be followed about nine minutes later by the other secondary payload, a cubesat called TIRSAT. JAXA said in a later statement that the separation signal for tIRSAT was sent, but did not explicitly state that the cubesat had deployed.

A second burn of the upper stage took place one hour and 47 minutes after liftoff, lasting 26 seconds. After that, the upper stage deployed its primary payload, a mass simulator called Vehicle Evaluation Payload (VEP) 4. VEP-4 is a metallic column with the same mass and center of gravity as ALOS-3. JAXA flew the inert payload after criticism about flying ALOS-3, a $200 million satellite, on the rocket’s first launch.

That second burn was designed to demonstrate the ability to perform a controlled reentry of both the upper stage and VEP-4, said Yasuo Ishii, JAXA vice president, during a session of the Space Debris Conference organized by the Saudi Space Agency Feb. 11.

Kleiner Reminder: Die H3 ist damit die zweite Rakete mit Methan als Treibstoff, die die Umlaufbahn erreicht hat. Die erste war im vorigen Jahr die chinesische Zhuque-2 (erster erfolgreicher Start am 7.7.; erster Satellitenstart am 8.12.). Wie oben nachzulesen, verwendet der Nova-C-Mondlander ebenfalls Methan für sein Haupttriebwerk; die Zündung heute nacht war die erste Neuzündung im All.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

18.02.2024 17:14
#58 RE: JAXA H3 Antworten

So., 18.20., 17:00. Entfernung 370.000 km.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

19.02.2024 09:07
#59 RE: IM-1, Novo-C Antworten

Intuitive Machines@Int_Machines
Odysseus continues to be in excellent health, and flight controllers are preparing planned trajectory correction maneuvers to prepare the lander for lunar orbit insertion.
🧵(18FEB2024 1745 CST) 1/5

Since the IM-1 Mission launched on SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket, flight controllers on the Company’s red, white, and blue teams have been learning more about the lander and how to efficiently fly the mission to return the United States to the surface of the Moon.

February 17th, Intuitive Machines published the first IM-1 Mission images, capturing Earth in the background as Odysseus drifted away toward the Moon. 2/5

Payload Integration Managers programmed the lander’s wide and narrow field of view cameras to take five quick images every five minutes for two hours, starting 100 seconds after separating from SpaceX’s second stage. Out of all the images collected, Intuitive Machines chose to show humanity’s place in the universe with four wonderful images we hope to inspire the next generation of risk-takers. 3/5

Looking forward, Intuitive Machines expects to execute lunar orbit insertion on February 21st, with a lunar landing opportunity on the afternoon of the 22nd. We intend to stream the landing on the Intuitive Machines IM-1 Mission web page and announce the exact landing time tomorrow as Columbia Sportswear takes over the exterior of Sphere in Las Vegas, showcasing the role Omni-Heat Infinity technology is playing in the IM-1 Mission. 4/5

Again, Odysseus continues to be in excellent health, and flight controllers are preparing planned trajectory correction maneuvers to prepare the lander for lunar orbit insertion. We expect to continue to provide mission updates at least once a day on X and the IM-1 Mission webpage. 5/5
12:45 AM · Feb 19, 2024

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

19.02.2024 15:22
#60 RE: JAXA H3 Antworten

Zitat von Ulrich Elkmann im Beitrag #57
Die H3 ist damit die zweite Rakete mit Methan als Treibstoff...

Nachtrag zur H3.

Japan’s H-3 rocket made it to orbit on its second attempt earlier today. The second stage ignition system was substantially redesigned after a failure on its debut flight.
The H3 uses LE9 engines which employ an expander bleed cycle - that is they use the heat of the engine to vaporize liquid hydrogen and the expansion of the hydrogen drives a turbine to drive pumps. This hydrogen is bled overboard to get more power from turbine, and greater thrust, in exchange for lower specific impulse.
4:24 PM · Feb 17, 2024

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

19.02.2024 20:49
#61 RE: IM-1, Novo-C Antworten

Astronomy Live@astroferg·Feb 18
Based on just my observations it looked like the second stage was fated to impact the moon, but incorporating more observations from another amateur astronomer rules that out in favor of a very close approach just a few hundred km above the lunar surface.
8:28 PM · Feb 18, 2024

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

19.02.2024 23:12
#62 RE: IM-1, Novo-C Antworten

23:11. MEZ. Entfernung 400.000 km.

AMSAT-DL AMSAT Deutschland: "​​Touchdown using the Horizons trajectory is 2024-Feb-22 22:49:01 utc"

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

20.02.2024 13:41
#63 RE: IM-1, Novo-C Antworten


Intuitive Machines@Int_Machines
The IM-1 mission to land on the Moon has triumphed over numerous challenges, showcasing exceptional resilience, innovation, and teamwork.

Intuitive Machines expects to land on the Moon at 1649 CST on Thursday, February 22nd.
4:00 AM · Feb 20, 2024

Central Standard Time = UTC-6.

Intuitive Machines@Int_Machines
Flight controllers received and analyzed data from the February 16th engine Commissioning Maneuver (CM). Data from the 21-second full-thrust mainstage engine CM confirmed Odysseus hit its 21 m/s target with approximately 0.8 m/s accuracy. The GIF below was created from images taken while the lander maneuvered to CM burn attitude. 🧵(19FEB2024 1745 CST) 1/5

Propulsion mixture ratios, mass flow rate, and temperature were as predicted. Overall, Intuitive Machines characterizes the execution of the CM as nominal and per expectations. 2/5

On February 18th, flight controllers commanded the lander’s first planned trajectory correction maneuver, igniting the lander’s engine for the second time, and are planning the anticipated final required maneuver before Odysseus’ largest challenge to date, lunar orbit insertion, which is expected on Wednesday, February 21st.
In addition, flight controllers completed all NASA and commercial transit payload operations this morning. 3/5

Odysseus continues to be in excellent health, and flight controllers are analyzing and managing the lander’s thermal conditioning for critical systems and payloads with a combination of heater power and attitude control to maximize efficiency. 4/5

We expect to continue to provide mission updates at least once a day on X and the IM-1 Mission web page, where we intend to host a live stream for landing coverage. 5/5
12:45 AM · Feb 20, 2024

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

21.02.2024 15:47
#64 RE: IM-1, Nova-C Antworten

15:45 MEZ. Bislang noch keine offizielle Bestätigung von Intuitive Machines oder der NASA; aber den Funkdaten zufolge hat Nova-C per Bremszündung gerade in die Mondumlaufbahn eingeschwenkt.
Mondentfernung 399.800 km.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

21.02.2024 17:38
#65 RE: IM-1, Nova-C Antworten

AMSAT-DL AMSAT Deutschland ​​from Intuitive Machines: Odysseus completed its scheduled 408-second main engine lunar orbit insertion burn 800 m/s burn was completed within 2 m/s accuracy.

Intuitive Machines@Int_Machines
Odysseus completed its scheduled 408-second main engine lunar orbit insertion burn and is currently in a 92 km circular lunar orbit. Initial data indicates the 800 m/s burn was completed within 2 m/s accuracy. 🧵1/4 (21FEB2024 0920 CST)

After traveling over 1,000,000 km, Odysseus is now closer to the Moon than the end-to-end distance driving across Space City, Houston, TX. 2/4

Over the next day, while the lander remains in lunar orbit, flight controllers will analyze the complete flight data and transmit imagery of the Moon. 3/4

Odysseus continues to be in excellent health. We expect to continue to provide mission updates at least once a day on X and the IM-1 Mission web page, where we intend to host a live stream for landing coverage. 4/4
4:21 PM · Feb 21, 2024


Scott Tilley 🇺🇦@coastal8049
For those wondering, @JAXA_jp is calling #SLIM! Caught the tail end of a call on the side lobe of my IM-1 aimed antenna.

Yes, IM-1 is that close (angularly) to the Moon now
8:44 AM · Feb 21, 2024

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

22.02.2024 01:21
#66 RE: IM-1, Nova-C Antworten

Intuitive Machines@Int_Machines
Flight controllers analyzed the post-Lunar Orbit Insertion engine burn data and updated the anticipated flight maneuver timing, including an expected 1630 CST landing opportunity on Thursday. The landing opportunity will be Odysseus’ hardest challenge yet. The lander continues to be in excellent health, orbiting approximately 92 km above the lunar surface.
(21FEB2024 1645 CST)
12:14 AM · Feb 22, 2024

Descent Orbit Insertion 15:17 CST
Terrain Relative Navigation 15:17 CST
Powered Descent Initiation 16:18 CST
Pitch Over with Main Engine 16:28 CST
Hazard Detection and Avoidance 16:28 CST
Vertical Descent 16:29 CST
Terminal Descent 16:29 CST
Landed 16:30 CST

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

22.02.2024 09:34
#67 RE: IM-1, Nova-C Antworten

Achieving a successful lunar landing becomes increasingly more tangible for the team at Intuitive Machines with each passing day since launch. On Wednesday, the Houston-based company announced that it was able to place its robotic lunar lander, named Odysseus, into a 92 km circular orbit around the Moon, clearing the way for a landing attempt on Thursday.
The mission thus far is helping to prove out the viability of a propulsion system powered by a combination of liquid oxygen and liquid methane. Trent Martin, the vice president of Space Systems for Intuitive Machines, said IM chose this propellant mixture for its main engine because the company believes it’s “the future of this technology.”

“The second reason we chose it is because we can test it so easily. We test it in our flame range in Houston regularly. We’ve done over 150 rocket fires on multiple iterations of this engine,” Martin said in the run-up to the Feb. 15 launch. “We’ve taken the engine that’s sitting on that spacecraft, with that spacecraft, and fired it as a test fire to prove that that engine will light on the vehicle.”

Martin and the team were able to give it a good in-space test when they performed a checkout burn called the “commissioning maneuver” (CM). That was a 21-second, full-thrust firing of the main engine on Feb. 16.

Originally, the CM was set to occur about 18 hours after launch, however, IM decided to delay that burn. It said the flight teams “experienced intermittent uplink and downlink data communications between Nova-C and the ground stations, potentially impacting our ability to collect the critical information required to support the CM burn and follow-on performance analysis.”
The biggest test for the landing is coming up on Thursday when IM flight teams command Odysseus to exit its circular lunar orbit and make its landing attempt. Martin said the lander’s engine went through extensive throttle testing to make sure it was ready for the big day.

“That’s extremely important because as you go to land on the surface of the Moon, you’re going to lose two-thirds of the mass that you started with, you’re going to lose it as you burn it up,” Martin explained. “So, you have to be able to throttle back that engine to a much lower level than the 100 percent that you started with.

“But being able to take that engine and run it that entire time means that you never turn your engine off. So you never have that fear that ‘is it going to light that next time?’ because it’s lit and it stays lit all the way to the surface. And that’s what makes the technology that we’re flying different than some of our competitors have.”

That final burn will not only slow down Odysseus to prepare it for landing, but teams will also reorient the spacecraft to shift from a somewhat horizontal position into a vertical one for descent.

“We will perform a descent orbit insertion where our terrain relative navigation device will help us perform our powered descent initiation, a pitch over of our main engine where our main engine will fire as we do our hazard detection avoidance and vertical descent, terminal descent and landing on the Moon,” Martin explained in a pre-launch press conference.

He said that the autonomous landing sequence and the descent orbital insertion (DOI) occurs about an hour before the landing. Touchdown at Malapert A, a crater about 10 degrees from Moon’s south pole, is scheduled for 5:49 p.m. EST (2249 UTC) on Thursday, Feb. 22.

Once on the lunar surface, Martin said they expect Odysseus to operate for seven days before lunar night arrives and the lander loses power as it is enveloped in cold darkness.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

22.02.2024 11:12
#68 RE: IM-1, Nova-C Antworten

After a hard-braking maneuver, Odysseus is designed to eventually slow itself to just 2 mph (1 meter per second) for the final landing.

"Flight controllers expect about a 15-second delay before confirming the ultimate milestone, softly landing on the surface of the moon," the company wrote in a landing description.
NASA's webcast will begin at 4:00 p.m. EST (2100 GMT) and follow the mission during its final approach and landing on the moon. You can tune in via the space agency's NASA TV channel, NASA+ streaming service and NASA app. You can also follow the mission through updates on NASA's blog.

Intuitive Machines will livestream the landing on its primary IM-1 mission page, though this webcast is expected to be a simulcast of NASA's feed. will simulcast NASA's Odysseus moon landing webcast as well, and it will be available at the top of this page at the start time. You can also catch the stream via our YouTube channel.

Intuitive Machines' IM-1 Odysseus spacecraft is targeting a region on the moon called Malapert A, a small crater about 190 miles (300 kilometers) from the lunar south pole.

The crater is about 43 miles (69 km) wide and is a satellite of the larger Malapert Crater nearby. Near Malapert A, there's also an area called Malapert Massif, a lunar mountain that rises up 16,400 feet (5,000 meters) above its base. This location is on NASA's shortlist for the Artemis 3 crewed lunar landing mission.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

22.02.2024 18:18
#69 RE: IM-1, Nova-C Antworten

Technischer Nachtrag zu Nova-C. Anders als bei Rocket Lab sind hier nicht nur die Tanks & Leitungen gedruckt worden, sondern auch die Triebwerke.

We build the engine combustion chamber, the engine injector and the engine ignitor all out of an Inconel, a high-nickel steel that we print in-house out of powder. And we laser center that powder and turn it into a real part,” Altemus said. “Which means I can build engines every five days, I have a new engine. And then, within five days of that, it’s all post-process and I can put it on the test stand and fire it.

“So, we were able to iterate time after time after time, building some 40 engines to get this one engine just right for this particular mission. So, that’s the advantage of our liquid oxygen, liquid methane engine.”

Und es geht auch um die mögliche Gewinnung von Treibstoff aus den auf Mond + Mars vorhandenen Ressourcen.

On the sidelines of an October 2023 conference in Huntsville, Alabama, Spaceflight Now spoke with Trent Martin, the vice president of Space Systems at Intuitive Machines. He said that the ability to repurpose the environments on other celestial bodies for fuel is the reason they went the route of using methalox.

“It is a clean-burning fuel that you can operate and test in a short-sleeve environment. It doesn’t require you to be in SCAPE (Self Contained Atmospheric Protection Ensemble) suits or anything like that. And, if you really think about ISRU, in-situ resource utilization, you would actually be able to create oxygen or create methane from the environment you’re at,” Martin explained.

“So, if you’re at the Moon, you obviously have water and you can create oxygen out of that. Great! I have a way that I can potentially refuel or run it over a carbon catalyst bed and create methane. At Mars, you already have methane. You have oxygen,” Martin added.

Back in October, Martin said they’d held more than 155 test days with their engine at their flame range in Houston. He said on each test day, they would run 5-7 tests. They had also tested around 39 variants of the engine up to that point as well.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

22.02.2024 21:16
#70 RE: IM-1, Nova-C Antworten

Flight controllers chose to exercise an additional orbit before starting the IM-1 Mission landing sequence this afternoon.
The new landing time is 6:24 PM ET/11:24 PM UTC

LIVE! NASA IM-1 Lunar Lander Tracker - The Launch Pad

IM-1 Landing Time Update Two

Flight controllers chose to exercise an additional orbit before starting the IM-1 Mission landing sequence. The new anticipated landing time is 1724 CST.
We expect the landing stream to start on the IM-1 web page and NASA TV at 1600 CST. The content on both streams is identical.
2/22/24 1330 CST

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

22.02.2024 23:29
#71 RE: IM-1, Nova-C Antworten

23:27. Nova-C ist gerade hinter der Mondrückseite aufgetaucht. 56 Minuten bis zur Landung.
Höhe über der Mondoberfläche: 223 km.
Landeabstieg sollte um 00:11 beginnen.

Die Verlängerung um einen zusätzlichen Mondumlauf liegt daran, daß die Laser (das Lidar Radar System) zur Höhenermittlung anscheinend nicht arbeiten. Die Bodenkontrolle hat die Zeit genutzt, um die Systeme umzuprogrammieren, um zwei der Laser zur Ermittlung des Bodenprofils dafür zu nutzen.

"M says the TRN/HRN laser rangefinders on Odysseus are not working and they have uploaded a software patch to use the NASA Nav Doppler Lidar lasers as primary nav sensors instead."

23:50. Höhe 55 km. Die beiden arbeitenden Laser sind Teil der NASA-Instrumente.

00:11. Main Engine ignition. PDI. Powered Descent Initiation; Zündung des Haupttriebwerks für 11 Minuten. Vollschub; wird im Lauf der Zündung heruntergefahren.
00:13. 500 km vor dem Landeort.
00:17. 90% Schub. Druck in den Heliumleitungen normal; das Helium drückt das Methan & den Sauerstoff in Richtung Brennkammer & dient zur Lagekontrolle.
00:19. 9 km Höhe.
00:23. Pitchover. 1000 m Höhe.
00:24. Landung erwartet. Warten auf Telemetriedaten.
00:26. "Checking antenna reception."

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

23.02.2024 00:31
#72 RE: IM-1, Nova-C Antworten

#IM1 @Int_Machines very weak but still visible in Bochum!!!!
12:29 AM · Feb 23, 2024

Letzte Mitteilung von Flugdirektor Tim Crane: "we are getting a faint signal from Odysseus' High Gain Antenna."
Sollte der Lander 15 Minuten ohne Kontakt mit der Bodenstation sein, wird er automatisch die Antennen wechseln.
00:38. Flugkontrolle bestätigt sichere und weiche Landung.

Bochum: "AMSAT-DL AMSAT Deutschland​​ We see a faint signal again !!!!"

We see a very faint signal 2210,58 Mhz !! @Int_Machines
12:45 AM · Feb 23, 2024

#IM1 @Int_Machines signal is there!! very weak, but alive!!
12:49 AM · Feb 23, 2024

AMSAT-DL AMSAT Deutschland​​ please see our X channel.. Signal is still there, very faint but jumping between 2210,58 MHz and 2210,6 MHz !!!!

Now frequency jumped #IM1 @Int_Machines
1:02 AM · Feb 23, 2024

AMSAT-DL AMSAT Deutschland​ ​I can definitely confirm the lander is alive and cycling antennas.. weak but alive!

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

23.02.2024 12:35
#73 RE: IM-1, Nova-C Antworten

Intuitive Machines@Int_Machines
After troubleshooting communications, flight controllers have confirmed Odysseus is upright and starting to send data.
Right now, we are working to downlink the first images from the lunar surface.
2:25 AM · Feb 23, 2024

AMSAT-DL AMSAT Deutschland​​ Yes, we continued to receive steady signals, but extremely weak.. It will require the big guns like DSN Canberra to receive images. Something went wrong with the S/C orientation
AMSAT-DL AMSAT Deutschland​​ Obviously high gain antenna (fix mount) not oriented towards earth
AMSAT-DL AMSAT Deutschland​​ But most important, it landed softly and seems to be alive

Scott Tilley liest im Kaffeesatz. (Dieser Funkspektrum-Datensalat erinnert ganz frappant daran.)


Scott Tilley 🇺🇦@coastal8049
What happened to IM-1 as it approached the Moon? @Int_Machines elected to not do TCM3.

The lander's trajectory diverged from the expected trajectory as it approach the Moon and at LOI entered the wrong orbit based on my data. 🧵
4:14 AM · Feb 23, 2024

M-1 didn't enter the expected orbit and couldn't make the landing time. One can see the lander was running >15 minutes early on published predictions after LOI. Coupled with the divergence before LOI tells us something.

This left @Int_Machines with limited time to act as their cryogenic fuel was quickly boiling off forcing hasty changes to their landing plans and begin a series of orbital changes to attempt to get the lander down.

After some review, noted something interesting prior to all the scrambling in lunar orbit by the @Int_Machines team all the predictions had a fixed landing time. Based on obs of previous landers their landing times changed based on past activities. IM-1 was doing this backward.

Rather than allowing flexibility they were forcing solutions rather than correcting for minor errors in the trajectory. Add in the fact they are using a 'new' ground support network to determine 'where' IM-1 was possibly introduced significant errors.

I suggest they thought they knew where IM-1 was after TCM2 and cancelled TCM3, but really didn't know. Arrived at the LOI timing burned and ended up in the wrong orbit. Scrambled and somehow landed 'somewhere' on the Moon today.

CodeCircuitGlue 🌟👨‍💻👪⚛️🎲🕹️@CodeCircuitGlue·5h
Replying to @coastal8049 and @MoonlightBVT
Hello, radio scope/coms question. Could an error in landing location alone account for the observed weak signal reception if all else is normal. That is, if the listening dish on earth is pointing some mins of arc left or right of the lander's true location?

Scott Tilley 🇺🇦@coastal8049
Yes, imagine you are a box. Only one side of you (a box) has a mouth and your voice will only carry for a very limited angular cone and your mouth can't move much to reaim. So if you landed in the wrong location or with the wrong side of your box facing Earth. No one hears you.
8:15 AM · Feb 23, 2024

CodeCircuitGlue 🌟👨‍💻👪⚛️🎲🕹️@CodeCircuitGlue
Aha, so it might not be transmitting directly at earth if in the wrong spot or turned. Thx, makes sense. If it was tx-ing directly at earth, does a listening radio scope need to be pointing exactly at its location to hear it clealy? Or can rx dish be pointing a bit to the side?

Scott Tilley 🇺🇦@coastal8049·4h
The big dishes have very small fields of view so even on the Moon they need to know where to aim.

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

23.02.2024 14:01
#74 RE: IM-1, Nova-C Antworten

Dr. Phil Metzger@DrPhiltill
From what I gathered, they expected they might have a challenge pointing the antennas after landing so it was not off-nominal as far as I know. And remember there are unknowns about comm systems in the lunar south polar region because… /1

2/…the Earth is low to the horizon and this can have unexpected consequences. Years ago I wrote a proposal inside NASA (that was not funded) to do a full end-to-end robotic mission test at the Haughton Mars research station in the Canadian High Arctic. Part of the justification

3/…for the rest was that we do not know how end-to-end communications will perform from a geologically rough site with the antennas pointing not very high above the horizon. The problem is that radio signals skip off surfaces then they recombine with the signals that went in a…

4/…straight line, and with the signals that skipped off all the other nearby surfaces. These signals can add together in and out of phase so the overall signal fades in amplitude. Because the site is geologically rough with little vegetation, you could get reflections that are

5/…worse than usual. Then add into this that the soil on the Moon includes lots more glass than surfaces on Earth — like 50% or even as much as 80% glass by weight in the soil in some locations — and it could be even worse. And also on the Moon you have the effects of…

6/…space plasma, solar wind, ultraviolet photoemission causing electrical charges that can spark and make electromagnetic noise, and cosmic/solar high energy particles affecting your equipment, and it adds up to huge uncertainty in how the comms will perform.

So part of…

7/…the mission is to TEST how well they will be able to communicate back to Earth.

I don’t have details, but I suspect they designed the comms system with some conservatism in mind, so if they don’t get a signal right away then it probably went through a very cautious set of

8/…steps to look for the signal to establish comms. Also they don’t know exactly the slope they landed on, and high gain antennas have to be pointed precisely to the receiving antenna. So they probably designed a procedure to look for the signal carefully and exhaustively.

8/…steps to look for the signal to establish comms. Also they don’t know exactly the slope they landed on, and high gain antennas have to be pointed precisely to the receiving antenna. So they probably designed a procedure to look for the signal carefully and exhaustively.
3:02 AM · Feb 23, 2024 from Houston, TX

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

Ulrich Elkmann Offline

Beiträge: 14.926

23.02.2024 16:07
#75 RE: IM-1, Nova-C Antworten

Intuitive Machines@Int_Machines
Lunar Surface Day One Update (23FEB2024 0818 CST)
Odysseus is alive and well. Flight controllers are communicating and commanding the vehicle to download science data. The lander has good telemetry and solar charging.

We continue to learn more about the vehicle’s specific information (Lat/Lon), overall health, and attitude (orientation). Intuitive Machines CEO Steve Altemus will participate in a press conference later today to discuss this historic moment. Press conference information will be coordinated with NASA and published shortly.
3:18 PM · Feb 23, 2024

Hervorhebung von mir. Das sieht einigermaßen nach einer Bestätigung der Spekulation von Scott Tilley weiter oben aus - daß die Sonde nicht am geplanten Landeort steht & die Antennen falsch ausgerichtet sind.



Chandra (tckb)
@this_is_tckb Scott’s analysis indicate that the last minute changes could be potentially because they didn’t insert into needed orbit, hence the TC wouldn’t be needed and last min scramble to course correct to land at “intended” location which has nominal conditions per my terrain analysis

8:35 AM · Feb 23, 2024

Chandra (tckb)@this_is_tckb
Heres more evidence that indeed that there was some of kind of deviations from the planned and actual orbits of #IM1 @Int_Machines I can't tell exactly how bad it is @coastal8049 this is what I can give you - how does these look like ?

Semi-Major axis: 1837.46
Eccentricity: 0.000685
Inclination: 77.110418
Argument of Periapsis: 299.675054
Longitude of Ascending Node: 195.130291
True Anomaly: 287.423759

Semi-Major axie: 1837.13
Eccentricity: 0.000209
Inclination: 77.153517
Argument of Periapsis: 71.045785
Longitude of Ascending Node: 195.173850
True Anomaly: 156.029370


Semi-Major Axis: 0.33 km
Eccentricity: 0.000476
Inclination: 0.0431 degrees
Argument of Periapsis: 228.6293 degrees (wow!)
Longitude of Ascending Node: 0.0436 degrees
True Anomaly: 131.3944 degrees

thank you @stim3on @DJSnM any thoughts on this?
1:11 PM · Feb 23, 2024

Data is from the DDL shared @Int_Machines and simulation is from @tony873004



The Launch Pad@TLPN_Official
IM-1 UPDATE - NASA confirms news briefing with Intuitive Machines’ about IM-1 Lunar Landing will be held at 5pm ET/10pm UTC
5:31 PM · Feb 23, 2024

"Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande." - Voltaire

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